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Mahira is tensed to see this. Amad comes and asks about khan begum. mahira instead asks him why he lied about being a scorpio when he is a libra. he flirts, while azad goes angrily. he continues to tease azad saying sorry, adding that being the birthday boy, he deserves to be forgiven. Azad leaves angrily. Amad asks mahira to look for khan begum. she goes. Amad meanwhile has her own vicious plan.

Later, khan begum has that girl gagged, while she is scared, and she is told that she would end all her miseries and then end her life too. Khan begum eyes her angrily and then stuffs her face down in the vessel of water, saying that for her misdeeds earlier, now she would have to face death. mahira meanwhile goes through the corridor, trying to figure out azad’s horoscope, boggled and puzzled. The girl starts struggling, as she is unable to breathe, while khan begum bears her face down under the water. mahira knocks on the door, alongwith being surprised at the gurgling sound, wondering what is it, and khan begum is tensed, while the girl struggles to gasp for breath. She finally draws the girl’s head out of the water, while she is breathless, still gagged. Mahira is about to open the door.

At Khan begum’s residence

Mahira is about to open the door, when khan begum opens it herself, watching her tensedly. then she asks her whats the problem, and mahira says that amad was searching for her. mahira tries to peep through, thinking that she heard something weird from inside the room. she stands outside boggled. while khan begum shuts the door. She eyes evilly the girl’s dead body, saying that for 25 years she has been fighting this war, and today she finally won over sanam. but one look at her still decaying skin, makes her wonder how is this possible, as its the same bracelet. when she doesnt find the figure on her, she thinks that she killed the wrong girl. she wonders how she got the bracelet then. she again sets to searching that special girl. she comes down, and finds everyone gone, and thinks that this cant be, as destiny cant be that rude to her, and wonders where that girl could be. While mahira is working in the drawing room, scrubbing and cleaning the floor, with her back exposed, khan begum stands at a distance, oblivious of the fact that the girl she is looking for so desperately, is actually standing in front of her. she is tensed and leaves. mahira murmurs to herself, that khan begum and azad are equally brutal. she remembers azad choosing her, and wonders why she was chosen from all the girls. She says that she felt his eyes hid some pain, and he isnt what he seems. she remembers about having made the herbal ointment, and thinks that if she doesnt administer it today, then she would lose its effect.

In his room, azad reminisces his nice moments with sanam, from their first meeting and is lost, tensed and worried too, as to whats happening to him, and why does he keep thinking about that girl, and think this isnt right, and he shouldnt think like this about the girl, or anything else even. mahira approaches his room stealthily, and finds him asleep. She thinks amusedly that he does sleep with peace, and then thinks not to disturb him, and then think she should keep the herbal medication hurriedly, and prays to God, that he doesnt wake up from his sleep. She starts applying it on his forehead, while he sleeps. She think if this works, then his breaths sounds would increase, but feels that it isnt like that. she checks with her fingers, over her nose, and then is boggled, wondering how is it possible. she then decides to check the heartbeat and places her ears next to his chest, leaving over him, trying to listen intently. Suddenly he wakes up, and finds the ointment on the head, while she stands up scared and tensed. he asks her whats she doing here. she makes an excuse that she came to check on him. he asks why she felt that need. she is at a loss of an answer, and asks her whats her interest in him. she tries to engage him in banter, about his horoscope thats very rare, as normal people dont have it, and maybe he isnt even a human after all, as its very unique. She says that he is very special. he gets tensed. she says that he might look tough and villanous, but he is a hero from inside, very kind hearted, innocent like a child, and an angel with a pious soul. He asks her to leave. she says that she isnt scared of him, and lying, but actually her studies show that he is very different and far form being evil. she talks about how the ointment would have made his heart and breath be faster, but it didnt happen. she asks him to check for himself. He sdtands tensed. As she insists, she topples, and falls on azad, as he too falls on the bed. An awkwardly romantic eyegaze follows, as she lies atop him. then they compose themselves, and stand up again. worried, he asks her to leave, while she says that she can help him. he says that noone can help him. she is boggled, and insists. but he takes her by the hand, and throws her out of the door, and locks it from inside. she keeps saying that she isnt lying, and has studies his horoscope. but he doesnt listen. They are oblivious that their hands are at the same place on the opposite sides of the door.

