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Khan begum is unable to believe what implications it has now. she places it delicately in a vase, and eyes it with much lust and evil victory. She says she doesnt care who is cured by this flower and who isnt. Evilly, she says she only cares that she would get back her entire powers in earlier glory. She says she is tired of living like a normal human being but not anymore, eyeing the flower, saying that now she has it. She holds the vase, and then remembers sanam’s last threat before dying, and shouts that sanam lost, and guffaws loudly, basking in the glow of the flower, as she would be more powerful than ever now, and sanam wont be able to do anything, or stop her, as she is nowhere around, as she is dead, and can't return. She says she is unstoppable now, as yester years’ new sanam was just a pawn in evil, black magic world, but today’s khan begum shall be the queen of this world. she guffaws again. She keeps her hand on the flower, and it normalises back, returning to its original youth and vibrance.

In the outhouse, mahira remembers the dreaded animal that she saw in the jungle. she thinks with firm determination, nothing goes in vain, and she had fullest noble intentions, to get the flower for kainat. She thinks that had the monstrous animal not be seen, she would have gotten that flower for kainat. she is sad. She is scared even remembering again the monstrosity of the two legged animal. She wonders what was azad doing there, and why was he caring so much for her.

Meanwhile, azad hastily enters his room and locks himself, and then goes to the almirah, and eyes the bottles of blood of different groups, saying this shall not to be able to quench his thirst, and that he is a slave to this thirst, and has to quench it anyhow, by the blood that he needs. He keeps muttering that he needs blood, from someone, thats prohibited to him, as his eyes turn red yet again, and due to the special night, he couldnt chain himself. He is extremely frustrated. 

At Khan’s residence

As the night is in full grandeur with the full moon, khan begum concocts her evil plans and then places her palm on the flower, to gain her energies back. But just then then, she feels a jolt, and is thrown back, while the blue flower starts to burn. She is shocked, and says that she cant let this happen, as she apologises, saying that she shall use it for kainat. she says that she cant let her 25 years wait go in vain. As it turns to ashes, she is distraught and frustrated thinking that this cant happen again, and that this time around, she cant be defeated by life yet again. she thinks only azad can save her now. Meanwhile, Azad sees latif passing and for a second, he loses his control, but then thinks that he would have to lock himself yet again. For fear of being seen, azad rushes hastily back in the room, just in time, when khan begum rushing herself from the opposite ends of the corridor, distrtaught, sees him going in. she thinks that azad is going to the attic, and that she shall have to talk to him before he reaches there. Azad inside, takes the carpet off, and then retreats to a secret compartment in the ground, and locks the door back again. She enters just then and finds the secret door locked from inside, and starts hollering for azad to listen to her and come out. She is shocked as she hears kainat’s voice, and quickly pulls the carpet back again. kainat comes tensedly, askinmg what she doing here and why was she calling azad. Khan begum remembers azad telling her, that he doesnt want anyone to know and that this secret should be between them, that he is more of an animal but less of a monster. He asks her to never reveal that he can live live normally, but by midnight, or on special nights, he cant control his thirst for human blood. She makes an excuse saying that she was talking to azad, but he just went to the kitchen to get milk for her. Kainat asks if she was talking about her only. Khan begum complies. kainat asks her not to worry, as she shall get it whenever she does. khan begum hugs her, while she is more alert about wanting to talk to azad. she asks kainat to go and sleep. She happily complies. After she is gone, khan begum thinks that now she can talk only in the morning, and wonders what shall happen now.

Down in the attic, azad chains himself to be able to control his thirst, which is heightened at that moment.

Meanwhile, in the outhouse, mahira is still boggled as to what an unusual animal she witnessed in the jungles, and surfs through her father’s books. Mahira studies about weird monstrous animals, from her book, and finds about the type that she encountered, that they are blood suking monsters. she is shocked. She thinks that she could have died, and what would have happened then. She says that she doesnt need anoither monster as she already has one in azad. in a light hearted banter, she says that when the mind is quizzical, an experienced person should be contacted and her father’s books and notes do the same for her in her time of query. she thanks him and then doses off. After she starts to snore, saira and bano evilly take all of her notes and the books, plotting to teach a lesson to her, saying that now she shall not be able to help Kainat. They take the books and then burns it in waste bin, and then evilly smile, while mahira is blissfully asleep. They think that mahira stole the limelight from them, and tried to lure azad and amad, and now whenever she tries something like that again, she would get repaid by them like this. they leave, while mahira is asleep, as her precious notes burn.

