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Devika says this marriage is a show off for me till that lawyer comes, dont act like we have relation for births, she leaves. Varun says I dont care if lawyer comes or not, I am not leaving from your life.

Urmi calls her partner and says if Devika dies before lawyer comes then Maasa wont get money, she asks him to arrange for a snake.

Devika comes out of after taking bath, she is bathrobe, she asks Varun to leave from room, she has to change. Varun comes near her and says why shame from me? I am your husband, I dont mind changing infront of you, he takes off his shirt. Devika turns and groans, she asks him to leave. Varun pulls her closer and says you are my wife. Devika moves away and her robe opens. Devika thinks he pulled it, Devika says you cheap man, leave. Varun pulls her closer and says I didnt open it deliberately, it got stuck in my hand, I am not that kind of man to take advantage of women. Urmi sends snake in their room, she thinks that snake bite one of them. She waits for their scream but Devika and Varun comes out of room after getting ready and leaves. Urmi looks for snake in their room and says where did it go? poisonous snake can bite anyone.

Mom says to Varun that you got married without me but we will do all rituals. Varun and Devika gets ready for ring finding ceremony. Priest says who finds the ring, that person will rule house life. Urmi comes there and says snake, I saw a snake. Maasa says you have gone crazy, they are no snakes here. Maasa asks them to start ritual. They are about to put hands in milk bowl to find rings but snake appears in bowl, all are stunned to see snake inside. Snake bites Varun’s mom, she screams in pain, all are shocked. Devika and Varun rushes to mom, Varun says lets take her to doctor. Devika says no we dont have time, poison will spread in her body, she ties cloth on her hand where snake bit, Varun says please save my mother at any most. Devika asks Dhani to bring herbs from her room, Dhani goes. Devika sucks blood from Varun’s mom’s hands and spits it, all look on. Varun is in tears to see it, Dhani brings herbs, Devika applies on her wound, all look on. Her mom faints. Devika says I have taken out poison, take her to her room. Varun says I will never forget this debt of yours.

Varun comes to his room. Devika asks how is your mother? Varun says your mother is taking care of her. Devika says dont worry, poison is out of her body. Varun says I know mom will be fine and I know her daughter in law saved her and her inlaw is taking care of her, relationships are spreading their colors then why you are denying this marriage? Lord made our couple. Devika says enough, are you done, you think Lord made our pair for some reason? I have one reason to not accept this marriage too.. that is.. she hints behind her. Varun looks behind to see Alek standing there. He is stunned.
Devika shows Alek to Varun and says you cheated him, once we talk to lawyer and get property then we will take divorce and I will go back to my Alek. Varun is hurt hearing it. Devika says to Alek that lets go out, I feel suffocated in this house. Alek smirks at Varun and leaves with Devika.

Urmi calls her partner and says our snake plan failed, that Devika is still alive, she will fool lawyer and take all money, we will remain penniless. we waited for this for years, that girl has to die. She is out of house so shoot her. Varun stands behind her and is shocked. Urmi says to caller that girl got saved from my snake but she should die from your bullet, Devika shouldnt come back alive in house, she leaves. Varun is angry hearing it.

Devika and Alek are in the park. Devika says to Alek I was helpless, Varun married me forcefully, I want to marry you, live life with you, spend my time with you. Alek sniffs her from behind. Devika says lawyer will come by 4pm and the property which has been locked for years will be open and I will get my share then I will come to you, will you accept me? He caresses her face and says what are you saying? I have waited for you a lot, I want to unite with you for births. Devika smiles at him. Varun comes there. Devika says you came here too? why dont you leave me alone. Varun says I came here to save your life, you know the snake in house didnt come on its own, Urmi brought it to kill you and now she has sent someone to shoot you. Devika and Alek looks at him and laughs out. Urmi’s shooter is hiding in bush and pointing at Devika. Devika says to Varun you didnt have any excuse to come here so lying about this? first you used to say that Alek is bad and now saying Urmi is bad. Varun says try to understand, your life is in danger. Devika says there is no danger, get lost. Varun sees shooter about to shoot at Devika. He pulls Devika away and hug her tightly. Varun worriedly looks at her. Devika shares eyelock with him, Muskarane ki waja plays. Alek asks Devika if she is fine? Varun has wound on arm when he saved Devika.
Urmi is doing yoga in her room, Varun comes there and says I know you did all this. Urmi says what can you do? Varun says I cant do anything right now but I wont let you succeed, Devika can behave anyway with me but I will protect her, her enemies have to fight with me to get to her.

Varun whispers to her that we have to pretend to be a happy couple infront of lawyer and he is behind you. Devika puts a fake smile and says I was not angry at you. Lawyer asks can he come inside. Devika says yes.

