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At Ahil’s residence

Shaad stands in the corridor boggled, as to how sanam can be married, but spend the wedding night with him instead. He thinks that she is merely ahil’s prized possession, lying securely with him, and hence he cant abuse it. he decides to give sedatives to sanam so that she sleeps through the night, and apologises to her in his mind, that he inevitably has no option but to do this. He begins to walk, eyeing the meds in his hands. the new bride hears this from a distance and is furious.While shaad is walking, gazalla and latif come to stop him, with senseless banter about some ritual. They keep him busy, while the new bride signals at them to keep him busy and engaged. they comply, and then leave, after they get their work done, and tamper with the meds in his hands, and replace it with some other meds.

In her room, nazia waits for saif, while just then, shashi comes and asks if she is upset that saif deliberately gave the saree to that new bride, and then takes the blame on herself, saying that it was her mistake. nazia is relieved and thanks her for unburdening her. Shashi asks her to keep this to herself, and that she assures nazia that she wont ever face any problem in her care. Saif walks in, and shashi and he start a charade when she asks him to take good care of her and he swears that he shall always keep nazia happy. shashi blesses them both to be happy, and then takes their leave. nazia then tells saif, that she wishes to start afresh forgetting everything from the past. he gives an ideal answer that he would try and be the best husband, and that starts right now, and gives her a glass of milk. she says that she doesnt feel like. He gets tensed, and requests her to do so, for his sake. She complies, and gulps it down.

In her room, the new bride thinks that when one door closes, the other opens, and that after shaad and sanam’s wedding night consummation today, shaad and ahil’s friendship shall be over. She lies down, and then feels something moving beside. she turns around in horror, and lets out a mini yelp, as she finds that its saif, who gave sedatives to nazia,. to be with the new bride, on his wedding night, as he had promised that he would. she is tensed, while he is all lusty and seductive. She thinks that he gave nazia sleeping pills while shaad obliviously gave sanam other meds.

Meanwhile, shaad gives sanam meds, saying that she cant skip them, while she reluctantly hesitates, but then gives in, when he is stern. He is tensed as she eats the meds. He says that he would just come. As he leaves, sanam sits tensedly. An intoxicated and sensual sanam engages shaad intimately, who is shocked and boggled that she didnt sleep as planned, and is instead on the road to the consummation of her marriage with him, that never happened. Finally, with him on the bed, she doses off on top of him. He places her on the bed, and caresses her face, as she lies in deep sleep, oblivious that its being recorded and watches live by gazalla and latif in their room. As they find that shaad has put her to sleep, gazalla rushes hurriedly to the new bride’s room, and is shocked, when a bare torsoed saif opens the doors, angrily. gazalla is amused. the new bride reprimands her was to whats the problem now. Gazalla tells that sanam slept with her meds, and she is boggled.

Shaad comes out of the room, and finds the new bride taunting him, for having fulfilled his promise to ahil, and smirks as to what kind of a man he is, that he is giving his heart away on a platter to ahil, and she knows that ahil wont be able to reunite with sanam. he asks her to stay awau from the couple, as they are meant to be. He walks ahead, while she says that ahil and sanam shall part ways, and their relationship shall break, and this work, he shall do for him. The new sanam tells shaad that she needs a small favour from him, and he has to do it, and blackmails him by showing her intimate pics with him, when she laced his drink with sedative. He is shocked. 

At Ahil’s residence

Inside the room, shaad locks the door on the new bride’s instructions, when they sense ahil approaching. he then is asked by the new bride to make sounds of laughter and then kissing, and he distraughtly comply, through flowing tears. She asks him to continue this charade. Ahil stands outside the door. Ahil is shocked as he gets the wrong message outside. the new bride is amused. Shaad complies, on her insistence. Ahil leaves. shaad angrily asks what she got by doing this, and the new bride answers, that only he and she know what happened behind closed doors, and sanam also doesnt know, but for ahil, his friend betrayed him, and his trust is forever broken.

