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Azad lays her in the room of the barn again, while she screams horrified that someone comes out to help her. He assures her that he is right here. she remembers how he hadnt paid heed to her cries. She asks him not to pretend now, as he wasnt there when she needed him. he thinks that he cant tell her even if he wants to. she asks him to speak up, and asks him to go as she doesnt want to see his face ever again. he eyes her tensedly. Mahira reprimands azad to go and sleep only, as she saw today how insensitive he is, that he left her to be killed and ruined outside, while he was easily dosing off inside. he is tensed and finally asks her to shut up. She asks him to realise what could have happened to her, and says that she shall go. he asks her where would she go at this time of the night. she says that she shall stay with wild animals as thats far safer. he angrily walks out, that its better she stays alone. She reprimands herself only for scolding him too much. Outside, he angrily vents out his frustration, that he saved her, and she is lecturing him only. he says that since she is so interested in being alone, then so be it.

In the barn, mahira wonders if azad went actually, and is boggled, that after such anger, he must really be gone. She tries to assure herself that she isnt scared of being alone, wherein actually she is, as strong winds start blowing. She wonders how azad became so obedient all of a sudden, that she asked him to go and he left. Khan begum enters just then with razia. Mahira doesnt see them, turned away from the doors, and in anger, she presumes that its azad, and tells him to come and not make a dramatic scene. Khan begum asks razia who is she talking to. razia asks what difference does this make, and opens here hand to reveal sme sort of powder, as in sometime, she would be silent forever. mahira meanwhile says that since he doesnt want to come up, she only shall come, and apologise too, since he wont. but just as she gets up, razia sprays the powder, that she gets in her eyes, and falls unconscious on the floor. they both eye her tensedly. Khan begum asks why did she wait so long, if they just had to douse her. razia says that patience is required if motive needs to be attained, and asks why is she so scared opf this girl, as this girl doesnt even realise what that special figure is, and what can it do. Razia asks her not to waste time, and finish all the black rituals. They eye her. Khan begum comes ahead.

At Barn in the jungles

As mahira lies unconscious, Khan begum checks the figure on her back, saying that she wants to double check, since the last time she killed an innocent. razia says that she is destined to kill and asks her to get to it. Khan begum approaches mahira with a dagger, while razia instructs her to kill mahira now, and end all. Khan begum lifts the knife to give a fatal blow. Just as she is about to kill, razia hears jhanjhariya’s voice and the anklets ringing, and stops khan begum from stabbing. They duck from there. razia thinks that its good that khan begum didnt hear the sounds or see jhanjhariya, or else she would have known her intentions.

Outside, azad waits in the car, and says that he has waited a long time for her, but since her ego is so huge, she can stay with it alone in the jungle. he drives off in anger. Azad enters in the barn after sometime, and finds her asleep, and thinks that he was mistaken to assume that she must be scared to death sitting here all alone. He says that he could have gone, but didnt quite feel right about it. He remembers his past moments with her, and wonders whats happening to him, as if he is with her, then he is tensed with her, and if he is away, then he is tensed for her. She turns around in her sleep, and her hands falls on his. he eyes her awkwardly yet lovingly, as she clutches tightly at his arm. he wonders what to do, as she is in deep sleep, and doesnt feel like waking her up. he too lies beside her, with his hand on hers.

