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Varun says lines that yes I killed my brother, there is nothing bigger than revenge. Devika hears it and says what? he killed his brother. Devika knocks on door, he opens it. Devika says you killed Varun? he was just trying to make name for himself, why did you kill him? Varun thinks I was acting and she thought I actually killed my brother. Devika drags him from there.

Kesar comes to Maasa with tea, she says I was thinking that Prince’s brother is a twin, he look like him so I was thinking we should get Dhani married to him so they will be in same house. Maasa says what an idea, bring sweets, I will talk to him.

Kesar comes to Varun’s mom and says we are making another relation with you, you will have two daughters from this house. Maasa comes there and says you should think about it. Mom says no, nothing to think about that, Varun can marry her, Arun will marry Devika and Varun will Dhani. Maasa asks her to leave, she leaves. Maasa thinks how will I get one man married to two women.

Devika bring Varun to lounge and try to call police, she says you killed your brother. Varun asks her to stop it. Devika says stay away, you are a killer. Varun says listen to me. Mom comes there and says Varun there is a problem. Devika says what you called him Varun? Mom says sorry, I got confused, all family members come there. Devika says you will never see Varun again as your son Arun killed him, all are stunned. Mom is confused. Devika says he killed your son and you are not worrying? Did you know about all this, this means mom planned to kill one son from other. Mom says I dont care about him dying, he was useless. Varun shouts no.. Varun is not useless. Varun says to Devika dont say anything to my mom, he says to his mom I am sorry, you had to listen to all this, he sits on his knees and says sorry for getting you insulted. He gets up and says to Devika there is no prince. All are stunned. Varun says to Devika I am no prince, there is no Prince of any region, I am not Prince Arun, there is only Varun who is struggling actor, my sin is not killing but cheating and lying, I lied to you, I am no prince, I am just Varun. Devika slaps him and says you are a cheater and liar. She says its good that your truth came out. Varun holds her hand and says listen to me, I know I lied but we started getting closer, when we met first, we fought, you started disliking me, if I asked your hand as Varun then you would have never agreed so I became Arun, you know I like to act, I thought to tell you the truth after we came back from Kanpur but I didnt get the chance. Devika says you had many chances but you kept acting, I know you like to act but marriage is a real thing and I wont marry you because you are a cheater. Varun says I will become a nice husband, just forget this lie. Devika says any other person will be nicer than you, the one who can lie about marriage, can lie about anything. Varun says I promise I will never lie and keep you happy, trust me. Devika says trust you? your nature is lying and cheating to others and I will never do mistake of trusting you ever again, you cheated me, I will marry but not to you.

Devika says to Varun I wont ever trust you again, I will marry but not to you. Varun says you will not get a guy more good than me. Devika says now I will show you by marrying a good guy, just watch, she leaves, all look on.

Devika comes to her room, she recalls her romantic date with Varun, their romantic moments. She is in tears. Varun comes there. Devika says you didnt leave till now? Varun comes to her and says I will go but I just want to ask one thing. She asks whats remaining to ask? Varun says do you love me? Devika says no one can love liar like you. Varun says but you do love me or not? I wont leave till you answer me, just look in my eyes and say you never loved me, never felt anything for me, just tell me that you hate me even after spending so much time with me, he backs up her to wall and holds her shoulder. Devika recalls his cheating and pushes him away, she says yes I hate you, I thought you are a nice man thats why I wanted to marry you but it was all an act, I have nothing for you in my heart let alone love, she leaves.
Maasa comes to Varun and says you are useless. Varun says I didnt let Devika know that you brought me here. Maasa says you are a cheater in Devika’s eyes, she would never believe anything you say, you were useless and will remain useless. Varun says she will marry me only, you will see. She saw me as cheater and liar, she should know who I am. Maasa says lets see what you can do. Varun says I will show you because its about my honor and I will win because my heart and mind are with me this time, he leaves.

Dhani comes to Kesar and says I am so happy. Kesar asks what happened? Dhani says Devika denied marrying Prince, I can marry him now. Kesar says he is no prince, he is just a struggling actor, no one would want to give their daughter to him. Dhani says I didnt love the person who is ruler of a region but I loved him as a person. Kesar says why do you want to spoil your life. Dhani says I dont care, I love him even if he is just an actor, promise me that you will let me marry him, please. Kesar says your happiness is my happiness, I cant stop you. Dhani hugs her and thanks her.

