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In her room, mahira begins with the research on azad, to be able to find a curative rememdy for him. He starts with his physical features, as she comes to terms that he is always so angry and terse, hence she doesnt know much. she decides to click a pic, so that she gets all her questions answered. She takes out the camera and takes a trial pic of herself first, and finds it satisfactory. she then leaves with the camera, while saira and bano are sure that mahira is after both the boys and that they shall have to stop her.

On the road

Khan begum has the ashes in a bag, as she bitterly remembers sanam’s curse on her. she thinks that sanam gave such a wound by going, thats been paining for the last 25 years, but she wont admit defeat and would do anything that it takes, to get them backk. she takes the ashes of the flower, and starts praying it on the isolated road, hoping that it reveals about the special girl, remembering razia’s wprds.

At Khan begum’s residence

mahira tries to get azad’s pic clicked, while he is carpentering in his room, and goes into hiding when he suddenly becomes aware of someone’s presense. saira and bano see this and are puzzled as to what is mahira upto. When mahira gets up again, she finds azad gone, who creeps up behind him, taking her aback. he asks whats she doing here. She tries to distract the topic, but he snatches the pics she took, and then least interested throws them away, also breaking her camera in the scuffle. She is boggled, as she finds all the pics hazya, and wonders how her pic was clear but his isnt. She wonders how she shall never find out, as the camera is broken now. She is upset with azad.

Just then, kainat comes to her, and congratulates her galore, and thanks her for her medicinal cure, as after a long time, for the first time, there was a movement in her hand, and she is hopeful that soon she would be okay. mahira is happy, and tells that her hope has made her see this day, and she shall not fail the trust she placed on her and says that she has to go out, to get more of the medicinal herbs, for her cure. she also talks about how she also plans to find out whats wrong with azad, and treat him too, as she is sure that something is definitely amiss with him too. She leaves. kainat is amused at her quirky behaviour.
On the road

Khan begum remembers razia’s words, and waits impatiently for the girl with the good soul. She starts getting impatient. Mahira walks on the road, searching for kainat’s medicinal herbs, which has the ashes sprayed, and finds the thunder striking suddenly, wondering whether its s sign and suddenly, the ashes start burning bright in golden light, as small pearls of light, and surround her surreally. Mahira wonders what kind of jugnu is this, of blue colour, and then to her surprise, she finds that they are rising on her. From a distance, khan begum waiting in the car, is surprised to see that a girl’s image comes on the road, with the pearls of ashes surrounding her, as mahira herself is boggled, and starts to fight to get the pearls off her. She is shocked, as she remembers razuia’s words telling her to look at the girl, as the kajnar flower shall remain alight, only till the first start appears in the sky. she hurriedly starts her car to take a better look, but it doesnt. determined to see that girl, she gets out. but huge winds start blowing, carrying dust and ash with them. This causes mahira to leave on her way, while khan begum loses her. She wonders where that girl went.

At Khan begum’s residence

As she reaches in the lawns of the house, Mahira wodners how the winds blew so fast. in her carelessness, she falls in the mud and dirt and smears her glasses too and isnt able to see anything. just then azad comes and helps her up. Mahira thanks him profusely that whoever he is, he is a saviour for her, to help her out. She hands him her dirty glasses, which he takes in bogglement. he eyes her, as she laments about how she got into this mess, despite being careful, as he is unable to take his eyes off her. Azad sprays her with water, as she washes off the dirt. She is oblivious that its azad, who eyes her lovingly, while she cleanses herself off. When she opens her eyes, she finds noone, and wonders who was it, as she couldnt even thank that person. She leaves for the house, while he wonders whats happened to him, and why was he getting attracted to her, when she means nobody to him, and why he cant see her in trouble or pain. he is tensed.

Inside, khan begum too thinks that she would have to search that girl fast, but wonders where is she. She finds someone hiding behind a curtain, and thinks that it might be the special girl, but finds it latif ranting, while she gets irritated. she is surprised to find that its amad’s birthday bash tonight, which starts when the clock strikes 12. She is tensed, while latif points out that maybe she forgot the birthday. Khan begum curses herself for having forgotten the birthday, in her tensions. she says that she was just about to congratulate him. but latif says that its a surprise party, that she can join in too. Mahira comes in excited too. Khan begum finds that there’s still ten minutes and she cant tolerate their nonsense. She leaves. Mahira tells latif that she looks wonderful. Khan begum crosses to her room.

