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Alek says think about your parents, when they see it, remember dont try to act foolish otherwise I will play it on TV, you thought I left room but I made your video when you were changing clothes, he says I have put cameras in this house, I have eyes on you and if you try to talk to anyone about it then I will leak that video. Devika pleads to not do it. Alek says I am tired of running behind you, you will come to my bed. Devika says never, she is about to slap him but Alek grabs Devika’s arm and twists it, he says dont make me angry, I dont want to hurt you, he says I just want to spend one night with you, give me this body. Devika is disgusted Alek says I wanted to be nice with you and get what I wanted but you raised hand on me so you will have to bear now, I will have to take my revenge, I will have to hurt you, you will give yourself to me. He tries to touch Devika but Devika shakes. Alek says relax, I wont come to you now, you will come to me yourself. Devika cries. Alek says I will see you, he leaves. Devika falls down in her room and cries, she says where I got myself stuck? I will never agree with Alek, never, she cries and says who will help me? who? I cant tell anyone who much trouble I am in. Wind blows and her window opens, she gets scared. Suddenly Devika and Varun’s wedding picture falls and breaks. Devika cry seeing it.

Varun says to Dhani dont know what happened to Devika. Dhani says we can see the truth. Varun says Alek put hands on Devika, there is some helplessness behind her actions, she is not like that and I will find out the reason, he leaves.

Devika sadly comes to lounge. Varun is leaving from there and strikes with her, he holds her, Devika is in tears seeing him. Devika hug him and whimpers. Varun hugs her, phir le aya dil plays, Varun kisses her forehead. Devika turns to leave but Varun holds her hand. Devika sadly looks at him, Varun pulls her closer, she is mesmerized by him. Varun says please tell me the matter, what is it that is eating you alive? Devika recalls how Alek blackmailed to leak her MMS. Varun asks why are you behaving like this? He makes her look in his eyes and wipe her tears, he says you are not that weak, my Devika is not that weak, you are a girl who can challenge even the storms, you are not one to silently cry then why are you trusting Alek? what happened? tell me please, I will take your pain but tell me, Devika says its.. Alek hides and shows her phone. Devika push Varun away and says nothing like that, you dont have any relation with me, we will separate after 6 months. Varun says why you are lying, just tell me once whats troubling you and I will solve it. Devika says I dont want to talk to you, there is nothing to worry, she turns to leave and asks him to not follow her, she is in pain, she sadly looks at him, she leaves. Varun thinks she wanted to say something. Alek thinks he can try anything but this bird is in my cage.

Devika gets ready in revealing saree, she recalls how Alek called her, she is disgusted and cry.

Devika comes to Alek’s room. Alek says wow you look nice, now take off this saree and come to me, I am going to enjoy night with someone’s wife even before him, its going to be fun, he laughs evilly.

Varun comes to Dhani and asks if she saw Devika? she says I saw her going to Alek’s room and she locked it, the clothes she was wearing weren't very nice. He try to go there but Dhani says till when you keep stopping her? she told whom she chose. Varun says I will stop her every time, Alek tried to molest her and she beat him. Dhani says but it doesnt prove that Devika doesnt want Alek?

Devika pours wine for Alek, Alek is eyeing her lustfully and thanks her.

Dhani says to Varun you think Alek is an animal but tell me Devika was raised in movers family, she is nothing less than illiterate, she will like someone who have animal nature. Varun says but.. Dhani says you can't force someone to love and no one knows it better than me, he leaves. Dhani says I am doing all this because I love Varun, he doesnt understand that I am his love.

Alek is drunk and pulls Devika near, he asks her to come closer, he caresses her face and is about to kiss her but faints. Devika takes his phone and tries to delete video, she takes memory card and turns to leave but Alek grabs her saree and pulls her back, he says you are clever but not more than me, I have this video in other places too, he dozes off. Devika runs from there.