The next morning, nazia wakes up with a splitting headache, and is guilty how could she sleep on their wedding night, and saif must have felt so bad. She is embarrassed as he comes in with breakfast for her, and tells how much he liked viewing her sleep last night, peacefully. she feels guilty and apologizes saying that she spoiled their wedding night. he says that it was special, as she was with him, and his life was alive, with every moment he spent with her. she hugs him, thinking ahil was right that only the fortunate get love and feels lucky to have saif as her husband. He too thinks that he is lucky to get a fool like nazia as wife, so that she is in shashi’s care and he can carry on with his adultery.

The next morning, shaad and sanam come out, while ahil comes out of his room. Shaad feels guilty to face ahil’s stern gaze. He tries to speak, but ahil leaves angrily in a huff. He goes after him and stops him. Ahil stands tensedly. Shaad tries to clarify, but ahil stops him saying that he neednt clarify, as now he knows too of the evil spirit in the house. Shaad says that now he knows why ahil is so helpless in front of the new bride. Ahil vents out his frustration against her, and that his trust hasnt broken, but asks shaad not to break it ever. he complies and promises ahil, that on this eid, he shall return his sanam to him. they both hope so to happen and hug. the new bride sees this from a distance and is angered.

All gather in the drawing area, where saif and nazia greet others in the family. just then, Shashi gets a call, from one of her men, saying that the person who tried to make a fake passport for her, had to be killed, as the police was after him, and had they nabbed him, her identity would have been exposed. He says that it seems someone is desperately trying to expose her. She is frustrated and turns around to confront a bemused shaad. he asks her amusingly that she seems tensed. She eyes him angrily. He says that the phone call seems to have brought her bad news, and it could have been worse, had the person not died. He mocks that she got some more time to live now, and tells her that he shall finish this game. he leaves, while she eyes him in rage. Just then, the new bride comes and tells shashi that she has the solution to her problems. She tells that she doesnt know the reason behind her and shaad’s enmity, but knows that if there is one, they should join hands in the cause, and shows shashi, the intimate pics that she has with shaad. she tells shashi that through these pics, she can demolish his respect in the society. Shashi eyes them amused, and then tears them off, surprising the new bride, who asks whats this. 

Shashi says that she doesnt need to take to these cheap tactics, as the enmity she shares with shaad, is too strong to be demolished by such petty pictures, and tells about her identity to the new bride and her history with shaad, shocking the new bride out of her wits. she says that her idea may have been poor, but her thinking was good, and if the enemy is one, they should join hands, and teach shaad such a lesson, that he remembers all his life. the new bride asks what she wants and she says that she needs her powers, reminding her how she saved ahil from the chandelier, and says that the work she wants from her side, is difficult but not impossible. Shashi tells her that the work she plans to get done, is difficult, but if her brains, plans and motives are combined with the new bride’s evil powers, then they can defeat everything.

In sanam’s room, she finds a shirt of shaad bearing a lipstick stain, and latif teases her about it. Sanam is at discomfort. Shaad rushes by her side, asking if anything is wrong. latif takes their leave. he begins to leave, when she calls him, and asks if he is angry with her, and then apologizes, saying that she doesnt realise when she dosed off, and shaad vehemently tells her that she didnt do anything wrong, and she shouldnt apologize. she thinks, after he leaves, that she is unable to believe the wonderful husband she has got, who has never complained about anything, and has proved to be an ideal husband. She thinks that she herself isnt able to do any wifely duties.
Ahil thank the lord for having averted Sanam’s marriage to Shaad yesterday and that she is once again his wife, and asks him the blessing that their love is always secure. he thinks that the truth cant be hidden for long, and if he allows, then he shall be able to tell everything to sanam after the eid this year. Sanam too prays to the lord to give her the strength to be able to become a good wife to shaad, and perform all of her duties diligently. 