In her room, khan begum is irritated with gazalla and latif overreacting to the murder, and she clarifies that she made a mistake of marking the wrong girl. They say that she should have checked for the figure atleast. she taunts them and then asks if the work she had assigned is done. latif says that its done, and then she is told to get rid of the body along with gazalla. they get to doing it resignedly. khan begum walks out, keeping guartd, while latif and gazalla drag the dead body, from the corridor and across the hallway. When mahira reacjhes the corridor, she finds wet patches all over, and wonders why is there so much water. Mahira arrives in the hall, just when gazalla and latif have pulled the dead body out of the house. Mahira however follows the trail of water. she goes outside.

While in the garden, in the late hours of the night, khan begum waits impatiently with the dead body, gazalla and latif are all tired. she asks them about the spade, and they tell her that they forgot. She orders them angrily to go and get it. mahira oblivious of this, following the trail, approaches in the garden too. she starts walking carefully right to where the dead body lies. She is boggled. But her feet collides into something and she falls. khan begum is shocked when she finds mahira having slipped on the floor, her spectacles on the floor, at a distance away.
At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum is shocked as she finds mahira lying next to the dead body, trying to search for the specs. Mahira gets up but in unable to see anything, and grabs blindly for her specs, and finally finds them. She finds her bracelet in turn, and then her specs too. she wipes them clearly, and then wears them back. as she turns, she doesnt find anyone there. She wonders if there’s anyone there but noone responds. she wonders how the bracelet reached there, and who was it who came home in wet clothes, and then disappeared. she makes her way back to the house. khan begum, hiding behind a different tree, is relieved to not be seen, but tensed that she lost yet another chance, to find that special girl.

The next morning, While all are in the hall, amad tells everyone, about that girl’s disappearance since last night, and shows the last selfie that he clicked with her at the party. khan begum comes with gazalla and latif tensedly, shocked as she remembers the murder. he says that he didnt know her that well. She asks him not to be tensed, clarifying that she was in her room, as she had a headache. She asks him not to worry, as she must have had a hangover. mahira asks if she can see this photo, and when she does, she looks at khan begum knowingly, and she is scared too of mahira’s response now. Mahira recognises the bracelet, that she got in the garden, which she is now wearing. khan begum asks mahira how she got the bracelet. She responds that she got it in the garden, and there was some girl, who she couldnt see clearly, and is about to tell that its her. but before that, khan begum says that it must have definitely been that girl, who must have reached home by now. Mahira is worried, while she is asked to resume back to her chores. Khan begum thinks that she might have killed the wrong girl, but she is sure that she saw the right girl at the party last night, and thinks that she would have to check all the invitees yesterday to get to that girl. she says that she would go to any length and pay any price for it.
At Razia’s hideout

Razia asks if she realises what khan begum is about to do. She eyes her hair, wilting away, and thinks that she can do anything to defeat death, and is ready to pay any price to be alive. Razia warns but she is too sure. Razia hands her a wooden box, and says that the evil spirits shall help her. Khan begum says that now noone can save the special girl. She smiles evilly.

At Khan begum’s residence

In her room, kainat asks mahira if she is sure, and mahira says that she is absolutely sure. kainat says that she is still tensed, as its amad’s birthday, and even khan begum doesnt know. Mahira says that she wont deny her even when she gets to know. she manages to convince kainat to do what she wants her to do.

Khan begum enters her room, hastily, assured that noone saw her coming inside, and douses the lights to ensure that noone knows she is inside. she lights a candle, and thinks that the evil spirit that she has today can lead her to do things unimaginable to everyone. She opens the box, to reveal a shining dagger. she takes it out and then stabs herself in the chest with it, as she remembers razia showing her the dagger, and telling her that once its touches her body, she would die, and for 15 minutes, her soul can go anywhere for the next 15 minutes, in which she can go anywhere where she normally cant, and when 15 minutes are over, she shall return back in her body as the dagger comes out, and also warns that if she delays taking the dagger more than 15 minutes, then she wont be able to reenter her body, and shall forever wander around as a lonely soul. she stands stunned and then falls on the ground, with the dagger in her chest. her soul gets up from the body. her soul says that she didnt just place a bet, but placed her entire life on a bet, and that after 15 minutes, she needs to return back to her body, and in this time, she would either get her special girl, or else she shall become a lone, wandering soul forever. she goes past the door, and walks down the stairs. Amad comes up and moves past her, as he isnt able to see her. she is amused, and then goes down. She finds latif, gazalla and kainat, all are unable to see her, and is confident of the success of her plan. she walks past them. kainat thinks that she felt someone just passed by and asks if anyone felt it. but they deny. She then finds a crowd of ladies, with mahira, and wonders whats happening and who are they. She says that she doesnt have time to waste, and moves out. but then she comes back shocked yet again, as she finds the special figure on the back, while mahira stands. she is amused thinking that destiny is overly favourable for her, as the girl she is searching for, has herself walked in the lap of death. she starts progressing, trying to make her way through the crowd, to get to the girl. but stops shocked, as she finds that a lady comes with the Holy Quran, and wonders who got this prayer sermon arranged. All sit down for the prayer service to start, while she gets tensed and uncomfortable, as she hears the holy chant, feels the hole smoke, that makes the entire environment pious. Kainat sits to pray too. her soul is thrown away, due to the impact of the holy spirits, outside the house, and the doors shut. She is unable to open the doors, as she is thrown away yet again. Khan begum is extremely tensed and worried, that her body lies inside, which she needs to get to, and she stands outside, as the doors are shut, extremely sure that she saw that special girl. she wonders what to do.

