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Sanam says she took Ahil away from her, and she shall take her life from her, by killing her. Sanam-2 lurges ahead, but sanam throws her, saying that she destroyed her life, and married ahil by betrayal, sold off her sister, made ahil believe that she is dead, and that her sister is dead too, tried and take shaad away frm her, and finally snatched ahil, her love from her. She asks the new bride what will she do now, as there’s no reason for her to be alive now, and when such a thing happens, death stops scaring a person, and that now she just wait and watch what she does to her and her companions, as the countdown begins for them now. the new bride says that she or for that matter, nothing can kill her, as she has evil powers. sanam says that she has godly powers, that defeats everything, and the true power of love, as it never dies, and that its power doesnt end too. Sanam says that everyday shall be a new death, and with every death, she shall see her end coming near. She swears that she wont spare the new bride. the new bride says that she shall kill her before that, and gags her. But sanam throws her away, unclasping her hand. She hits her head and when she turns back, she finds sanam gone. She gets bersekr, and starts tearing the curtains, and screams for latif and gazalla, who rushing come to her. She orders them to go and find sanam, while she is frustrated wondering where is she. Then her eyes suddenly fall on, the opposite corridor, wehere sanam stands, facing her tensedly. The lights go off, and sanam escapes. the new bride goes after her, and hits her leg on the vase which breaks. when the lights come back on, Sanam is on the first floor’s balcony, breaking all possible glass bottles she gets. Sanam breaks pots, glass vases, and other ceramic vases into small pieces and sprays them on the floor. The new bride sees this and rushes up ther stairs to get to her. her heel breaks and she starts walking barewfoot. she lunges ahead to grab sanam’s throat, but sanam ducks just in time, and the new bride loses her balance and falls naked feet on the broken pieces, and hurts the base of her leg terribly. sanam is amused and asks what happened, that she is whimpering at such a small pain, and that this is nothing compared to the pain that she shall give her. the new bride glaots about her evil powers, and asks her to think who is she talking and threatening. She says that it isnt easy to kill her. the new bride eyes the glass pieces, beside which sanam stands. She crosses the path, with bleedingd feet, as pieces of glass crush undferneath her feet, and grabs sanam’s throat. Sanam unclasps yet again. She pushes the new bride and once she is at a free fall, sanam clasps her hand, and holds her midway, saying that she wont be given an easy death, and that she would be tortured to die, as she would be scared always, and that her time would end when she wants. Sanam leaves. the new bride is shocked and scared too. latif and gazalla are shocked to see the whole scenario, with broken glass pieces. the new bride says that for the first time, she has seen such guts in her, and wonders how did this happen. Gazalla boasts that she would get sanam rightaway and present her to the new bride.

Sanam, under the shower, says that she accepted whatever the lord handed out to them, but she knows tjhat evil cant win over the good in this world. She swears that from this day forth, all of her concentration is directed towards avenging, the revenge for herself, her husband, her sister, and her mother and father, and her friend, towards the betrayers, and that shall be her true salvation. She says that till now she has accepted every decision of the lord, but now she would have to seethe lord accepts her decision. 

At Greavyard

While sanam pays grief and homage to ahil’s grave, a peer baba comes and comforst her asking her to be strong. She says that she has no reason to be. she says that she is unfortunate that she didnt give the respect her husband deserevd, being the nawab of bhopal. She sys that ahil helped thousands of people when he was alive and in his death not even foure people came for mourning. He asks her not to be disheartened, as man comes and goes alone from this world, and what remains behind is just memories, of that person, which remains in the hearts of his true lovers, just like ahil. she requests the baba that she wants something and then adds that she had promised ahil that she would be with him always, and couldnt be with him while she is alive, but wants that when she dies, she is also buried beside him. He asks why is she making such a request at such a young age, when she has her whole life ahead. She says that she has no motive to live on, as all happiness was snatched away from her, and hence wants this promise. he complies, and then asks what she wants. she says that she wants revenge but wants to search shaad first. he asks how would she do it. She says that she has become indifferent to greif, and now her life has only one purpose, thats to kill her and her husband’s criminals, who shall definitely have to pay for their sins.

At Ahil’s residence

Gazalla and latif go crazy with excitement as they notice bundles of notes in the room, flying all around, unexpectedly. they thank the lord. They are suddenly shocked to see sanam standing in front of them, with a knife in her hand. they apologise profusely saying that they didnt do anything, as the new bride forced them by scare and also because of her black magic. they express regret at what happened to her. she asks them to speak something in the next 30 seconds that she likes, or else be prepared to be dead. they start praising galore. They say that they shall do anything she says. she says that she shall put their faith to test, and asks where is shaad. they say that they only know that she took him somewhere. They also tell her that the new bride is planning something big tomorrow. Sanam says that she is leaving, but if someone asks, they shouldnt tell that they saw her ever, and reminds that she wont stand betrayal. they feel scared by both the sanams.
Downstairs, murtaza eyes the new bride leeringly, who vents out her frustration at his bog mouth of self praises and actually working very weak, that he couldnt even finish one task he was assigned. he asks her not to explain him the work, and that he could kill her even for talking to him like that. He again says that they both are dead. she says that she saw sanam, but he refuses to believe, saying that sanam wouldnt have spared her then, and maybe she has gone mad in her husband’s death. she calls gazalla and latif, and ask if she saw sanam. remembering the actual sanam’s threat, they deny having seen sanam at all. the new bride hollers at them, and they say that they saw. Murtaza screams at them to be clear. they seem confused. he says that he wont listen to her nonsense now, as she isnt sure, and leaves. the new bride is angry at them, and they rush away.

