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At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum waits anticipatedly to see what happens next as mahira walks oblivously to the kitchen with the trail of blood pool after her. With the juice, she walks towards amad’s room. she wonders why has nothing happened till now, as she would be killed by water but when and how. Suddenly, mahira stops by the pool, as she senses soemthing, while the blood trail comes dangerously close. mahira turns around suspiciously, and starts walking towards the blood pool, and her foot slips in the blood, and she falls right in the pool, taken aback, while the blood too falls in the pool. khan begum watchjes this surprised and shocked, as the blood creates a whirlpool inside the water, inside which mahira gets trapped. khan begum instantly notices that her foot starts getting better and stops with the decay. Mahira starts getting suffocated. khan begum rushes to her room, and finds that its working, and hopes for mahira to be dead soon. She gleams with happiness, as she feels her powers restoring. mahira tries to get out, but she isnt able to. Saira and bano meanwhile, stand in the balcony, wondering where mahira went and whether she is with amad and azad. they rush from there while the taveez stuck to her dupatta falls from the balcony and right in the pool. The taveez falls in the water and mahira grabs it as she sees it. using the taveez she finds her way out. Meanwhile, khan begum finds that her leg is again deteriorating, and wonders why is this so. She is distraught and frustrated thinking why it stopped working, as she was all okay. In the pool, mahira keeps asking to be saved. kainat comes and sees this. She shouts for help. Azad comes and rushes by the side of the pool, and extends his hand, grabbing which frantically, mahira comes out of the waters. mahira lies unconscious, while amad too comes. they are all tensed and ask her to open her eyes. khan begum comes and sees her out, and gets tensed. She is shocked as mahira coughs and revives back. mahira explains how the whirlpool was drawing her inside the pool. Azad stands away while amad comes and says that its okay, as he saved her just in time, or else she would have been in grave danger. she eyes azad tensedly, hurt that he didnt do anything. azad leaves. kainat asks if she is okay. amad asks her not to worry as he is there. he takes her. khan begum is frustrated.

In her room, khan begum is furious thinking that if she has to live, mahira has to die. she breaks the mirror in anger. kainat comes and asks whats the matter, as she sets to cleaning the mirror. she asks why is she tensed, as mahira shall be okay, as she is resting in amad’s room, and asks her to rest too. Khan begum asks why she came. kainat says that she had to go to a small birthday party of her friend. She hastily agrees to kainat going. kainat leaves happily, surprised. Meanwhile, khan begum eyes a broken glass shard from the mirror. An evil idea springs in her mind.

Meanwhile, saira and bano enter amad’s room, and find mahira sleeping on his bed. they are irritated that mahira is spelling her maigic on both the guys, and stopping their chanbces. they decide to kill her, when noone is around her right now, and think that they wouldnt be doubted too, as everyone would assume that she died in her sleep. they stealthily close the door, and then pick up a pillow, to gag her to death.

Later, Khan begum enters amad’s room, and finds mahira sleeping blissfully in the bed. She comes with the glass piece and stands by her bedside. she is about to kill her, when she spots saira and bano hiding, who give a lame excuse that they came to see mahira. khan begum shoves them out of the room. they hurriedly leave. she thinks that they both saw her, and now if something happens to mahira, she would be doubted. She wonders whats to do. she resignedly thinks that mahira has some horus to live on, before she kills her.
Outside, while the driver is washing the car, kainat asks where the other car went. the driver says that khan begum took it, and when kainat asks him to drop her in this one, he refuses saying that this is specially instructed by khan begum not to be touched, and he is also anad kumar’s personal driver, and hnece cant leave anywhere. kainat insists and asks her to just leave as it shall only take five minutes, and she shall come back on her own. He agrees. kainat looks in the car and finds a huge gift. Actually, it was placed the day before this day, by khan begum. She thinks that if tomorrow mahira is killed, then she would give razia this gift. she is sure that razia would be very happy if she receives the gift. She sees the driver, who she instructs that she has to go tomorrow, but till then, noone is to even touch the car. he complies. The car kainat chose turns out to be the same car.

