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The new bride’s voice speaks out, that destiny plays weird games, and that she got landed a second oppurtunity when destiny came knocking at her deathstep. Sometimes, destiny won, and sometime she had the upper hand. but finally,. she got the better of destiny, and carved her own fate. She says that since the last 25 years she and her destiny have been playing these games, and much has changed, and that she married again, to Nasir Khan, bollywood hearthrob, and had two sons, and a beautiful daughter. she says  she started a new life, but with some old characters, latif and gazalla. gazalla asks her about the new sanam, and latif asks her not to ask about sanam, but the Khan begum instead, as she doesnt like the name. they both wonder where she is, and begin to search around.

The new bride is in her room, with a complete makeover, with a parrot by her side. She says that there was a time, when people spoke exactly what she wanted to hear, unlike today. She eyes a box kept in front of her. She gets down from the sofa, and eyes her wrinkled and shrivelled feet, and gets disgusted and quickly hides them with her clothing. she goes to the box and opens it. Inside is sanam’s dupatta, and she remembers yet again that day she got stripped when sanam jumped down the cliff. she wonders if sanam thought that taking away her powers, she changed her fate, as what she took from her, she would regain yet again, and this time, her two sons would be there, but there’s no one with her. She clutches sanam’s dupatta, and with the same venom and avenging tone, she says that sanam is dead and she is still alive, and she would love to see who can pose a threat to her existence now and change her destiny.

At Khan’s residence

the new bride thinks that even if sanam left on her own will, she is now helpless as nothing can destroy her, and that she is alive, and noone can defeat her now. A girl stealthily arrives in the new bride, Khan Begum’s residence, and it turns out to be sanam’s lookalike only, bearing startling resemblance to sanam, seher and zoya, probably MYRA, who eyes the house sternly and boggled, with the same figure of eight on her neck, while clutching at the same place’s address in her hands. she finally opens the main gate, while the new bride breaks the mirror, with a vase, in her frustration of sanam having stripped her of her powers. the girl takes her suitcase and walks inside. One of the maids comes out asking who is there, and is surprised to see Myra standing before her, who hugs her, asking how is she. they exchange greetings, while myra says that she is very happy to see her, while the maid teases her, and eyes the suitcase thinking that she has totally come here to reside. She tells myra that she works here, and she and syra stay in the outhouse. She tries to pick the suitcase, but myra asks her not to, giving her jolly joke, about picking up the entire house on her head when she was young. but the maid isnt amused, and turns around to go. myra follows with her suitcase, and then the maid, 

Bano goes to call syra, in the outhouse, who is also very surprised to see Myra suddenyl. they are tensed to have to host her, and ask why this sudden visit. She says that after her father died, she thought of coming here only, as her father too wanted that the three sisters stay together. She says that they maybe stepsisters, but still they have much love. they remind how mean they were, to get rid of her, but she takes it in a jolly mood, and then announces that she got a parttime job in a weekly newspaper in bhopal, regarding horoscope printing. They are fuming while she continues to crack the silly jokes, like sanam and zoya. They tell myra, that after mother died, Khan Begum gave them shelter and all amenities, in lieu of hard work, taunting that they dont have myra’s luck, to get everything without having to do anything. They hurry to get the food ready for dinner. They remember that they havent cooked food. Myra jumps to defense, while they are hesitant. She assures them saying that now that she is here, she would handle all their work, and find them wonderful husbands. they arent the least amused. They leave to tend to the household chores. Myra smiles.

