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A peer baba enters, and all are curious and boggled who called him. Khan begum is tensed too. Anand Kumar comes and says that its hereditary in their house, to get the holy blessings for his daughter, as tomorrow is an important day for her. the peer baba blesses him. He asks the peer baba to bless his wife too. he comes to her, while she tensedly faces him, remembering her aversion to godly things, and scared tyhat her truth might be up in front of others. Before the peer baba can bless her, she retreats and takes a step back, while he notices instantly. then his eyes go on the wrist marks on mahira’s hands, and he gets distracted from Khan begum and moves to Mahira. Saira and bano are asked to take peer baba to kainat’s room, but they give this duty to mahira, who is also asked to take care of azad’s room too. khan begum is tensed. the peer baba eyes her tensedly, and then leaves, walking past her, while she is scared. After they are gone, she asks anand kumar why wasnt she informed that the baba would come. He behaves ruthlessly with her, and reminds her that he doesnt need to take her permission. mahira and the peer baba walk towards kainat’s room. The peer baba asks if she is new here. she cracks a joke and then tells about her family background. He finds khan begum and sir talking, and says that some things are just mysteries to everyone, and only the lord knows them. Mahira comes to kainat’s room, and then introduces herself and tells that the baba is waiting to give her blessings. kainat asks her to wait. just then, azad comes out from his room, busy in his work, oblivious of the baba and mahira’s presence, and she is instinctively tensed. When the Baba sees him, he then casts his eyes on Mahira, who is tensed to see the strange look in the Baba’s face. He eyes them both yet again. azad looks up at him too.

The peer baba tells mahira that she shall find her true love here, and shall have to face much torture and pain due to it too. he says that the lord has chosen her and shall therefore put her to test too. he tells her that she is very special. He tells her that her love shall give her immeasurable pain, and thats her destiny and asks her not to make the mistake to fight it. The peer baba leaves. Kainat comes out asking where is he, as she needs his blessings, as everytime she is rejected. Mahira is super tensed, saying that she is so bful, then how can they reject her. kainat is depressed, but mahira encourages and asks her not to lose hope, as love happens when its the least expected. she asks kainat not to be tensed, as she can see foresight, and can see her future is very bright. kainat smiles and goes inside. mahira ponders over what the peer baba said.

At Khan’s residence

Mahira finds azad’s room, and then comes inside, and is very upset by the pungent smell. She is tensed by the darkness of the room and finds bottles of blood of various groups, in the almirah. Then she finds a diary, and tries to pick it up, and read it, but azad comes in just then, and snatches it from her hand, asking her to get lost. She is scared and shocked at this intense reaction. she is about to go out, when the door closes shut itself. she turns around boggled, to confront an angry azad. he comes and confronts her, and then opens the gate and just when she is about to step out, he finds the curtain rod falling apart, and jerks her back, just in time as the curtain drawer falls. then he lets go again, while she is too shaken. she rushes out, wondering if that was a person, and then believes that he was a monster but refuses to be scared by him anymore. She in her own thought process collides into amad, and hastily introduces herself. he is least interested, and then asks why was she running, and she explains about azad’s rude and weird behaviour. he is amused, and then asks her again. when she complies, he says that he likes her. She is weirded out again, as he turns around and leaves. she is amused too that he took an interest in her.

In his room, Azad asks about the girl, and khan begum tells that she is saira and bano’s sister. He says that she came to the room. She is shocked asking how dare she do that. She asks if mahira found out the truth about him. He says that he doesnt think so, but still it posed a great risk today. she asks why if he so tensed due to a normal maid, as it wont make a problem, and that she knows whats to be done, and that he shouldnt be bothered by such a petty issue. But azad doesnt want to let it go. Amad comes and is amused, as he taunts azad, who gets furious. She stops him, as amad continues to taunt him. she says that amad doesnt need to bother, as she can handle everything. He says that of course, as he is the favourite son after all. she says that she has never diffeerentiated. But he goes that she has never loved him, and always had eyes for azad. Azad gets angry and asks him to shut up, as he wont have his mother being insulted. Amad gets into a verbal scuffle. She asks them to distance away from each other, and go to the respective rooms. They again pick up on that topic of afreen, thats a bone of contention between them, as the brothers fight it out as lovers. She stops them yet again and asks azad to listen and go back to his room. As he passes by, amad amusedly asks him if he got scared. They again get into a fistfight, and then she holds them back with kainat’s name, saying that they need to keep it together for kainat’s sake, as if the relationship is called off, she wouldnt forgive them. She asks if they still want to fight, and when they say no, she hollers at them to go to their rooms. They comply. She is furious.
In the outhouse, saira and bano are enjoying that mahira shall have to go, but they are tensed when latif comes and tells them that Khan begum is so angry that she had decided to throw all three out. they are distraught. Mahira comes in and they tell her what khan begum has ordered. She innocently tells that she did exactly what they told her, but they turn this on her. she is confused, while they go into a hue and cry. she says that she shall mend it, and asks them to keep it together. She asks them to stay calm, while she apologises.

