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Mahira makes her way again close to Akram and his family. She disguises her voice as akram’s aunt, and fools akram and takes his phone and goes out. he is tensed. meanwhile, she starts surfing through the pics, and finds that it only contains his pics. but while surfing, she comes across something that shocks her. she stealthily, connects it through the USB cable to the big screen. Akram meanwhile begins to look around for the lady who took his phone. He comes to the burqa clad ladies, and asks them about his phone. The aunt that he refers to, vehemently deneis that she didnt take the phone. He is boggled. She denies that he didnt take it. he wonders who took it then. 

Khan begum and akram’s mother too hear this and are tensed. khan begum rushes to him and says that it must be here only. his mother too asks him not to think about the phone and commence with the engagement ceremony. Akram happily complies, and is about to place the ring, when mahira tries to get the connections properly done. but before she can do that, the phone starts ringing, bringing everyone’s attention, particularly akram’s who identifies it as his ringtone. he says that its his phone. mahira is tensed and scared, as she faces their questioning eyes. His mother asks who is this lady. Azad gets suspicious and moves towards her tensed and angry. Azad eyes her suspiciously and then unveils her. They are angry and shocked to see mahira. Akram’s mother taunts her that she didnt go yet, and that they were being lied to. His mother and akram are tensed, as to what mahira was upto. mahira is embarassed, while khan begum is frustrated. mahira continues to once again say that she knows they are all angry, but asks them to believe that she isnt lying, as akram isnt a nice guy. Khan begum screams at her saying that its enough. Mahira is shocked. others are tensed. khan begum comes and slaps her. she is apalled. Akram and his mother are amused. mahira asks her to continue and hit more, if this is what she wants, but what she has to say, is important as kainat’s lifen is more precious than her self respect. Khan beguma asks how dare she enter the haveli again, as she knows such girls nicely, as they do drama and then demand money to stop. Mahira stands tensed. anand Kumnar decides to call the police, so that they can come and take her. but azad asks him not to do this, as it wont be needed. Azad takes her hand and drags her towards the main door. mahira continues to vehemently plead for them to play on the screen, and just hear her out once. Khan begum is irritated. Akram takes this chance to retrieve the phone. Just when she is about to be thrown out, the video starts playing, where akram along with zohra in his arms, professes that he loves her immensely and shall always keep her happy. Zohar asks how much he loves her. he says that he loves her so much, that he can die for her. they both romance each other. All are shocked and downright embarassed, as they turn around to look at the screen, while mahira stands tensedly. Azad and khan begum are shocked. Just then, a distressed zohra makes her entry from behind mahira, and confronts them all. Mahira tells zohra that its good that she came. all turn to look at mahira, and are shocked. akram and his mother stand flustered and tensed, as he hurriedly disconnects the phone from the screen kainat is distraught.

At Khan’s residence

All are shocked as they eye zohra standing with mahira. mahira remembers going to zohra’s house, and then confronts her, while zohra is about to shut the door on her face. mahira says that she doesnt regret being thrown out of the house once, but if she doesnt stop akram’s engagement with kainat, then she shall regret it forever. She asks zohra to tell everyone the truth. Zohra comes to face akram, and says that he had told her he was doing this sntire drama for his mother’s happiness. All are shocked. zohra tells him that this isnt a drama but the truth. Kainat is apalled. Zohra turns to her, and says that akram is the father of her conceived child. mahira is relieved, while all are shocked out of wits. Kainat collapses on the floor, while zohra goes and rushes out of the door. Khan begum composes kainat and asks her not to cry and be strong. Akram says that this is a lie and mahira’s trap. Azad and amad get up and angrily grab akram, asking how dare he betray their loving little sister. Azad gets angry and says that he shall kill him, and strangulates him intensely, while amad too angrily gives him a blow on his face. kainat meanwhile is composed and supported by khan begum, as she breaks into tears, distraught and apalled. Khan begum sees that akram might suffocate and die too. she is tensed. Amad says that he shall throw him out, and grabs him by the collar and throws him out of the house. khan begum tensedly eyes azad. Azad tells khan begum that akram has seen what he truly is. she is shocked, but says that what the eyes see, the tongue says and only then does it get expressed. she asks azad through signals what needs to be done. he comply.