Meanwhile, inside the haveli, gazalla and latif cater to the new bride, as she descends down the stairs, in full majesty. She goes to nasir, eyeing his own pic, saying that the dream is long hazy that he still sees. He however proudly says that gems dont fade with time, like he himself. she says that she has him in her hand. He says that he cant be captured. In their verbal spat, suddenly his daughter comes offering to get water for her father. he happily agrees. She goes, and tries to pour out water with one hand, while its revealed that the other hand is paralysed, and she is unable to get it to function. she is distraught as she isnt able to get the water from the jug into the glass with one hand.
Meanwhile, an unknown person in the dark shadows is busy carpentering. The daughter outside, is unable to get the job done, and the glass falls on the floor, smashing into pieces, which shatters the person’s attention in the dark room. Downstairs, Khan begum rushes to her defense, addressing her as Kainat, asking if she is okay, and isnt hurt, as she got scerad for her. While Khan Begum tends to her, Nasir Khan comes in rudely and abruptly jerks away the Begum (the new bride) from the lady. She is shocked, and asks how is he talking like this, as she is her mother. He says that he is merely khan begum, as if she had gotten time from beautifying herself, she would have realised what are her motherly duties. He says that she may have sired her, but she isnt her mother, as its a bloody difficult job, and that he got her off the roads, and gave her everything, but forgot that royal things and class cant be imitated, as its inherited in the blood, and not given as a beggar. he continues to insult her, while gazalla and latif are surprised too. That same person, who is Begum’s son, comes in asking Mr. Nasir that its enough now. Nasir asks him if this is the upbringing he has got, that he addresses his father by his name. he says that he has learnt manners from his mother, but to forget them when necessary, he learnt on his own. nasir taunts him, and Begum for the wonderful upbringing, that she has given his son. The person points out what a wonderful upbringing his is, that the woman who he should protect, he is busy insulting her before everyone. he says that nasir shall have to apologise, if he wants him to keep remembering his upbringing and manners and not do anything upsetting. Finally, Khan Begum addresses her son, Azaad, asking him to stop. He clenches his fists in anger. nasir is angry too. She asks Azaad to stop, and takes his hand and walks out with him.

Outside, before she can speak, he says that the reason nasir misbehaves with her, is because she bears all of his torture,s taunts, insults and atrocities quietly without any repurcussion. she asks him to control his temper. She asks him if he wants to see her happy. when he complies, she asks him to get the Blue Kajnaar flower, as if she gets it once, all her problems shall be solved, remembering how sanam broke the crystal ball. she says that his father shall start loving her and his sister’s hand shall be okay. He gets angry and slams his head on the marble monument kept. She is shocked. Kainat comes rushing asking why is he so short tempered, and she is sure that he must have hurt himself. he says that he is fine. she says that she is scared of his anger. he apologises that he wont do anything that scares her, and hugs her.
In the outhouse, Myra looks out the window and marvels at the majesty of the grand haveli, cracking a joke. she obliviously thinks what good natured people must be staying here, and asks the lord to bless them. 

At Khan’s residence

Mahora looks at a pic wrapped in a cloth, of her father and is very happy. she again amusingly jokes how handsome he looks in this, and does a perfect imitation of her father. she thanks him for having learnt the wonderful training from him, even though she cant be a foreteller nor a homoeopath, and that its no big dfeal, as she hails from a tradition of foretlling, and through his books and notes, she shall learn and earn name and fame in this field. She then rummages through her stuff, and finds her apparatus. Myra wanders in the garden, and finds that its a full moon night, and remembers that she had to take its shots and study at various angles, the movement of the moon.

Meanwhile azad and kainat relive their childhood memories, of counting the stars, as they see the moonlit sky. they happily banter lightly, amused and revelling each other’s company. She then gets emotional thinking that the moon has a stain, just like her eeferring to her handicapped hand. Azad caresses her face. she gets up and leaves inside, upset. He is tensed as he eyes the moon. both mahira and azad eye the moon from their angles. then she gets up to take a closer view. She however doesnt realise that in the wake of doing so, she is fatally close to a livewire, hanging right above her head. As the clock strikes almost twelve, azad thinks that its time for him to go inside. He turns to go, but gets tensed at what he sees. 

Azaad notices mahira under the livewire from a distance, but also is tensed as he remembers that the clock is about to strike twelve. But he throws caution to the wind and rushes to her defense, drawing her away, clutching her hand tightly, as she is taken aback, as they both watch the live wire hanging right in front of her, as it drops down. She is shocked and scared. Its barely five minutes left to twelve, and he lets go of his firm grip on her hand, and then rushes inside. She turns around to find him gone. he hastily rushes inside towards his room, and barely makes it in time, just as the clock strikes a final twelve. the new bride finds him running towards his room, and comes out of her room tensedly. He slams the door from the inside. She is relieved and thinks that azad went back to his room at the right time, and thanks the lord profusely for this. meanwhile, mahira composes herself and walks off. Inside, khan begum caresses kainat’s handicapped hand with much emotions, as she sleeps on the bed. She also notices the bruises, and apologises to kainat that she is trying hard to regain her strength back, but the day she comes back to full glory, she would cure everything, and maybe she is getting weaker due to the dagger inside her heart melting, and she is dying, but she is sure that before it happens completely, azad would get the kajnaar flower, that would help her get her powers back, and then she shall cure her hand completely. Khan begum remembers sanam’s words and says that her past shall not overshadow her future, as her future shall be as she envisioned it, and not what sanam wanted. 

