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Varun is taken to hospital after he got hit by the car. Devika runs to mandir to pray for him. Devika prays in mandir for Varun’s health. Dhani asks doctor how is Varun? Doctor says he is in coma and we cant do anything more, only prayers can save him. Devika prays in mandir and says to Maa you do what you want but this time you have to change your decision, you have to save my Varun’s life.

In the hospital, all family members wait for Varun. Varun is in ICU. Jaggu says to Maasa we should care about our money, get Devika’s signature and end it. Maasa says I cant trigger her at this time, she might not give me money in this condition. Lajjo says to Varun’s mom dont worry, Varun will be fine, Devika is praying for him, she is Devi’s blessing, she will save him.

Devika is in mandir and doing pooja for Varun, ek tu hai plays as Devika recalls their moments together. She prays for him and cry.

Kesar comes to hospital. Dhani cries and says someone hit Varun by car, he got in accident, he is fighting for life, he is not fine. Kesar hugs her and says he will be fine. Kesar thinks how she hit Varun with her car, she thinks I hit him with such force because when Varun will die then Dhani’s obsession with him will end too, I thought he will die and Dhani will be free but he got saved.
Nurse come to family and says Varun is awake, this is like a miracle, all are happy.

In mandir, Devika gets a call, she shakily holds it and says Devi Maa I only want to hear the happy news, she takes call. Lajjo says Devi listened to you, Varun is fine, he is awake, your prayers brought him back. Devika is elated and thanks Devi Maa. She runs from there.

Varun comes out of his room holding knife, he scares everyone and acts like a maniac. He grabs Maasa and puts knife on her neck, he says I got her, dont come closer to me. Varun’s mom says what are you doing? I am your mother, Varun says no my mother has gone to bring chocolates, he acts like a kid. Maasa says I am sorry, please leave me. Devika comes there and shocked to see him acting like that. Maasa says leave me, I am your grandmom. Varun says you didnt save me from that bear(nurse), I will kill you, he is about to hit her with knife but Devika comes there and hods his knife, Varun leaves Maasa and looks at Devika. Devika throws knife away. Maasa is about to slap Varun but Devika holds her hand and glares at her. She shakes her head. Varun hides behind Devika. Nurses come there and try to take him away. Devika says why are you doing this to him? Varun try to fight them back. Devika tries to free them but nurses push her away, Devika is about to fall down but someone holds her hand and stops her from falling. Varun is taken away from there. Man says Varun have Amnesia, patient goes behind, Varun will act like 8 years old kid, his mind will work like a kid. Devika says you can make my Varun fine right? tell me my Varun will be fine? Doctor looks at her and is stunned and recalls how he used to be friends with Devi. Devika asks if he will make Varun be? what happened to him? he will be fine right? Doctor is stunned to see her, he was Devi’s friend Daksh. Another doctor comes there and says he is Dr. Shergil, he got to know about Varun and came here, he is a very good doctor and he has made all his patients fine. Daksh can work to save Varun. Devika says to Daksh I can give money, we got money yesterday, I can give you as much money as you want. Maasa thinks we got money yesterday and she wants to spend all on Varun. Devika says I can give my life for Varun, I will give anything but just make him fine. Daksh is overwhelmed and leaves. Devika runs behind him.
Maasa says to Jaggu that I have to get all money from Devika otherwise that girl can spend all money to save Varun, that Varun is no one, he is sitting on my money like a snake. Jaggu says we waited 18 years, I wont let money go from us like this. Maasa says I dont trust Devika, she can do anything, I want all the money to come back to us.

Daksh comes to his office and panics. Devika comes to his room and asks if he thought of something to make Varun fine? She pleads to make him fine. Devika asks Daksh to treat Varun, he says I have one condition. She says I will do anything, whatever you want, I will give it, just make him fine. Daksh says get married to me. Devika is disgusted and says what are you saying? Daksh says what happened? you wanted to do anything to save him, you can go to any extent, even ready to sell yourself so what happened now? I am not asking you to do anything inappropriate, I never married, I am a doctor and rich, I am just asking you to marry me. Devika says what kind of doctor are you? Doctor’s duty is to save his patients and you are doing a deal here? you want my answer right? she slaps him hard and leaves. Daksh is embarrassed and angry.

Devika’s sits in Varun’s wardroom. She recalls their moments together.

Kesar think I hope that Varun never becomes fine. Dhani is shaking. Kesar says to Dhani come out of this trauma, you have to forget Varun and live your life.

Devika is doing Varun’s massage with nurse. Varun is scared of nurse so Devika hug him and makes him eat medicine, she consoles and makes him sleep. Mere yaara hum plays. Daksh comes there, Devika glares at him and recalls how he asked her to marry him.

Devika comes to family and tell them about Daksh’s demand to make Varun fine. Varun’s mom sits in Devika’s feet and cries, she says I know what doctor said was wrong but you are Varun’s wife, if my son is not in this world then whats the value of this relation? Lajjo says you want to ask that Devika marry that doctor? Mom says I just want my Varun’s safety, I want my son. Lajjo says it cant happen, she cant do it. Dhani silently stands there in shock. Devika thinks and goes to Varun’s room. Devika sees him sleeping. She put her head on his chest and sleeps.

