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In the morning, Devika is leaving house but Varun stands in her way and says you are leaving just like that? you forgot that you came here to give house to your parents but now you love Alek so you forgot about your parents? you have become selfish now? Devika says Alek will help me, he has money too. Varun says and what if you fight with Alek? you will be dependent on him, you promised to earn money on your own. Varun says to Devika that we talked about you earning money to make house for your family and if you stay at palace then you will earn money.. you shouldnt stay for me.. shouldnt stay here for Maasa but stay here for your parents.. He turns to leave but Devika says stop.. you want to make me emotional but listen.. I am ready to stay in this house. Varun is happy.

Devika divides house in two. A woman comes there. She says I am Naina, I want to ask why house is divided in two? I have been sent from court to keep an eye on husband and wife’s relation for 6 months to check if marriage is good. I came here to check on a marriage but here seems to be a big problem. Naina asks why house is divided in two? Varun’s mom suddenly says we were playing kabaddi. They all agree and says lets play.. Maasa says enough.. I mean we have a guest so lets meet her. Naina says I am here to keep an eye on marriage, she asks Devika and Varun if they have wedding photo in their room? they nod. Naina asks Varun why he didnt take Devika to his house? Varun says why girl have to leave house? why always woman have to sacrifice? why always she have to leave her family and house so I decided to change this norm and decided to stay with Devika at her house. Naina says I have seen many marriages but I am really impressed with Varun’s thinking, Varun you get 10 points, she says to Devika that you are lucky to get husband like him, Lajjo says she is. Varun says we should write our story to make it a success, to make my marriage successful, we will write our story, right Devika? Devika looks on.

Kesar is doing head massage of Dhani who is in tension. Kesar asks what happened why are you silent? Dhani says 6 months are alot, they can fall in love, Varun is a very nice person, what if Devika falls in love with him and she denies to fulfill promise. Kesar says you cant sit idly because Devika promised you, you have to take a step, when these 6 months will pass and Devika will give you Varun.. no you have to do something to make Varun leave Devika and come to you, you have to seduce him, make him see your love, Dhani says would it be right? Kesar says yes look at your mother, you have to snatch few things, I dont want what happened with me to happen with you too, Kesar hugs her. Dhani looks on.

Devika says to Varun that if you do anything stupidly then I wont spare you, we are doing this for money so we have to show infront of Naina that we love each other. Varun says dont we? I dont have to show off, you have to pretend. Devika says we have to share a room so there will be some rules. Varun says just order me. Devika says listen.. stay away from me, ,, Varun thinks in 6 months, I will make her fall in love. Devika thinks I will destroy him in 6 months, she pushes away Varun and leaves.

Dhani pulls Varun in her room, Varun asks what is all this? Dhani moves closer to him and says I cant stay away from you and I didnt get chance to be close to you, Varun says what? Dhani says I love you, Devika doesnt love you and will never love you, why are you behind her? she doesnt even look at you, you can love me, look at me, I can give anything for you. She throws herself at him and hugs him tightly. Varun asks her to leave him. Suddenly Naina comes in room and sees them hugging, Varun is stunned to see her and pushes Dhani away.