Outside, Myra stands in front of the main door, hesitates for a second and then rings the doorbell, and waits for someone to open the door. Inside, khan begum is boggled as she progresses towards the door to open it. When she opens it however, Khan begum is shocked, as mahira greets her obliviously with a smile, unknown to the deep rooted connection between them, seeing the past stand right in front of her eyes. mahira eyes her in amazement seeing her grand lifestyle, the way she is dressed royally. 

Khan begum meanwhile stands puzzled, and mahira introduces herself, and then comments profusely at how bful she is looking and asks if she can take a selfie with her, and without waiting for a response, she comes inside the house, while khan begum clenches her fists. She takes the selfie, while khan begum is baffled. But the maids come and introduce mahira as their sister. Khan begum knows that she has come from dehradun to stay with them only, and tells mahira that she has seen her somewhere. the maids say that this isnt possible, as she has lived in Dehradun always. 

As mahira continues to crack her stupid jokes, her stepsisters are irritated at her over bantering. She is thoroughly boggled, as this sudden twist of destiny. They try to ask the khan begum hesitantly, that for the party tomorrow, they could use an extra hand as a maid. Khan begum eyes her tensedly. Mahira is surprised, and waits for her reaction. khan begum turns around and leaves for her room, while mahira watches her go, as she too turns back and glances at her. gazalla and latif come out and see her too, shocked. mahira wishes them, and they are shocked at the striking resemblance. 

Gazalla talks innocently about her braces, while latif talks about her beauty. latif notices the red marks on mahira’s hand, and asks how she got. she is taken back to that man, wondering who he was, and where would she meet him again. they all leave, retiring for the night, as mahira looks around the haveli in awe, and thinks that its good that she would help the maids, and start her life afresh too in this haveli, which she happily accepts.

At Khan’s residence

An unidentified, handsome male, takes a refreshing bath in the swimming pool inside the house. He identifies himself as Khan begum’s second son, Amad, who portreays himself to be a casanova for girls. As he comes out,. all the girls start swooning over him, including mahira. Khan begum comes and all are scared and run away. Inside the kitchen, saira and bano try to burn sanam’s hand but she ducks out just in time, obliviously. they fume. latif comes and asks all the servants to come along, as khan begum calls them. once they come, khan begum gives orders to everyone, saira to put white flowers, bano to put white drapes, and latif to thoroughly clean the room. gazalla tries to reign over them too.`Khan begum informs them all that kainat is very special to her, and that people are coming to see her for hr prospective match. the maids say that mahira shall do exactly what she is told to do. khan begum is tensed. inside the kitchen, the evil stepsisters put mahira intentionally to the task of cleaning azad’s room, and intentionally give her wrong directions, so that she falls flat on her face. they also remind her to return his watch. mahira eyes it.

While amad is gymming out side, Azad comes and asks him why he came to his room. he taunts him that he came to see a strange animal like people go to the zoo. azad asks him to stop fooling around, and tell. Amad says that he took his car keys. azad asks how could he do that, as he clearly knows that he doesnt like anyone coming to his room or touching his stuff. He asks him to apologise, while amad casually gestures and teases him regarding the same. Azad is furious, while amad teases him. Azad angirly says that he is letting go of him, only because he is his brother. Azad turns around tensedly, amad gets tensed and he makes a stinging remark, about him conveniently twisting relations to suit his mood, as he did with afreen. Azad gets angry, and says that he wont bear anyone calling her name, except for him, as he clutches at his throat. Amad says that she loved animals, but not so much, that she loved him,as she only loved amad himself. They both get into as verbal scuffle about the girl, when amad callously points out that she would have decided herself had she been here, but isnt courtesy azad. Azad says that if he waits for a little longer, then he shall have to see his mother shedding tears for her younger son, which he doesnt want. he leaves, while amad is angry.

Precap: An unidentified, handsome male, takes a refreshing bath in the swimming pool inside the house. Meanwhile, Mahira enters azad’s dark room, and finds a diary, and tries to pick it up, and read it, but azad comes in just then, and snatches it from her hand, asking her to get lost. She is scared and shocked at this intense reaction. Mahira enters azad’s dark room, and finds bottles of blood of various groups, in the almirah. Then she finds a diary, and tries to pick it up, and read it, but azad comes in just then, and snatches it from her hand, asking her to get lost. She is scared and shocked at this intense reaction. she is about to go out, when the door closes shut itself. she turns around boggled, to confront an angry azad..

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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