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Devika says to her rat that my parents call me blessing from God but I cant help them, father’s shoes are torn but I cant buy new shoes, where to get money from? she sees a man in car. She puts rat in his car. Man comes out of car and is scared. Devika asks what happened? he says there is a rat in my car, she says I can take out if you give me 1000rs, he says okay, and gives her money, she takes rat and leaves from there. She says to God that sorry I fooled him but we have some rights to take from rich people too, I will live like this.

Devika brings new shoes from markter and gives it to her father, he asks how you got money for it? She says you say that people who are clever, use mind can do anything so I used my mind, senses and determination to earn money, your shoes were torn and you were hurt so I bought them. Father says God made us Banjara but gave us daughter who gives us happiness. Devika says I will make permanent house for you one day. She makes safe in a box and makes home drawing on it, she puts 10rs in it and says when we will have enough money then we will buy house.

After 6 years, Devika runs off. Lajjo says she doesnt stop. Father says she must have gone to help me. Lajjo says dont make her work, she is God’s blessing.

Young Devika is running kite in fields and playing with kids. She is 18 years old. She sees a snake near herbs. Devika runs around in fields. She catches a snake and turns around, she has same face like Devi. She says snake you cant scare me, no one can scare Devika, she leaves snake and takes some herbal.

Maasa is looking at Adhi and Devi’s picture. Jaggu says 18 years have passed so now wealth will go to trust. Maasa says I wont let money go easily, my Dhaani is my wealth.
Dhaani is shown. She smiles at Maasa and says grandma here is your medicine and milk. Maasa says you didnt give me red tablet. dhani says its iron tablet and you cant take it with calcium, she tells her technical details but Maasa doesnt understand it. Dhani says I have to go class, please eat something, I made food. Maasa says okay. She takes her blessing and leaves. Jaggu says she is pretty. Maasa asks him to shut up, she is my grand daughter. Jaggu asks why she loves her? Maasa says she is my way to money, she saves money in bank which Adhi’s funds send her every month, it must be a lot now. I am just thinking of a way to trap that lawyer, I have no chance and time to do it, you just see, I wont let money go.

Devika sells herbs she found from snake’s den. Lajjo comes there and says you are saving money for house but rates are going up, Devika says we will soon have enough money to buy house, I have got another chance to earn money, I am leaving, she leaves. Father comes there and says she helps me a lot. Lajjo says dont have too much hopes from her, she will leave one day after getting married. Father says she is a lioness, she will soon find prince.

Hero’s entry is shown, he is shown acting in a movie as star, his fans, girls gather around him to take autograph.. suddenly water is thrown on him by his mother, he wakes up in his small house and says you cant even let me dream, mom says you wont get anything by dreaming. Hero wakes up in shorts only, he cleans his chiseled body, he starts body building for his packs. He uses social media too. Mom comes there and says you cant leave facebook for one minute? you people keep taking selfies. He says OMG, she asks did you get movie? He says Ranbir Singh wore mismatching socks, what a style. Mom says you dont earn and use my money to stare at heros. Hero says my dreams are big. Mom says start working Champo, if you dont start earning then I will get you married then you will have to work. He says enough, I am super star, I have too much talent, you have given birth to talented person, I have heard that director is coming to cast for a new movie. Mom asks him to atleast wear clothes instead of just shorts, he says I will go dashingly in audition.

Hero is going for audition, he says I will be hero in this movie. Hero stumbles and is about to fall but Devika sees him and catches him, he falls in her arms, they both share eyelock.

Hero is in the market, he slips but Devika catches him, he falls in her arms, they both share eyelock. She pulls him up and moves away. Devika says now you will say thank you.. right? He says you saved me from falling, she says you already look cheap. He says I will be hero of this movie, are you here for audition? why are you wearing different clothes? She says I am different from others.

Director is taking auditions. Devika comes there. Director says you are not in clothes of character. She says I am a snake, He says what? Devika starts dancing like a snake and says I can bite you. Director asks her to leave. Devika says all are snakes here, you did mistake by coming here, they will bite you and you will become snake too.. but I am a good snake so I am warning you. Director says you look crazy. Devika plays snake music and starts dancing like a snake. Director is scared. Devika says this is our place so we will play our music, just see what happens now, I am not alone, there are more snakes like me. She sees hero outside and says you want to be hero? He says yes, she says then you have to dance on this song, he says you keep helping me. She brings him to director and makes him dance like a snake. Devika starts dancing like snake around director, she says my male partner has come, all will become snakes and they will go home with you.. Director gets scared and says tell me some option. She says I will handle them, give me 5000rs. He gives her money and says leave please. She turns to leave, he asks her to male snake too, she says beat him with sticks and he will leave, she leaves. Director starts beating hero. Hero says what are you doing? He stops director and says that girl fooled you, there is no snake here, I am an actor. Director shouts all are mental here, get out, he leaves. Hero sees Devika counting money, her friends say you are clever, you got money from other producer too. Devika says I always multiply. Friends leave. Hero comes there and says you fooled him and my childhood dream was lost because of you. Devika says I was fulfilling my dream, if you have guts then you can fulfill your dream on your own. Hero says I wont spare you, what kind of girl are you? She says different from everyone, you wont see girl like me. She leaves.

