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In the jungle

Ahil is over excited to have himself being praised. after that, the person whose back ahil had cured accidentally, declares that he shall get his daughter, a fatso, married to ahil only. Ahil is distraught while sanam is frustrated. he is too shocked to react. He and sanam are forcefully taken inside to dress up. when they finally come out, ahil talks to the people that he is already m,arried, but it turns in their favour, that he is experienced. he eyes the fatso gloating at him, and is frustrated. he is about to turn his eyes away, when he finds sanam too walking in that attire. he is frustrated to find her thoroughly amused. he asks her to go on and mock him. she asks what can she do. She is highly happy, and says that there should be a celebration and goes onto present some music. Ahil and sanam get into the tribal attire, and dance along with them, while much to his frustration, the girl keeps driving sanam aside and wants to dance with him. Amidts the dance, ahil kidnaps the girl, and then uses her to blackmail them into running away. they rush after sanam, and ahil who runaway with the girl.
At Ahil’s residence

The new bride comes with a glass of juic, laced with sedative, and tries to flirt with him, saying that she is habituated to being ignored, and that he should also get in the habit, as sanam also must have been so engrossed talking to him, that she would have forgotten about shaad. he gets upset and asks what nonsense is she talking. She asks him to think claerly, and then he shall understand how ahil’s magnetism has worked on sanam too. The new bride serves him juice, but he refuses. she then emotionally blackmails him that staying hungry shall not make his prayers succeed. he finally drinks it. She watches him evilly amused, at her plan working. later, shaad’s head starts spinning, and he is about to go out, saying that jannat needs him and he shall have to go. SShe comes and says tht she too needs him, and that she is very scared since ahil isnt there, and is taking care of his wife, hence she should also receieve the same care from him. he says that he understands and asks her to sit down. they both sit. he asks her not to cry, while she continues her sob story, that she isnt habituated to people caring for her, and he shouldnty spoil that habit. she notices that he has dozed off on the sofa. She wipes her tears and asks gazalla and latif to take him to the room.

In the jungle

Ahil and sanam are running, when the fatso sprains her ankle and falls on the ground. he asks sanam to run away and save herself, but she says that she wont leave him in the middle of all this. he says that these are dangerous people. She says that they are dangerous for them too. they get into a verbal arguement, wherein she finally stops him by saying, that they are in this together, and even if they have to die they shall do so together. he is overwhelmed to hear this. the fatso keeps wincing in pain. they are shocked to find themselves being surrounded by tribal people. 
In the jungle

Ahil and sanam are tied to the trees, waiting for their execution. the prospect of facing death causes ahil to speak and bare out his heart to sanam, tied too, next to him, saying that he is happy that in his death too, he shall have her before his eyes, and that he has just one wish, that he should die casting his eyes on him. he begs the leader to kill him first since he cant see her being killed before his eyes. sanam is boggled and tensed. finally she too speaks up saying that she caant see him being killed, as no woman can have her husband killed right in front of her eyes. Ahil is overwhelmingly surprised. they begin to fight amongst themselves as to who shall die first. The fatso’s father gets angry and says that he shall kill them both together. The fatso finally speaks up saying that he shouldnt do anything like that, since they are meant to be together. Her father however is very angry. but the girl speaks sense into the man, saying that they could have left her stranded, but they didnt showing humanity, and tries to make him realise the good fortune that they have in finding their true love. she declares them free, without consulting anyone else. they are overwhelmed. Once free from bondage, they both hug each other. she whispers to him, that he was a very good actor, and should take up acting, as he was so convincing, that for sometime she too felt that he was her hsuabnd, and then says that she too reciprocated nicely. he is distraught saying that he never thought that she would think he was acting. she wishes them well, thanking and then begins to leave. the girl says that they have been set free that doesnt mean they shall be allowed to go. ahil and sanam are boggled. They are locked inside a room, by saying that they are apart due to them, now the tribal people only shall get them together. they play to the people’s tunes and smile. He says that he has something to say to her. she says that she shall listen, but first they should focus on how to get out. she starts hiccuping, and he gives her water kept in a pot. they taste the water and find it weird. They drink it nevertheless, thinking that this must be their special drink. She thinks that shaad must be remembering her, since she is hiccuping, and thinks that she should be with him, instead of this mess. she is worried for him, while ahil gets frustrated. he takes the whole pot of the drink, and then breaks it on the ground, while she is boggled. he getsinebriated, and says that he misses sanam way more than she misses shaad. she asks where is he taking this conversation, and that shaad loves her. he says that he loves sanam way more than that. She asks him not to compare love, and starts to give a lecture like the old sanam, and he gets bored. he says that the wrong person came in at the right place and the right time. She is tensed. He asks if she doesnt feel something is wrong in their engagement, as she too believes that there’s something amiss in their relationship. she remembers her confession, while he continues to poke her on that. she stands up and faces him. They remember the times, that they been united accidentally. she is boggled, and tells him that the water contained alcohol and he isnt in his senses. she begins to go, but he takes her hand and draws her close to himself. She is surprised, and says that if this is true, then he asks if she doesnt actually feel anything, when he comes close to her. She is tensed, but speechless. Finally, she replies stoically in a no. he asks if she doesnt think of her, when he goes away. She remembers the time, that she thinks of him, but chooses to deny.

