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Mahira talks to Latif, when they discuss about how royal and elegant the khan family is, when mahira mutters except for azad. She then cracks a joke about his birthday being on Independance Day, given his name. Latif gets scared when she spots someone, and signals it to her. when she turns around, she finds azad glaring at her angrily. Latif escapes. mahira however confronts him saying that he needs to calm down his look, as she isnt scared of him and his monstrous look like everyone is. She then is tensed about her blurtung out about him being a monster. He eyes her sternly.

At Khan’s residence

Khan begum is irritated, while all lure over Anand Kumar’s dialogues. then they ask about his daughter and khan begum says that she is getting ready. kainat comes out of the room, dressed in a bful suit, and azad and amad praise her galore for her beauty. they assure her that everything would be fine. she drapes the dupatta around her paralysed hand, saying that her father told to hide her weakness. Azad reminds her that she has no weakness, as if he took her hand function, then she also got a bful heart. kainat remembers mahira telling her this, and tells azad about this. Amad teases that azad can only copy. azad gets tensed, and asks kainat not to talk with mahira. They get her down, while all happily welcome her. they compliment on her beauty and anand kumar prides herself. Mahira is about to get glasses when her phone starts incessantly ringing. They all get tensed, while azad and khan begum are furious. Gazalla takes the tray, and mahira goes inside with the phone. Saira and bano reprimand her for being so careless. She sends a message, but before she can, she gets a call from a troubled listener, saying that she is pregnant and is doubtful that her boyfriend is betraying her, and says that she shall send his pic rightaway. just then, Latif comes in saying that all is good outside, and hopefully the relation shall be fixed now. mahira goes out. saira and bano fume, that they are still unmarried. The groom’s mother likes the girl. Mahira gets the pic of the guy n the phone, while khan begum finalises the relation and then asks the maid to serve sweets. latif and gazalla rush to get it themselves. they hand the plate to mahira, from whom gazalla takes. The ladies and men congratulate each other, while mahira gives a thumbs up to kainat. They get to deciding the date of the marriage, while mahira gets the pic and then a call again. Amad gets emotional and says that he shall miss her. Azad too blesses her, and mahira is surprised and thanks the lord in relief, that there’s na new expression of smile on the monster’s face. Khan begum says that they shouldnt delay the marriage. As mahira eyes the pic, she is shocked to find that its the same guy who has come as kainat’s prospective groom. The groom says that before elders, he wants to promise that he shall always keep kainat happy, and be forever hers. Mahira remembers the plight of the caller. mahira is shocked at his lies, and how he is deceiving both the girls, and wonders how to break this bitter truth, and that she has to do it, for kainat’s sake, as she cant ruin her life, after knowing the truth, and decides to do it. She is about to get ahead, when azad confronts her, asking where is she going. she mumbles, and he asks her to speak up, and go from here lest her phone distracts them. She overhears khan begum and anand kumar deciding for the engagement tomorrow. Azad breaks his attention asking what happened. She eyes the glass jug, and says that she needs to serve water. He asks her to do whatever she wants, but not create trouble. he leaves, while she fumes at him. Anand kumar and the groom’s mother say that now they can socialise. but the groom denies saying that his upbringing and mannerisms wont allow him to interact with kainat before marriage. All commend his good nature and sense. mahira meanwhile is angry at his double face and hypycrisy. Mahira says that she wont let kainat’s life be spoiled, and decides that she would do it rightaway, when both the families are here. She is about to go ahead, when she collides in the table, and almost falls, while the mobile flies out of her hands and inside the glass jug. All are shocked. kainat is tensed, while khan begum and azad are angry. mahira is shocked to see her phone in water. saira and bano are very happy as they knew she would botch up some way or the other. Mahira composes herself and the vase. azad asks her to get lost, while amad is amused. Khan begum is frustrated. mahira dips her hand in the jug, and tries to take out the mobile, much to everyone’s shock. She leaves with the jug,.

In the kitchen, mahira takeas out the phone, cursing herself how could she do it. She finds that the phone isnt switching on, and remembers that the number and the pic were saved in this phone only, and tries to see the memory card if there’s a backup. latif comes, and she requests her to give the phone, so that she can check her memory card. Mahira is shocked to find that the card isnt working in latif’s phone either. latif says that she knows how to dry the phone perfectly. She asks mahira to go and serve water, while she takes care of her phone. mahira thanks her and leaves. latif asks her to be careful or else she faces aZad’s ire.

