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Sanam hollers at the new bride to come out, and face her, as she is the owner of such a big mansion, and is right now, cowering away someplace in deep scare. she tells that she is such an evil lady, and that she has masterminded many a plans, and she is scared now of her. she comes inside and doesnt find her in the room. the new bride is actually hiding inside a box. Sanam says that she has only one way out now. Sanam takes the property papers and uses them to blackmail the new bride. She threatens to burn it up, for which she worked so hard. the new bride finally gets out of the closet. the new bride says that its one thing to pick a revolver, but shooting is another, and that she can hate someone but killing someone is a different story. sanam asks her not to be mistaken. Sanam tells the new bride, with the revolver pointed at her, saying that its time for her to pay for her sins, and she can pick a revolver and also shoot if needed, to avenge the death of ahil. the new bride watches amusedly. sanam fires, and the new bride falls flat on the ground. she gets up after sometime with a guffaw, and easily takes the bullet out of her flesh. Sanam is boggled. The new bride stands up yet again, and asks if she actually thought that she could kill her with this playtoy of a revolver. sanam is still confused. She says that she isnt an evil force by habits, but actually the devil, as there’s a knife in her black dagger, and these toys cant affect her. She asks her to shoot again if she doesnt believe, and aim straight at the heart yet again. sanam is shocked and dumbstruck. The new bride tells about the time that ahil had shot at her, and regretted it terribly after that. she asks sanam if she actually thought she shall be scared and beg for mercy, and that she knew that she cant do anything against her, and this was all meant to be a trap, for her so that she could easily kill her. she says that she couldnt be ahil’s in life, and couldnt even fulfill her promise to him, after death. sanam is shocked. the new bride says that now she shall die. sanam gets emotional and asks what she got out of all this, by destroying ahil and sanam’s life, and that she wasnt even meant to marry ahil, and had already given meher too for divorce. The new bride says that she has been used enough, first by tanveer and when she was about to become the begum, sanam stepped in. the new bride says that when you love someone, you expect the person to love you back too, but she just got hatred in return. Sanam asks what love is she talking about, the love that was never hers at all, which was always destiend to be for sanam.The new bride says that she wont let them be together at any cost, as her love story didnt materialise. the new bride tells sanam that she shall send her to ahil forever and ever, and they they shall finally unite. She points the revolver at her.

At Ahil’s residence

The new bride aims the revolver at sanam and is shocked to find her mother standing in the way. she asks how can she be with her enemy, when she is her mother. The mother remembers how sanam told her at the dargah, that she isnt asking her to go against her daughter as she isnt even her daughter anymore, and has turned into a devil, and started on a road that only leads to destruction. She understands. the new bride reminds her mother that being the possessor of black magic, that she only taught her daughter, there isnt anything that can destroy her possibly. Her mother asks her to revise and remember her lessons again, as she had only told here about the antidote to her black magic too in her training. The new bride is shocked, as she remembers how her mother taught her the black magic, through a crystal ball, for a motive thats good, and how she can change her destiny, and that this power might draw her towards evil, and her goodness shall be lost, and if it so happens, then she would destroy herself. She asks her mother if she is invincible now, and her mother says as long as she has the powers, she would be invincible, but she shouldnt be over confident, as time changes within no time, and hence she would be on her guard. Her mother also tells her that if she try to go the wrong path, ultimately within sometime she would find herself creating her own destruction. She remembers being arrogant saying that no one shall defeat her now. The mother says there’s one thing that can defeat her and then shows her the crystal ball, that can strip her off her powers if she stares at it. She asks her mother to keep it to herself only, as she only trusts her with this ball, as she wouldnt ever possibly turn against her own mother. The new bride remembers this and tells her mother that she cant give this ball to her. her mother takes it out and says she hasnt and doesnt intend to give it to anyone or sanam too. she shows a peek of it, to the new bride and she turns around screaming in shock. she rushes out of the room, continuously asking her not to do this, as she is her mother, and she cant take away this magic from her. She rushes out of the room, with the mother and sanam after her. she hides behind a sofa and covers her eyes with her dupatta, shutting them tight. She closes her eyes, while her mother keeps trying to show it to her. sanam tries to wrangle her grasp out, but the new bride gives her a push, and they both fall at a distance. The new bride gets up and anrgily goes towards sanam. Her mother tries to intervene, but she shoves her away. the new bride catch Sanam by the throat, while she winces in pain, and throws her back on the sofa. she takes a vase and hits sanam with it, and sanam doses into unconsciousness. She turns around to find her mother gone. just then, sanam gets up from behind, and pushes her on the ground. sanam and the new bride get into a fist fight and scuffle, where sanam pins her head down on the floor, locking her hands, while the new bride struggles to get free. Just then, the new bride’s mother shows her something in a crystal ball, seeing which she screams out in horror, desperately trying to wriggle free. Finally the entire magic is drawn out, and she drops unconscious exhausted. sanam is shocked. The mother tells sanam that evil has approached, and she would have to break it, to end all evil finally. Sanam takes the crystal ball, and eyes it surprisingly. the new bride begins to move somehow, and finds a knife kept on the table, she slowly staggers towards it, with much difficulty, while sanam eyes the ball in surprise. the new bride rushes and lunges at sanam with a knife, but her mother comes in between and takes the fatal blow, much to the despair and horror of both the sanams. Her mother falls on the floor, while the new bride is distraught that she plunged a knife into her. She then eyes the crystal ball in sanam’s hand. Her evil mind works yet again, and she cries to sanam, saying that she has done a lot of wrong to her, and she would do just as sanam asks her to do. She begs sanam to spare her mother, and let her be, as only she can save her mother. But then she finds her mother asking her not to do so. Sanam is reminded that her mother advised her not to give into any pleads of the new bride, as she would try anything to get that ball back but she shouldnt let the goodness get over her, and forgive only that person who is worth forgiving. sanam gets up with the ball. She tells the new bride that the mother who she didnt care for when she was alive, she would care much when she dies. She takes and grabs the new bride’s hand, and then makes her stand up and snatches her towards the corridor, remembering her swear of revenge. She locks the new bride inside her room. Then she rushes back to the new bride’s mother, and then tells her not to worry, as nothing would happen to her, and she would be fine. She picks her mother up. Meanwhile, from the room, the new bride screams out sanam’s name, distraughtedly asking her to open the door. Finally, she is able to do so herself, and in a daze, she comes out, thrashing sanam that she cant do this.

