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As she is strolling in the garden, she is shocked to as to azad lied through his teeth, wondering how could he lie like this. She is surprised to find azad standing in front of her, saying that when people talk to themselves, they forget that even the world hears them too. he says that if she has questions then she can ask him. She asks him not to talk to her in scary tones, as she isnt scared of him. She says that he was there in the jungle. Mahira says that since he lied and she knew that he did, anyone would come to guessing that he might have had something to do with akram’s disappearance. azad says that she too was in the jungle, and she could have done something to akram. She rubbishes it off saying that men murder and not feeble women, and that tough guys like him, and that she is merely giving general examples, and isnt insinuating accusations at him. She then goes onto banter saying that she keeps going to the jungles, and likes to stick, to the truth. He says that he is least bothered with what she thinks about him, but she should know that he hasnt done anything to akram. she is boggled. mahira leaves, as khan begum sees all this. She comes to azad and says that every lie disguises the turht, and maybe mahira was shut by him, but now she shall ask if he actually diddnt hurt akram at all. he stands tensed. He then takes her to the garage, while she is boggled. he opens the door of the garage, and finds the car parked inside. she asks why has he brought her here, and asks how shall she find the answer to her question here, and asks whose car is this. She then asks him if this is akram’s car and when he complies, she says that they could be trapped due to this. Khan begum asks azad where is akram, and he stands beside the back seat of the car. She comes to him and he shows Akram stabbed right in the chest, lying dead in the back of the car. She is shocked, and then asks azad if he knows that this isnt a normal dagger, as by this, the person doesnt live nor edoes he die, and says that she gave it to protect himself, not for this. She asks if he knows whats he done. he says that yesterday when he went to get the flower, there was someone else. he remembers seeing akram in supernatural form, eyeing mahira, as she wanders in the garden. He tells khan begum that akram is a werewolf, who stays normal among the humans during the day and gets into animalistic form on the special nights like her. She says that werewolves are those who keep stealthily an eye on someone, from afar, with a motive. She says that he came for kainat, and there must have been a motive for him coming there, and maybe he came for someone. She then eyes him and asks if akram came for azad or her. he says that he doesnt know but he was shocked to see him there. he remembers how he confronted akram finally. Azad says that he didnt want to hurt him intentionally but had no option. he says that he asked akram why does he want to kill the girl. He says that she has come here to take the kajnar flower, and he wont let that happen. Azad says that he is mistaken as she hasnt but he has, and he wont let akram take it away from him. azad says that he shall get it anyhow. Azad says that he just wanted to scare him, but he got into attack mode. he remembers how he took the dagger out and then stabbed him, after a long sequences of fistfights. he says that he was alive, and hence he had to get him here, as if the police found his dead body, the blame would have gone on him. She says that if anyone takes the dagger out, then he would be alive again, which can be fatal for them. she says that this is an evil spirit that came to their house, for kainat with evil intentions, and had they somehow married her off to this man, he would have been family, and that would have been disastrous. She then tells azad that he now knows too that he has the same calibre of strength and the flower too. she says that she needs the powers back, and specially the girl.
Meanwhile, in the outhouse, mahira dresses up specially for amad’s date and goes out excitedly. saira and bano fume and say that they need to teach her a lesson, before she woos azad over too. they decide to ruin mahira’s plans.

As she walks inside tensedly, Khan begum remembers about razia’s warning to find the girl and thinks that she would have to soon fnd out the girl, who carries that special figure. She wonders where would she find that girl in such a big world, with that sign. Just then, in the drawing room, mahira comes inside and slips, due to saira and bano throwing marbles in her way, and then hiding away, exposing her back where the dupatta slides past, exposing that sign. khan begum is tensed, and mahira gets up just inn time, before she can see the sign. Then mahira turns around to go, but just when she does, azad comes in asking whats she doing here. she fumbles while he asks her to leave. She angrily asks why leave, as she has been invited here. before she can clarify, khan begum asks azad whats she saying. Azad says that amad never says what he does, and never does what he says, but at this time, he is partying away with girls. In shock and despair, the marbles, that she had collected fall on the floor from her hands. He asks her not to stand there but leave. She eyes khan begum who too turns away and mahira turns around and leaves, with the dupatta covering the sign.

At Khan’s residence

Khan begum comes to azad and says that there’s something special about her face, and that she is reminded of the past whenever she looks at her. he says that she shouldnt waste time, thinking about such ordinary people. She leaves tensedly. amad comes and azad says that he shouldnt mess around with that girl, and hence sent her away. He asks why is he so protective all of a sudden. Before they can begin fighting, two girls come in and then flirt with amad, taking him out with them, for partying. he leaves amused.

In her room, khan begum is tensed, while latif and gazalla while pressing her legs, keep ranting about her miserable condition. she says that she is very tensed. gazalla points out that if she gets the girl with the special figure, and after killing her, she regains her powers back, and then a pious good natured girl comes along, to give challenge to her evil powers, what then. Khan begum remembers sanam defeating her, and then tells them that the memory of a loss is worse than the loss itself, and asks them not to ever remind it again. She says that had destiny wanted her dead, anand wouldnt have come that day. She says that she came so far and this journey is due to her victory, and that she would find that girl wherever she is.