Maasa says to Devika your happiness matters to me most, I did a mistake but now I will find a good relation for you, I will first find out about his family and background so that they cant cheat you like Varun. Devika says dont take so much tension in this age, I will find a guy for myself. Maasa says but you dont know anyone here. Devika says I know everything is done through agent now, I know a woman who does couple matching, she must be coming. Servant says someone is here. Devika says couple match woman must be here, she leaves with Maasa. Urmi hears all that, she calls her partner and says Varun and Devika’s marriage broke but Devika is searching for another guy, there is one week remaining in her becoming 18 years old, I will not let her find a guy, trust will get the money and then we will get it eventually.

Devika meets couple match maker. Woman says you have to change your talking style, you should change that, boys dont like it.. I have a list of boys that you can choose from. Maasa says that many guys? Woman says yes. Devika says search their backgrounds too. Woman says I will show you a real diamond. She shows her photos of boys and then Varun’s picture comes up. Devika says why you are showing me this cheater’s photo. She says he is the best guy.. she checks photos and says who is this guy? I think there is a virus in my phone, I didnt select these photos. Devika says I know who must have done it. Varun comes there and says you called match maker but didnt find a guy? I told you that you wont find a guy nicer than me. Devika asks what he is doing here? Varun says I have left my underwear here. Maasa says yes his things are in house. devika huffs and leaves.

Devika is leaving house, she calls driver and sits in car. Driver is Varun only. Devika doesnt see him and murmur  he is not leaving me alone, she asks driver to take her where he wants. Varun says you seem to be in pissed off mood. she says you? Varun says listen to me. she says never and gets down from car. Devika says you said you wont lie ever again and now you are faking as driver? Varun says I was trying to talk to you, how to make you believe that I love you. Devika says who is talking Varun or Arun? I hate both so it doesnt matter. Varun says thats the case? he gives her gun and says kill me, you might find lovers but not like me, Varun can give heart and life in love, I showed you my love, now you show me your hatred. He points gun at himself and asks Devika to shoot, he shouts at her to kill him, end him, shoot him. Devika shoots at him. Varun falls down. Devika is stunned and screams Varun! she rushes to him and says I dont know how it shot, I didnt want to kill you, open your eyes. She sees no blood on him and says where bullet shot? Varun wakes up and smirks. Devika says you took my life, I wont spare you. Varun says I saw what happens to you when you think I get hurt. Devika says I panicked because I thought I killed someone. Varun says you will not guy more good than me. Devika says I will find a good guy and marry him, you will see. Varun says I wont see because the minute you marry someone, I will finish myself and this time for real, he leaves. Devika thinks he is crazy. Match maker calls Devika and says there is a good proposal for you. Devika looks on.

Varun is sitting on bench and says how can she move on and marry someone else. Dhani comes there and says she can, I know men get heart broken too and you are heart broken too Prince. Varun says if you know everything then know that I am no prince. Dhani says you will always be prince for me. Varun thanks her for caring. Dhani says I will always care for your lit. Varun glances at her and leaves. Dhani says he doesnt mind my love so I can win him, I just have to keep Devika away from him.
Lajjo is making Devika ready and asks what are you thinking? are you worried? Devika says a little, I just want a nice boy, mistake shouldnt happen again, I am getting married afterall. Lajjo says what about love? you really want to marry him? Devika says I will love him after marriage. Lajjo asks what kind of a man you want? Devika says a person who have heart stronger than steel, who lies for benefits of others, not to hurt them, the one who might not have money but have passion to do something, who understand my parents. Lajjo says Varun was like that. Devika avoids it and says he cheated behind his good face. Lajjo says I just pray that you get a guy who have nice personality, who loves you unconditionally. She leaves. Devika remembers her moments with Varun.