The next morning, as sunlight falls on them, azad wakes up, and caressingly eyes mahira fast asleep, a lock of hair, on her eyes. he gently wafts it away, her hand still in his. he eyes her lovingly, but then gets tensed as he remembers his helplessness last night. he reminds himself that he cant be safe for any girl, particularly not mahira. he asks himself to waive off all emotions that he has been feeling lately. he decides that he should stay away from her. he gently takes his hand away from her clutch, while she shifts in her sleep, as that wakes her up. she wakes up and doesnt find anyone, and wonders if she was alone all night, and how he didnt even come to watch over her once. Sh brands him as insensitive. She then decides to go home alone too. as she opens the door, she finds him waiting by the side. she starts fumbling, and he callously tells her to thank the garage fellow who got their tyre changed. he then gives her chewing gum, and she again starts her funny banter. he gets in the car and they drive off. She eyes the chewing gum, and wonders who eats gum in the morning. she says that she wants to talk about what happened last night. he remembers holding hands, and asks her not to mention it. she says that things need to be talked and sorted out. she says that a person should apologise, if it feels like that. he remembers caressingly pulling her hair away. he asks if she was in her senses the whole time. They dont realise that its a misunderstanding. she says that when he came close…and he hurriedly asks what. she says that she remembers everything, but doesnt know why she was babbling. he realises that she was talking about something else. He is relieved. She asks if anything else happened too. He fumbles and says no. she asks when he came back. he says that somewhere in the middle of the night. she asks why he didnt come in and sleep then. he says that she is talking as if she is his…..She asks what. he doesnt reply. She realises the awkward moment, and then distracts with another topic, that he should put his good body to use. he remembers beating the goons, and wards off her advices. they drive off.
At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum and razia arrive back. she fumes that she would stab tyhe knife, once she sees her again. she eyes the knife, and finds it breaking down into pieces. they both are surprised. Khan begum asks what happened to the knife. Razia says that it spoiled itself due to the failure. khan begum says that her blow wouldnt have been in vain, had she not stopped her. Razia says that she heard people coming. she says that she would killed that person too. razia asks her to be alert, as anyone came and that would have interfered with the ritual. she asks what if mahirta was awake, and she saw her, and once she ran away, would she have been able to find her back so soon. Razia tells her that mahira is a mere servant, and asks her not to be tensed too much, as she would have to return back to the haveli. Khan begum says that she doesnt have the magic knife too now. razia says that even an ordinary dagger would do. they both step out. Khan begum goes inside tensedly. After she leaves, jhanjhanriay comes again, swining her anklets, and razia thanks her for alerting and saving her just in time. She says that khan begum is playing her game, and now she shall play hers.

The next morning, khan begum waits impatiently eyeing the door. amad comes and asks that he looks tensed. she doesnt respond. he says that she must be waiting for her beloved son, who didnt even bother to tell her where he is and when he would be back. amad taunts khan begum, about her love for the affectionate son, Azad, who is getting all concerned for the maid, while she is worried dead for him. she is surprised, and frustrated with his banter too, and asks him to stop babbling about his brother. to make her believe, he shows him the door, and she is shocked to see that azad and mahira are chatting up in the doorway. amad eyes him victoriously. he teases by singing a romantic number in her ears, and says that they seem a match in heaven. he leaves. she thinks that this cant be, as if azad has started taking an interest and liking the girl, she would have to kill mahira asap. she says that if the likeness turns into love, then he would do anything to save this girl, as love teaches rebellion.

At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum is shocked to see mahira and azad chatting up. she waives azad off, and leaves. azad comes inside.

In kainat’s room, Amad talks about azad and mahira’s budding romance, and kaninat gets excited but refuses to believe it. He emphasises that even khan begum too witnessed the love in the air, and how azaad is totally in love. she says that she would be most happy. he asks why is she happy. she says that she is happy for azad, as she likes mahira a lot, as she is different, but perfect for azad. he asks if she is serious. she starts talking about how the world seems bful, when they look through mahira’s eyes, as she sees it through the heart. she says that her innocence is reflected in her eyes, and azad would be lucky to have her. She says that if azad’s heart beats for mahira, then he should go ahead and marry her, if he likes her. azad hears this from outside the room, and is tensed. Amad thinks that he wont let this happen, as the way he took afreen from him, he too shall snatch away mahira from him, so that they have equal share of pain in their lives. Azad thinks that fate has started a new chapter of him with mahira, and wonders what lies in the fate of this chapter now.

In his room, azad lovingly reminisces his moments with mahira, and smiles. But then he says that this cant be true, as its just a story of one night, and with his fate he cant expect to fall in love, since he cant ever bring his truth before her, as his truth is that of darkness, which never comes in broad daylight.