At Shashi’s residence

While saif and nazia take a stroll in the gardenb, while she says that she has to show him something, he is least interested to be with her. She hows him his new bike as a birthday gift. he immediately gets excited. He hugs her and thanks her profusely for the gift. she is happy for him. he rushes to check the bike. She asks him to give a feedback about the same. he starts praising the bike, and its traits. she hears patiently, and is impressed. They decide to go on a test ride together.

Saif asks shashi how is she so sure that nazia shall wear this jacket to the convention tomorrow, and whether she shall believe her or not. shashi says that she has everything planned, and that patience shall pay, as now she listens to everything she says, do whatever she says, and go wherever she has to go.

While the guards heavily guard shashi’s residential area, sanam taking ahil’s name, gets in the enemy camp, and hides behind a pillar, and then eyes a burning candle, and sets some dry leaves afire at a distance and the smoke alarms the men on guard. they get involved in checking it out, while sanam takes this chance to sneak past them stealthily. she tries to find her way through the haze of the smoke, and then collides with one of the men, but he doesnt recognise her due to the smoke. She deftly opens the door and sneaks inside. sanam wanders through the mansion, trying to find a trace of shaad. she hears a lady’s voice, and heads towards there. Shashi says to saif, while stitching the bomb to nazia’s dress, that once nazia gets past the security check at townhall, they shall come back. shashi says that the convention shall start at 9:30, and thats when they shall trigger the bomb on nazia’s clothing. she says that the minute she pulls the trigger, the explosion shall happen after 30 seconds, proving her cause. Just then, sanam comes. Sanam hears them both, from behind the curtains, as shashi glaots that shashi shall become famous, after the townhall incident, that noone would dare to be near her. Sanam wonders whats this big incident that she is planning. she says that after such a big victory, there shall be a deservant celebration. her celebration shall start with shaad’s death. sanam is surprised to hear this.

In the shed

Shaad is untied and given food. He doesnt comply. They put a pistol at his head, when the leader leers that he is here to solidify relations between the warring country, and hence needs special care. They make him lie down, and then forcefeed him water through the funnel, while shaad resists. the leader warns him to be resilient, as had he not got orders to keep him alive, he would have killed him long back, but he needs to be awake to see the city going to ruins tomorrow, when nazia goes as a human bomb and blows up the convention. Shaad throws them off with a jerk, and gives some blows, and enters into a scuffle. But one of them hits his head from behind, with an iron rod, and he falls on the ground unconscious. They tie him back up.
Inside, the men take pics of an unconscious shaad, while amusingly commenting that they shall post his pics on the internet after tomorrow’s blast. They leave. when shaad wakes up from his dizzy state, he finds a candle burning alight on the table at a distance. he gets an idea and tries to free himself somehow, and get close to the chair. Slowly, dragging his chair, inch by inch, he gets closer. Finally, shaad picks up the burning candle through his mouth, and then tries to burn his ropes. 

At Shashi’s residence and In the shed

Saif hurriedly moves out, while sanam wonders where have they hidden shaad. Meanwhile, Shaad burns his ropes somehow and makes an escape, wearing murtaza’s jacket, after one of the men find out that he is missing, and he knocks him unconscious with an iron rod, as its the only way out. The men get on the search see shaad coming right in front of them, who claims that he is the lookalike, Murtaza. they are baffled, but apologise nevertheless. shaad asks them to keep an eye on the shaad, as he is very clever. they comply. just then, the guy he had knocked unconscious, comes back, asking them to go after him. he walks past them with confidence. when the men go into check, they find shaad gone, and understand that it was the real shaad they met. They call up shashi, who is frustrated and hollers at them, that the first thing he shall do is go to the police station and then crash at the conference tomorrow, to spoil her plans, and asks them to nab him before that at any cost. sanam hears this and is relieved. Meanwhile, Shaad finds shashi’s men guarding the police station and thinks that he cant enter the station right now, as it isnt safe.

Meanwhile, Saif presents the jacket to nazia, who is skeptical of wearing it. But on shashi’s insistence, she dons it. Sanam wonders why are they forcing nazia to wear this jacket so much, and deduces that something is amiss. They both compliment nazia galore, and ask her to wear this at the conference tomorrow, where everyone is wearing a similar jacket. nazia complies. Sanam leaves from there, worried and tensed.