In khan begum’s room, latif and gazalla eye the burnt flower, while she is distraught herself, as she rushes back to the room, where she eyes the kajnar flower thats burnt, and turned to ashes. latif points out that maybe someone fooled her, and gazalla says that maybe sanam went and took away all her powers indeed. She says that people can lie, but not the special lady that she is talking about, as she clearly remembers that day. She goes into flashback, where she is in severe pain, in the jungles, cursing sanam for dying and also taking away her powers, which are torturing her every minute. she suddenly overhears a lady, heavily ornamented who talks mysteriously, saying that she keeps coming, and after the incident, she learnt black magic, after which she became, Sardaare-ifreed, the queen of evil. Khan begum begs her to help her. She remembers how this lady had given her the idea of getting this flower by someone special, like azad, and remembers that she was to meet a particular lady who told her to meet when she lands her eyes on the flower. she thanks the lady proufsely, and if there’s anything that she can do, she would gladly accept it. Khan begum is asked to become her disciple, and she happily complies. Khan begum remembers this all back, while gazalla and latif are surprised and she decides that now she would have to speak to her, why it got burnt. Latif and gazalla ask where does this lady stay. She says that she stays in the cemetery. latif and gazalla are shocked, but comply.
At Graveyard

Khan begum arrives at the graveyard along with Latif and Gazalla who are terrified and scared. She is irritated with their rants, and threatens them that they shall be punished if they speak anymore. As they arrive at a particular grave, she hollers at them to open the grave, while they are shocked and distraught beyond belief. They try their best, but it doesnt budge. Then suddenly, the grave opens on its own, Latif and Gazalla are scared. Meanwhile, khan begum anticipatedly watches as the grave opens itself, revealing a lady with her half covered face with dupatta, lying inside it. They are all shocked. Its revealed that the lady is Razia, who has her eyes closed, as she gets up. Khan begum along with Gazalla and Latif are shocked. finally, she opens her eyes, as khan begum eyes her happily and with high hopes.

At Khan’s residence

While saira and bano evilly pretend to be asleep, Mahira wakes up with the smell of something burning, and itching in the back, due to heat. She turns around and is shocked to find her precious books burning away. she quickly rush to save them, while the step sisters are amused. She manages to salvage half burnt notes. While salvaging, her eyes accidentally fall on an unburnt page containing a fugure of sleeping eight, which bothers her. Mahira hurriedly collects it all and then joins it piece by piece. She wonders why the fire was creating heat in her back, as she notices the itching going severe.

At Graveyard

Khan begum overwhelmingly touches her hands and seeks blessings. then she raises her out, and razia reprimands her for taking her precious time for her worship and disturbing her. Khan begum says that its a matter of life and death for her. she says that she needs powers to stay alive, and that requires blue kajnar flower, and now she got it from azad, she touched it by mistake, and it got reduced to ashes, and asks what to do now. Razia smiles and says that there’s still hopes for redemption, even if the blue kajnar flower has burnt to ashes. she asks khan begum to keep the ashes in a circular vase. Khan begum listens intently. She continues that by the time the ashes disappear, they shall leave behind a fugurine of eight, and then khan begum would have to search for the girl who bears a figure like that, to regain her powers. Khan begum is told by razia, that once she finds that girl, she would have to kill her, to be able to get back her powers. Razia says that the death of that girl is the only way of her sustenance. Khan begum is shocked. gazalla and latif ask what if the ashes disappear by this time, and razia replies that khan begum’s destiny too shall turn to ashes, and then they shall have to wait for another four years. Khan begum says that this cant happen at all. they hurriedly leave from there. Razia smiles evilly.
At Khan begum’s residence

Meanwhile, khan begum rushes, with gazalla and latif in tow, to her room, and hurriedly saves the ashes from flowing away. She covers the tray with her dupatta, and then asks them both to cover all the windows. She then asks latif to go and get the container. Khan begum places the ashes, in a blue circle, made by the chalk on the floor, and they all start conjoining together and form the axial figure of eight. she is shocked. khan begum remembers razia’s words, and says that she was right, that to regain her powers, she has to find this girl with the figure and then kill her. Gazalla and latif are scared.

