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Sanam-2 is furious and says when Sanam forgot everything what was the need for her to remember everything about Ahil. Seems like he cast his spell on Sanam. Latif says well thats Ahils special charm. Sanam-2 fumes. They run out of Sanam-2’s room. Right then Saif comes and says her trouble wont end with fuming on others. Sanam-2 tells him not to come in the mansion without her permission. Saif says came to talk about the cocktail party. Sanam-2 says who cares about that party. Shashi Kapoor comes and says well this party will end all troubles of yours. Sanam-2 says, if only you knew my trouble. Shashi Kapoor says you have only one trouble – Sanam. Sanam-2 asks her how she knows all this. Shashi Kapoor says guessed it and am mayor of Bhopal so had to dig all truth out. Sanam-2 asks what will you do to solve my troubles. Shashi Kapoor says when a person dies, all troubles end so when Sanam will die only you will be left in Ahils life. Sanam-2 asks Shashi Kapoor why she will do this for her. Shashi Kapoor says doing this for my brother. His happiness is in your happiness. Nazia is the biggest mistake of Saifs life but thru this mistake he did one thing right, made friends with u. Our friendship will usher in a new era. The world will fall at our feet. So, aapko meri ye dosti qubool hai. Sanam-2 stares at Saif and then Shashi Kapoor. She joins hands with her. Sanam-2 self thought, qubool hai. Shashi Kapoor says you din accept my friendship, Allah accepted my prayers. I will fulfill my mothers wish. Ahil will die.

Sanam tells Shaad that she understands Shaads anger. She gifted him something and it was a mess. Shaad says not angry just hurt that everytime Sanam tries to do something for him there is some error. The Apple Pie . the jacket. Sanam says dun do all this intentionally. Shaad says know that but other side of truth is one does such mistakes when one is not focussed. Thought that after holding my hand you will forget the past but. He asks Sanam if she is still chasing the past. Is there someone whose memory haunts her. Sanam looks up and Ahil looks at her. He walks away. Shaad tells Sanam that they are getting married and marriage is based on trust. Sanam says agree but its not like that. Shaad asks Sanam what is it then. Sanam keeps mum recollecting Ahils proposal. Shaad says silence is not the answer of all questions. Shaad requests her to spill out her feelings. Sanam keeps mum. Shaad quietly walks off. Sanam self thought, some questions dont need answers. But before all these things mess up, need to make u and myself trust that am yours.

Sanam-2 asks how will all this happen. Shashi Kapoor says ask Ahil to sing. All will be lost in his song and Sanam will feel tugged to him. His voice will pull her to him. Send Sanam to the room and my man will shoot her and escape. Sanam-2 asks what if someone doubts us. Shashi Kapoor says not possible. We will be at the party with others. Sanam-2 says so all will be busy solving Sanams murder without knowing we hatched the plan. Sanam-2 thanks Shashi Kapoor for solving her problems. Shashi Kapoor says am solving my problems. Sanam-2 excuses herself. Saif says dont understand your plan at all. You wanna kill Ahil then how will you when he will be singing. Shashi Kapoor says my step brother is a heartburnt lover. Songs on his lips and death will be perfect match. She says have electric guitar for Ahil. Will connect high voltage wire to it. Ahil will die and no one will doubt us. This new guitar is Sanam-2’s gift for Ahil. She will be blamed and we will be safe. Saif smiles saying ‘Maut ka guitar’.

Sir Juda calls Shashi Kapoor again. Before she can take the call, Saif comes to her and asks her to come with him to check the guitar. Shashi Kapoor says nothing should be missing from my step brothers party. Shashi Kapoor leaves her cell behind and goes away with Saif. Shaad is walking past her room and notices the ringing mobile. He picks it up and notices its Sir Juda calling. He is in shock. He says this is the same man whom the world is trying to get rid of as he is the king of terrorism. Knew Shashi Kapoor had backing of someone big. So some connect between the Mayor of Bhopal and Sir Juda. Will expose all.

Sanam is in the alley and runs into Ahil. They look at each other. Sanam keeps mum. Ahil asks her if she is fine. Sanam says you should have thought about it before ruining my life. Coz of you i cant look at my hubby in the eye. Am lying to my hubby coz of u. Every relation is based on trust but thats breaking coz of u. Ahil says how can u blame me only, how u know Shaad isnt lying to u. Sanam says heard there are people who stoop so low but seeing today for first time. Ur talking crap about my hubby in front of me. Try all u want, but my love for my hubby wont diminish. He is the only truth of my life. Mujhe agar kuch bhi yaad hai to woh has sirf mere shohar. I love him and it will never end. Today will prove in the party how much i love my hubby.

Ahil prays to Allah that in this fight between heart-and-head when the head wins, a person loses all. Before Sanam, in her anger, confesses love to the man whom she doesnt love, i need to make her realize that only i am in her heart. Right then Sanam-2 comes to Ahil saying, a persons stubbornness can ruin their life. Here u and i both are stubborn. Lets see how this ruins u or makes u. U believe ur love so much, will break that belief in tonights party. Will make you see how Sanam doesnt remember anything, neither you nor ur love. U wanna remind Sanam of ur love, well go ahead. Sing for her in the party. Maybe ur voice will reach her heart. But dont think that will work. Ur love is extinguished from her heart. Ahil says if thats the case then in tonights party, Sanam will be with me. Thats my promise to you. Ahil walks off. Sanam-2 smirks, Sanam wont be close to you, she will go far away from you. First your love will be insulted then killed off. She laughs.