Devika dresses up in white dress, her father says you are looking like a princess. Lajjo asks where did go wearing these clothes? Devika says I got these clothes from a place I went, I am looking like Sri Devi? Lajjo says you are our blessing, Devi, she says to father you have spoilt her. Father says you call her blessing, and I spoilt her? She is my friend, Devika hugs him and says yes. Lajjo gets miffed. Devika hugs her and says you are my friend too, Lajjo smiles. Father says I have work, he leaves. Lajjo asks her to take clothes and change, pack your bags. Devika says we are changing place too? where? Lajjo says Sujangarh. Devika imagines some past and panics, she says I wont go, no.. she sees baby thrown from cliff in flashes and shouts I wont go anywhere. She faints. Lajjo asks what happened? She calls father, father checks her pulse and rubs her hands. He makes her smell herbs, Devika doesnt wake up. Father says how did this happened? Lajjo says I just told her we have to shift again. Father says how did this happened? I dont understand, we change places after every 6 month since her childhood then how this happened suddenly? Lajjo says I took Sujangarh’s name, did she? Father says whats in Sujrangarh that made her worry so much? they hug her.

Maasa is looking at Adhi and Devi’s photos. Maasa says prepare for peace prayer. He ask why? she says just do it, chief guest will be lawyer. Jaggu says I dont understand. Maasa says your thinking ends where mine start, you think I was waiting for miracle in 18 years? no, miracle doesnt happen, miracle are forced to happen, its time to do benefit for myself, you just prepare for it, its time and my chance now. She smirk.
Father asks Lajjo if she woke up? Lajjo says we have to calmly talk to her, let's go. They go in her room. Devika is packing and says lets go to Sujangarh. They look on. Lajjo says we got scared that name might worry you. Devika says I thought why it worried me so I thought to go there and see, lets see whats in Sujangarh. Devika’s families are going to Sujangarh. Devika looks from car and sees blurred flashbacks again, she gets jittery. Lajjo asks what happened? Father stops car and says we can stay here. He stops before entering Sujangarh’s border. Devika gets down and looks around. Heavy winds start blowing. Devika looks around.

Maasa sees heavy winds blowing, Jaggu says something bad is going to happen. Maasa says you always blabber bad things, I am tired of you. She says something as per my will is going to happen and you are saying all that, this storm has brought nice news for us. Jaggu says whats your idea? How will you bring a girl and match her DNA with Adhi? where did you get the girl? Maasa says no I wont tell till my last trick, lets go and enjoy storm, she leaves.

Devika is in the market, she announce best doctor is in town, so come to get solution for anything, she says I have a lot of work, she passes pamphlet and says lets find someone to fool.

Hero is getting reading, he says to mom that I am going to Sujangarh, she ask why? He says I am going to meet big director, he is going to make Lagan 2, he is holidaying there, once he cast me then all will recognize you. Mom asks where will you get money to go there? Hero says you will give me rent of room of first floor. Mom says promise if you dont get role there then you will come to to handle shop of your father, marry and give me grandson. He thinks and says promise, just see how I become superstar there.

Maasa calls lawyer and says its 18th peace prayer of Adhi and Devi, I want you to come, I want you to meet someone, just think that happiness has comeback. Lawyer asks if you are fooling me again? She says I wouldnt have waited these many years if I wanted to do that, I know you would put me in jail so its not like that, just come, he says okay and ends call. Maasa says now I wont fail.
Devika is in the market, she says to kids see new trap, she show them man, she says we will put itching powder on him and then we will say only our doctor can save him, then he will pay us. Kid says its a good trick. She gives itching powder but one old woman(maasa) passes by her and bumps into her, Devika’s powder fall down. Maasa doesnt see her and goes on. Devika says I wont spare this oldie. One kid says shove that oldie. Devika says I wont spare her. She goes to oldie and pokes her. Old woman turns and is actually Maasa. Maasa holds her hand and is shocked to see her face.. she says Devi? Devika jerks Maasa.. Maasa turns and is shocked to see her.. she says Devi? Devika says who is that? I will be out of your reach.. she runs away.. Maasa says was this a dream? She sees Devika running away. Devika asks kids to see if she calls police.. I am running. Devika is running away from Maasa and strikes with hero in the market.. they both fall down with hero on top of her, they share eyelock.. hawaian plays.. he puts hand on her bare back and pulls her in, Devika close her eyes.. he moves hand on her stomach and is about to touch her face but she grabs his hand. Devika asks him to get up, they get up. He says one minute.. I saw you somewhere. Devika says you say lame lines, cheap boy. He recalls how she fooled director and says now I remember, my audition flopped because of you. Devika says you are that flopstar? what are you doing here? He says to fulfill my dream but don't bump into me again, you are unlucky for me. Devika says take scared thread from our priest in 5000rs to get success. He says I dont need it, dont show your face. She says you dont show face too.. she sees her bangle stuck in his shirt, he says what is this? she moves closer to jerk it away, he is lost in her close proximity.. he moves closer to her lips.. she jerks bangle and it tears his shirt infront. He is stunned and shouts you tore my shirt, you are unlucky for me. Devika says my mom calls me blessing from Devi, you called me unluck stupid.. he says how will I go anywhere? Devika says boys roam around without clothes these days.. let me jerk my bangle otherwise I will get your pants off too. She jerks her bangle away, his shirt is totally torn, he thinks this girl is a storm. Devika thinks this boy is cheapster.

One dancer is shown.. she is giving dance classes to other dancers. All follow her steps on chikni chameeli.. she seductively dances and says to students we will meet in new class. One man says I have learnt many yogas but your Cabaret yoga is very unique and nice, how you got this idea? she says from inside.. my heartbeat told me to do something in life that will make people remember me, all item girls keep body in shape with Cabaret.. I joined yoga and cabaret. Man says all enjoy your yoga.. She says Cabaret Yoga queen Urmi is only one.. Its actually Urmi in modern avatar.

Precap: Devika enters palace.. some flowers fall on her mistakenly.. she looks around palace. All girls are dancing in veil on Janmashtami in palace, Devika dances with them in veil.. She takes off veil and thinks why I feel relation with this palace? Maasa turns and is about to see her face

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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