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Guddan takes Kaushlia to room. Kaushalia sees Guddan’s mother photo on wall and many notes on walls. Guddan says I never lied in this room because it has my real mother’s photo, I can never lie here. Guddan writes note and says I swear on my real and step mother that I didnt lie, it was not my mistake, she shows her note which says that I am sorry but it was not my fault, she cries. Kaushalia tears note angrily and says stop your drama, I cant trust a girl like you, you will irritate us so much that we will die like your mother because of you, dont know when you will get married and I will be free from you and have a peace in this house with my husband, she leaves. Guddan gets hurt.

Lakshmi’s husband comes to his room, he sees it decorated. Lakshmi says I want to celebrate my happiness with you. He says I will make papa happy when I work nicely in restaurant. Lakshmi says you don't care about me, we didnt even go to honeymoon. He says once I make papa happy then I will take you to honeymoon.

AJ looks at Lakshmi’s husband’s plan and shouts is this was your plan? Its rubbish, tell your wives not to play with my respect, that girl can say anything, I get so angry thinking about her, he throws things around, he says to Durga thayes I have decided to remarry but how did you think that I will marry a girl who I hate so much? He ask his men to work on house first then think about restaurant, he leaves. Lakshmi’s husband says stop all this drama and let us work. They leave. Durga says Guddan destroyed everything. Saru says my Rahul worked so much but AJ insulted them because of Guddan. She call someone to take revenge on Guddan.

Dadi is sad and says I accepted that girl as my daughter in law, she look at Antara’s photo and says you were my AJ’s life and you want him to have love too but when will he be happy? AJ comes there and takes Antara’s photo, he says she gave me love and life, my Antara was enough. Dadi says I know but you can relive that love, you will earn a good life and that girl.. AJ look on.

Guddan is trying to sleep but says that AJ has brought destruction in my life, how can he even think of marrying me? that oldie. She leaves from there. Raiti opens window and Perth comes inside. Guddan comes back and sees his silhouette, she starts beating him. Raiti stops her.

Dadi says to AJ I know she lied but when I saw her for the first time, I felt like looking at Antara. AJ says please don't compare them, we get one life, my life partner left me but she is always with me. Dadi says but your mother’s last wish is to see you settled with a good girl, wont you fulfill it? Antara’s last wish was same. She leaves. AJ says I want to fulfill wishes but that girl?

Raiti introduces Prav to Guddan, Guddan says why are you here at night? Prav says today is 100th day anniversary so I brought her pillow, he shows heart shaped pillow. Guddan says wow its a good romance. Kaushali knocks on door. Prav runs and jumps from window. Kaushalia comes there, she asks she heard some noise, Guddan says it must be pillow, Kaushalia sees pillow. Guddan says this is for papa, Kaushalia leaves. Guddan says you should tell mom. Raiti says not now, I will talk to Prav. She thinks Guddan doesnt know about Prav’s truth.

In the morning, Raiti sees Guddan’s picture in newspaper which says that a girl Guddan wanted to become a millionaire by decieving a family. Guddan comes there. Raiti try to hide newspaper but Guddan checks it, she gets angry and says they wrote this for me? AJ can do anything if he is rich? He has messed with the wrong girl.

Guddan comes to AJ’s house and says you will pay for writing such rubbish against me, I will not spare you.
Durga says what did you do Saru? She says that Guddan should learn a lesson. Durga says it will defame AJ too. A woman comes in. Durga says who are you? Lakshmi says this is Shweta. She can be perfect wife of AJ. AJ comes. Shweta comes and says she is Shweta. She can be perfect for you. Dadi says there are only five days left. AJ says tell us about yourself. Shweta says I will be yours forever. AJ says how can you love an unknown man? Guddan comes and says uncle ask the right questions. The question is can you be loved or not? You can only buy non living things with money. I would rather go to jail then to marry a person like you. What have you dared written in this paper about me? You will pay for it. AJ is dazed. She says I will teach you a lesson. Or get ready to see your ego shattering. And then ruining your image. AJ says in heart is she the one? Antra I will marry her? Guddan leaves. Durga says what does she think of herself Laskhmi says AJ please don’t listen to her. You have right to be loved. Shweta will love you a lot. AJ says what’s your address? She says for Shagun? She tells her address. He says I have booked your ride back home. Shweta says what? Dadi says AJ you deserve to be loved. don’t listen to her. She doesn’t know you. AJ says who is she? Why would I care what she thinks of me? Lakshmi says I brought such a good girl but AJ said no as well. Saru says it was so funny.

AJ calls someone and says do my work.

Guddan is in the market. She try to call Raiti but she can’t. Guddan sees Perth there. She says wow. Guddan sees a girl with him. She says is that Raiti? I will surprise her.