At Azia’s hideout

While razia is praying, khan begum comes and she is asked if mahira cem. she says that she has, and now she wants to kill her at any cost. Razia says that it isnt that easy, as when one attempt goes in vain, a price needs to be paid in the dark world of magic. khan begum says that she has put her life at risk, and hence her life too in in danger. she says that she is willing to do anything. razia asks her to leave it to her, that she shall tell her, when and how to kill her. She tells khan begum that the rate at which mahira keeps dying, at the same rate she starts regaining her powers back. khan begum says that she has full trust on her. razia tells her that her work is done. Khan begum leaves. jhanjhariya makes the sound of the anklets, and razia mysteriously comments that she is there even when she isnt, and tells her to go and kill mahira nowshe gives khan begum a packet. She asks her to go and catch mahira’s soul and get to back to her, by killing her. Then razia comments that mahira’s death approaches and laughs evilly.
At Khan begum’s residence

In her room, mahira is tensed, thinking that she has always found solace in her father’s book and hopes that this time too it shall help her. she says that she has lots of questions regarding Azad, and hopes they are answered. She opens his book, and finds a taveez, remembering how her father gave it to her to keep her safe, and hence asked her to keep it with her at all times. she wonders how did this taveez protect and how it shall protect furthermore. She wonders what would the taveez do, and resignedly takes it. meanwhile, jhanjhariya’s silhouette is seen approaching the room. in the washroom, mahira wonders if azad svaed her, as he was right in the morning, and then wards it off, saying that he seems a big show off, and would have gloated definitely, had she been saved by him. She is still confused though. as the taveez lies on the slab, she starts to wash her face with splashes of water. just then jhanjhariya’s hand through dark magic, with a swift movement makes the taveez fall away from her on the ground. then her hand is shown to approach by the basin tap, as she takes some water and splashes it on mahira’s face, catching her off guard and startled. mahira immediately opens her eyes but doesnt find anyone. she is scared and tensed, as she looks around. meanwhile, the tap starts running with blood, or red coloured fluid. Mahira with her closed eyes doesnt notice, and keeps splashing her face with it. when she opens her eyes, she eyes her face, with blood on it, in the mirror and is shocked. She starts screaming in horror, calling her sisters. they come, and find that mahira is completely normal. She starts telling what happened. when saira and bano show her in the mirror, she is shocked to find everything completely normal. In their dupatta, saira and bano obliviously also drag the taveez too out with them. mahira walks out, but doesnt notice the blood from under the basin. jhanjhariya stands beside it.

In her room, khan begum calls razia who shushes her, and doesnt listen to anything, and tells her that she needs to be patient as she has already sent jhanjhariya to take care of mahira. Khan begum is surprised but doesnt say anything.

In her room, mahira is working when she hears the sounds of anklets, and then starts shouting who is there. She tries to go through, but saira and bano get scared. mahira asks why were they clanking their anklets. They ask her where was she last night. she is about to say, when she again hears the sound of anklets, and tries to draw it to their attention. but they say that she doesnt want to work. She leaves. But while they are plotting against mahira, they too hear anklets ringing and are boggled. She comes inside the house, mahira comes and confronts azad, and says that she had a nice time yesterday. He thinks about the dual stories that he has, one that mahira knows and one that she doesnt, and hopes she never gets to know. Meanwhile, the blood also starts following after her in a trail, forming a puddle as she stands facing azad, who eyes her tensedly. he leaves without saying anything. She wonders why his eyes speak a thousand times more than his words, and how his look at her is weird to. she is oblivious of the blood pool. While walking she collides into amad, who irritably asks if anything happened between her and azad. she says that nothing happened in the night. He says that he never mentioned the night, and asks if anything happened. she again denies. He asks why is her life so boring, and uneventful. she cracks a joke, but he is irritated, and taunts her that if nothing happened, then there’s the possibility of something happeneing. they both dont realise that the blood pool is getting closer. he asks her to get some juice for him in his room. she leaves hurriedly. he says that he doesnt know whats happeneing, but knows that if azad wants her, he would never allow that to happen. Mahira walks oblivious of the blood trail after her, which khan begum watches from the balcony, thinking that soon mahira’s grave shall be dug here.

Precap: Khan begum places her hand on mahira, who has her back turned to her, thinking that she has waited for this special girl for 25 years. mahira turns around. she says that now her death shall be the reason for khan begum to live on. On khan begum’s touch, mahira starts turning into stone. mahira tells khan begum that she is turning into stone, but she just stands there smiling evilly. mahira screams for azad. Azad rushes but till then mahira is turned into stone, while khan begum watches on. azad stands confused with the two.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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