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Naina says but Devika is the only child of Adhiraj, Varun says he is just said brother. Varun says Devika was miffed that we didnt call him in our marriage so she was hugging when she saw him today. Mom says you are saying nice dialogues. Varun ask Alek not to be angry, Devika leaves with Alek. Varun says to Naina she is miffed again, all beautiful girls like you get angry fast, Naina blushes.

Alek says to Devika he made your brother. Devika says I am sorry, Varun said it infront of Naina, he says dont say sorry. Devika says lets go out and enjoy, I am tired of Varun, he says okay, its a date, he leaves.

Varun says to Alek that stay away from Devika, Alek says you said I am her brother so I can go out with her.

Varun comes to Devika and says dont go out with Alek, he is not a nice person. devika says dont act like my husband, I dont take you as my husband,. Varun says okay go with him, I wont save you this time. Devika says I need to be saved from you, not anyone else. She comes out of her room and is tensed, she says Varun is right for one thing, the way Alek tied handcuffs to me was not right, I have to be careful and see what is going on in Alek’s mind, my mind works too.

Mom comes to Varun and says I heard you are not going out with Devika? Varun says no, I dont have to show off because Naina wont be there. Mom says its not about showing off to Naina but to show that you are her real husband, you know Alek is a jerk. Varun says I know and I accept it. Mom says then how can you let your wife go with someone else? Dhani comes there and says should I got with you? I will help you to save Devika from that jerk Alek. Mom says take her, its good to with more people, go before Alek takes her.

Alek calls Devika and says come fast, we are getting late. He waits by his car. Dhani comes there and sits in his car. Alek says what are you doing here? Dhani says going with you. Varun comes there and sits in back seat, he says I have heard you are going to a good place. Devika comes there and opens front door to see Dhani sitting there. She sits in back seat with Varun. Alek says come sit in front, they are not going with us. Varun says we are going too and you cant stop us. Devika says Alek you start driving, we will deal with them later. They drive away.
Maasa says to Naina that Adhi used to take care of me a lot but I dont know why he made will like this, cant we do something? like why do we need 6 months? can you give them good marks. Naina says you want money too much, I wont give them good marks like that, she leaves. Maasa says my number got less.

Alek brings Devika to a resort room and locks door. Devika says we were going to eat food? Alek says I want to spend sometime with you, he leans in to kiss her. Devika pushes him away and says what are you doing? Devika says not this Alek. Alek says why not? you love me and I love you then why this gap between us? Devika says love doesnt mean that you break every wall. Alek says you spend nights with man who you hate and you cant let person touch you whom you love? Devika says what are you saying? what happened to you? you were not like this, lets go, I dont want to stay here. Alek says I am sorry, please forgive me. He says when I see Varun with you, my blood boils. Devika says dont you trust me? all relations are based on trust. Alek says you say such nice things, I will beware from next time, he says you stay here, I will make tea for you. Alek thinks the only goal is to bring her to bed whether by becoming bad or good, she will leave this resort after becoming mine, he smirks.

Varun is panicking in his room. Dhani asks him to sit down. Varun says Devika is alone with him in a room. He fumes in anger.

Alek makes tea and brings it to Devika but he deliberately throws it on her shirt. He says I am so sorry, your dress is spoiled, go change your clothes otherwise it will stain. Devika goes to washroom. Alek smirks.

Devika is washing her dress and says its all wet, I have to take it off. He sees no towel in washroom and shouts there is no towel, Alek can you can give me towel. Alek smirks and doesnt answer her from room. Door knocks. Alek opens it. Its Varun disguised as housekeeper and says I know there is no towel in your room. Varun says I know there is no towel in your room. Alek thinks he is waiter and says we dont need it. Varun says no I know you need it, he comes to his room and sees tea cup on floor, he says tell me one thing, where is madam? did she leave being miffed? Alek says it doesnt concern you. Varun says no I just have to housekeep. Devika says from washroom that I need towel. Varun runs to her and gives her towel. Alek asks him to get lost. Varun says give me tip. Alek asks him to get lost. Varun leaves. Dhani stops waiter, its Varun, he takes off his mustache, he says Alek is upto something, we have to save Devika.
Devika is in washroom. She ties towel around her body and asks Alek to leave room, she has to change. He says ofcourse dear. Alek comes out of room but doesnt close door fully. Devika comes in room in towel. Alek hides behind door and makes video of her. Devika drops towel, Alek is about to shoot her but Dhani comes there and says Alek I have some work, come with me. He goes with her.