Meanwhile, Amad is having a pool party with the girls, being a playboy. Mahira and gazalla find him like this, and are surprised. Suddenly the music stops, and he gets angry as to who did it. Khan begum comes angrily and tensed, as to whats going on in the house. She te3lls him that they all are here to wish him a happy birthday. They sing him the song. mahira jokes as usual. Amad jokes about too. Khan begum asks him to come out and celebrate with family. He says that there’s still one persn missing, who forgot his birthday. Azad comes just then, saying that he didnt forget, in his hand a parcel box. He says that his elder brother can never forget his birthday. All start the celebrations as he cuts the cake. amad invites azad for dance. he complies, while amad danes enthusiastically. mahira enjoys. azad eyes her dancing. just then, amad comes and presents her a red rose, aand she blushes and giggles, while azad is tensed.
At Khan begum’s residence

Azad gets tensed as amad gives mahira a ropse, and she shyly blushes. He eyes azad evilly amused at his displeasure. She acceps it. He asks her to dance and she is surprised. She says that she is a bful dancer, and jokes about it. amad is amused, but still tags along with her, and gives out his hand for her to accept. she does so while azad is displeased. he eys azad teasingly, and then takes her to the dance floor, and dances to a peppy number, while azad’s face remains stoical and stern, thinking that amad wont ever become good, but mahira is very innocent and he cant see tears in her eyes, even though he doesnt want to interfere in amad’s life. While dancing, mahira twils and turns to face azad, who confronts her, while amad stands behind them. Azad begins to dance with her, while she doesnt comply immediately. he however puts on his loving caring self, and then gets her to dance. Khan begum is tensed thinking that time is slipping away and she has to find that girl soon. Mahira and azad dance sensually on a romantic number, while she is boggled. Amad watches tensedly. they look like two lovers, with their soul united, as they romantically dance. to the sensual number. An awkward yet romantic embrace and eyegaze follows, while she shyly lowers her gaze, as he eyes her lovingly, boring down upon her. finally, she composes herself and retreats herself, remembering amad’s venom against azad. All clap. Then amad comes in instigating mahira that this is exactly how azad gets jealous and tries to snatch everything from him, and thats how she has to cure him. She leaves tensedly, while amad is amused. she comes to azad and asks her to come along for water, as she is very thirsty. then she, through her bantering and dancing, continues to ask about azad’s vitals. he is boggled, and then asks why is she behaving so weirdly, and asking his stats, while dancing. she again gives another lameass excuse for it, and then tries to cheer him, but he is far from it. He eyes her stoically. She badgers on about his height and weight, and he finally tells her. he goes ahead, and she remembers she needs to see the colour of the eyes. she hollers for him, and he turns back, while she checks out his eyes. he is at discomfort, and asks whats she doing. she says that she just noticed that there’s huge depth in his eyes. Another romantic eyegaze follows. As she is pushed, he rushes in to catch her, lest she is pained. her dupatta gets entangled in his handcuff, and slides down her back. khan begum passing by sees the special figure of eight on her exposed back, through the throngs of the crowd. She breaks her glass in astonishment, and wonders that she is so tensed that everywhere she sees it only. she discards her suspicions. But then she looks again and is sure. she starts moving towards it. Khan begum takes a knife, and stealthily makes her way through the crowd trying to catch a glimpse of the special girl, and then kill her by stabbing. mahira meanwhile tells azad fumbling, that his eyes are very deep, as if there are lots of secrets in it. he gets tensed and walks off, taking her with him too. Khan begum meanwhile keeps a happy face amindst the crowd, and then when she looks up, she finds the figure gone. she wonders where did that girl disappear so fast. meanwhile, mahira calls azad and says that her dupatta is stuck. they untangle it, and she takes it back again, covering her back. meanwhile, khan begum spots a different woman, with the same kind of bracelet in her hand, that she saw in the reflection, with razia. When the girl is asked by her friend, she doesnt reveal that she stole it from under the sofa and wore it. She says that its hers. Khan begum is tensed to find azad and mahira talking and wonder whats she upto now. she says that she shall take care of this matter later, but right now, she has to attend to this girl with the bracelet. she moves to her, as she is obliviously dancing. khan begum greets her, and then lures her to her room, on the pretext of showing her her dear friend amad’s room. They both leave. mahira is tensed to see this. Amad comes and asks about khan begum. mahira instead asks him why he lied about being a scorpio when he is a libra. he flirts, while azad goes angrily. he continues to tease azad saying sorry, adding that being the birthday boy, he deserves to be forgiven. Azad leaves angrily. Amad asks mahira to look for khan begum. she goes. Amad meanwhile has her own vicious plan.

Later, khan begum has that girl gagged, while she is scared, and she is told that she would end all her miseries and then end her life too. Khan begum eyes her angrily and then stuffs her face down in the vessel of water, saying that for her misdeeds earlier, now she would have to face death. mahira meanwhile goes through the corridor, trying to figure out azad’s horoscope, boggled and puzzled. The girl starts struggling, as she is unable to breathe, while khan begum bears her face down under the water. mahira knocks on the door, alongwith being surprised at the gurgling sound, wondering what is it, and khan begum is tensed, while the girl struggles to gasp for breath. She finally draws the girl’s head out of the water, while she is breathless, still gagged. Mahira is about to open the door.

Precap: While mahira is working in the drawing room, scrubbing and cleaning the floor, with her back exposed, khan begum stands at a distance, oblivious of the fact that the girl she is looking for so desperately, is actually standing in front of her. she is tensed. While all are in the hall, amad tells everyone, about that girl’s disappearance since last night, and shows the last selfie that he clicked with her at the party. khan begum comes with gazalla and latif tensedly. mahira asks if she can see this photo, and when she does, she looks at khan begum knowingly, and she is scared too of mahira’s response now.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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