Devika comes to lounge and says to Lajjo that I am tensed, will everything be fine? Maasa comes there and says I want everything to happen nicely, I want that this drama ends for you nicely, you just get married to a nice guy and I will get my property. Devika says I promised you so I will fulfill it. A man brings Devika’s injured father there. Devika runs to him and asks what happened to you? Father says I slipped on road and got infront of cars, this man saved me and brought me here, he helped me a lot. Guy says he needs rest, lets take him to room. Guy supports father and takes him to his room. Guy and Devika comes back in lounge. Devika asks him to have a seat. Guy says dont worry he will be fine. Devika says I will never forget your debt. Guy says this is no debt, people help each other to make this world better, I was just passing by to meeting, I have to meet a match maker. Devika says really? Match maker comes there and says Dr. Alek I was waiting for you and you came here. Alek says their father got injured so I brought him here, I didnt know our destination was this. Varun comes there dressed as chef, Alek asks who are you? Varun says poetry and says I keep everyone happy here, he says people have to do a lot for love so I became a chef. Maasa coughs. Devika asks Alek to tell about himself. Alek says I am from a business family but I became doctor, we have parents, siblings in house, they believe that happiness doubles when you get married, so I will take care of your parents and you will take care of my parents. Varun makes noise and gives them tea. Match maker asks if proposal is confirmed? DEvika gets tensed. Alek says dont take haste decision, marriage is a life long commitment so take your time, you should never regret your decision. Devika says there is nothing to regret, you are a nice guy, I like you, you took care of my father too, I dont have to think, I am ready to marry you. Varun coughs and offers her sweets, they share eyelock. Devika says yes this is a happy occasion, we should get engaged tomorrow. Something falls, Devika bents to pick it up and her cleavage is shown, Alek eyes is lustfully. Varun sees it and picks it up, he glares at Alek . Devika doesnt see it and says I got cheated so I have good eye to recognize nice people, relation is confirmed from my side. Match maker asks Alek to say yes. Alek says okay I agree with this proposal, he shakes Devika’s hand and smirks. Varun is jealous seeing their hand shake. He thinks that this Alek is not like he is showing, his eyes and hands are roaming in different direction, I have to find his truth, I wont let wrong man come in Devika’s life.
At night, Devika is trying to tie her blouse’s dori. She thinks its her mom in room and asks her to tie dori. Varun is standing on door and smiles at her. He comes inside and holds her dori, he ties it but keeps looking away. Devika feels his presence and sees him in mirror, she asys what are you doing here? how dare you touch my dori. Varun says I am just your slave, you asked me to tie it so I did, it happened before too. Devika says why are you here? Varun says I am going to find truth of Alek , he is not like how he shows, something is wrong. Devika says nothing is wrong, go to Mumbai and do act, you can be any kind of human but you are a nice actor, you became prince and made me.. he says made you what? Devika says Alek is a nice person, I am doing right by marrying him, he send me poetry too. She reads it. Varun says its a song. Devika says dont be jealous and leave. Varun says I am going but to return, I will bring Alek’s truth out before engagement. Devika says if you dont find anything then dont hide your face. Devika’s bangle get stuck in Varun’s shirt. Varun says fate is keeping us closer. Devika says its reminding me of my mistakes, leave now, he leaves. Devika says what is happening? I am getting attracted to him. Lajjo comes there and says you said yes to Alek so soon, you took time for Varun. Devika says I did mistake before but not now, Alek is a nice man, he is good, intelligent and.. enough. Lajjo says but he is not Varun. Lajjo says Varun and you won best couple competition, and just for a small thing.. Devika says he cheated and I wont forgive him. Lajjo says people do mistakes, if you forget it for sometime then you will see goodness of Varun. Devika says I have taken decision. Lajjo says its your decision in the end.

Devika prays to Lord and asks if she is doing the right thing by marrying Alek.

Varun comes to streets to find something about Alek. Varun sees a woman on road and shows her picture of Alek, he asks if you know this man? Girl says who are you? why you are asking about him? I wont tell you, she leaves. VArun is confused and says I wont leave till I find about this Alek.

Devika sits in her window and says why do I feel like something is wrong? am I doing the right thing? Devika recalls her moments with Varun.

Varun is sitting on bench in park and thinks that I miss Devika, she doesnt even love me. Naina plays as they both miss each other. Varun wipes his tears.

Precap: Varun is returning home. Devika and Urmi dances in her engagement. Alek and Devika are about to get engaged but Varun comes there and says stop! I told you I will come on time and I havent come alone, I have brought something with me. All look on. Alek makes Devika drink juice is spiked. She gets inebriated. He makes her lie on bed and thinks now her body will be in my control. He is about to kiss her but Varun sees them and shouts Devika. He runs to their room.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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