As mahira comes outside, she is tensed to find that everyone is gone, after having exchanged greetings. she overhears azad telling kainat that he always knew a prince charming would come for kainat. amad again teases him. khan begum shuts them from fighting, and then hugs and blesses kainat, and makes her wear the heirloom bangles, saying that she has the fullest faith that akram shall keep her happy. Mahira is distraught, wondering what to do, as she cant escape not saying the truth. saira and bano are sure that mahira shall botch up again, and this time around, she shall be out of the house. mahira goes to them and asks them to listen to her. Kainat finds her tensed, and asks if she wants to say something, and asks whats the matter. mahira finally speaks up hesitatingly. Azad asks her to speak up clearly. she then decides to blurt it out. mahira suggests to khan begum that this guy isnt right for kainat. all are shocked. Khan begum and azad reprimand her for even having the audacity to speak in their internal matters, and how dare she talk like this, when she doesnt know of the khan’s family background and their royalty, and the relations that they have with other people. Azad asks her how dare she ruin this for kainat, when for the first time in her life, she has got this happiness. kainat seems upset too. khan begum says that she tried to do that which she shouldnt have done. mahira tells the call of the distressed caller. Khan begum asks her to even think once whats she saying and in front of whom. Khan begum says that she has tried to black shadow her daughter’s happiness, and asks her to stay in her limits. Azad and amad ask why does she talk like this, when she doesnt know anything. mahira still manages to have guts and replies that since its kainat, thats the exact reason why she is so vehemently saying this. They are all shocked. mahira explains everything, and then also blurts that the distressed caller is pregnant due to akram. this shocks the wits out of everyone. khan begum's shocked face is seen, as she turns around and finds that akram stands in the doorway with his family. Others too turn around and are shocked. 
At Khan’s residence

Akram’s mother taunts khan begum, if this is what happens in their haveli, that the maids insult rich and famous people. She says that they too know that their daughter has been rejected by many guys, but they didnt make an issue out of it. She says that they do know what kainat hides behind the dupatta. they are all shocked and distraught. Azad and amad get furious, while mahira stands tensed. Akram’s mother goes upto her, and takes off the dupatta from kainat’s hand exposing her paralysed hand, while she is mortified with embarassment and in tears. Khan begum is distraught. she is taunted further that they agreed only due to her name, but not anymore. khan begum says that they dont know mahira, and they shouldnt punish kainat for her. His mother asks akram to come along and leave. Azad stops them, and they turn around. he tells them that they shall not go anywhere, as if anyone has to go, its mahira. mahira requests a chance to speak up. he asks her to stop, as she has said enough. Amad asks to let her speak once. But khan begum shuts him saying that he shouldnt speak in the elderly matters and go inside. he angrily goes inside. Mahira vehemently tries to convince them. Akram asks how can they stand his and his family’s result. Mahira tells that they can check her phone, as the girl sent this guy’s pic too. Akram and his family are tensed. She takes them all to the kitchen. Latif is happily gorging on the icecream. mahira asks latif to speak up. gazalla asks her about the phone. Latif says that she put it in the microwave to dry up. they are all shocked, while mahira is apalled, that she did something so foolish. Just then, the phone blasts inside the microwave, and mahira eyes her burnt phone, as she opens the oven. Akram’s mother asks mahira if she has a new conspiracy to implicate akram. Khan begum nudges azad, and he asks mahira to get lost. Mahira says that the girl is Zohra, and that they can retrieve the call list from the company. Azad says that its enough, and now she shall have to leave. mahira asks them to verify it once. Azad grabs her by the hand, and takes her out, while mahira desperately tries to remember the number. Akram and his mother stand tensed. she asks azad his phone, to prove her point. He complies. They all wait anticipated as she dials the number, and it starts ringing. But no one picks up. Akram asks what is she trying to prove by dialling a random number. But she gets a call back, and zohra identifies herself. Mahira is emboldened and asks her about her boyfriend’s name. and they all are shocked when she says that its sartaj. all are furious, while kainat is relieved. Akram remembers how he saw his own pic in the mobile when it fell in the water, and instantly got to action. Mahira asks why did she say she is pregnant with her boyfriend Akram’s child. Zohra refuses it all. They are all furious and kainat is boggled. akram smiles evilly, as he remembers calling her from the outside, cajoling her saying that he is meeting a girl to fulfill his parents’ wish, but he shall marry only her, as he loves her, and they are sirirng a child together too. She smiles. he traps her, saying that if she gets anyone’s call, she should deny about their relationship altogether. he smiles at his mother. She asks akram how did mahira get the pic. He says that he doesnt care and says that he knows zohra shall be quiet and he shall marry kainat, for the riches. Thats why when mahira calls up, Zohra says that she didnt send any pic. Azad cancels the call in disgust. mahira says that maybe the number is wrong, khan begum signals azad, and he says that her drama is over, and asks her not to be here tomorrow, and if this girl is seen, then saira and bano shall go too. they are tensed. He asks mahira to leave tomorrow, as he cant stand her in the house at any cost. Mahira distraughtedly tries to convince them of her point, but they dont see it. azad says that her drama has been enough, and now she shouldnt be allowed to stay even for one second in the house. mahira turns around helplessly. saira and bano are amused. the groom’s mother says that its good that this girl is thrown out of the house, as is isnt good to be so lenient with the maids after all. Mahra is apalled as she walks out, while kainat is boggled. khan begum consoles her. Azad angrily slams the door shut on her face, as mahira confronts them with tearful eyes. she is in uncontrollable tears.