In his room, azad laments at the life that he has been given, which is extremely disgusting, and that he lives in constant fear that if he tries to get too near to anyone, and they know the real truth, then it shall create huge problems. He thinks that all he wanted was to cure kainat’s hands with that flower, but he failed in that too. he feels defeated and depressed about his condition. He is tensed that he always has to live in solitudes. azad goes out of the room, and walks in the corridor.

Outside, khan begum finds saira and bano coming towards the house, from the outhouse, to go inside the mansion. She thinks that this is the right time, as she can go inside with the both of them. But they start pondering that inside its going to be boring due to the sermon and wonder whether to go in or not. they decide that they dont want to work, and go back. They leave. Khan begum is frustrated. khan begum stands irritated and furious at the delay, that if she doesnt enter the house, she would lose everything forever.

At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum is tensed to get back in the house, in time. As the prayer service is over, she comes inside, just when the door opens, and all ladies go. mahira sees them off, and feels that someone just came in, but isnt able to see khan begum’s soul. Her soul is however very agitated at the women leaving, when she rushes out to look for that girl, with seven minutes remaining. But as she goes out, she looks back inside, and again finds mahira with he rback towards her, and talking to four other ladies, and is surprised to see that special figure on her back. Azad comes inside khan begum’s room, and then is shocked to find her dead body, and is horrified and distraught, rambling that she cant do this, and just because she didnt trust him enough that he could get her to have her powers back. He wonders how could she kill herself and how could she leave him alone. meanwhile, khan begum comes inside the house, and then finds mahira with her back exposed. she moves forward to find out who’s the girl. Just then, azad places his hand on the dagger to pull it out. he takes it out, and instantly her soul lets out a scream, as it disappears and takes it place back in her body. azad is completely boggled, as she wakes up asking who pulled the dagger out. she is visibly upset at having lost the girl barely by a few seconds. he asks her to tell whats the matter while she asks him to shut up as she shall explain later. She rushes out, and finds the same girl going out, with two other ladies. she reaches out to her, but finds that it isnt the same person, as she doesnt have the mark. they aare surprised. she makes an excuse and then rushes back inside. kainat finds her like this, and wonders whats boggling her. Even mahira, who is wearing the same clothes, and is coming out of the kitchen is tensed to see her like this.

In her room, khan begum sits tensed, as amad comes in, and she thinks that its azad and says that she doesnt feel like talking right now. He identifies himself, and says that azad being restless, is headed for the farmhouse, indefinitely, as he always does, when he is upset. he then asks her to give him attention, for one day atleast, as its his birthday. she asks him to go, as she isnt in the mood right now. Kainat comes in and asks her if she is okay. Amad starts playing victim that everyone is cared for except for him. She asks him to leave. He does so angrily. kainat calms her down and asks her to relax while she sets up the food for her, after which she can rest. After she leave,s khan begum vents out her frustration at the bedsheets, ripping them apart, that she risked everything, even her life, but still couldnt get that girl. She wonders how to get to the girl as she for sure saw her. Khan begum realises that there’s something thats very familiar about her. She tries to remember that person, and thinks that she would have to go back to that second to find out. she revisits her memory, and then coming close to that girl, she places her hand on mahira, and she turns around, seeing who begum is shocked. She thinks that the girl she is searching for so long, is in this very house, as a maid merely. she is too stunned. She comes down rushing wondering where did she go. She searches for mahira frantically.

Precap: In the barn, azad is tensed, as mahira starts singing, slightly inebriated. she trips and falls right in azad’s arms. they both eye each other romantically, azad with his caring and loving look. later in the night, he hears mahira screaming desperately for help, and comes inside the barn, and is shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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