On the road

The car comes to a halt wiht a screech, and a dagger falls out of the gift in the back. kainat gets down, as she had to go to this restaurant, and stops at Grand Coffee Shop. The driver looks behind and finds the big gift, amd thinks about placing it back properly, or else he shall be reprimanded by the begum. but he is scared and horrified as a hand comes out from the gift. he thanks the driver for this, while he gags and suffocates him, saying that he is thankful for him taking that dagger out unintentionally. its actually akram, who had been out into comatose state, due to the magical dagger that azad had plunged in his heart. he asks where is that girl. the driver thinks that he is talking about kainat and points to the restaurant. he gets down, while the driver is dead. Akram comes out and then goes inside, stealthily, and finds kainat mingling with friends. he thinks that due to her brother, he was in such a hibernative state. he thinks that he too shall send her into a long silence between life and death where her brother had sent her. He puts on the hood of his jacket and goggles, to avoid being recognised. he then takes the nearest chair to kainat, and sits. hr pretends to have a coughing fit, as the waiter is about to get kainat’s drink for her. The waiter hurriedly leaves to get water, keeping kainat’s order on his table. Akram gets a bottle out and pours some of the liquid in kainat’s fruit punch. the waiter coems back, gives him water and then takes kainat’s order and gives it to her. Akram watches with evil satisfaction, as kainat finishes her laced fruit punch. he thinks that soon kainat’s laughter shall turn into grieving. he is amused, as kainat begins to feel dizzy.she heads out for the washroom. Akram eyes her evilly. He too gets up and stealthily goes after her, to the ladies’ washroom. the girls try to reprimand him out, but he shoves them away. they run off scared. He locks the main door of the washroom from inside, and hides behind a slab. he notices kainat washing off her face in the basin, and comes behind her. She is shocked, as he stands behind her. He says that her family disgraced him completely. he says that he shall stain their reputable family with dispute. She is shocked and scared, petrfied. he tries to take advantage of her, while she screams in shock. As he notices the police having come outside, and trying to berak the door open, he gags kainat and takes her inside a bathroom and locks it. they search. The lights go off just then. They assume that whoever it was, went away. the team goes. he lights up a cigarette lighter, and leerngly proposes that he shall love her even for a small time despite her handicap. He laughs evilly, while she is distraught.

At Razia’s hideout

Khan begum vents her frustration at razia, who asks her to stop scolding her destiny, as the failure that she had today, is a blessing in disguise. khan begum asks what. Razia says that mahira would have to die but through a magical way only now. khan begum is frustrated at the number of lives she has, that mahira isnt dying despite their attempts. Razia tells khan begum that she would poison the air in which she breathes, and once she takes a single breath, she would be dead from the fatal effect of the poison. Khan begum is relieved. razia asks her to keep in mind that she has to keep her family away from her mahira, when the poison works. AShe leaves. razia does some black magic and chants on a bottle kept, and then opens its sprayer, and blows into it, and chants somemore. then she sprays it on a small shrub kept nearby. it immediately rots. razia says that just like the wilting of this plant, the poison shall also kill mahira. she calls jhanjhariya and hands the bottle to her, and ets her to work.

At Khan begum’s residence

As she sleeps peacefully, azad comes and pulls the covers over her, eyeing her caressingly and endearingly, love evident in his eyes. he sits beside her. he thinks that he has placed his step inside amad’s room, after a long time, just to see how she is, and he knows that he shouldnt be close to her, but somehow he is helpless by his heart and isnt able to distance himself from her, even though he knows there’s no future to them. he thinks that he is unable to draw himself away from her. Amad watches this from the doorway, amused and with hatred too at the same time. he taunts azad of being in his room, so unusually. Azad apologises and fumbles. Amad reminds him that its okay as he is used to this. Amad asks him to remember that his mahira is sleeping, but he remembers everything, including afreen, and their love, and the way he ruined their love, with his fatal blow. Azad remembers bringing out afreen n her arms, who opens her eyes surprised at being in his arms. he asks her not to worry, as she comes down. Azad is drawn back to the present from his flashback, as amad taunts him. Amad tells azad that he wont let him repeat the same story again, Mahira meanwhile starts muttering for azad’s name, and he leaves from there hastily. Amad comes to her. amad says that its him, as azad doesnt have time for her, but asks her not to worry, as he is right here. she thanks him. he says that he shall always be there for her.

Jhanjhariya enters with the bottle, while latif cribs about her work as usual. She senses someone’s presence but jhanjhariya ducks just then. She doesnt find anyone, and wonders whats happening. Jhanjhariya leaves from behind her.

In the drawing room, as azad walks, he senses someone’s presence, as jhanjhariya walks past. but he doesnt see anyone. he is boggled and expresses that he felt someone’s presence to latif and gazalla. but they ward it off and start bantering. He gets frustrated with their chattering. He asks them to take soup and juice for mahira, as she is very weak. they hurriedly leave. Azad leaves, not knowing that jhanjhariya is right behind him.