Naiba comes to room and sees Dhani and Varun hugging. Varun pushes Dhani away. Naina says what was all this? I saw everything and it didnt look good, you cant hide anything from Naina’s eyes. All family members come there. Naina asks Varun to tell infront of everyone what was he doing with his sister in law? was he staying in Devika’s house to do all this? Devika comes there and says it was nothing, he was hugging over a shoe hiding ritual, dhani was trying to hide his shoes so he must have been stopping her. Naina says fine, she asks everyone to leave. Maasa grabs Dhani’s hands and drags her away. Devika glares at Varun and leaves.
Maasa glares at Dhani and asks what she was doing with Varun? Dhani says I love Varun, cant you see that Devika doesnt love him, I love him. Maasa says your mother didnt dare to talk so much to me. Kesar and Jaggu looks on. Maasa says you are eager to get married.. she takes her finger and is about to cut it with her tool but says no.. it should be done by person who is provoking you. She asks Kesar to cut dhani’s finger. Kesar cries and asks her to stop it. Maasa says this is your last chance, stay away from Varun, she leaves. Kesar cries and hugs Dhani. She says to Dhani that all are trying to separate you from Varun then why cant you separate Varun from Devika? Do something that will make Varun hate Devika. Dhani looks on. ,,
Varun is sleeping shirtless in bed. Devika comes to him and puts hair on his chest, she asks him to wake up, he wakes up and asks what is this? am I dreaming? how did you become Chandani? Devika says we have to pretend like in love husband and wife infront of Naina, go take bath. Varun goes to washroom. Devika says now he will know whom he messed with, she laughs and leaves.
Varun comes to washroom and sees toothpaste on toothbrush, he says wow wifey even got it out for me. He puts toothpaste in mouth and realizes its stuck in his mouth, he sees glue there and thinks it means Devika had put glue instead of toothpaste on it. He grumbles.
Devika laughs and says now Varun will know that he is messing with Devika, he wont be able to speak now. She starts leaving but feels someone following her. She turns to see Alek there. Alek pulls her aside, Devika says I know you miss me but we have to pretend. Alek ties her with handcuff to his hands. He says I am just worried that you will be away from me, first that marriage and now this 6 months terms, there are a lot of things tying you and Varun but not enough to tie you with me. Devika says thats why you tied with me handcuff? there is nothing between me and Varun, we have to pretend for 6 months only, open these handcuffs before Naina sees us. Alek says I lost keys of these handcuffs. Devika says what are you saying? What if Naina sees us, lets find it.
Varun comes out of his room with toothbrush stuck in his mouth. Dhani bumps into him and says I am sorry, I did wrong yesterday, I have realized that you can love but cant snatch it so I have decided to help you get your love by being your friend.. we can be friends right? she extends her hand. Varun murmurs hmm and leaves. Dhani thinks soon he will be pacified by me.

Devika and Alek are searching for handcuffs keys. Varun comes there and grabs Alek’s collar. Devika asks Varun to remove his hands. Varun removes his hands. Dhani comes there too and says I found these keys. Alek says this is the key, Varun takes key and opens their handcuffs. Alek says dont think that you can break our relation by breaking these handcuffs, Devika just loves me and doesnt care about forceful marriage with you. He opens his arms and hugs Devika infront of Varun. Devika is awkward. Naina comes there and says what is all this? Alek moves away from Devika. Maasa comes there too. Naina says tell me what is going on in this house? Maasa says what is this? Naina says this is your house and you dont know? yesterday your son in law was hugging his sister in law and today your granddaughter is hugging some other man, why were you hugging now? this might not be over some shoe hiding issue? can someone tell me what is all this? and why did he say that this is a forceful marriage? Varun tries to talk but cant because of toothbrush stuck in his mouth. Naina says I cant understand you, remove brush. Dhani says he is trying to say something but cant because of brush in his mouth. Varun nods yes. Naina says so take out brush, is it stuck in your mouth? Varun looks on. Devika says yes, I applied glue instead of paste on his brush. Naina says what? Devika says he is my husband, I can do that much. Naina says everything is okay if its in limits but what you did today will cut your marks. Devika says so cut marks, are you a lawyer or some teacher giving marks to couples, you will tell who is compatible and who is not? Naina says how dare you? she is about to slap Devika but Varun holds her hand. Devika is surprised to see him stand for her.

Naina is about to slap Devika but Varun holds her hand. Devika looks on impressed, Devika leaves. Mom says to Varun that Devika told me your mouth got stuck with glue. Devika comes there with oil and helps Varun, she brings out brush stuck in his mouth. Maasa says to Naina that see they love each other, they tease each other but help out too. Varun says to Naina that you cant raise hand on my wife, I understand you are court’s receiver and keeping an eye on us but you cant raise hand on my wife. Devika is mesmerized to hear it. Varun says husband and wife tease each other otherwise marriage wont be fun, its about getting miffed and then pacifying each other, it makes marriage successful and most important thing, we love each other a lot. Devika cant look away from him. Alek laughs and says what an acting, this struggling actor.. Naina says who are you? why you are calling him struggling actor? Varun says he? he is the one without whom Devika cant live, he is very important for her. Naina says who is he? Varun says you have many questions. He says Alek is Devika’s brother.. my brother in law, all are stunned. 

Precap: Alek says to Varun that you cant stop me from going with her, now it will show who is the husband and who is lover. Varun says to Devika that dont go with Alek, he is not right, Devika says dont try to be my husband, in my eyes neither you are my husband nor I am your wife so I can go with anyone. Varun says fine go. Devika goes out with Alek. He brings her to a room. Devika says why did you bring me here? Alek locks door and moves closer to Devika, he caresses her hair and is about to kiss her but Devika pushes him away and says what are you doing? Alek glares at her.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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