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Varun comes to streets to find something about Alek. Varun sees a woman on road and shows her picture of Alek, he asks if you know this man? Girl says who are you? why you are asking about him? I wont tell you, she leaves. VArun is confused and says I wont leave till I find about this Alek.

Devika sits in her window and says why do I feel like something is wrong? am I doing the right thing? Devika recalls her moments with Varun.

Varun is sitting on bench in park and thinks that I miss Devika, she doesnt even love me. Naina plays as they both miss each other. Varun wipes his tears.

Devika and Alek’s engagement ceremony starts. Maasa tries to call Varun but he doesnt take call. She says to Jaggu that Varun might have runaway. Jaggu says let Devika marry Alek, we can get money that way too. Maasa says what if she runs away after marriage? Varun is our member, if she marries him then Devika wont be able to go away.

Dhani says to Kesar I am so happy, Varun will be mine now. She drags Devika to dance floor. They both gracefully starts dancing Albela sajan. Alek lustfully eyes Devika’s bare back.

Varun is on his way to return.

Alek and Devika are about to exchange rings. Devika keeps looking at door. Alek is about to put ring on her finger but Varun comes there and says stop it, he says to Devika that I promised I wil comeback before engagement, I havent come alone. He shows a girl with him. Alek gets tensed. Varun says you remember this girl or should I tell you? Alek says I know this is Diya, she is my patient, she is mentally ill, she didnt even let me have breath freely. Diya says he is a liar, Devika dont marry him, he is a cheat. Alek says she is mental, I tried to complain against her to police but she keeps telling people that I cheated on her. Diya says yes you promised love and then cheated me, now I am pregnant with your baby. Alek says she is lying, she is mental. Varun says she is not mental. I met her when I was returning, when I showed her Alek’s photo then she showed me Alek’s photo and letter that Alek gave to her, he took advantage of her. Kesar says she is mentally ill, I will take her away, she drags Diay from there. Varun says Devika dont engage him, he is not right. Devika says enough, what you are doing after that I am sure to marry Alek. Varun shouts that you are trusting him instead of me? Devika says you always lied to me so I cant believe you. Varun says if you trust him so much, if I am lying then go engage him, go marry him, if he is so nice then get engaged. Devika sadly looks at him and goes to Alek. Varun pleadingly looks at her. Devika gives her hand to Alek. He makes her wear the ring. Varun is in tears. Devika takes ring and makes Alek wear it. Alek smirks and thinks Varun tried to show my face but he cant stop my lust for Devika, this marriage is just a game, I will get Devika. He recalls Devika dancing. Dhani takes photos with Devika and Alek.
Kesar and Jaggu brings Diya to store room, she ties her. Diya says please dont let Alek marry Devika. Kesar says I want my daughter to marry Varun so I dont care about Devika’s destruction. She ties her to chair and covers her mouth, she leaves.

Varun hears Diya’s voice. He asks Kesar where is Diya? Jaggu says we took her to Diya. Varun says she is not married. Kesar says dont talk, you are an outsider, Varun thinks something is wrong, he leaves. Kesar thinks that Devika will marry Alek and Varun will marry Dhani.

Devika is selecting dress for wedding. Alek lustfully looks at her and says select dress for your birthday too, she happily selects them while Alek moves closer to her and plays with her, he sniffs her. Devika moves away and says what are you doing? he says it was just a fly. He asks her to go and wear the dresses, she leaves. Alek sniffs his hands which touched her hair.

Alek watches Devika setting her blouse and takes picture of her bare back. Varun sees him outside Devika’s room with mobile and deliberately strikes with him. Varun says sorry. Alek says what are you doing in house? Varun says I am Dhani’s friend, I am allowed in this house. Devika comes out wearing a nice dress. She asks Alek how I am looking? he says gorgeous. Varun laughs and says you look a parrot, dont know what Alek sees, he leaves. Devika says yes it doesnt look too nice, she goes to change. Alek thinks she rejected dress which I liked because of Varun, see what I will do now.