At Sanam’s hideout

Sanam and the peer baba, rest the new bride’s mother. The mother says that those fear death, who want something from life, but she doesnt want anything. She says that whole life she thought that the lord wouldnt spare her, for creating a devil like the new bride, but she is happy, that having helped her made her lessen her sins. sanam says that no mother is good or evil, and she didnt do anything wrong, and she just trained her daughter who then put it to wrong use. The mother wishes that the lord had given her a daughter like this sanam, and she is happy that once again in her form, the good shall fight and win over the evil. she breathes a huge relief, and then dies. Sanam is shocked. The peer Baba prays for her. He reminds sanam that she should leave this war now. She says that maybe the new bride is stripped of her powers, but thats too less a punishment of what she did to ahil. She says that she doesnt want the new bride to regain her powers back ever, and hence she shall finish the devil today, and give her such a punishment, that no devil dares to separate lovers again.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam stands atop the cliff, remembering the fatal day that she lost ahil, with the crystal ball in her hand. The new bride comes and says that she knew she would find her here only, where her husband, her love breathed her last, and that she too would die here only. She says that till the last move, win or loss cant be decided, and that she played a nice move, but sanam couldnt outsmart her, as she is habituated to life now and doesnt need death Sanam turns around and smiles at her, while the new bride points a gun at her. the new bride tells her that she can spare her life if she decides to give her crystal ball to her. 
At On the cliff