As mahira is leaving, kainat rushes to khan begum and azad in their room, and asks them to stop her, since she saved her life from being ruined today. Azad remembers being angry at her so many times. khan begum is worried. Kainat says that they should agree that mahira was right and they wrong, and they wont become small in that. azad is angry and says that he would kill akram the next time he sees him. kainat reminds that mahira told them that he was wrong. she begs him to stop mahira as if they dont, then she wont talk to anyone. She rushes out. azad decides to go and stop mahira. khan begum says that kainat is a child, but he is mature, and asks why is he wasting his time on a maid. He is told that he is getting late as its evening, and asks him if he remembers what night it is. he remembers that its the first full moon’s night. He remembers standing in front of a dead body in an isolated alley. She says that the last time they got defeated in retrieving the blue kajnar flower. But this around, she wants him to turn the past around, and get the glower, as she cant wait for another four years, as many things might have changed. She tells him that at any cost, she needs him to get that flower anyhow. He says that either tomorrow the blue kajnar flower shall be hers, or the sun shall not rise tomorrow. he begins to go. she stops him. she asks him if he remembers that he has to do some ritual, before going to get the flower. He says that he shall do that later. she asks him to send saira and bano to get mahira back. He too supports kainat’s statements that they owe to mahira, and by stopping her, he might not pay his debt, but lighten it a little. he rushes out but finds mahira gone. he turns around to find that she is standing in front of him, saying that he neednt shout, as she is just leaving and just came back to get some stuff. he stands boggled and tensed. While she is talking about his therapeutic cures for supernatural stuff, he is taken aback to memories of himself being under the leash, for his supernatural powers. She also reminds him that she is a highly egoist lady, and wont stay back now, even if he requests her. She turns around to go, hoping he would stop her. he asks her to stop as she neednt go anywhere. she is ecstatic, but turns around trying to act pricey. he is tensed, and says that kainat wants her to stay. She says that then for the sake of kainat, she would stay back, as she cant hurt kainat. She says that he would have to say the three magical words, PLEASE to make her stop, THANK YOU for what she did AND SORRY for what he did. he behaves rude and says that he doesnt do this. She asks him to justs ay sorry then. he is speechless. amad comes in to tease him, saying that he never apologises. She is sure that she shall make azad apologise. amad then hits on her thanking her for what she did to kainat, and says that he shall take her out to dinner or movie, or party whatever she wants. she asks if its a date. He is amused and says Kinda. she swoons and he composes her. she says that she is super happy and he goes inside with his alluring smile.
As the moon lights up, Khan begum says that after 25 years, her wait shall finally be over, as azad is getting ready as per the ritual for getting the kajnar flower. He remembers the dead body yet again, and hopes that he doesnt do anything wrong again on this special night. He temptingly eyes the blood filled bottle. He comes out and she kisses him on the forehead, saying that the flower blossoms only in the midnight, when he isnt able to control himself. He asks her to be assured that despite the risks, he shall have to control himself, and get the flower, since his mother and his sister’s life is at stake and he shall get it back at any cost.

As Mahira is resettling in the outhouse, kainat comes and thanks her profusely. Mahira asks her not to be formal, as she did this out of friendship, and that she is special and deserves the best. Kainat says that even her family says so, but is it true, eyeing her hand. Mahira says that everything happens for a reason, and she shall be okay. kainat gets depressed saying that this shall never be healed. she goes. mahira remembers about her father telling her about the therapeutic powers of the blue kajnar flower. She looks in the sky, and finds that its indeed the special full moon night, which comes in four years, and the blue kajnar flower blosssoms, which has high threapeutic powers, and that this is a previleged flower, and that his father had the fullest hope she shall get it.

In the jungles

Later in the night, while its getting late in the full moon night, azad eyes the watch and finds that its just ten minutes to midnight, and gets tensed to find the flower blossoming. mahira too arrives, wondering where she shall find it, and then gets her father’s directions, as she remembers to go after the moonlight, as that shall blossom the flower. She takes it as a hint, and progresses towards it. As the moonlight falls on the bid, and the flower blossoms, he finally spots the Blue kajnar flower, in the wilderness of the jungles, his eyes turning a shade of orange increasingly changing into blazing red and progresses towards it eagerly, to grab it. He is however oblivious that mahira meanwhile too is wandering around in the same area, coming closer to him and the flower from the opposite end. she too spots the flower, and remembers her father telling her that when she sees the flower, she should think about the person who she wants to help. she decides to use it for kainat, as she needs it the most. The clock strikes midnight, and mahira is shocked to see flaring, blazing red eyes, from behind the bushes, where azad takes to hiding. 
In the jungles

