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Ahil and Jannat are standing far on road. Ahil says he can’t say anything to her due to her condition. He thinks it might be a hint from Allah to say the truth to Sanam. He decides to trust his love and tell her everything. Some guys stop their car near Jannat and asks if she wants a lift. She says no, but they get off and misbehave. Ahil comes to her rescue.

Nasia is upset getting news about Ahil. She tells Saif to do something. He gets mad and says nothing will happen by him praying or her crying. Shashi Kapoor comes and asks him to apologize to her. Saif says sorry and leaves. Shashi Kapoor tells Nasia that he’s tensed too and hence reacting that way. She tells her not to worry, she will always be there for her.

Other hand, Latif and Ghazala are dressed up in white clothes and come to Sanam-2. Sanam-2 was confirming with lawyer that Ahil hasn’t put any condition and she won’t be back on road like last time. Her lawyer says she won’t. She tells Ghazala and Latif to contact her designer as well. She should look good while mourning as well.

Bus comes. Jannat tries to get in, but she doesn’t have any money to buy ticket. The ticket checker says he can’t let her get in without buying ticket. Ahil comes and says he’s Nawab of Bhopal. They had accident and lost their money. He promises to give him double money. The ticket checker makes his joke saying he’s Amitabh Bachchan as well. Jannat gives her earrings. Ahil tries to stop her, but she doesn’t listen and tells the ticket checker that must be enough for 1 ticket. She goes inside. Ahil takes away the earrings and gives his watch saying that should be enough for 2 tickets. He also gets in. He goes near Jannat, but then sits away after seeing her angry face.

Inside the bus

Sanam and ahil drive on tensedly. He hits his head when the bus screeches to a halt. He is lost in her memories. saanm is tensed but deliberately doesnt express it. he is hurt remembering how much she used to care for him. the bus stops for break. Ahil gets down but sanam doesnt. he orders for two teas, but sanam refuses to take it, ordering one for herself. but the vendor says that the milk is over. ahil silently keeps her tea by her side, while she is tensed. he walks past. she takes the tea and the biscuit. finally, they get back on the bus. Sanam’s dupatta gets stuck in the handle of the bus, and ahil retrieves it. She is visibly disgusted.

At Ahil’s residence

Sanam and ahil arrive. Before she can step in, he stops her saying, that he wants to tell her something, before she steps foot inside, and after hearing that, she can take her decision. she says that she knows what he wants to say, that he loves her, and that he fell in love at the first sight, and that they shouldnt ignore what they feel for each other. She says that she shall answer his query once inside. before ahil can say anything, he makes a move.

Inside, shaad is lost in sanam’s memories. he is tensed, when the new bride and latif and gazalla, enjoy his mourns. he leaves inside. Ahil and sanam come inside, shocking everyone. shashi thinks that he is alive, then how shall she fulfill her promise to her mother. Shaad too comes out shocked. While there is grief in the house, sanam comes inside and rushes to shaad, who is highly relieved. he asks where has she been, and how worried he had gotten. she tells everything, from the accident, to the kidnapping by the tribal people. she says that in this one day, she has realised that she cant live without him for even a day. she says that she doesnt want to delay the marriage. She says that she wants to get married in the next seven days. Ahil is apalled and distraught. Shaad hugs her overwhelmingly, while ahil is apalled.

Later, while sanam sips tea, listening to the same song playing in the bus, tensed, ahil comes out and finds her like that. she gets up and goes inside. he smiles too, and turns around, to find himself face to face with the new bride, who eyes him amusingly. he reminds her that sanam isnt shaad’s wife. She says that soon she would be. She says that he must be completely distraught, as his efforts to make her remember their love and be intimate, must have been in vain, as she came back and hugged sanam. she says that she laments that sanam has forgotten his love and has gone far away. he says that that cant happen, and their love is just going through testing times, and that a woman like her wont know lobe, as if his love hadnt been pure, sanam wouldnt have been here, despite her attempts otherwise. she says that she hasnt accepted defeat. The new bride tells ahil, to tease him, that sanam is really excited for her marriage. She says that the day of their marriage, shall also mark the consummation of jannat and shaad’s relation. He is disgusted.

At the dining table, all sullenly have lunch, while ahil cant take his eyes off, when sanam and shaad have a short sweet romantic moment, when sanam accidentally places jam on her lips, and when she isnt able to get it, and asks shaad to help her. he complies, by wipinmg the jam off her lips. Ahil in desperation cuts off his finger badly. all are tensed. the new bride hollers for latif, to get antiseptic. latif complies by taking dettol out on cotton ball. Suddenly, sanam stops her surprising everyone. Envisioned by her past memories, she blurts out, that ahil has an allergy to castor oil shocking and surprising them all, while ahil is overwhelmingly relieved. She asks latif to mix bleach in water and then wash the wound with it. She is herself boggled after that, while the new bride is frustrated. Nazia says that jannat is right, as ahil has an allergy to castor oil. Shaad asks how does she know of ahil’s allergies. she says that she has no clue, boggled herself. He gets irritated and asks how is that possible. he says that she is this confident, as if he has been taken care by her, a lot of times earlier. haunted by the past memories, sanam complains of a headache. She leaves. ahil fervently wishes she remembers everything back. Ahil stoically observes as shaad goes after her. Ahil taunts the new bride how could she think that sanam forgot his love. He leaves.
At Ahil’s residence