In amad’s room, mahira is awake, and to cheer her up, he says that they never really had the date. he says that he woudl freshen up and change, and have their date rightnow. She smiles, while he goes inside the bathroom. Jhanjhariya walks past the door. She senses someone’s oresence and goes to the door to see who is it, but doesnt find anyone. she senses a shadow by the windows, and turns around but doesnt find anyone there too. she is boggled. She comes back and starts to search for her taveez, as its shown that khan begum earlier found out about it, when mahira was asleep, that this was the reason mahira was being saved all this while and decides to destroy it. Mahira frantically searches for the taveez but is unable to. meanwhile, jhanjhariya comes and sprays numerous times from the bottle right behind her. mahira breaths and instantly clutches at her head, going dizzy and semi-unconscious, suffocating for breath.

In her room, khan begum finds that her hair is falling off, and is tensed that mahira is alive and thats the reason for her deterioration. She hopes that today mahira finally dies. she is suddenly alert sensing something. mahira meanwhile comes in the lobby, and tries to speak to gazalla and latif, as she eyes them from a distance. but she isnt able to call for them. meanwhile, Khan begum finds that her hair isnt falling anymore, and thinks that maybe razia followed her idea and killed mahira. She comes out to find gazalla, with a plate of holy stuff, from the dargah. Scared, she asks why the need for the prayers. gazalla says that she doesnt know where her husband is, and then wanted a second husband, hence went to pray. She asks gazalla to keep the holy sheet away, as she remembers how she is affected by holy and pious things. gazalla places the prayer plate on the slab by the balcony, and rushes to get water for her. Khan begum coems out and stands in the balcony.

In a dizzy state, mahira starts to fall and collapse on the ground, as she tumbles down the stairs, while khan begum looks gleefully from a safe distance, as the she finds the poison working. she calls out to azad, in her dizzy state, and azad is apalled, as he finds mahira like this. he rushes to her help.

At Khan begum’s residence

Azad rushes to mahira’s help, as she groggile slips down the stairs, and takes a tumble fall, while khan begum waits in anticipation for her to die due to the poisonous gas. Mahira falls right into azad’s arms, who dives in just in time to prevent her fall. Khan begum is frustrated, as the hole chadar comes in just then to cover both their faces. she is irritated at the failure of another attempt. Under the chadar, azad begs and nudges mahira to be awake. fianlly, she does, and is boggled to see herself in his arms, while he eyes her longingly and caringly. He then helps her get up, while taking off the chadar from their faces. he helps her sit down, while she is still groggy. He gives her water and she complies, but immediately starts coughing. he asks if she is okay. She nudges. He asks what happened. She says that she doesnt know, but was breathless and suffocated, and thought she was dying. He thinks that he shall die before she does. She asks whats he thinking. he waives the thoughts off. He asks her to go and rest in the room. She gets up and begins to go while he keeps eyeing her.

In her room, Razia comes, and khan begum irritably asks why is it so difficult for her to kill such an ordinary woman, and asks if she really wants to fulfill her promise or not, as actions seem to suggest otherwise. razia asks if she is doubting her. Khan begum says that she has no other option, but to doubt now. Razia says that her attempts are failing due to her son only, Azad, who has fallen for mahria. Khan begum says that she knows. razia warns her that with every failure, she is getting weaker. She angrily asks what to do then, and just sit idle. Razia says that with stronger people, she would use her stronger powers too, and now she would lay out a trap, that mahira wont be able to escape, and the stone in her road, shall turn to stone now. Khan begum is boggled.

In the outhouse, mahira remembers azad’s concern on numerous occasions, and thinks that azad does have a soft side that she has seen, which she does know, but he keeps in hiding from everyone else. she decides to confront him with this. but before she can go, latif and gazalla come out in burqas, and put a anaesthesia laden hankey on her, due to which she goes unconscious. latif and gazalla drag her from there, and keep her out. they then hastily leave.