Sanam asks if she actually thinks she would beg for her life, being scared of the revolver, as she is mistaken, since that sanam isnt alive anymore. she says that she doesnt understand the power of love, hence doesnt know what happened that night, and that the sanam that loved life, and wanted to live life with ahil, is dead since ahil died, and had also thought of commiting suicide and be with him forever, but then thought that this would hurt ahil and his soul wont rest in peace, till his arch enemy i.e the new bride doesnt lose terribly. She says that hence she had resolved to live on and that she shall ruin her. The new bride asks if she actually thinks that she can still kill her, and what if her powers are captured in the ball now, she would have to destroy them to defeat her, and that she wont let happen. Sanam says that true lovers can do anything, and maybe she cant kill her, but she wont let her win,as she is her enemy, and would lose life, but not her enemity. She says that to make love reach its true destination, she would avenge agaim and again, and everytime someone tries to keep lovers apart, a sanam would come along. She says that her death isnt the new bride’s win, but her life is her defeat, and that if she was a human, she would still be able to live, but being the devil, she would live miserably stripped of her evil powers. She says that the lord does hear, even if late, and that some stories are meant to be incomplete to be fulfilled later. she says that maybe for her story too., the lord has done something similar, and what if her life isnt complete with revenge, someone would come, and when she leads life miserably, she would remember ahil’s torture, and then someone would come along who would torture her so bas, that she would beg for her death and then it would be time for her to pay for her sins. she says that this last wish of hers shall be accepted by the lord. the new bride is astounded while sanam smiles. She starts retreating backwards. Sanam says that her parents were tested along with their love, and that her love too had to face the test of time, but now its the time, for doomsday, when everything ends and destroys, and from its ashes shall start a new beginning, saying so, she takes one step back, as her whole life flashes before her until she reaches the last stretch of land, and then jumps off the cliff, taking the ball with her, much to the new bride’s horror, as she lets out a scream. The new bride gets disgusted thinking that sanam cant do this, and that she cant live like this, a mere mortal, and that when she finally won after much struggle, she cant lose her powers, and sanam cant do this. She thinks that she mightnt have gotten ahil, but she wouldnt let herself be the victim of the loss, from ahil and sanam’s story, and that she doesnt accept this fate landed out to her. she too gets her entire story back to her in a flashback, as she eyes the cliff. she progreeses towards it. The new bride is distraught. She then stands up determinedly, and resignedly lets herself take a free fall too down the cliff. But before she can, she is stopped by a person who turns her around, and the new bride looks at her shpckingly. as he takes off his ssunglasses, he flirts with her saying that she got bful eyes, and that they shouldnt go to waste. She then asks him to let go, as she doesnt want to live like this. He says that lfie is god’s greatest gift, and they shouldnt be returned, and a person shouldnt lose before losing, and that the game is always on. The new bride says that he knows nothing about her life, and turns to go. he says that he wants to know about her, and her life. She turns and asks who is he. He says that he is Nasir, the person who changes destiny, and says that when he has held hands, he shall have to be with her, and that there’s some mystery which draws him to her, and there must be some wounds too, but there’s none, that cant heal with time and his company. He promises to be with her always, and then proposes with a cliche on one knee. The new bride thinks that life gives many oppurtunities and this chance she accepts, as she would start afresh once again, and regain all of her powers. she accepts the proposal, and he kisses her hands, extremely happy, while she too smiles through tears.

In an old barn, a woman goes through labour pansg, while the anxious father waits outside, nervous and tensed. The midwife comes out with a child, declaring its a girl. the father is overjoyed, and rejoices as he takes the little child in his arms. The lady finds that an eight is inscribed on the neck, and tells that such people are god’s children. the man is happy saying that they shall call her MYRA. This is the person that sanam was talking about, in the form of reincarnation, as when she dies, this child takes birth, whose purpose is to avenge the new bride’s sins.


The new bride’s voice speaks out, that destiny plays weird games, and that she got landed a second oppurtunity when destiny came knocking at her deathstep. Sometimes, destiny won, and sometime she had the upper hand. but finally,. she got the better of destiny, and carved her own fate. She says that since the last 25 years she and her destiny have been playing these games, and much has changed, and that she married again, to Nasir Khan, bollywood hearthrob, and had two sons, and a beautiful daughter. she says  she started a new life, but with some old characters, latif and gazalla. gazalla asks her about the new sanam, and latif asks her not to ask about sanam, but the Khan begum instead, as she doesnt like the name. they both wonder where she is, and begin to search around.

The new bride is in her room, with a complete makeover, with a parrot by her side. She says that there was a time, when people spoke exactly what she wanted to hear, unlike today. She eyes a box kept in front of her. She gets down from the sofa, and eyes her wrinkled and shrivelled feet, and gets disgusted and quickly hides them with her clothing. she goes to the box and opens it. Inside is sanam’s dupatta, and she remembers yet again that day she got stripped when sanam jumped down the cliff. she wonders if sanam thought that taking away her powers, she changed her fate, as what she took from her, she would regain yet again, and this time, her two sons would be there, but there’s no one with her. She clutches sanam’s dupatta, and with the same venom and avenging tone, she says that sanam is dead and she is still alive, and she would love to see who can pose a threat to her existence now and change her destiny. the screen freezes on her face.

Precap: A girl stealthily arrives in the new bride, Khan Begum’s residence, and it turns out to be sanam’s lookalike only, probably MYRA, who eyes the house sternly and boggled. Myhira wanders in the garden, and finds that its a full moon night, and remembers that she had to take its shots and study at various angles. She however doesnt realise that in the wake of doing so, she is fatallay close to a lifewire. Azaad notices this from a distance and rushes to her defense, drawing her away, clutching her hand tightly, as she is taken aback, as they both watch the live wire hanging right in front of her. She is shocked. Later Myra rings the doorbell, and waits for someone to open the door. Inside, khan begum is boggled as she progresses towards the door to open it.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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