Devika is tying her blouse’s dori. Varun jumps in her room through window, she says you came again? he lovingly looks at her and is lost in her eyes, she tries to move away but he holds her hand and says I never went away, I cant go away when wrong is happening with you, listen to me, alek is not a nice person, I cant let you be in wrong person’s arms. He moves towards Devika, she is about to fall but he holds her and pulls her closer, dil diya gallan plays as they look in each others arms. Varun looks away and ties her dori. Devika is mesmerized by him. They hear Alek coming, Varun says he just wants to take advantage of you, I promise I wont let you marry a wrong person, he leaves. Devika is in thoughts.
Varun strike with Dhani. Dhani asks if everything is fine? Varun says you think Alek is nice for Devika? he is a bad person for her, he leaves. Dhani says I know you want to marry Devika but I will marry you Varun, she leaves. Maasa hears it and says Devika will marry Varun only and I will get my property.
Maasa comes to Varun and asks if he will do anything? Varun says this all happened because of you. Maasa says I cant let Devika know that you came here on my instructions, you have to do everything to stop this marriage, she leaves.

At night, Diya is locked in store room. Alek comes to her and says you dont like me happy? Diya says dont spoil her life. Alek shouts at her and says nobody cant stop this marriage, from the time I have met her, her soft body, lush hair and lovely eyes, I cant stop thinking about her, you are nothing infront of her. Diya says I wont let other women be in your trap. Kesar comes there and asks her to shut up, she shakes hand with Alek. Alek grabs Diya and says remember you have my baby in your belly, dont do something that might affect this baby, he is mine. Kesar says this baby is mine? Alek says yes, dont worry about this Diya, just think about your daughter. Kesar huffs. Devika is passingby store room and hears some noise, she says who is inside? she is about to open it but Alek comes from behind and says I was searching for you, I have a surprise for you, come with me. Devika eyes store room door and leaves wit him.

Devika comes to Alek’s room, its decorated, they have dinner set for them. Devika says its a nice surprise. He pulls out chair for her. He gives her juice and says lets enjoy this, she drinks it. Alek smirks. Devika says can I have more? she drinks more juice. Alek thinks that juice is spiked, she will be inebriated and I will have her body. Devika feels dizzy and tries to keep her composure, she tries to get up but is about to fall. alek holds her, she is inebriated. He puts her on bed. Varun is passingby by the room and hears some noise. Alek holds Devika’s hand and caresses her face, he sniffs her and lustfully roams hands on her stomach and hands, he kisses her hands and leans down.. he is about to kiss her but Varun knocks on door and says Devika? Alek runs from there. Varun comes in room. He sees Devika lying on bed. Alek hides and thinks that he failed my plan but not always. Varun comes to Devika and says how she is sleeping, he covers her, takes off her sandals. He says I told you I will always save you, I wont let you marry Alek. He turns to leave and his bracelet slips on bed, he doesnt see it and leaves.

In morning, Devika wakes up and looks around, she says what happened last night? I got ill last night, she sees herself covered and says who covered it? She finds Varun’s bracelet and says he came in my room again, I wont spare him.

Devika comes to Varun and says why did you come in my room? He says I did, Devika says what did you do with me? Varun says enough, if I didnt come to you then.. you dont know what would have happened with you, someone was in room when you are unconscious, he ranaway, Alek was there, he is not a nice person. Devika says you are provoking me with false allegations, tomorrow is my marriage. Varun pulls her closer and glares at her, he says why dont you understand? listen I wont let you marry Alek, I will marry you only and that is for sure, he leaves. Devika looks on. Alek sees it and thinks I will fail Varun’s plans.

Precap: Devika’s mehndi ceremony start. Alek says to Varun that I just care about Devika’s body, I just have to sleep with her once, just once. Varun shouts Alek and is about to punch him. Lajjo asks Maasa where is Varun and Devika? Maasa says they are not seen anywhere. Maasa says to Alek that Devika has been missing since last night, I would suggest to take this baraat back, this marriage cant happen. Devika comes there and says this marriage will happen at any cost.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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