Shaad thinks that his sole motive is to destroy shashi and her aims. Meanwhile, shashi calls up someone saying that money has been transferred in his account, who talks endearingly to her. He asks her when does he have to come for her work. She says that she has planned a dramatic entry for him, as a terrorist and asks him to be prepared always. The man, murtaza says that he is always prepared. she asks if he remembers what he has to do. he says that he fully remembers and knows, and asks her to be fast, as once he decides, he doesnt take long to execute. they bid their goodbyes.

At the Graveyard

Sanam distributes food and stuff to the poor and the beggars, when suddenly the winds start blowing and sanam’s eyes fall obliviously on the graves of her parents, as she stands outsides the gates of the graveyard. She stands stunned, as she sees that both the names have the same nickname. She asks the gardener about the same, and he says that she must be new here, as everyone else here knows, that the graves stand as a symbol of love for all eternity and together, who lived together and died together, and are not just mere graves. he says this is a pious place, where people come with the hope that they too get love like this, and hope that they too hear what their heart wants. she hears rapt with attention and then thanking him, walks towards the graves, oblivious that its her own parents’ graves. she stands in front of them, boggled and confused. She says no one answered her questions till now, as she doesnt remember anything from her past, nor anyone told her, but she feels that her parents were never there with her, as had they been, she would have had atleast one memory with them. She adds that she feels today of all times, she feels like she talks to the parents, and she doesnt know whether people find true love or not, but juust wants to find out the difference between the right or wrong, as one decision of hers can spoil three lives. she removes the dead leaves from the graves, and cleans it up with her dupatta, and places red roses on them.

At Ahil’s residence

When she comes back, she is with lots of bags, and sanam asks someone to help her, hollering for latif. ahil hears her and helps her, while she doesnt realise as her back is turned. when she turns around, she gets irritated seeing ahil helping him. he offers to leave the bags till the room. she rudely says that she doesnt need his help and shall manage on her own. she insists, while he is tensed. he says that very soon, he shall have all the answers, and asks her to be patient. she callously asks him to take all the time he needs to find the answers, as she doesnt have any question, nor does she need answers, and that she has given him the answer, as she is married once again to shaad and there’s no possibility of anything between them and its his misunderstanding. he is hurt. She leaves. he turns to the lord, saying that there can be misunderstandings but the destiny written by the lord for them, cant be wrong, and that a miracle shall set everything straight. he is tensed and worried, as he leaves. meanwhile, sanam sees him going, from behind the curtain, and thinks that things are worsening. She thinks that she is so tensed that she cant wait till tomorrow, as her heart beats for ahil, and for this sin, she cant risk her marriage with shaad, and decides to do something about it today itself.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, the new bride continues her witchcraft, and does black magic, when she is interrupted by a call from shashi, who is getting impatient. she asks shashi to wait, as its isnt an easy task, particularly so in the pious month of ramzaan. Shashi says that she doesnt care, and wants the work to be done. The new bride asks her to wait. She says that its easy for her to say, and difficult for her, as she has already called her men from across the borders, for the work. she says that this is the last chance for her to kill shaad. the new bride says that she shall do this, even if she has to defeat time, and that shaad’s destruction ensures parting of sanam and ahil, and she will do anything that shall get him that.
At Undisclosed location.

In an isolated road, a terrorists get inside the box, to be smuggled across borders, indiscreetly, helped by fellow terrorists. Murtaza claims that now he shall be seen in India, and putting an oxygen mask, he gets inside the box. the box is then loaded into the truck.

Precap: At the dining table, sanam gives shaad a package, and ahil too gets curious. Shaad asks whats this, and sanam asks him to open it himself. he does and finds tickets. gazalla and latif asks whats this. shaad says that they are two tickets to Pakistan. Ahil is thoroughly shocked. later, while shaad is talking to ahil, sanam springs up, surprising them. She asks shaad if he has made his plans to come along, as she has decided and isnt changing her decision, as she has her bags packed already. Ahil asks her if she wants to go, and if she does, then she can. sanam walks away from them in a huff, while both of them eye her. Shashi and Sanam inform about time change from 9:30pm to 7:30pm in their villain style.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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