The next morning, khan begum is shocked as she finds mahira applying some herbal medicine on kainat’s hand, and she cringes that its paining. She reprimands and asks mahira whats she doing, and what has she applied. She says that this is for kainat’s hand to get batter. khan begum says that kainat;s hand has been seen by the world’s best doctors who couldnt treat it. mahira says that doctors dont have the solution to everything but nature has, and she is trying a therapeutic remedy on kainat’s hands, and that wont harm her in any way. kainat says that she has fullest hope that mahira wont talk unnecessarily. Khan begum tells mahira that since kainat believes in her, hence she is allowing, and that she doesnt want the hopes to die out. Mahira assures that she is not the master but has her father’s notes and formulas, which were excellent. She says that yesterday, even the itching on her back subsided due to this. She also decides to show her, but khan begum looks away disinterestedly, oblivious that she bears the special figure, saying that she is least bothered about her pains. She tells kainat that she is going out for some work, and if she can make a lemonade to amad, since he has a bad headache. Kainat complies. Khan begum leaves. kainat wonders how to go, to amad, when she has the medicine on her hands. Mahira says that she shall go and give him, thinking that she isnt interested in meeting him, but still shall go for kainat’s sake.
In his room, amad has a heavy hangover, while mahira comes in with a lemonade. she sulkingly places it on the bedtand and is about to go out, when he calls her, and she wonders whether she should respond or not. she finally turns around, and he pretends to be extremely sick and in pain. He asks if she really thought he forgot his date. she is appeased, and then asks if she actually remembered the date. he says that he did. he says that he should be angry that she didnt even come to meet. she vehemently tells that azad sent her away. He says that dialogues that azad must have said, to gain her confidence and it actually works. he says that azad has always come in the way of his happiness, and he is habituated to it now. She asks if he did it earlier also. To get her emotional sympathy, he says that his past is troublesome, and that he doesnt want to share his past and memories, as they arer painful, and they become a joke when he discusses it. He says that she doesnt know how much azad is jealous of him. she says that she wants to know why is he so weird, as from the first instance, she has found something wrong in him. he meanwhile starts thinking evilly. He says that he might feel protective about this girl, but now he shall turn this girl completely against azad. Amad says that azad doesnt like anyone loving him, as he wants everyone’s attention. She cracks a stupid joke at that, and he is frustrated. Then she composes herself and asks her to go on. he says that azad has even come between them. she is mesmerised by his words. He is amused evilly, as she blushes. he asks for the lemonade, and she gives it to him. She asks him to finish the story and continue. He then says that some years back, he did the same thing with afreen, and azad distanced them too like this. Azad finds mahira and amad chatting up freely, from distance, and is tensed and worried. he wonders why girls stop thinking in front of amad. As she co,es out, he scares her by confronting her. he asks her to stay away from amad. She asks why. he insists without giving a reason. She says that she doesnt listen to anyone for no reason. he says that it angers her. She says that she isnt scared of him, and that he should learn manners instead. Azad insults mahira saying that going by what her stature is, it doesnt seem, that her parents gave her any proper upbringing or gave any good manners. Mahira asks him not to even dare say anything about her family, as she wont stand it. he says that he isnt scared, and asks her to stay away from his family and adds that she cant do anything, while he can do much to her. She asks why does he talk as if he loves his family a lot, as he doesnt and then adds that those who love, dont steal the precious belongings of their loved ones. he is boggled and angry and asks what does she mean. She adds that he stole his brother’s life, his true love and that she knows what he did with afreen. he stands stunned and taken aback not expecting this. he leaves hastily from there, boggling her. he goes straight to amad, who smiles evilly and victoriously at him, as he eyes mahira. he moves past amad without saying a word.

At Undisclosed Location and Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum goes to meet razia, who is angry that she disturbed her in her worship of evil powers. She says that if they work together both shall be benefitted. she says that if she helps her get that special girl, then she can get the powers back, and once that happens, she can help razia get whatever she wants. razia is set to thinking. she asks razia what does she want so desperately, that she is willing to stay in the grave even. razia smiles evilly, and asks her to be patient and wait, as she would know everything with tim. Khan begum is tensed, while razia agrees to help her to search the girl. She is surprised. then they do some black magic ritual, which shall determine how close that girl is to khan begum, who thinks that her wait shall be finally over, as the sooner she gets the girl, she would regain her powers back again. The ritual shows that she is in the same country, and more so, in the same city. khan begum is surprised. meanwhile due to the effect of the rtual, mahira feels that she is being pulled by something, as her legs involuntarily start moving, shocking her. Razia says that the girl is somewhere around her. razia says that if she strengthens her powers and calls them, then she can draw her out in the sunlight, and once she can do that, her reflection would show in the magical mirror, and they shall know who is it. Khan begum asks her to go ahead and do it then. razia closes her eyes to reawaken her powers. This causes huge winds to blow, which make mahira lose control of her own feet as she starts struggling to keep a grip.