In the morning, Devika wakes up and sees Varun gone from his room. She runs and tries to find Varun, she asks nurses where did he go? they say we dont know. Devika looks around for him. Devika comes in a room and sees Varun walking on window rail. She asks him to come down, he says no, I am flying. He loses balances and falls off, Devika sees him hanging from window seal. Devika asks him to give his hand, dont worry, nothing will happen, she tries to pull him up and says nothing will happen. Daksh sees it, he comes there and pulls Varun inside with Devika. Devika hugs him. Varun says you saved me. Daksh says you saved him today but will it keep happening? if you listen to me then I will start treating him from tomorrow. He leaves.

Daksh is in his room. Devika comes to him and says I didnt know doctors can be animals too, you are trying to take advantage of my helplessness, if you have lust then I am here, fulfill your lust and make my husband fine, she pulls her dupatta back. Daksh comes closer to her, he takes her dupatta and covers back. Daksh says I am forcing you, everything is fair in love and war. He gets a call from someone, Daksh says on call its going to very complicated brain surgery but I am confident, he ends call. Daksh says I want to show you something. He draws Varun’s mind and says his brain’s part is not working and one day he will be fully mental but I can treat him and make him fine, you just have to marry me, you dont have any other choice. Lawyer comes there and says Devika I have brought the money, its 20crore in brief case. Lawyer says I know you need money for your husband’s treatment thats why I brought cash, hope he becomes fine soon, he leaves. Devika says to Daksh that I am not fully helpless, I have other ways too, I dont have to marry you. She takes money and leaves.

Dhani comes to Varun, Varun starts hitting her with pillow. Devika comes there and stops him. Dhani leaves. Devika asks if he ate food? he says I am not hungry, I want to play. Devika says if you lie down then you will sleep. He says but you have to tell me a story. She nods. They lie on bed. Devika tells him a story of a princess and prince. Devika says princess saved prince from falling from horse, princess help everyone. Varun says you are princess then? she says why? Varun says I was falling but you saved me. Devika is emotional. Devika plays with him and tell him stories. Varun puts his head on her lap and sleeps. Devika tucks him in bed and says I will make you fine Varun, I have a lot of money and this doctor is not the only one, I will hire the best doctor for your treatment. Devika gets a call from hospital who says that doctor Joshi is coming tomorrow, he is one of the best, come and show Varun’s file to him. Devika says I will come tomorrow for sure. She ends call and says this Daksh is not the only doctor, I will bring the best doctor and make my prince fine.

Devika meets another doctor, she shows him reports. Devika says he acts like a kid. Devika sees Dhani calling but ends it. Devika says he doesnt recognize anyone. Doctor says I have seen these cases, treatment is difficult but Daksh is in the city, he is the best, only his patients become fine. Devika says so you mean to say no one can make Varun fine other than him, Doctor says as far as I know. Devika sadly leaves from there. Her phone drops and breaks.

Varun is on roads, he is scared of cars. Devika comes there and sees him in the middle of the road, she runs and pulls him aside. She asks if he fine? she hugs him and says dont be scared, what were you doing on roads? Dhani comes there. Devika says where is everyone? Dhani says Maasa sold our palace to that doctor and ranaway with all the money. Devika says what are you saying? Dhani says Daksh came to our house. Flashback shows Daksh coming to palace, he says to Maasa I want to buy this palace. Maasa says cant you see how many people live here? its not for sale. Daksh says whats the price? Jaggu asks why is this doctor here? Maasa says he wants to buy this palace. Daksh 1 crore.. 2.. 3.. 6 crore. Maasa says you think this palace has treasure? Daksh says 10 crore. Maasa is stunned, all look on. Maasa says its 3 crore’s palace, seems like you are fool or a lover. Daksh says yes a lover, I love your grand daughter thats why I want to buy this palace, Maasa thinks this doctor thinks Devika is Devi’s daughter, before he knows the truth, I should sell it. Jaggu has packed his bag. Kesar comes to him and asks where are you going? you promised that once we get the money then we will leave together. He pushes her away and says move back crazy, I am going abroad and enjoy colorful life with foreigners, you will stay here alone. Kesar says you cant leave me like this. Jaggu throws her away and leaves. Maasa looks around palace and leaves. Flashback ends. Dhani says to Devika that after that, Daksh sent his goons and threw us out of the house. Devika asks where are our things? there was a suitcase in my cupboard. Dhani says Maasa took that suitcase. Devika says Maasa took all the money. Devika says I promise to myself that I will not let him be in peace when he has hurt my family, the person who snatched our home from us, he will not be able to live in peace.

Daksh’s mom comes to palace and says oh God, I have to make this palace livable, what will I tell people that we are living here leaving our lives in Delhi. Daksh’s sister says to her mom that Daksh finally bought a house, I will make it modern. Mom says I know your brother is like a God for you but he is a human and they do mistakes too. Daksh’s mom says to priest that we bought this house today, do peace pooja and if you need anything then tell us. His sister says we came here on vacations and he bought this house. Mom says he never took sudden decision, dont know if this is right or wrong. sister says he can never be wrong. Daksh comes there and hugs his sister. He says to his mom end this pooja fast, I have some work. 

Precap: Doctor says to Devika that patients like have been treated by Dr. Daksh only, he is the expert of it. Devika says no one else other than him cant treat Varun? He says I dont think so. Daksh says to family that I want to buy this palace for 10crore. Maasa says have you gone mad? Daksh says I love your daughter. Dhani says to Devika that Maasa sold palace to daksh and ranaway with money. Devika says I promise to not let person have peace who hurt my parents.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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