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Devi serves everyone juice. All the women take the juice. Masa gets drunk and laughs like an idiot. She talks stupid things. She takes a woman’s wig off. Adhi comes to holi party. Urmi says lets play holi. He says no don’t apply colors on me.

Devi comes to the party. Adhi looks at her dazed. She comes to Adhi and apply color on his face. He says what are you here for? go from here. She says I know you miss me. She says you will make me eat these sweets. She says you will know the truth today. Adhi says Kesar is my wife. I want to spend my life with her. Devi says where is she? He says she is home resting. Virat calls Devi and says we are coming. Devi apply color on Adhi’s face.

Urmi asks Bansuri where is Adhi? I gave him laddo. Adhi’s head is heavy, he dances with Devi. Everyone join them. They dance on rang barsay.

Masa is drunk. Masa says that Devi.. She did all this. I won’t leave her. I have to find Kesar.

Devi come to Adhi and says come with me you will know the truth today. I wont lose this chance to explain to you. I have the proof this time.

Masa comes and says I have to find that girl. Her friend takes her to play holi.

Devi bring Adhi to Kesar. She says Kesar wants to say something. Kesar says she is a very clever girl. They both love each other. They are fooling you and want all your money. Devi is dazed. Kesar says she had been pretending to be your wife. Adhi laugh. He says nice drama. He says what happened to you Kesar. He is drunk. Kesar goes inside. Adhi says I want to dance again. Masa says I want to dance. Virat takes Kesar away from there.

Urmi comes to Adhi. She holds his hand and says did you eat laddo? Come with me. Adhi says no I want to dance. He dances with Devi. He comes close to her. Urmi sees them in anger. She says even today you didn’t get to know the truth.

The next day Devi comes to house with Kesar. Adhi is dazed to see her. Masa says you… Kesar. Devi says Adhi I want to tell you something. He says I don’t want to listen to you. She says you have to. I came to this house in place of Kesar. You married me again and not Kesar. Masa kicked me out with her plans but she couldn’t kill my determination. You didn’t give me a chance to explain myself. Masa did all this and Kesar helped her as well. She says she is lying. She has done all this with Virat. Devi says ask Kesar she will tell you the truth. Masa asks Kesar to stay silent. Devi says she will tell how Masa used her as a pawn. Adhi says is all this true Kesar? Kesar says yes. Masa is dazed. She says Kesar is lying. Devi is scaring her. Devi kidnapped her. Adhi says that means you knew Kesar wasn’t here? I never expected this from you. You knew how much I loved her. Why did you do this. Adhi says I am sorry. He hug Devi and says forgive me please. I made a mistake. I did so wrong. I did all that she asked me to do. A mother makes her kid’s life and what you did masa. She doesn’t deserve to be called my mom. Kill her. He gives her gun and says kill her. She has given us so much pain. She killed Mukun as well. I tried to kill you because of her. Kill her. She did so wrong. Kill her. Devi shoots. It hits Masa’s head and she falls down. Devi is shocked.

Adhi says to Devi kill Maasa, she gave you so much pain, she kept making your life hell, kill her, I give you my swear.. Devi gets scared and shoots at Maasa.. Maasa dies.. it turns out to be Masa’s dream. She says I wont let this happen, I have to finish Devi forever, dont know where Devi have hidden Kesar.

Urmi comes to Adhi’s room and sees him sleeping, she smirks and sits beside him, she caresses his hair and says you destroyed all my efforts and now sleeping here? She caresses his face and shakes him, she asks him to wake up, its late. Adhi wakes up and sees her close. He moves away and says Bhabhi you in my room? Urmi says you wanted someone else here? I came here to wake you up, she says drink this lemonade then you will understand. Adhi takes it and has headache, he think I don't remember anything. Urmi says you don't remember anything? let me tell you, everyone must know about it, you danced with Devi yesterday, romanced with her, you kept her in your arms and even kissed her, you should have thought something, I didnt expect this shamelessness from you, she is not yours now, you can't keep 2-3 women for yourself or atleast hide the other woman affair. Adhi says Kesar was there too? Urmi says Kesar and the whole village saw it, dont know how Kesar had to bear all that. Adhi says I will have to ask for forgiveness from Kesar Bhabhi, let me get ready. Urmi thinks I am here for lemonade only but once Devi is gone from his mind then I will remove Kesar and make him mine, she leaves.
Devi says to Kesar I gave you a chance to rectify your mistakes but you broke my trust again, I have had to bear a lot but now I will not give you any chance to cheat me. Kesar says enough, you are a cheater, you are just selfish because you dont think about anything else than your love, me and my unborn baby curse you, I curse you that you will never get your love. Devi says atleast don't make your unborn baby part of this cheap act, you did all this antics, you followed others, did some acts on your foolish instincts, God have given me right to be Adhi’s wife and I will be his wife, I promise to never take your help to prove myself, I will not beg you to get what is my right, you might have cursed me using your baby but when this baby comes in world then Adhi and I will love him the most as his parents. Kesar get emotional. Devi turns to leave but emotionally looks at her, she leaves sadly. Kesar looks on.

Virat says to Devi that I cannot believe this, Kesar can do this? I thought everything will be fine and I will go home on time. Devi says is there something important at home? Virat says its my engagement, Devi says how could I forget? We promised each other to attend each others marriage, I am not a good friend, go and prepare for your engagement, you are so nice and I dont care about you. Virat says no, till Adhi becomes clear of doubts, I will handle Kesar, she can be anything but we have to worry about her unborn baby, dont worry. Devi says why people take friendship wrongly? friends are for life, thank you, he smiles and leaves with her, someone spy on them.
Devi comes to Adhi’s room in veil and sees it decorated with flowers and candles, she thinks why he has decorated it like this. Adhi comes there and says what is all this? Devi says you didnt do it? he says no, who did it? Devi looks on. Urmi comes there and says I have done it, I understood that this marriage night is what you wanted. Adhi says you think too much, please stop interfering in my life, I respect you but dont force me to insult you. Urmi acts like crying and says its not days for doing good, you romanced with Devi in holi so I thought to make Kesar happy and did this for her but now I am being insulted. Devi hugs her. Urmi thinks that Maasa told me to take off her veil infront of Adhi and I never not followed Maasa, Maasa hides and looks on. Urmi starts tugging on Devi’s veil, it starts slipping, Devi tries to hold it back, Adhi have back to them, Devi pulls it on her face before Adhi turns around. Devi says Urmi come with me, she takes her from there. Urmi leaves. Devi sees Maasa going from there. Devi thinks they doubt me, I have to end this veil thing.

Kesar is sleeping in Virat’s house, Virat says its good I gave you sleeping pill so now you can rest here and I can prepare for my engagement, he closes door and leaves. Maasa comes there and recalls how she saw Virat saying to Devi that he will handle Kesar. In room, Kesar wakes up and says where am I? Maasa comes inside and says its Virat’s house. Kesar says you? She runs to her. Maasa says you are Heera’s favorite, I will never stop supporting you, I will always be by your side, Kesar gets happy hearing that.

Devi comes to Adhi’s room in veil. Adhi comes there and says Bhabhi, I am sorry about Urmi, she didnt do right. Devi says you said a lot to her in anger. Adhi says I am angry on myself, I want to start new life with you, accept you as my wife but.. Devi says but? Adhi says but Devi doesnt leave my mind, heart and thoughts, I become weak when she is infront of me. Devi says then you shouldnt think about starting life with me, how can you start life with Kesar when you have Devi in your heart and mind? Adhi gets miffed and leaves from there. 

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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