At International peace conference and ahil’s residence

The guests start arriving, while sanam is dressed as a waiter, wanting to find out, whats going on so tremendous at this conference, that shaad would come here to stop it. she decides to meet shaad so that things can be clearer. Sanam accidentally spills water, on shashi’s feet, and she gets angry. before shashi can see her face, she bends down to avoid being seen and then turns around. shashi hollers at her for not apologising, and without turning around, she dons. Shashi reminds her that she is the mayor, and asks her to look at her in the eye, and then apologise. sanam thinks that if she does so, her plans would be ruined. She doesnt. Just then, the manager comes and apologises citing that this girl is new. The manager then hollers at her to get lost. she hurriedly leaves. shashi enters fuming. She goes inside. the manager then reprimands sanam for this mistake, and fires her, while she keeps pleading that this is direly needed for her. But they dont listen and she has to leave. she wonders whats shashi’s plan. Just then, shaad enters, and she wonders if its shaad or the lookalike. She tries to ask the security guard to let her speak to shaad, but they dont listen and throw her out. she frustratedly leaves.

The new bride meanwhile is irritated that murtaza doesnt believe her. she wonders what to do, and then calls shashi, to let her know. but the mayor is too busy, responding to the press questions, hoping for a better relation between pak and india. Shaas meanwhile walks around, thinking that he would have to search jannat somehow. shashi casts her eyes at shaad walking past and is baffled. shaad thinks that the bomb is in nazia’s jacket, and hence all people have worn the same kind of jacket, to delude the guards to not let them know anything or suspect anything.meanwhile, Shashi meanwhile indirectly gives a message to saif, through her comment, to go after shaad but he doesnt understand. she wraps up her press meet and then rushes to take care of shaad. The new bride then dials saif’s number, but he too cancels. She wonders why are both not receiving the call. shashi and saif gather their men together.

Outside, sanam thinks that she has to reach to shaad anyhow. she changes her attire, and gets in the queue of visitors, but then finds that she doesnt have an entry pass and steals it from someone. He reports it to the guard but sanam has already gotten inside by then. Shashi and saif inside tell everyone of their men, to get hold of shaad or else their plan shall be ruined. One of the guards come and tell that a woman has come inside without a pass, referring to sanam, but they dismiss him off, saying that its a man. they dont believe the guard and send him off to find shaad instead.

Meanwhile, in the lounge, Nazia wonders why have they called her here if they had to be this busy. sanam spots nazia and then is about to go to her, when she stops seeing saif. Nazia says that she is feeling very hot in the jacket, but saif keeps giving an excuse. this again alarms sanam as to why are they insisting nazia to keep the jacket on, and think that something is wrong. meanwhile, shaad finds sanam in the crowd, and is happy to see her alive. He is about to go to her, when he finds shashi’s men around and stealthily leaves from there. shashi is happy to see nazia and hugs her. Sanam hears their talks from a distance. shashi and saif again insist her not to take the jacket off. Nazia complies. Sanam is boggled. shashi and saif evilly smile. sanam decides that she has to go after nazia to tell that something is about to happen. Shaad, in the balcony thinks that he would have to tell sanam about nazia being a human bomb, but wonders how to get to her. Shaad finds sanam standing in the queue of visitors, and then finds a writing pad, and scribbles a note, and then folds it and is about to holler at her, from the balcony, when he is stopped, as an injection is given down his throat by razia, and he immediately doses off into unconscious state and falls on the floor. she thinks that shaad isnt capable of ruining her long due efforts. she ducks him inside a stretcher serving table, and carries him obliviously, away. But she doesnt realise that the note has fallen off. Shashi expresses her concern to razia regarding shaad, and is told that shaad isnt a concern anymore. shashi and saif are super amused and think that now everything shall happen to the plan. She says that they have come for death, but not theirs, as they shall have to leave by the right time. shashi meanwhile eyes the note kept on the floor, and gives it to the waiter, to dispose it off. He complies. nazia waits to get entry in the line. sanam, a little behind her, tries to get to her, but is asked to step back in line. She is tensed. The note is kept on the waiter’s plate, and as he walks past the visitor’s queue, it sways off, and falls right on sanam’s feet. sanam eyes the paper note on the floor, tensedly. 

Precap: Sanam thinks that those who burn in the fury and fire of revenge, no fire can burn them, but it definitely burns everyone else involved. Later, Sanam calls up shashi, who is dressed as the mayor, and tells her that the bomb laden jacket that she had given nazia to wear, isnt there at all. Shashi hurriedly and tensedly asks where is it. The alarm beep of the bomb starts ringing, and shashi is told that the bomb is in her house itself, as the sound is coming in her house only, and that its in shaad’s jacket. shashi is scared and with terror, eyes the jacket kept on the bed, casually. Shaad tells shashi on the phone, that her plans are coming to an end, as in the end definitely, the good has to conquer over evil. She is frustrated, while he is happy. meanwhile, murtaza turns around and finds sanam, and decides that he shall finish his unfinished task rightaway. he puts out his revolver, and sanam ducks away giving him a jerk, and takes this chance to run away. But murtaza catches up from behind her, and then grabbing her by the hair, drags her through the house.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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