At Ahil’s residence

The new bride gets into a seductive photoshoot, displaying intimacy with shaad, who is bare torsoed, and in bed, under the covers, with gazalla and latif’s help, while shaad is inebriated with the drink. they too wish for such pics to be taken, but the new bride gets angry, and takes out the chip, saying that this shall be jannat and shaad’s wedding gift, as its equally important for her to spoil sanam’s marriage, after what she did to hers, just like she wishes ahil to be tortured. she decides that the minute sanam marries shaad, she would see the pics, so that she lives with the guilt all her life, that the person she chose for marriage forever, has actually cheated on her. She is amused.

In the jungles

Ahil gets frustrated, and asks if her heart doesnt beat, when he looks at her. she keeps refusing. He holds her chin up. He holds sanam and asks if she actually cant see the honesty and truthfulness in his eyes. She closes her eyes. he cups her face and leans in way too close to kiss her. 

Ahil and Jannat get closer and he says I Love You to her. Shad’s words echoes in her ears that she’s his wife and she gives a tight slap to Ahil and he gets shocked. She lectures him how he can say such thing to someone else’s wife. They trusted him and he’s broken their trust. She accepts it’s her mistake too and she will get punished for it. She asks him how he would react if his Sanam was doing like this. He gets mad. She leaves after lecturing him and he gets all hyper that he thought she’s realizing their love and getting close. He has only loved one person and how she can such thing about his love. Shad that she’s talking about is biggest lie of her life.

Sanam-2 wonders where Ahil and Sanam have been and whether anything happened to them. Latif and Ghazala think they are dead. Shad hears and says it’s not possible. Sanam-2 changes her colors and tells Shad only he can help. Police called her and said they had accident, and that too big accident. Shad leaves to check.

Jannat is walking in jungle and still can’t believe what just happened between her and Ahil. Ahil also comes there. She turns her face and starts walking. He tells her to be careful, but she says she doesn’t need his help. She is capable enough to go back home on her own. Ahil sees her walking towards something slippery and runs to save her. In that, he slips down. He says that is why he was saying to be careful. He walks away. Sanam follows.

Police inform Sanam-2, Shad, and co about car accident and show them photographs. Sanam-2 says such a big accident. Police say they didn’t find any dead bodies. Ghazala says it’s possible that some wild animals ate them. Shad says nonsense and leaves.

Ahil and Jannat are standing far on road. Ahil says he can’t say anything to her due to her condition. He thinks it might be a hint from Allah to say the truth to Sanam. He decides to trust his love and tell her everything. Some guys stop their car near Jannat and asks if she wants a lift. She says no, but they get off and misbehave. Ahil comes to her rescue.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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