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Guddan sees AJ meeting his friend. She thinks AJ would marry her. Guddan says AJ will marry that girl. I saw it. Lakshmi hears and tells everyone. She tells other two. Saru says its better. She is our friend. Durga says Guddan should be insulted in the party.

AJ’s friend meets Guddan and says are you happy? she says yes very happy. Uncle is not what he looks. He gets angry anytime. AJ hears. She says I think marrying him is stupid. But its okay it's your personal life. She turns back and sees AJ. She spits. Guddan says sorry. she cleans his coat. He says I will do it.

Saru says to Guddan where did you get this necklace from? What is your designer’s name? She says real diamond is strong. She pulls it and it breaks. Guddan says better mingle with people of your standard. Guddan says I am glad if rich people are like you I am not one. Before hurting people think once. Because poor people can curse you. I hope your new mother in law teaches you manners. They leave. AJ sees her leaving.
Guddan is leaving. AJ says stop. He hold her hand and says no one can insult you. He takes her to the floor and says Gudan is going to be my wife. Everyone is dazed. People say she is so young. Women says can she do anything? AJ says she will do everything. She is younger than my daughter in laws. She will be my second wife and mother in law of this house. He makes her wear bangles. Laxmi says Durga say something. AJ says my daughters in laws will gift her all the things they brought. Laxmi says I want to kick her out of this house. Saru says how can AJ do this. Durga says we will talk to him later. Dadi says bring her the gifts. AJ says come durga. Durga makes her wear the sandals. Kaushaliya says what is all this? Revati says what is happening?

Kaushlya comes home angry. She bring Guddan to that room. Papa says it wasn’t her mistake. Kaushaliya says she did something that wasn’t a mistake. I am proud of you Guddan. I am very happy. They will give us so many gifts. papa says he has married kids. Kaushaliya says no one could force her. Those letters would be of AJ too. Papa says Guddan I know those letters weren’t yours. Guddan says this is all my choice.

Durga says we have to talk to AJ. We have to stop him from doing this mistake. They all go to AJ. AJ says I have written all preparation details here. His son says papa Guddan is so young. Durga says we did everything you asked. You know she isn’t good. Why do you want to marry her? I want better for you. 

Revati says di why are you doing this mistake? Tell me please. Don’t marry him. Guddan says did you see mummy was so happy? I will rule there. I am very happy.

AJ says I gave you all a chance but you couldn’t find a girl. Now if you want or not I will marry Guddan. Saru says we will be so disrespected in society.

Parv’s wife tells him that AJ is marrying some Guddan. He is dazed. He says what is behind all this? Why is he marrying Guddan? I need to find out.

AJ recalls reading his wife’s letter. He recalls meeting Guddan. Dadi comes. She says I know you are doing all this for Antara. These people are talking about Guddan but I know she will be good for you. She will be a blessing for us. She gives him engagement ring. he says this is Antara’s ring. Dadi says she will be your wife. she will have a right on it. He says on my love there will always be Antara’s right. Guddan will never have my life.
Guddan comes to AJ’s house. She slips and falls in the pull with Aj. He brings her out. He slip again. Guddan laughs at him. He pulls her out and says stop laughing. Guddan says I slipped because of you. He says what are you doing in my house at this hour? She says I promised you that I will do anything. Okay if you force me to marry you I won't let you live. she leaves in anger. He says how will you go away? She try to jump. She says I wont take help from you. He says all this for not asking me to open the gate? She slips.. AJ picks her. She says leave me. He leaves, she falls down. AJ picks her. He says come in this house with respect not this way.

Guddan comes home. Parv is there. She says what are you doing here? He says no one is home. Everyone is shopping for your wedding. You broke your sister’s heart and getting married yourself? She says shut up and get lost. He says the AJ you are marrying is a.. AJ comes and says is a? AJ says what were you saying? He says I was saying AJ stopped me from all this. He asked to me.. AJ says get lost now and don’t show her your face again. AJ says to Guddan you should thank me. She says you will break this engagement right? He says you will get married to me.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To days At 6pm & 7pm And Saturday At 6pm Only

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