Dadi says it was all my mistake. Look at that girl. She hurt AJ. Durga says it was all a drama. We let her come here. All this happened because of us. Dadi says in heart I considered her our daughter in law. I hope AJ find a girl soon. Lakshmi says to Durga you are responsible for all this. You chose Guddan. At least the girls I brought weren’t like her. Durga says you are right. It is my mistake so I will solve it.

Guddan comes to temple and says God you have to help me. Don’t show me that uncle’s face again. She steps back and fell. AJ hold her. She says are you following me? He says not me. My men. She says you have sent thugs after me? why are you here? I was angry because of the news. He shows her a paper and says this paper will give you everything. Money house everything. She says you want to bribe me? He says no. I want to marry you. She says what? He says no matter what you ask for, you have to marry me. She says do you have a pen? She writes something on paper. She says this is for mental asylum. Call there and go there. Better stay away from me or I will call police.

Guddan’s bracelet gets stuck in his watch. She pulls her hand and leaves. Guddan says because of this uncle I couldn’t even see Perth and Raiti. She sees Perth. She says how can I marry that old uncle. Guddan sees the girl. Perth sits on the bike. Guddan looks at her dazed. Its not Raiti. She says sorry I thought its my sister. The girl says my husband is waiting for me. Guddan is dazed. She cry.

Raiti is cooking. Guddan comes and spoils her cake. She says I want to tell you something. I really love you. I won't let anything wrong happen with you. You have to know this. Perth.. Raiti says is he okay? Guddan says he isn’t okay for you. He is married. He is fooling you. I just saw his wife. Raiti says I know. Guddan is dazed. She says what? Do you know he is married? This isn’t love. Raiti says do you even know anything that you are judging him. He was married by force. He wants to leave his wife. He hates her. Guddan says I saw them. They clearly don’t hate each other. Raiti says they just pretend. I really love him. Guddan says if you don’t stop I will tell mummy. This is wrong you are making a mistake. Kaushliya says who made the mistake? Guddan you spoiled this cake. Why you do this with my mom. Raiti says I will fix it. Kaushaliya says she only ruin everything. Guddan says mummy really loves you. You will call Perth and break up with him right now.

Durga comes to house with police. She says arrest them. Their daughter pretended to be someone else and fooled us.
Guddan and Raiti come to Perth. Guddan says go and tell him clearly you don’t want to be with him. Think about our parents. Perth says why you look scared? Guddan says because you are fooling her. Guddan says you will never meet her. Perth hold Raiti’s hand and says please.. Guddan slap him. She says don’t you dare touch my sister. You can’t fool her. You have to break up with her. Don’t you dare meet her again or I will tell your wife and police. Let’s go. Perth says Raiti please stop. Dont’ separate us. please say something Raiti. Your silence is killing me. You don’t love me? Guddan says stop playing with her emotions. Do this acting with your wife. They leave.

Durga says she shouldn’t have messed with us. She stole from our house. Inspector says arrest them. AJ comes there and says stop. Durga is dazed.

Inspector says your daughter wanted to steal. Durga says arrest them. AJ comes and says stop. Durga is dazed. AJ says don’t take them anywhere. Durga had a misunderstanding. Durga says yes. AJ says we take our complaint back. Police leave. AJ says I know nothing is more important than dignity. Please forgive us. Durga is dazed. AJ says I am sorry that because of my family you had to see this day. Tomorrow morning’s newspaper will have an apology letter for you. Durga says in heart AJ apologized? AJ says I brought some presents these are tokens of apology. if you accept them I will be really happy. His man bring in all the gifts. AJ says one thing is left. Durga you also have to apologize. You did so wrong with them. Durga says I am sorry. AJ says apology should also sound like the way you were defaming them? They should know it was your mistake only. Durga says whatever happened was my mistake. I am really sorry for it. It won't happen again. Kaushaliya says it better not happen again. otherwise the handcuff will be in your hand. This happens when egoistic people like you face off truth. They fall off. Just like you.

Durga comes home angry. Saru says is Guddan arrested? Lakshmi says she learned the lesson. Saru says AJ made us pack so many things. Durga recall what happened. Durga throws it away and says better cry. Those boxes had gifts for Guddan and her family. I was asked to apologize to them in front of everyone. AJ apologizes himself. Saru and Lakshmi are dazed. Saru says Rahul told me that he once apologized to someone but AJ ruined their business. Durga says AJ apologized after so many years. There is some reason behind it that AJ isn’t telling us. Dadi wonders why is AJ doing that?