As the set up is done, with some crystal ball in the middle, razia asks khan begum to close her eyes. she complies. razia and khan begum together intently begin with some deep, dark black magic with their chants, and as they progress, mahira who has woken up from her unconscious state, groggily gets up with a splitting headache and finds that she is unable to move even if she wants to, and is boggled, not realising that she is turning into stone, from her feet, rising upwards. right when she is done till the waist, razia notices some disturbance and has a hard time concentrating on the black magic, while noticing that her hands are shivering and trembling, beyond her control, while khan begum continues without any disturbance. she looks miserably at khan begum. mahira starts screaming for help, saying that she is unable to move at all, as her hands too have turned into stone. Meanwhile, razia finally screams at khan begum, to stop. Khan begum asks why should she and is she is okay. Razia says that had she been okay, she wouldnt have asked her to stop. Khan begum says that she is getting her powers back and she can feel it, then why is she being stopped and asked to save mahira. razia says that she is losing her powers, and needs mahira to survive if she wants to survive too. She says that she along with mahira is connected, and whatever effect she is doing on mahira, is causing the same affect on her too. Khan begum says that she has the fullest faith she shall be okay in sometime, but she cant afford to lose her powers now. Khan begum makes her swear in the name of evil, to be quiet, but khan begum continues, having closed her eyes again. razia asks her to open her eyes and stop. Khan begum says that she wont stop now, being so close to victory. Razia says that if she doesnt stop, then she cant live on, and if that doesnt happen, then she wouldnt live at any cost, and asks her to understand that they have misunderstood the special figure, as if she dies, then she would never get her powers back. She asks khan begum to go and save mahira, before its too late, and shee turns completely to stone. Razia winces in pain. khan begum is shocked as she understands the full implications and then rushes out to save mahira. meanwhile, mahira has turned into stone uptil the neck.

In his room, azad notices that one of mahira’s earrings have stuck to the collar of his kurta. just then he hears, mahira’s voice calling out to him. he is boggled. He wonders where is this voice coming from, and if she is actually calling him, or its his hallucination. He thinks that mahira is in danger, and rushes to her room, but finds it empty. He begins to search for her.
Meanwhile, khan begum comes out and is shocked to see mahira turned into stone from the neck down, and now going towards her face. She asks mahira is she can hear her, while mahira is relieved that someone finally came to her help. She tries to hit with a stone and rod, but it is thrown away with a changed trajectory, by an unseen force, without even allowing to graze past mahira. Khan begum is frustrated wondering what to do. mahira thinks that even khan begum isnt able to help her. Khan begum rushes to get some more help. mahira thinks that now nothing can happen. Just then, Azad rushes out and is shocked to see mahira turned into stone completely. he wonders in shock what happened.

At Khan begum’s residence

Azad is shocked to see mahira like that. he says that he doesnt know how it happened, aor who did it, but for the first time, he knows he has realsed for the first time, how much he needs her, and he cant let her go, and his breath shall be gone once she goes. he says that he cant live without her, and this time around, in front of his insistence, the fate shall have to change. he says that he shall come back. he leaves.

Meanwhile, khan begum comes back to razia, who is in extreme pain, and tells her that she couldnt save her, as some black magic stopped her, that was created by them, and asks what shall they do now. razia says that she doesnt know,a s when they entertained death as a guest, it would feed completely. she asks khan begum to take her to mahira. Khan begum helps her get up.

At At the dargah

Azad goes to the dargah tensedly, and is told by a small girl to cover his head and take off his shoes. He complies and then enters. he reaches the prayer area, kneels down and prays with teary eyes, begging for the lord’s mercy on mahira to save her, as he remembers mahira’s stone face. he says that he has never come here, till now, as he doesnt gell well with her, but today he has come to ask him to save the girl, who has forever worshipped him, to save her life. He says that he has never asked anything from anyone, but today he extends his arms out and begs for mahira’s life, as otherwise he wont be able to believe in his existence ever again. He asks forgiveness for any crime that he has committed so far, and asks the lord to bless him and have mercy on mahira. he remembers his moments with mahira. he looks at the tears streaming down his face with weird looks. He comes out resignedly, grief stricken, when a peer baba stops him. the peer baba comments that a lion is shedding tears today. Azad says that he has never cried till now, even when he was born. The baba says that tears flow from the heart but originate from the heart, when it feels someone’s pain. He says that those people are lucky, whom god gives a heart, to feel pain. he says that azad was stone hearted, but the lord has melted him, and his tears tell the story of his love for someone. Azad says that he can only give pain, but not love. The peer baba says that love happens from the heart. The peer Baba says to azad that he too has a heart and a soft sidee, which he just realised today. he says that this heartbeat of love, that he has discovered today should forever be cherished by him. azad is tensed. The baba says that the lord shall definitely bless and leaves. azad however is unconvinced that he can save someone, and love anyone, as he is a beast.

Precap: By the effect of the tears, mahira starts coming back to senses, as the stone effect fades off. Azad is relieved and overwhledm with emotions, as he isnt able to believe his good luck. Azad hugs her and thanks the lord immensely, for giving his mahira back to him. Mahira stays unconscious in his arms.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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