Varun comes to Devika’s room. She has changed clothes and is tying her dori. Varun turns her around and ties her dori, he says are you a fool? changing clothes while door open? Devika says I thought Alek closed it. Varun says shut up, there was about to be a big mishap, girls should be careful when changing clothes, I am taking you back from this resort, I am bringing car, you will stay in this room, dont come out of this room, this door is lakshman rekha for you, he covers her dupatta and leaves. Devika looks. Varun comes to Alek and slaps him infront of all, he says this is for tarnishing a girl’s image, Devika thought you closed the door but you were watching her change clothes, he slaps him again and says if you are seen anywhere near Devika then I wont spare you, he leaves. Alek shouts at resort staff to go and do their work. One man says right thing happened with you, man like you should deserve this, you cheap man. Alek fumes in anger and says how dare he raise hand on me infront of everyone? he tries to act like Devika’s bodyguard but wont be able to save her respect.

Devika is in a resort room, she gets a call from Dhani, Dhani says Devika save me.. Alek dont come near me. Devika says what happened Dhani? Dhani screams and call is disconnected. Devika tries to call back but there is no network. Devika says Dhani was taking Alek’s name, it means.. Alek.. is forcing himself on Dhani? She turns to go out of room but recalls how Varun asked her to not leave room at any cost. She stops herself and calls Varun but its busy. She says what to do? I cant wait anymore.

Alek locks Dhani is a room, she shouts for someone’s help. Alek comes near her and caresses her face, he says God made such nice beauty for me.. they stare at each other and laugh out. Alek leaves her. Dhani laughs and gives him a hifive. Alek says you acted nicely on phone. dhani says I did a mistake so had to rectify it, I didnt want to send you away from that door, Varun asked me so I should to show him that I am with him. Alek says its okay, Varun’s plan is not going to work. Dhani says as soon as Devika come out of room, make her yours and then Varun will be mine forever. Alek says you are sacrificing Devika for your gain. dhani says I just want to win my love and for that, I can do anything. Alek says same here.

In room, Devika says I have to cross this door to save Dhani. She takes a deep breath, comes out of room and searches for Dhani. Alek comes there and asks what happened? Devika says where is Dhani? she called me and said you were forcing yourself on her. Alek says what rubbish? I didnt see Dhani. Devika says I will believe you once I see her. Alek says this is a plan to dishonor me, fine. He calls a waiter and asks if he saw a girl who is in room 207? Waiter says yes I saw her in garden. Alek says listen Devika, now come and see her. He drags Devika from there. They come out of resort and see Dhani leaving from there. Alek says see she is fine. Devika says let me ask her why she pretended. Alek says this must be Varun’s trick to spoil my image. Devika says no Varun would never ask Dhani to lie like that. Alek says so you trust Varun so much and told me that you dont trust me till you see Dhani? Devika says no I dont trust you. She turns to leave but Alek grabs her and pins her to car, he says this is the problem, you trust Varun more than me. Devika is scared to see his rage. Alek says if you dont trust me then I dont have to pretend more, I like flying birds. He grabs her, throws her in car. Devika tries to fight and says Varun told me to not come out of room, I came out to save Dhani. Alek says it was all my plan darling. Devika is stunned. Alek says you did nice by not hearing Varun, his loss and my gain, I dont like to be Ram, its fun to be Ravan, he locks her in car and drives away.

Varun comes to Devika’s room and sees her missing. He calls her but she is not picking up. He comes to Dhani and asks if she saw Devika? Dhani says no I saw her phone on floor, I was going to her. Varun asks where is Alek? Dhani says dont know, his car is not here too. Varun says that Alek must have taken her. Dhani says no, please save my sister, what if Alek does something bad with Devika? Varun leaves from there. Dhani smirks and says he wont be able to save Devika, she will be finished now.

Alek brings Devika to a jungle and throws her. Devika says Varun was right, you are an animal, I came to see this face of yours, my doubt was right. Alek says yes you and your Varun were right but now you are in my clutches, where will you go now? he takes off his vest. Devika says dont come near me and slaps him. Alek glares at her and says enough, he slaps her harshly and shouts at her. He says now I will tell you why I wanted to marry you.. because I just wanted this silky body of yours, he takes off her dupatta and ties her to a tree, he tears off her sleeve.

Varun is running to save her. He tries to run as fast as he can.

In jungle, Devika tries to fight against Alek. Alek says fight as much as you want, from the moment I saw you, I wanted you, I thought my game was finished when brought that Jiya so I made you believe that Jiya was mental, you trust my words against Varun’s, you are so innocent. Devika shouts that Varun was right, you did that with Jiya. Alek says yes, I played with Jiya’s body and emotions, I made her a mother and left her, you thought I was your hero but I am actually a villain for you, he laughs hysterically. Devika shouts that I was a fool to try to love an animal like you, thought you are right for me and kept saying Varun is wrong, he was just trying to save me. Alek says he cant save you now, see where we are, how he will know? he will try to search you but wont be able to find you.

