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Dhaani is in the room when her mother arrives. She is unhappy that Dhaani had to massage Maasa as a maid. Dhaani says massaging Maasa doesn’t turn her a maid. Maa asks Dhaani if she loves Kunwar. Dhaani avoids replying, then agrees being in love with him. She says it’s useless, as he would marry Devika. She asks if Devika denies marrying Kunwar, would she marry him. Dhaani says she will.

Varun try to find a dance partner at a tea stall. Devika also comes to order a cup of tea. She ask if he is still flirting with girls here. Varun explains he was only finding a partner for dance. Devika is ready to help him earn money. She is determined to make Varun and Kunwar meet soon.

Kesar is packing Dhani close in her suitcase. Dhani comes there and ask why she is packing her clothes? Kesar says she will go to Kampur to meet Prince, Dhani ask how can she go alone, Kesar says even Devika has gone alone with Prince she can also go, she gives her money but she says she cant go when Massa comes from behind and says that the fact that she doesn't scold or say anything to her doesn't mean she can say or do anything against her and it won't take her time to show her place to her, Kesar says but Devika doesn't love prince and when is she forcing Devika to marry prince? Maasa says enough and leaves. Dhani cry and says thats why I was telling to not involve me in all this, I hate it when Dadi says all that, she leaves. Kesar is hurt and says I cant see your love getting snatched but I wont let it happen with you like it happened with me.

Later, Devika is asleep under a tent cover in the room. Varun wakes up and fell off the bed watching a spider on the roof. Devika is furious over him for sleeping without clothes, he says he is wearing boxing shots. Devika then picks the spider, then questions if she has a duty to save them both brothers. She then decides she would sleep over the bed now, Varun must sleep on floor. Varun was afraid what if there is a spider again, he makes space for himself on the bed and lay with Devika.

Kesar is crying in her room. Urmi comes there and says what happened, why you are crying? Kesar says you cant help me. Urmi says maybe I can help you? you know I want Prince to marry Dhani too and I want to help you. Kesar says what benefit you will get? Urmi says Dhani was raised infront of my eyes, I dont care about that Devika, I want her to marry unlike us who couldnt get happiness of marriage, We will think to throw that Devika out, Urmi leaves.

The next morning, Devika was shocked to see Varun sleeping on the bed with her. There lady a wall of suitcase between them. She was relieved to see it, and thinks he is a gentleman. She was about to hurry to washroom with her clothes when she finds Varun walking into the bath already. Both argue about it. Varun then allows her to go first, but himself runs inside.

Lajjo says to Maasa Devika is helping you in your difficult time but dont forget I am her mother and you think you can marry her to anyone? Devika is my blessing and I will think about her future, I can do anything for her and showing you your standard can be easier for me. Father comes there and says dont worry Lajjo, if she sent Devika somewhere then she must know the reason, he says sorry to Maasa and says dont feel bad. Lajjo glares at Maasa and leaves with her husband. Maasa looks on.

Varun and Devika practice the dance together. Vaidika hits his chest while he try to set his posture. Devika says she is going to marry his brother, it feels awkward to be so close to him. Varun holds Devika by her wrist. She is irritated, Varun also gives up. Both sit with a bench back to back. Varun thinks he won’t be able to win this dance competition ever, then gets an idea. He says his friend Sahil can help them, he will surely understand their situation. The instructor calls them to continue with their practice.

Kesar, Urmi and Jaggu comes to Maasa. Maasa says lawyer called me and said who is Lajjo and her husband Ranjan, someone is giving information to Lawyer and he is from this house, remember I am still that Heera Rajawat, I wont spare anyone betraying me, Prince Arun will marry Devika and if anyone tries to stop it then I will shoot you all. All look on. Maasa says I am still same Heera as I was 18 years when it comes to revenge, if I can kill my own son for this property then you three are nothing for me, understood? remember Prince Arun and Devika will marry, she sends them out of room.

Varun and Devika are taking rehearsals. Devika try to follow steps but keeps hitting Varun. Varun shows her steps, and says why you are not following my steps? all couples are dancing nicely. Devika says all boys are dancing nicely except you. Varun says soon I will be a star, I will win this competition and wont let you destroy it, Devika says what you can do? Varun eyes her and pulls her closer, he holds her hand and starts waltzing around with her on pyar ki kahani, they both dance around looking in each others eyes. Varun twirls her around and pulls her closer. All clap for them, one dancer says that you both are very nice couple, too good. All clap for them.

It was Devika and Varun’s turn now. Everyone enjoy their performance.They give a brilliant performance everyone clap for them. Devika and Varun are announce as the winning couple.

Maasa says dont know when Varun and Devika will come back after winning this competition and when my plan will be in action again. Urmi comes there and says dont hide anything from me, remember when you used to tell all your tricks to me, I have always been with you, I worry about you. Maasa says I dont care about old things. Urmi says I care, do you think that getting Devika marry to Prince will work for your plan? Maasa says its not a plan, it was a good proposal so I arranged her marriage. Urmi says my heart thinks that something is fishy, usuall what is shown doesnt usually happen. Maasa says you stay away from my matters, just keep working on your yoga. Urmi says okay, I made juice for you, its important to have a cool mind, she leaves. Maasa sighs and sits down. She takes Urmi’s juice and drinks it. Maasa feels dizzy and coughs. Urmi sees it and smirks, she recalls how she mixed tablet in juice before giving to her, she thinks that the medicine which I mixed in juice will bring all truth from your mouth, I will record it and show it to lawyer, then all money will go to trust.