Guddan and Raiti comes home. Raiti says you did so wrong. She goes to her room and cry. Kaushaliya stops Guddan. She says where were you? Guddan says where are these presents from? She says this shouldn’t have been here if I didn’t handle what you did. Why do you make our lives difficult. That AJ’s daughter in law came here with police. Durga was sending us to jail. AJ came and apologized. He brought these gifts too. Guddan says how dare he. You are so innocent. Don’t listen to that AJ. That uncle.. Kaushalya says enough of all this. Don’t ever go near them.

AJ is cooking. Guddan video calls them. She says money can’t buy everything. Don’t show off in my house. You thought if you do all this drama my no will be a yes? It will always be a no. Rich people don’t understand. Look at your age. I can never say yes to your rubbish offer. He says you will. Guddan says don’t you dare come here again. I am not a thing that you can buy with money. He says I don’t hear a no. No one ever said no. She says now you met me. I said no to you. That’s all you will her from me.

Dadi comes to AJ and says what are you upto? He says nothing ma.

Guddan is trying to cook. Kaushaliya says what are you doing? Raiti has a big order today. I and your papa are going. Don’t come and ruin her order.
Raiti is crying in her room. perth send a video of his hand cut. Raiti says what did you do. She cry. Perth comes on video call and says I did this as a proof to my love. Perth says why did you do this. You forgot me. Raiti says I didn’t forget you. Perth says I will kill myself without you. Raiti says I will kill myself too. He shuts the video. Guddan brings ice cream for Raiti. She opens the door. Raiti is on the bed fainted. Guddan scream.

Guddan sees Raiti. She screams and says Raiti please open your eyes. Raiti says I love myself if something happens to him I can’t live. Raiti faints. Guddan rushes her to the hospital. She asks doctor to admit her. Doctor says you need to inform police first. Guddan says please treat her first. Guddan rush to Raiti and asks people for help. AJ says to doctor why are you not treatin her? Doctor says it’s a police case. AJ says don’t tell me the rules. I can file a case against you. Doctor says I will treat her. Doctor says we will start treatment. Guddan goes to the temple and says thank you God. AJ says wow we do the work and God gets the credit. Guddan didn’t see him.

Kaushaliya and Guddan’s father come home. She says why is it so silent? Kaushaliya sees blood on the floor. She screams and says Raiti.. She shows it to her husband. They look for Guddan and Raiti. Kaushaliya says call Guddan. She might have done something to Raiti.

Raiti is being treated. Guddan is crying. Perth calls Guddan. She says stay away from her or I will file a police case against you. Kaushaliya comes and slaps Guddan. She says neighbors told us you brought her here. Have you killed my daughter? Doctor says she is conscious. Guddan says mummy don’t ask her anything. I will tell you everything. Kaushaliya comes in. Raiti says ma.. Kaushaliya says Guddan told us everything. She was making you wear her bangles that cut your vein. I would have brought you new ones. Your vein got cut because of her bangles. Kausliya says I beg you Guddan stop doing all these mistakes. I hope no one ever has a daughter like you. They leave. Guddan says to Raiti you should have thought about us. Raiti says I couldn’t see anything when I imagined life without Perth. Guddan says in heart he is fooling you. He is married. Guddan hug Raiti.

Guddan comes to police station and sees inspector hitting a prisoner. She says sir I need your help. Because of a guy my sister is in hospital. The inspector turns.. Its Perth. He laughs. He says what a beautiful face here. Tell me who is annoying your sister? Guddan says you are disgusting. Because of you my sister’s life is in danger. He says your sister is in my trap now. I can’t help you now. So better not come between us. If you come you will see what happens. Like world says you can’t do it.. This thing you can’t do at all. Why are you leaving? He makes her sit. He says you came here to file a report against me but it backfired. But should I file a complaint against your sister for tempting a married man or committing suicide? He takes off his bandage and there is nothing. He says such a deep wound. He laughs. He says Raiti shouldn’t die. I haven’t had my fun. Angry? Hit me please. Your hands are so soft. Guddan shoves him. He says your sister can’t go away from me until I have had enough. I am the culprit and I am the policeman. He shoves her and says go from here.

Guddan comes home angry. Kaushaliya says what are you cooking for so long? You can’t even cook. her dad comes and says why do you keep scolding her all the time? She can never harm her sister. She always stands for her sister. Kaushliya leaves. Papa hug Guddan and says you are my brave daughter. I know you would never let anything harm your sister. I know you love her so much. Guddan hug him and cry. She says in heart how do I save my sister from that Perth.

Precap: Guddan comes to AJ and asks for his help. AJ announces Guddan will be his wife, shocking everyone. AJ says to Guddan I did what you asked. I want you to marry me. Guddan is dazed.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Fridays At 7pm

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