Mahira is scared and screams loudly, as she eyes the red eyes and then the monstrous shadow beside the bushes and then takes a u-turn and begins to run. she falls on the floor, and cuts herself on the hands, causing it to bleed. she is tensed as she sees this, while by then azad has already killed a man to quench his thirst. mahira gets up and runs again, oblivious that she has left her necklace behind. She runs and then collides into azad, who is turned away from her. She keeps asking who is it, while azda doesnt turn back. He notices the moon passing in the clouds and closes his eyes. When he opens them back again, they are normal eyes. She asks him to turn around, and he complY, knowing his secret is safe. she is shocked to see him. She asks whats he is doing here, and then tells about the dangerous animal that she saw. Azad remembers killing akram. he says its a jungle and dangerous animals are to be found, and asks what she is doing here. she starts talking about the special night, but azad notices the red blood, and then asks her to go home, as he turns away not to be disturbed by the blood. She asks him not to order her, as she shall do what she likes, as she isnt his servant at this time of the night, and then instead asks him what is he doing at this time of the night. He doesnt respond, and when she persists, he holds her hand and she falls on the ground, bruising her ankle. she says she cant walk now, and he takes her in his arms, and she wonders what caused this sudden change in the monster, as he eyes her lovingly and caringly. she eyes him tensedly too. he composes himself, and gets back into angry mode, and starts to carry her from there.

Khan begum meanwhile is anxiuously waiting for the flower for the past 25 years, and wonders when it shall come, and gets tensed wondering whether azad shall become unsuccessful this time too to get the blue kajnar flower, but then wards it off, saying this time he shall bring it, as he cant see his mother dead. She wonder why isnt he back yet. just then, she eyes his silhouette with red eyes, looking at him tensely. She says that she knows how difficult it is for him to control himself on the special night, and thanks him proufsely for doing so, for her and kainat’s sake. she then hesitatingly asks him for the flower, so that she can get kainat right, as he would have gotten it, if he loves his mother and his sister. he keeps eyeing her with angry, red eyes. he remembers coming right in front of the flower, while its blossomed in the moonlight, and then keeping it in a bag, securely for her sake. She waits in anticipation, while he takes out that packet and places it on the table, holding his hand out from the curtain, that separates him and khan begum. she is agape with amazement, while he says he fulfilled his duty as a son, and now its her turn to do the same as a mother, and get kainat right. she hurriedly says that kainat would be alright. He hurriedly passes by her. She then takes out the flower, and is much happily excited, and that she finally got the flower for which she had been waiting desperately for 25 years. she takes the flower in her room, within her hands, as eyes its its glow lights up the room. she is unable to believe what implications it has now. she places it delicately in a vase, and eyes it with much lust and evil victory. She says she doesnt care who is cured by this flower and who isnt. Evilly, she says she only cares that she would get back her entire powers in earlier glory. She says she is tired of living like a normal human being but not anymore, eyeing the flower, saying that now she has it. She holds the vase, and then remembers sanam’s last threat before dying, and shouts that sanam lost, and guffaws loudly, basking in the glow of the flower, as she would be more powerful than ever now, and sanam wont be able to do anything, or stop her, as she is nowhere around, as she is dead, and can't return. She says she is unstoppable now, as yester years’ new sanam was just a pawn in evil, black magic world, but today’s khan begum shall be the queen of this world. she guffaws again. She keeps her hand on the flower, and it normalises back, returning to its original youth and vibrance.

Precap: mahira is scared and screams loudly, and then takes a u-turn and begins to run, and then collides into azad, seeing whom, she screams in much greater horror, as she eyes him. Mahira studies about weird monstrous animals, from her book, and finds about the type that she encountered, that they are blood suking monsters. she is shocked. meanwhile, for fear of being seen, azad rushes hastily back in the room, just in time, when khan begum rushing herself from the opposite ends of the corridor, distrtaught, sees him going in. She rushes back to the room, where she eyes the kajnar floweer thats burnt, and turned to ashes, and remembers that she was to meet a particular lady who told her to meet when she lands her eyes on the flwer, and now she would have to speak to her, why it got burnt. Latif and gazalla ask where does this lady stay. She says that she stays in the cemetery. latif and gazalla are shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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