Maasa is inebriated and laughing. Urmi hides phone there and records her. Maasa says I am very clever. Urmi says you are praising yourself.. Devika and Prince.. Maasa says who prince? He is no prince, he is just a struggling actor and that Devika just have same face as Devi, they are my pawns, they got in my trap, Devika thinks she is getting married to respect prince and that Varun thinks he is marrying Rajawat family’s granddaughter but truth is when they marry, I will get property for which I have been waiting for 18 years, nobody can stop me. Maasa turns to leave but suddenly grabs Urmi’s arm and twists it, she says you wanted to hear all this right? your plan failed, what did you think? I am your mentor so you cant outrun me, son is a son and father is a father. She takes out her phone from pillows and says this was your plan, she throws her phone and breaks it, she says show my truth to everyone you want. She crush her phone and says do you have proof against me now? who will you show now? you cannot fool me, Devika is going to marry Prince and I will get my property at any cost, once they return from competition then nobody can stop me, understood! She screams where are everyone? Devika and Prince are returning soon, prepare to welcome as Heera Rajawat is going to win, she smirks and leaves. Urmi cry angrily.
Varun says to Devika I should leave. Devika says I should leave too, your brother must be waiting. She says dont do anything to get in trap of police. Varun smiles and says thank you for caring. Devika says your brother cares thats why I am saying that. Varun says I will give you your money share. Devika says I took part in competition with condition that if you win then you keep the money but you have to come to my wedding. Varun says I promise I will come to your wedding, you will get married only when I come. Devika says what? he says nothing. Devika shakes hands with him, he is lost in her eyes. Devika leaves. Varun is mesmerized and says I feel really bad to lie to her, she did a lot for me and me? I promise to tell you that Varun and Prince are one person, I wont marry on the basis of a lie.

At night, Varun is lying in his room in palace. He sees his mom calling and takes call. He says you calling at night? Mom says I was missing you. Varun says I will come to meet you soon. Mom says you cant come but I can come, I am leaving and will be coming to Sujangarh tomorrow. He says what? you cant come. Mom says I cant stay away, I will come to meet you tomorrow, she ends call. Varun is tensed and says I am dead, tomorrow filmy son’s filmy mom is coming.

In the morning, Varun’s mom arrives at Sujangarh. She is trying to hold her bags and is about to fall but Devika comes there and holds her. She says are you alright? Mom says yes I am waiting for my son. She sees Varun calling. Devika sees Varun’s picture on her phone and says why he is calling her? Varun comes there and says mom? Devika turns and says prince you here? she is your mother? Varun is stunned to see her. He says Queen Maa. He hugs her and whispers to her that mom just keep acting like I am prince and you are queen. Varun says to Devika that she is my mom, she is queen of our region. Devika says she was traveling from bus and she is a queen? Mom says we like to interact with common people, I like to travel with them and know about their lives. Devika thinks she is in simple clothes, something is wrong.

Varun brings Mom to palace with Devika. He says I am living in this small palace these days. Mom is stunned says this is small? I mean yes its small Prince Arun. She sits on sofa and says its so comfy. Maasa comes there and says who is this woman in my palace? Varun says she is my mother, she is Queen of our region. Urmi says she is in simple clothes? Did their region go dry? Mom says servants talk so much in this house? Urmi says I am daughter in law of this house, you look like servant. Varun says dare not say a word against my Queen, she have promised to leave all her special honors and assets and live like a common woman till I get married. Urmi thinks something is fishy, she leaves. Maasa asks Devika to touch your would be mother in law’s feet. Mom says what? Devika says yes I am your would be daughter in law. Maasa asks Devika to bring refreshments, she leaves. Maasa glares Varun. Mom says why you are glaring my son? Varun says I will show your room, he takes his mom from there.
Urmi comes to Devika and says Prince is fooling you, have you seen his mother? she looks like from some small society, something is fishy, I just thought to warn you as you have to get married, she leaves. Devika looks on and says I have keep my eyes and ears open for anything.

Maasa comes to Varun and says why did you bring your mother here? He says I didnt bring her, she came here. Maasa says if she tell anything to Devika then I wont spare you, remember I take my revenge if my plans are ruined, she leaves. Varun says she is not a woman but witch. He takes off his shirt and bends to finds shirt from his luggage. Devika comes there and doesnt see him. Varun turns and slips, they both fall on bed with Varun shirtless on top of her. They both share eyelock, haariya plays. Mom comes there and says oh God. They both scramble up. Mom says before marriage, they are on one bed. Everyone come there. Varun says you are thinking wrong. Mom says you both were on bed right? Varun says yes but.. Mom says you like this girl in whole world? you could have asked me and I would have brought princesses for you. Varun says enough, you talked a lot. He says I wont hear a word against Devika, what you saw was a coincidence, girl like Devika cant be found in whole world. Devika proudly smiles at him and leaves. Varun looks on. Urmi says it was a misunderstanding. Mom says this doesnt work in our family, we are a royal family. Maasa asks them to leave. Varun and his mom stays back. Maasa says to Varun see your mother’s antics. Maasa says to Varun that if my works get destroyed then I will not spare you both. Varun says why you keep threatening me like a goon, I will talk to mom, dont worry. Maasa glares at them and leaves. 

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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