In the night, khan begum and anand kumar are super furious at the dining table, about what happened, and how a petty maid insulted them like this in front of kainat’s prospective family, saying that this has never happened before. anand kumar says that he doesnt know what would have happened had hey rejected kainat due to it. Azad angrily begins to speak, spewing venom. Amad asks him to chill, as he takes his seat too, saying that it was entertaining. azad says that kainat’s life could have been spoiled, and he finds it entertainment. Azad and amad enter into a verbal scuffle yet again, where amad retorts back, to ever angry statement of azad. Kainat intervenes their fight, as they compose themselves for her sake. They are prepping for tomorrow’s engagement. khan begum says that she doesnt want anything to go wrong tomorrow, at any cost. She says that tomorrow is a big day and a big night too. Azad assures her that nothing shall go wrong at any cost.

In the outhouse, mahira is frustratedly packing her bags, while venting out her anger at how stupid the family is, that they cant see their own child is going forward to their life being ruined. she is sad that she is leaving the haveli. she remembers that her father taught her always to help the weak and desolate, and then says that noone is believeing her and she has no other option but to go. She also remembers that her father told her to keep her self respect intact. She wonders what to do. Just then, instorm saira and bano too angrily vent out her frustration at her, and throw her out of the house with her stuff. mahira asks where would she go at this time of the night. but they angrily go inside, leaving her stranded. Mahira is apalled as she eyes the lord, wondering where can she go. She takes her suitcase and then begins to walk out of the main gate.
The next day, Khan begum dresses up in grandeur, saying that the story thats been ongoing for 25 years shall finally end. khan begum says that tonight her daughter shall be engaged, and tonight itself, the blue kasjnar flower shall also blossom, which when she touches with her hands, she would regain her old powers and glory forever. she smiles evilly. She says that once she gets her powers back, she shall spread evil and destruction.
At Khan’s residence

Khan begum is dressed and asks gazalla to ensure that nothing goes wrong today. gazalla gives this instruction to latif, who passes it on to saira and bano. later, Akram arrives with his family. Khan begum and anand kumar welcome them, while they taunt that they have a huge family, but were hesitant to bring them here, after the weay they got treated yesterday. Khan begum gets tensed. She vehemently says yes, when asked if they threw the maid out. Akram enters with his family, who his mother proclaims that they brought in only 11 members. gazalla finds that she has brought 12 members instead of 11, some of them burqa clad. One of them is mahira, who is certain that she wouldnt let Akram marry and ruin kainat’s life, and shall definitely expose them infront of kainat and her family. She says that there must be some message, pic or call, that confirms his connection with zohra. finally mahira descends down the stairs, with her friends. Mahira meanwhile stealthily makes her way closer to akram. As the engagement function is on, khan begum says that they should get the rings out. Just then, Mahira meanwhile comes in the disguise of a burqa, and stealthily tries to steal akram’s mobile frm his pocket. But azad draws him away oblivously just at that moment, and she steps back. Anand kumar continues with his dialogue delivery, as a hero, even in his normal routine, and gets emotional saying that he has acted enough, but this is a first time for her. As saira and banio serve food, mahira hungrily takes a plate, joking about it. They think that it felt like Mahira’s voice, and meanwhile, she goes aside and gorges down on food. but in her attempt to eat hungrily, she starts hiccuping. she is given a glass of water, and when she finishes it and turns around to thank the person, she is shocked to find that azad gave her water, and in scare she throws the glass on the ground. she apologises. Azad asks if she is okay. She is scared and doesnt respond. He wonders who is this, and why was she behaving like this. Mahira mingles with the other burqa clad ladies. She wonders what shall he do now. He wonders how to identify, and if he should raise everyone’s burqa. She thinks that he shouldnt even think about that, as he would get bitten badly. Finally, unable to make a choice, he leaves. Mahira makes her way again close to akram and his family. She disguises her voice as akram’s aunt, and fools akram and takes his phone and goes out. he is tensed. meanwhile, she starts surfing through the pics, and finds that it only contains his pics. but while surfing, she comes across something that shocks her. she stealthily, connects it through the USB cable to the big screen. Akram meanwhile begins to look around for the lady who took his phone. He comes to the burqa clad ladies, and asks them about his phone. The aunt that he refers to, vehemently deneis that she didnt take the phone. He is boggled. She denies that he didnt take it. he wonders who took it then. 

Precap: Azad and amad angrily grab akram, asking how dare he betray their loving little sister. Azad gets angry and says that he shall kill him, and strangulates him intensely, while amad too angrily gives him a blow on his face. kainat meanwhile is composed and supported by khan begum, as she breaks into tears, distraught and apalled. Later in the night, while its getting late in the full moon night, azad finally spots the Blue kajnar flower, in the wilderness of the jungles, and progresses towards it eagerly, to grab it. He is however oblivious that mahira meanwhile too is wandering around in the same area.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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