Meanwhile, Mahira, irritated by the irritation in the back, eyes herself in the mirror, and finds that same figure in the back of her neck. She is boggled, wondering whats this, and then matches it with the same figure that was in the books. She keeps studying it, and wonders whats this figure and how it came on the neck. Saira and bano meanwhile think that she got an expensive tattoo done, and are enraged thinking that she got it done for Amad. They decide to teach her a severe lesson. Mahira meanwhile thinks there’s some other angle to this figure.

The next morning, akram’s parents come with the police at khan begum’s doorstep. and khan begum is shocked as she opens the door. She asks whats this audacity. His mother speaks up saying that azad decided to kill akram and since then he hasnt returned, and asks the police to question them. khan begum says that they shouldnt impose unnecessary accusations. The police says that they found akram’s car in the jungles last night. mahira hears this and remembers azad being there, and wonders if he actually killed akram, as he cant disappear all of a sudden. Khan begum asks them to go and check in the jungle then. The mother tells about amad punching akram and azad threatening to kill him. Amad asks her to also tell that her son tried to fool his sister, due to which he received the punch. The police asks amad where he was last night. he casually responds that he is at a party. Then they question her about her other son, Azad, as to where is he. she is tensed, and says that there’s no connection between this. Anand kumar asks mahira to go to the room and call azad. Kainat wants to go, but mahira goes. Khan begum is scared that azad might comwe in front of mahira, in his true form.

Meanwhile, down in the attic, azad wakes up and gets up from his bondages very weak and tired, barely breathing, as he climbs up the stairs to get to his room. Mahira goes to the room, and says that its good he isnt in the room, otherwise he would have given her a tough time to appease him, and then asked her to get off. She turns to leave. She however doesnt realise that her feet are right next to the attoc’s opening under the carpet, which azad tries to open to come out. He barely survives being seen by her, as she goes out of the room, just in time, he pulls the carpet and comes out. Akram’s mother downstairs keeps getting impatient that she has deliberately hidden her son, and is lying right now. Khan begum thinks that in her bad time, she is facing much difficulty, as had she been powerful she would have taught akram’s mother a lesson, for talking like this. she decides to search the girl fast. Mahira comes and says that azad isnt in the room. akram’s parents tell that they must have hidden him somewhere. They decide to search. Khan begum gets scared and asks them to resist as this has nothing to do with azad, since he wasnt in the jungles. the police say that they want to hear it from azad. he comes down just then from the stairs, while mahira is shocked, and khan begum is relieved. Mahira is boggled. he asks the police to speak up. Azad says that he was in his room. the police says that mahira said he wasnt. Azad says that she didnt look properly. she wonders how is this possible, and wonders why is he lying. The police asks where was he last night. Azad says that he was here only. Mahira remembers that he was in the jungles with her last night, and wonders why is he on a lying spree, and wonders if he actually killed akram. She laments as to why always she is in a fix, in such a troublesome situation. Mahira wonders if she should tell the truth or be quiet but not saying the truth is also a crime. she decides to tell.

Precap: Mahira says that since he lied and she knew that he did, anyone would come to guessing that he might have had something to do with akram’s disappearance. azad says that he is least bothered with what she thinks about him. she is boggled. Khan begum asks azad where is akram, and he shows him stabbed right in the chest, lying dead in the back of the car. She is shocked. Azad insults mahira saying that going by what her stature is, it doesnt seem like her parents gave her any proper upbringing or gave any good manners. Mahira asks him not to even dare say anything about her family, as she wont stand for it. he says he isnt scared and adds that she cant do anything, while he can do much to her. She asks why does he talk as if he loves his family a lot, as he doesnt and then adds that those who love, dont steal the precious belongings of their loved ones. he is boggled and angry and asks what does she mean. She adds that he stole his brother’s life, his true love and that she knows what he did with afreen. he stands stunned and taken aback not expecting this.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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