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Devika says to Maasa I want money to build house for my parents and my other condition is that till I live here, you people will treat me as princess, all look on. Maasa says I accept. Devika says no one will stop or taunt me here, Maasa says agreed, Devika says my parents will live at palace too. Maasa wants to say no but agrees. Devika says remember if anything happens to me then I will inform police, I heard everything, you were planning to kill me, I can smell jerks from far. Maasa says I need you thats why you are doing all this, I accept all your conditions. Devika says then deal is done.. grandma.. she hugs her tightly. Maasa says grandma? devika says let me call you dadisa, its our deal. Father comes there and asks what deal you are doing?

Varun jumps in palace from back window, he sees Devi’s photo with garland on it, he thinks that she died? God she was such a young lady, why did you do it. He does acting. Servant comes there and says our owners died 18 years back and you are crying for them? he leaves. Varun says what? They left 18 years back so that girl Devika is a ghost?

Devika pulls her father aside and its small job and we are getting money, father says what is this job? I dont feel good, you were talking about a deal, what wrong job they can give? Devika says work is a work, I am helping them and getting money, dont worry about it. Father says I am your dad so I worry. Devika says I have told that you and mom will live with me here and then we will get our house with money they give, please let me do it, swear on me, just bring mom here, Father says you have given me promise so I cant do much.

Devika asks Urmi if there is AC in rooms here? Urmi says yes, you will have fun. Devika says to her father dont worry and come to live here, he goes to bring Lajjo. Devika says to Maasa that I am princess now. Maasa says you are owner now. Devika goes to room with Dhani.

Varun is hiding in house. Devika says take me to big room. Hero sees her going and says she is alive.. then that photo? I dont care, I need my wallet.
Dhani brings Devika to room and says it was Adhi’s room and very big. Devika says yes its big. Dhani tells her how to use AC, Devika says you are walking talking knowledge. Devika starts AC and sits on bed, she asks her to bring her bag. Dhani says bathroom is on that side, she leaves. Devika says bathroom in a room? wow, I never took shower in attach bath. Dhani brings her bag, Devika asks where is towel? Dhani says its in washroom. Devika thanks her. Dhani smiles and leaves. Devika puts her bag in cupboard and goes to bathroom.
Hero comes in Devika’s room and doesnt see her, he looks around for his wallet, he sees her coming and hides under her bed. Devika comes out of washroom in just towel. Hero hides under bed and closes his eyes. She drops towel, hero sees her bare legs and look away and shakes his head. He sees suitcase in corner and takes saree from there, he thinks that heros wore sarees so I can too, he wears saree. Devika gets dressed. Hero hides his face and starts leaving room but Devika turns around and says stop, when did you come in? She thinks it a servant and asks her to tie her dori.. hero gets tensed, he covers his face with veil and ties her dori.. he leaves room and thinks I didnt do my work, I have to wallet. I should stay here tonight and when all are asleep then I will take my wallet.
Devika opens cuboard and sees a trumpet(adhi’s), she looks at it.

Dhani does Kesar’s head massage and says I will go to second year, Kesar says dont worry.

Devika starts playing trumpet. Kesar hears it and is stunned. Devika plays tum hi ho tune like Adhi used to play. Kesar says that girl is playing it? Dhani says she has similar face like Devi, maybe she is their daughter only. Kesar says enough.. go and study. Dhani leaves. Kesar says I hate that Devi and her look alike.
In the morning, Devika is sleeping in her room. Hero comes to her room, takes his bag and sneaks around to search for his wallet. He finds it in her bag and says finally I got it, he turns to leave but see his lucky coin under hand. Varun(hero) says I cant leave this.. He tries to take it but Devika moves in her sleep. He hides and tries to take it, he finally slips it out and turns to leave. Jaggu passesby corridor so Varun hides behind wall. Jaggu feels someone there, he looks around but closes door to store room. Varun gets locked inside and says where I am stuck.

Devika's father comes to Lajjo and tells her about Devika’s job, she gets tensed and says what job? Did she even tell you that? He says lets go there and check.

Lawyer comes to peace prayers of Devi and Adhi. Maasa says its their death anniversary. Maasa says I want you to meet my grand daughter.. Devi and Adhi’s daughter Devika.. Devika turns to him and he is shocked to see that she is exactly like Devi. Lawyer says its good to see her but we have to do DNA test to know definitely, all gets tensed. Urmi thinks that now Maasa will be caught and all money will go to trust. Maasa says we have to follow rules so do DNA test. Lawyer says give me her one hair. Devika asks what will happen with that? Lawyer says I will match it with Adhi’s hair and if it matches then you will be proven as his daughter.. otherwise you all will be punished. Devika thinks that it wont match, I have to run from here.