Varun is running around to search for Devika.

Devika says to Alek that its my mistake, I should have listened to Varun. Alek says now you will bear punishment, you have made me wait a lot but not anymore, he leans into her, Devika looks away and shouts no. He grabs her mouth. Devika kicks him groin, he falls back and cries.

Varun is running and falls down on road. He gets up and shouts to God that you cant let this happen with good people, show me some path to save Devika, this cant happen with her. He looks around and finds Alek’s car near a street. He says this is Alek’s car? he runs in that direction.

Devika free herself from ties. She push Alek on floor, she takes tree stick and says I did mistake of not believing Varun but you did mistake of thinking I am weak, now I will give you punishment, Devika will take Devi’s avatar to teach you a lesson, woman will take Devi’s avatar to finish animals like you so people like you dont try to think any Devika is your slippers, today I will finish a filth like you. She takes tree stick and stabs him with it. She keeps stabbing him till he dies. Devika throws away stick and leaves from there.

Devika stabs Alek and leaves from there. Devika is running on roads, she slips and is about to fall down but Varun comes there and holds her. Devika is emotional to see him, Varun takes off his jacket and makes her wear it, Devika cry and says he.. Alek.. Varun stops her and shakes his head. Devika hugs him and cry.

Varun and Devika comes back home. Naina comes to them and says what a scene, hero’s forehead have blood, heroine wearing hero’s jacket, from where you both are coming? All come there. Devika says I should go and change, she leaves. Naina asks Varun where did you take your wife? if it was a good place then you will get good marks. Jaggu says answer her nicely, you will get marks, Naina will leave and we will enjoy. Maasa says let me hear what Varun has to say. Urmi says maybe marks will be deducted. Varun says we went to a nice place but what happened there was not nice, I am ashamed to even tell you what happened there. Naina asks what happened? Maasa asks Varun to tell. Varun says he is a very bad person.. Maasa asks who? Varun says Alek, Jaggu asks what did he do? Varun says he did something very cheap with Devika. Maasa asks what? Alek comes there and says why you are tarnishing Alek? will you take my life? Naina sees wound on his head and asks what happened to you? Alek says nothing, I was loving a wild cat but she scratched me. Varun grabs his collar and says how dare you come here, why did you come here? Maasa asks Varun what he is doing? Devika comes there after changing, she asks Varun to leave Alek. Alek smirks. Naina asks why you are angry on your wife’s brother? Devika says nothing, he is a husband, he has right to be angry. Varun says dont hide Devika, tell everyone what happened. Devika says what happened? nothing happened, my brother didnt do anything, he just wanted to spend time with me. Naina says Varun said he did something cheap with you. Devika says it was just a joke. Alek wanted to spend time with me but Varun didnt like it, Varun wanted to send him away but Alek did a prank like childhood when he used to lock me in a cupboard. Varun asks Devika what rubbish are you saying? tell everyone what happened in real. Devika says I am not lyind, dont act infront of me. Alek says dont force her for anything. Devika leaves from there. Naina says they keep fighting over small things, marks will be deducted. Naina thinks there is something fishy here.

Varun comes to Devika and says why you are doing this? you are taking side of a person who did such bad thing with you? Devika says Alek.. he.. She turns to sees Alek there. He says villain is here, can I talk to my darling alone? Varun is about to hit him but Devika stops him. Varun says to Alek I take her as my wife. Alek says then ask your wife whom she wants to talk to first, tell him Devika. Devika looks at Varun and asks him to leave, I want to talk to Alek alone. Varun says I wont leave you with this person. Devika throws Varun out of room and locks it. Varun says please tell me why you are doing this, what you want? he leaves. Alek grabs Devika’s neck and says let me show you that video again, he shows her video of changing clothes, he says think you will be famous when all see MMS of you without clothes, Devika is disgusted. 

Precap: Devika pours wine for Alek. Alek says just imagine I am going to enjoy someone else’s wife even before that husband, its going to be so much fun, Devika looks on. Varun asks Dhani if she saw Devika? Dhani says I saw her going to Alek’s room and locking door. Varun brings Devika to her room and throws her on bed, he says what kind of a woman are you? you know what people call girls like you? you have no shame. Devika looks on in tears. Naina says to family that something weird is happening, it cant stay like this, this marriage has to break. Devika and Varun looks on.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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