While khan begum has her tea, and gazalla and latif cater to her service, thinking that if the maids are fired, they would have to do the work. mahira comes and then addresses khan begum. She gets angry and asks whats she doing here. Before mahira can speak, she asks gazalla if they didnt tell the maids to leave. But she refuses to listen to anything, and asks her to leave before the next morning. Mahira is distraught, as she eyes them tensedly and begins to go. Khan begum stops her and asks where shall she go, and if she has a place to stay. Mahira denies. She says that if she goes out at this time of the night, then she would have to stay on the road. mahira begs with teary eyes, but khan begum says that then she cant wait till the morning, and asks her to leave rightaway. mahira continues to apologise asking her not to punish saira and bano due to her mistake. Gazalla and latif, out of their own motives, remind khan begum that they have a feast tomorrow, and without maids it shall be difficult. She is convinced and agrees, and then tells mahira that she wont, but azad shall decdie if she stays here or not. She says that if azad forgives herm after she apologises, then she can stay. mahira is worried remembering his anger. She asks if she should go to his room to apologise. Khan begum is irritated. latif announces that azad is here. She turns around to face him, while he eyes her angrily. Khan begum is alert and tensed, as mahira progresses towards him. He turns away from her. She comes upto him. Hesitatingly, mahira apologises to azad, who says that he doesnt want to talk to her. he is furious. She continues to say that she had no clue at all that his room is out of bounds, or else she wouldnt have entered ever. She proufsely apologises, saying that it wont happen again. he says that he doesnt want to talk to her. She asks him not to punish her sisters for her, and asks him to feel what he shall if his sister is punished due to him. She apologies. He says that he can stay in the house, and she is relieved. She is asked to stay away from him, as he doesnt even want to see her face. She is tensed and worried, thinking that she too doesnt want to stay with this monster, nor wants to ever cross paths with him again. 
At Khan’s residence

While mahira is working on the laptop, for her newspaper article, she feels sleepy and doses off.

In her room, khan begum finds her feet decaying away and she losing her activity in the foot, due to her losing her powers. as she falls while trying to grab a glass of water, azda rushes to her help, apalled and distraught while both are tensed of her decaying condition. azad goes to the kitchen, in the dark of the night, to grab water for her, and doesnt realise that mahira is lying on the floor. his foot collides into her, and to maintain his balance his head falls on the knife, kept on the kitchen slab and it starts bleeding. this wakes up Mahira who is shocked to see the bloodf. azad walks out rushedly, without paying attention to mahira, who is rushing after him, saying that she saw he got hurt and is badly bleeding. she places her arms on his, and he jerks her away with such force, that she hits her head on the sofa chair, as she falls on the floor. she is shocked and disgusted by his reaction, while he is terribly tensed and upset too. He leaves. she is boggled.

When azad comes back to the room, they both discuss as to how apalling her condition increasingly is becoming. She talks of the Kajnaar flower, and azad tells her that the flower that blossoms every four years, and then wilts away, he shall surely get it this time around. Then all of their problems shall be solved, once she returns back to her former glory. They are both tensed.

Later, while mahira walks in with a phone call, about a query needing her future foretelling skills, she maintains that foretelling is nothing but hoku,, and instead the girl should just focus on hard work for success, rather than astrological solutions. Then she finds kainat, who instantly takes an interest in her astrological work, and mahira talks to her at length, about how people make their own fate, and belief in astrology is just for the weak. She eyes mahira’s hand marks, caused by azad, of which she is oblivious and suggests that she can get one of Azad’s miraculous potions, that heal wounds much faster. But mahira is scared of him and refuses her to go to him. kainat looks at her paralysed hand and finds herself weak. But mahira gives her an inspirational speech and tells her about it, as in how she can convert her own weaknesses into strengths, just like she did, with her glasses and specs. kainat is immensely happy with her, and then she asks her to be by her side when the guests come in the evening. she agrees.

In her room, khan begum tells kainat that she needs to move over the past, and make a fresh new beginning as she is sure that this time around, she shall be selected and then things shall be rosy and romantic for her. kainat too smiles. just then, anand kumar comes in and rudely asks khan begum to give him his red scarf. She too retorts back, and he gets angry. But kainat intervenes, and sorts it out. Khan begum gives him his scarf, and he walks hastily. She gives kainat a bful dress to get dressed up in and then leaves, blessing her.

Downstairs, Mahira talks to latif, when they discuss about how royal and elegant the khan family is, when mahira mutters except for azad. She then cracks a joke about his birthday being on Independance Day, given his name. Latif gets scared when she spots someone, and signals it to her. when she turns around, she finds azad glaring at her angrily. Latif escapes. mahira however confronts him saying that he needs to calm down his look, as she isnt scared of him and his monstrous look like everyone is. She then is tensed about her blurtung out about him being a monster. He eyes her sternly. the screen freezes on her, as she hides her face.

Precap: After the grooms’ side is gone, mahira suggests to khan begum that this guy isnt right for kainat. all are shocked. Khan begum and azad reprimand her for even having the audacity to speak in their internal matters, and how dare she talk like this, when she doesnt know of the khan’s family background and their royalty, and the relations that they have with other people. Azad asks her how dare she ruin this for kainat, when for the first time in her life, she has got this happiness. kainat seems upset too. mahira still manages to have guts and replies that since its kainat, thats the exact reason why she is so vehemently saying this. Mahira distraughtedly tries to convince them of her point, but they dont see it. azad says that her drama has been enough, and now she shouldnt be allowed to stay even for one second in the house. mahira turns around helplessly. saira and bano are amused. the groom’s mother says that its good that this girl is thrown out of the house, as is isnt good to be so lenient with the maids after all. Mahra is appaled as she walks out. Azad slams the door shut on her face. she is in uncontrollable tears

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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