Shashi places a pistol on her head, and then eyes herself in the mirror, thinking that she couldnt fulfill the promise that she had made to her own mother. she says that she would have killed the person, had anyone else done this mistake. she says that she too deserves the same punishment. she is about to pull the trigger, when saif comes in and takes the pistol away. shashi is angry as to why he stopped her. He asks her to calm down, but she is beyond reprieve, and even cancels Juda’s call in frustration, multiple times. Juda avenges that she shall have to be shown what happens when people ignore or reject Juda’s calls. meanwhile, shashi fumes that she couldnt fulfill a simple promise to her mother, while saif too apologises for his carelessness recently owing to indulgence in profuse adultery with the new bride. they both decide that tomorrow ahil shall have to die, while shashi says that she has a perfect plan.

Sanam is tensed, when shaad enters and asks why she came so abruptly. She says that its nothing. he says that he knows she is upset that he asked her how does she know about ahil, his family, his background and his past so much. She says that she is way more boggled than him for that. he says that its okay and asks her to calm down, as she oes frantic. He says that she was visibly angry with ahil, at the dining table, and didnt utter a single word. he keeps asking to bare her heart and tell what happened in the jungle, and asks her not to hide, while she is boggled remembering it. she says that its nothing like that. he complies, and says that he believes her. he gets up to go, and the new bride sees them tensed. sanam says whats she doing, as shaad isnt unnecessarily worrying, but a relation needs trust, and maybe nothing happened in the jungle, but she knows ahil has emotions for her, and hence shaad is insecure, and before things worsen, she would have to do something. she gets up hurriedly and begins to go. the new bride stops her and asks why is shaad so angry. Sanam tries to go, but the new bride explains that the slightests inception of doubt can hamper the relation. sanam says that doubts arise when trust is weak. The new bride says that its evident, as shaad wouldnt have hugged her the way he did, after knowing that his wife spent the night with someone else. sanam is alarmed. the new bride clarifies that she isnt doubting her, as she knows her and ahil,. but if doubts can arise in her mind, then the same can happen to shaad too, as he is more insecure after her memory loss, which made her forget the intensity of his love. The new bride says that only love can suffice love, and that shaad proposed in front of everyone, and shouldnt she reciprocate the same even if by a small favour. she informs sanam about the cocktail party for nazia’s marriage, which is a perfect platform for her to gift something to shaad, to show how much she cares for him. sanam says that she is right and thanks her. The new nride hugs her, evilly saying that she would do whatever it takes.
Sanam talks to the tailor on the phone, giving him instructions for the cocktail dress, and the tailor asks if the measurements she gave are right, and she is absolutely certain that she gave the fitting of her husband. the tailor says that he shall deliver it in evening itself, her being ahil’s special guest. she leaves, hoping shaad likes it. Meanwhile, ahil is taunted by the new bride for the same, saying that jannat is blindly in love with shaad, and is looking for small gestures to show and express it to shaad. She then compares that he doesnt do anything, despite her even agreeing to die for him. he asks her to show it once. She taunts him, and is amused at his disgust. he leaves in a huff. she thinks that he might leave now, but tomorrow evening, he would find it difficult to avoid them. later, shaad is asked to come outside by sanam, for a surprise. He keeps asking, while she doesnt give in and asks him to have patience. The doorbell rings, and the tailor comes in with tjhe cocktail dress. Ahil and the new bride too join them. She comes to shaad, and then informs that jannat is super happy since morning, and decided to see what gift she has planned for him. Sanam presentes him the dress. ahil is frustrated, while she excitedly asks shaad how he liked. Shaad is very happy, and hugs her overwhelmingly. Ahil is disgusted. the new bride asks him to go on and try it, for them. shaad complies. Sanam doesnt like the fitting of his cloth, as shaad tries on his cocktail dress, and it fits loose. She reprimands the tailor for it. the new bride too reprimands the tailor for such a bad fitting. the tailor says that she made the exact fitting, for the measurement that jannat gave. sanam doesnt believe. latif comments that she remembers ahil’s allergy, but doesnt remember shaad’s fitting. shaad gets upset and takes it off. sanam and shaad go inside. the new bride is extremely upset, that sanam’s foolishness spoiled it all. Ahil takes the same suit and tries it on, to find a perfect fit. the tailor exclaims about it too. Ahil eyes the new bride victoriously. he says that it seems the other lady didnt get it for her husband but for him. Ahil rectifies him and says that he actually got it made for her husband only. Ahil pays off the tailor and he happily leaves. he then turns to latif, and says that love doesnt need the test of time. he asks the new bride is this is enough or he needs more proof, and the more she tries to distance sanam from him, the more close she shall come. he leaves. the new bride is furious.

Precap: In front of saif, shashi prersentes the new bride a plan, that she can help her to alleviate all of her problems. Shashi tells the new bride that when sanam dies, her problems shall be over once and for all. the new bride agrees. shashi thinks that the pistol shall be fired, but not aimed at sanam but Ahil. At the bar counter, Sanam stops ahil from drinking, habituated by memories of the past, and ahil is overwhelmed. he later takes the centrestage with a guitar, and starts singing, dedicated to sanam. later, ahil tries to show sanam the pic. She turns around frustratedly and the pic falls on the ground, upside down. Sanam eyes it tensedly.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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