Lawyer sits with family and says I have will of Adhiraj, I dont know what he wrote in his will. Urmi thinks what he must have written inside? seems like game is going to change. Lawyer opens will and reads it, he reads conditions that Adhi’s child have to get married but that kid have to be happy in their married life and they will know it if they are happy with their partner only when they will leave their partner for 6 months, after 6 months if lawyer sees signs that Adhi’s child is happy in that marriage only then they will get property, if its proven that Adhi’s child have chosen a wrong person as her/him partner then money and property will go to trust and a monthly amount will go to his child. Lawyer says Adhi cared for his child a lot. Jaggu says Adhi fooled us. Kesar says now they will live together for another 6 months. Dhani thinks Varun cant be mine for 6 more months. Devika sighs. Varun smirk.

Devika says to family that Alek wants to marry me, he loves me so why I shouldnt go with him, why should I stay here? Maasa says for money, after we get property, you will get so much money that Alek cant even think of and for that money, you have to stay here for 6 months, you wanted to make a house for your parents. Devika says Alek loves me, he can give house to my parents too. Maasa says I am doing all this for your benefit, there is never enough money in life so earning good amount in 6 months will be good. Devika says you want to to benefit me? you brought this Varun as Prince to cheat me then you put gun on my mother’s head and wanted me to marry this oldie Jaggu, I had to bear it all but now Alek is waiting for me, tell me one good reason why I shouldnt leave?

Varun says fate doesnt want us to separate, we try to go against each other but fate brings us together, we are written in each others lives. Devika says to hell with your fate, I am going to Alek, this is my life and my decisions, you have no right to interfere. She leave.

Alek points gun at shooter and says how dare you tried to kill Devika? she is my golden egg giving girl, Diya look on. Alek shoots and kills shooter and smirks. He says to Diya that I killed him infront of you to show you what happens when someone comes in my way, I want Devika for Rajawat family’s money too, once she gets money then I will blackmail her, take advantage of her and then I will throw her in some trashcan and enjoy with my foreign girls but you have to stay locked here till my plan succeed, he leaves. Diya thinks Varun will save Devika.

Varun recalls Devika’s words that she is going to Alek. He cries. Mom comes to him and says I know what you are thinking. Varun says I love her a lot but she wants to go to Alek, I just want one proof against that Alek, I can give my everything for her. Varun gets a call from manager and says you have gotten a role, you have to go Mumbai, he ends call. Mom says you got role? Varun says how can I leave Devika here? when I know alek is behind her. Mom says you always wanted to work in movies, you can become hero. Varun says but now Devika’s love is my dream, I can get chances in life but I cant lose her love. Mom says my son is a real hero, you have heart of gold, make her yours.

Father says to Devika that Varun is a nice guy, he will keep you happy. Devika says he can lie everytime if he lied once, he played a dangerous game in morning, she leaves. Lajjo says she can say anything but I want Devika to be with Varun. Varun’s mom comes there and says I think same. Lajjo says we should do something for our kids, they love each other,we should do something to bring them together, Lajjo give them some idea.

Maasa says to Jaggu we have to stop that Devika for 6 months otherwise we will not get money. Jaggu says she can slip away. Maasa says bring my gun, I know who is making her slip.. I want to kill Alek, if he was not present then Devika didnt have any place to go. Jaggu says be patient, if anything happens to Alek then we will be doubted and will go to jail. Maasa says you are right but I cant let my money go because of that foolish girl, she is leaving failing my plan.

At night, Devika takes off her jewelry. She recalls Varun saying that fate joined them, she looks at her mangalsutra.
Varun is hurt and going towards his room. Devika keeps looking at her mangalsutra. Varun recalls their moments together, Humari adhuri kahani plays. They are both hurt and lost. Devika tries to take off her mangalsutra but cant.

In the morning, Devika is leaving house but Varun stands in her way and says you are leaving just like that? you forgot that you came here to give house to your parents but now you love Alek so you forgot about your parents? you have become selfish now? Devika says Alek will help me, he has money too. Varun says and what if you fight with Alek? you will be dependent on him, you promised to earn money on your own. Varun says to Devika that we talked about you earning money to make house for your family and if you stay at palace then you will earn money.. you shouldnt stay for me.. shouldnt stay here for Maasa but stay here for your parents.. He turns to leave but Devika says stop.. you want to make me emotional but listen.. I am ready to stay in this house. Varun is happy.

Precap: Devika says this house will be divided in two, you will stay at one side of house and I will stay on other side. She makes a line dividing house in two. Devika sees some woman standing door and looks on. Woman says I am Naina, court have sent to stay here with you to keep an eye on husband and wife relation. Dhani is in Varun’s room and pulls Varun closer, she says someone said it rightly, if you love then dont be afraid, she forcefully hugs him, Varun says leave me. Naina and Devika comes there and glares at him. Varun sees toothpaste on his brush and says wow wifey put toothpaste for me. He puts it in his mouth and brush gets stuck in his mouth, Varun sees bottle and says it was not toothpaste but glue. Devika thinks now he will know what I am. Alek comes to meet Devika, Devika says I know you miss me but we have to stay away. Alek hugs her. Naina comes there and says what is all this? Devika looks on.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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