At Undisclosed Location and Khan begum’s residence

Mahira is blown in reverse by the huge winds, as she loses control on her legs’ motor movement, due to the effect of razia’s black magic ritual. Khan begum says that very soon they shall be able to see the person’s reflection in the mirror. Meanwhile, in his room, azad is working out, when he sees something and is surprised. he sees mahira slipping weirdly, falling back the stairs, and he makes a mad dash through the corridor, and catches her by the hand, just when she is about to expose herself in the sunlight, by falling. Due to the pull, mahira’s hands fall in the sunlight, and its reflection immediately appears in the mirror. Razia and khan begum wait in anticipation for the full face to be revealed, as they look at the hand. they bear their eyes down and are surprised. khan begum asks why the face isnt seen, and razia responds that some power has saved her. A romantic yet awkward eyegaze follows. Suddenly, the glass shatters, and they both are shocked. raziua says that there’s some power protecting her, as destiny is playing a game with khan begum hence they couldnt see the face. They wonder what that power is. She is oblivious that its her own son, Azad. Meanwhile, mahira recovers and composes herself, eyeing him tensedly. He raises his hand up to caress the curl of hair away from her face, while she is surprised, at this change of behaviour in him, as he actually bears a loving smile on his face. she shyly looks down. He eyes amad enjoying the view from his room, and teasing him. He gets tensed and then leaves thw hand and she falls on the ground, which causes the bracelet in her hand to fall out, and under the sofa. mahira wonders if he is mad, that he saved her to let her fall. As he passes by, amad teaases him that he is happy that he too has developed romantic feelings and that his secret is safe with him. Azad says that he would have done the same with anyone, and was just trying to protect her from falling. Amad teases him and he leaves in a huff. Amad then comes to her and instigates her further against azad, that first he pretended to save, then gave her much more pain. he then flirts with her, and she goes gaga and all over the moon, at the attention. he asks how could she being so smart droop so low, and fall like that. she says that weird things are happening to her, first the itch on her back, and then this pull, and asks him why they dont get azad treated, as a family member. Amad says that only she can solve azad’s problem, and can take care of him, as she knows herbal medicines and forecasts too. he praises her, while she gets all pumped up, as he says that her hands have magic. He asks her to take the challenge, for the sake of him, as if he doesnt get well, he wont be married, anf if azad isnt married, then he too cant marry, even if the perfect girl stands right before him. she shys and blushes and then says that since he has placed so much trust, she would do something. She asks him to promise to not tell anyone.

Meanwhile, Razia laughs incoherently, while khan begum is angry that she is so stressed to find out about the girl. razia says that this game is since centuries, the fight of good over evil, which remains the same, but the pawns change. She is tensed. Razia says that yesterday it was her and sanam, and today its her and the special figure bearing girl. Khan begum retorts what she is then. Razia gets angry and asks if she knows anything about her. khan begum says that she is trying to get something evil and sacred, for which she stays in the grave. Razia asks her not to poke much in her dark desires, as otherwise it shall cast a negative influence on her too. khan begum asks her how she would trace the girl. razia says that she can see the path, but hazy, and needs to clear it up, through silence and time. Khan begum asks her to do whatever it takes, but find that girl. she is tensed. Khan begum asks her if she found the girl. While she meditates, khan begum keeps getting irritated, and then finally razia opens her eyes, and says that she found the answer to her question. Razia says that she found the path leading to her instead. She says that darkness douses in darkness, similarly, brightness too immerses in brightness, and that some good shall definitely draw itself naturally towards the girl. Khan begum hears intently. razia says that the ashes of the flower shall itself be attracted to that girl, as she is a noble soul. khan begum asks how can she be so sure, that the ash shall lead to that girl only. razia says that the game between her and the special girl, shall be decided by destiny. she is tensed. rzia says that she has to play the bet with trust on her destiny, as that girl is extremely close to her, and if the evil wants it, then the askes of the flower shall lead her to that girl, and if she wants to have her powers, she would have to bear the risk of danger. She is tensed.

Precap: Mahira walks on the road, which has the ashes sprayed and suddenly, the ashes start burning bright in golden light, as small pearls of light, and surround her surreally. From a distance, khan begum waiting in the car, is surprised to see that a girl’s image comes on the road, with the pearls of ashes surrounding her, as mahira herself is boggled, and starts to fight to get the pearls off her. She is shocked. Mahira walks on the road, which has the ashes sprayed and suddenly, the ashes start burning bright in golden light, as small pearls of light, and surround her surreally. From a distance, khan begum waiting in the car, is surprised to see that a girl’s image comes on the road, with the pearls of ashes surrounding her, as mahira herself is boggled, and starts to fight to get the pearls off her. She is shocked. Mahira and azad dance sensually on a romantic number, while she is boggled. Later, khan begum has one of the party girls gagged, and then stuffs her face down in the vessel of water, saying for her misdeeds earlier, now she would have to face death. The girl starts struggling, as she is unable to breathe, while khan begum bears her face down under the water. mahira knocks on the door, and khan begum is tensed, while the girl struggles to gasp for breath.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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