Devika comes to her room. Varun comes there and says you have no shame, you know what they call women like you? why did you have to go to his room? I am ashamed for you, he leaves. Devika says I wish I can tell you that Alek have a video of mine which could make my parents die, I am sorry I realized lately that you are a true person and that Alek is a jerk.
Devika brings food to dinning table. She sees Dhani serving Varun. Devika hides letter beneath paratha and thinks I will tell Alek’s plot to Varun using this letter. She brings paratha plate and asks Varun to eat them. Naina smiles. Alek takes plate from her and says all are busy in eating but why shouldnt I eat my sister’s paratha first? Maasa says why? he is her husband, Alek says but I have old relation with her so I will eat this. Devika says stop, they are cold, I will bring it again. Naina says let him eat, eat Alek. Varun is miffed. Devika is tensed and sees Alek start to eat her paratha.. he sees paper beneath paratha, Devika’s breath hitches seeing it. Alek keeps eating paratha and glances at her. Devika leaves from there. Alek says I have some work, he leaves. Varun thinks there is something fishy, I have to talk to Devika.
Alek comes to Devika’s room and grabs her, he says you wanted to tell Varun? seems like you are in love. Devika says you cant force me like this. Alek says you wrote letter to your husband with these hands? I will cut them, he takes scissor and says I will cut your fingers.. Devika takes deep breath. Alek says God has taken time to make you, I cant damage you, I have to take you to my bed without damaging. Alek burns her letter, he shouts at her to collect the ashes of the letter, she does, he asks her to rub it in her hands, he asks her to go and blacken Varun’s mother’s face, he says when you do it then Varun will hate you and leave you, then you will be mine, go and do what I said otherwise I know other ways to deal with you too. He leaves.

Devika comes to family who are busy eating, she turns to leave but Alek comes there and asks her to sit with them. Alek asks where is Varun’s mother? Varun says she is in washroom, she is ill and cant come. Devika recalls flashback how she thought she cant do it, Varun loves her mother a lot. Flashback shows Devika coming to Varun’s mom and says I have made something for you, go to kitchen and taste it. Flashback ends. Devika thinks thank God I made her drink juice in kitchen so she will be ill a little and wont come here. Varun’s mom comes there and says juice didnt suit me, Devika give me food. Alek says someone has insulted Devika, Naina says who did it? Alek says she is my sister, no brother can bear insult, Devika do what you want otherwise I will do what I can, he shows her phone. Devika panics and says to Varun’s mom I do a lot for you but you see mistakes in me only, you told everyone that I made juice for you but who will tell them that you raised hand on me? Mom says she is lying. Varun says enough. he says to Devika my mom wont do something like that. Alek says so Devika is lying? Naina says not at all. Naina says Devika can do what she want if she has been abused. Devika puts black ash on Varun’s mom’s face. Varun is angry and raises hand but stops himself, he says I cant stoop to your level, he leaves with his mom. Lajjo says Devika you behave like this with your mother in law? she leaves. Devika runs away, Alek smirks. Maasa thinks this Alek is upto something, I have to find out. Alek comes to Devika and says you acted to nicely, he says you are clever to make them go away.

Varun cleans his mother’s face. Dhani comes there and says is his mother fine? he nods. Dhani says Devika.. Varun says dont take her name, I dont want to hear anything about her. Alek hears it and thinks this emotional drama will be good for me. Someone drags him from there.

Alek is locked in store room, he opens his eyes to see Maasa there. He says you brought me here? you must have been deceit queen in your life. Maasa says what game are you playing? Alek says oh I am so scared. Maasa says I have seen the world, you can fool them with your words but not me, enough with your rubbish, what do you want? how much money you want? Alek says I like your style, let me tell you my worth.. dont try to do this act again with me, it wont be nice for you, I am warning you, he leaves. Maasa thinks I have to do something, I cant lose my property because of him, he doesnt know me, I am the person who killed her son for money.. then she can do anything with you, this cheap guy cant let my property leave me.

Precap: Alek says to Devika you will get drunk and dance infront of everyone in sultry style without any care. Devika dances infront of family. She seductively dances around Alek. All are stunned. Varun says I will go to Alek’s house and unmask his face. Varun jumps into Alek’s house, he frees Jiya from there and runs with her but Alek’s goons stop them.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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