Lawyer asks Maasa to give Devika’s hair to him for DNA test, she says why? Lawyer says we will match it with Adhi’s DNA and if Maasa is presenting some other girl as fake grand daughter then you know all cheaters will be in jail. Devika gets shocked. Maasa looks on. Devika says jail? Lawyer says if you are not Adhi’s daughter then you will be in jail, all look on. Devika thinks that I am stuck, they are doing some plotting, what to do.. Maasa says okay. Devika says I wont give any hair to anyone, nobody can touch my hair. She takes pot and says I will beat anyone that comes near me. Lawyer says control her. Devika says its about my long hair, no one can touch them, I wont give my hair.. stay away from me. She threatens them with a pot and runs away. Maasa says I will bring her hair, lawyer you sit down. He nods as she goes.

Devika locks herself in room and says jail? All my dreams would shatter, I would have to wear jail’s white pale saree too, I have to run. Devika sees window open, she takes her clothes, makes a rope down to ground. She ties one end to window and jumps down using rope. She is about to fall but Varun is leaving and catches her in his arms, they share eyelock, she says you? he says you? she puts her down and asks her to be silent, she asks what are you doing here? he says came here wrongly, running, she says I am running too, will you help me? he says why you have to run? she says you know a girl in this world is.. he says is like an open treasure.. line from Jab we met movie? she says you are clever, he says I dont trust you but lets run. They make noise so guards goes to check that side, they run from palace.
Varun is leaving, Devika says you were saying that you dont trust me? Varun says you stole my wallet.. she says what? He says yes I had to come to your room, and saw you in towel, she gets shy and says what? Varun says like a nice man, I didnt say anything and looked away but you called me when I was leaving in saree and I had to tie your dori.. she says you mean you touched.. if you ever do.. he says I will never see you changing clothes. She leaves. Varun says she is mental but entertaining.. Suddenly Devika bumps into him, they both fall down on a cart and cart starts moving. Varun tries to get up but Devika shows him maasa’s guards searching for them, he hides and says I can handle them. Devika says I will make them sneeze using my herb, she gives it Varun. Varun comes to Jaggu and his men, he says if you are looking for a girl then you have to face me.. goon asks if he saw her? he says yes there she went.. they look towards that direction and Varun blows herbs at them, they start sneezing and runs away. Devika comes from hiding and runs to him. Devika hugs him, they feel something, she says you turned out to be hero.. he smiles and hugs her back, ishq sa plays..
Maasa shows Adhi’s turban to Kesar and says I found it and see what I found in it.. Adhi’s hair was inside it. Lawyer can investigate but that girl will be proven as Adhi’s daughter, I thought to bring any girl as Devi’s daughter but my luck is so good that I got same face as Devi’s, now lawyer will agree too. Urmi hides and hears it, she smirks and says do DNA test, I have thought a lot too, I have got to know a secret that will shock Maasa beyond belief.

Varun is still hugging Devika.. Devika try to pull away but he doesnt move, she hits him in crotch, he cries in pain and says I am not even married. Devika says I gave you thank you hug and you got flat on me, I have a lot to do, I have to make house for my parents, I am not free for love. Varun says if you were free then you would have loved? Devika says you.. he says leave it, if we meet again then we will see. Devika says I dont have time for love.. Varun starts saying filmy lines, he starts leaving. Jaggu comes there, he sees Devika and kidnaps her. Varun feels some muffled sound, he turns but Jaggu is already gone with Devika. Varun leaves.

Jaggu brings Devika back, Devika says leave me. Maasa says you did deal with me so you cant leave. Devika says I thought it was a simple deal but not something that involves a jail, I am scared of jail, I did some cheating but not something to go to jail. Maasa says you think I would go to jail in this age.. daughter.. you are like my grand daughter, I didnt bring you to send you to jail, I have given that hair of Adhi to lawyer and now he would do DNA test on it and we will get money. Dhani sees it and says to Kesar that I want to know if Devika is really Devi and Adhi’s daughter and if she is then she should get her right. Kesar says she snatched everything from us and you are saying all this. Dhani says Devi didnt snatch any right from you, you were daughter in law of this house and will remain so, I know my mother is not like that, please dont say these things, Kesar nods and leaves.

Maasa is in car with Jaggu. Maasa says once I get my money then I would never beg that lawyer. Suddenly car stops, Maasa says this cab is not even running. Jaggu says lets go, I will find another cab. Jaggu brings Maasa to a mandir.. he goes to find a cab. Maasa hears a nice song, she asks who is it? Boy says what a beautiful face even in this age, Maasa blushes and asks who is it? Varun comes there and smirk.

PRECAP- Urmi says to Maasa that Devika will get Adhi’s property only when she is married. Maasa says I have found a groom for Devika.. meet Kunwar Uday.. Some boy in nice blazer and clothes confidently enters palace like a royal.. they all turn to him and he is Varun. Devika says to Dhani that I am going to meet Varun, you have to keep an eye on his brother Uday in palace, she says okay. Devika meets Varun on street. She calls Dhani and asks if Uday is in his room infront of her eyes? Dhani says yes, he is doing some hot yoga and even without clothes, she looks away. Devika comes home and says to Dhani lets break Uday’s room door, Devika breaks in his room and is shocked.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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