At Ahil’s residence

While sanam is trying on dresses for the cocktail and asking for shaad’s opinion, he is too engrossed in copying juda’s contact and other details, from shashi’s phone, who is berserkedly searching around in the house, for her phone. Meanwhile, ahil rummages through his stuff, and finally retrieves a pic of him with sanam in happier times. meanwhile, the new bride gets gazalla and latif to an evil task, asking them to anyhow spoil the traditional dress that sanam plans to wear. they comply. While sanam enthusiastically talks to shaad, he is lost in shashi’s thoughts, and walks out, ignoring her. Sanam is boggled at his behaviour. Shaad confronts shashi, with the phone, saying that he knows very well how to unravel secrets. He walks out. She is frustrated, as to how shaads has messed her life. she says that after she finishes ahil, she would get to shaad too. She gets juda’s call again, and is very irritated at that too. she rejects the call.
In her room, sanam too is tensed about the complications of her lovelife. Just then, gazalla and latif come in and try to get her to understand that marital strifes are common. While she distracts sanam, latif puts the steaming iron on her dress. Sanam is oblivious of this, and then suddenyl gets the smell of something burning, and turns around in shock to find her dress torn. she wonders what she shall do. The new bride comes saying that her heart and mind are in different places. She sayss that she is overthinking of shaad, and that she just made a mistake. Sanam says that she is tensed as to what to wear. The new bride gives her the packet that she says contains a dress that ahil has sent for her. Sanam rejects, while the new bride says that she understands her hesitation, but it doesnt matter who gave it to her, but the matter is who is she going to dress up for, tyhe love of her life, and her husband, shaad, and then requests her profusely. sanam agrees for her sake. She then leaves amusingly. sanam eyes the packet frustratedly.

The new bride is very happy at the irony of love. She thinks that ahil shall fall so badly in sanam’s eyes, that even when she dies, she only has disgust and hatred for him in her eyes. Ahil eyes the pic saying that he has only loved her with such passion, after having hated her with such fervour. She taught him the true meaning of love, and then he was a changed man. He says that after she sees the pic,sanam shall be reminded of her love for him, and their intensity and then he sdhall leave to destiny that she comes back to the true love of her life. Sanam however resolves seeing a tensed shaad that some love stories are incomplete even after having been married, she wont let that happen to her marriage. She says that tonight she shall come so close to shaad that noone shall be able to separate them. meanwhile, shaad is determined to end all evil tonight, and that he shall defeat shashi kapoor this time for sure. Shashi meanwhile thinks that her life is a game, in which she has always won, and that tonight, she shall not only win, but ruin everyone else, so that she cant say that she didnt fulfill her promise, and that tonight her mother shall avenge her death. Meanwhile, juda too thinks that he shall establish his supremacy and show shashi who’s the boss.
Shashi meanwhile in the evening begins to entertain guests, waiting anxiously for ahil and the new bride to come. When they do, he thanks them for their hospitality, inwardly thinking that she shall rightfully become the heir of the house. She asks ahil about sanam and shaad. the new bride says that she too is waiting for them. meanwhile, sanam fidgets in front of the mirror, as she wears the modern one piece flowing gown that she thinks ahil has selecetd for her. she curses ahil. meanwhile, shaad takes the revolver thinking that now he shall put an end to shashi’s terror. sanam tries to clarify that she has no other option, but shaad gets a call, and casually asks her not to bother at all. he asks her come along, as she is getting late. 

At Ahil’s residence

Finally, shaad and sanam descend down the stairs, and ahil instantly cringes at the western attire that sanam is wearing, much to the amusement of latif, gazalla and the new bride. Ahil is furious as to what she is wearing. He goes to the bar, and then orders for a special drink, and the bartender goes to get it. She comes and gives a long lecture as to why she ios wearing this dress only for shaad. ahil tries to show sanam the pic. She turns around frustratedly and the pic falls on the ground, upside down. Sanam eyes it tensedly. At the bar counter, Sanam stops ahil from drinking, habituated by memories of the past, and ahil is overwhelmed. She asks him not to profess the love like that and asks him not to show off. he says that even today, his wife doesnt like his drinking.

Sanam meanwhile takes an isolated place to correct her zipper. The new bride turns around and then says that the zip is completely okay and maybe she isnt habituated to wear such clothes. She then gives sanam a drink, that she deftly got laced with some medication. Sanam complies silently. the new bride asks her to go to the washroom, after she has taken her drink. She complies. The new bride thinks if she is not conscious, then how she would know her dress is opening up. With dress, her dignity will also go down. And when that happens, she will hate Ahil more. She will lock herself in a room where her death is already waiting for her. Ahil will only get her hatred even after she dies.

Precap: At the bar counter, Sanam stops ahil from drinking, habituated by memories of the past, and ahil is overwhelmed. he later takes the centrestage with a guitar, and starts singing, dedicated to sanam. later, ahil tries to show sanam the pic. She turns around frustratedly and the pic falls on the ground, upside down. Sanam eyes it tensedly.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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