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Devika come there Daksh is stunned to see Devika there. Daksh’s mom says Devi? Daksh’s friend? Daksh asks priest to do a nice pooja, he asks Devika what happened? you want to congratulate me? Devika says you doing cheap acts to marry me, first you denied to treat my husband and now took our house wrongly. Daksh’s sister shows papers to Devika and says he bought this house legally, dont blame him without any reason. Devika says you what your brother did? he is not treating my husband and he asked me to marry him to get my husband treated and he bought my house to force me, he will never be happy, its my curse, she leaves. Daksh’s mom says to him what she was saying? you want to marry her but why? you want to her marry because she looks like Devi? that Devi whom you wanted to marry 20 years back? this is wrong. Sister says if he thought something then it cant be wrong, dont irritate him. Mom says Daksh you always did what you wanted and you will do this time too but think about the consequences and future affects.

All family members are in park. Devika says to family that till we dont arrange something, we will live in a tent like we used to but now we will all live together. They all start making a hut. Varun says I am hungry, very hungry. Devika says wait for sometime, I will bring food, Varun says I am hungry. Daksh comes there and says I have brought food, if anyone wants it then, all look on. Varun says I want it. Devika says return this food. Varun says I am hungry. Devika says I will bring the food, we wont eat this food. She takes food and gives it to Daksh, she says we will die hungry but wont take your food, Daksh says why you are killing them being stubborn? Devika says dont worry, we have God, he says as you wish, he throws away food and leaves. Varun says I am hungry princess. Devika thinks to arrange something. Varun looks at Daksh’s thrown food.

Daksh comesback home. Mom says I saw from balcony what yo did, I never stopped you from anything but asking you today to stop thinking about marrying Devika.

All sit in tent. Varun is playing with a sling. Dhani is sadly looking at him. Varun says I am hungry. Varun’s mom says just wait for a little, Devika and Ranjan have gone to bring the food, he says okay. Devika and Ranjan comes back. Ranjan says we couldnt sell much medicine but we have food with us. Devika gives food to Varun. She gives it to everyone.

Daksh’s sister says to mom that you wanted to marry him, now he has chosen the girl, he is happy to find a girl as he wanted. Mom says but I am not happy, Daksh says but you liked Devi. Daksh’s mom says to him that yes I liked Devi but she is not like Devi, I didnt forget Devi, I liked her, I was waiting for her to return so we can get her married to you but it was a bad fate. Daksh says I am fighting with my bad luck only, I loved Devi and she has comeback after years infront of me.
Daksh says to his mom that if Devika wants to treat her husband then she has to come to me and accept my conditions.

All family members are sleeping in a hut. Devika is sleeping beside Varun. Varun wakes up and recalls how Daksh brought food for them but Devika threw it. He goes out and takes out the food bag. He is about to eat the food but a beggar comes there and takes food from him, Varun says this is my food, Beggar pushes him away, Varun hits the beggar. They make. Devika and others wake up and come out of hut. They sees police catching Varun, Devika asks what happened? Policeman says see this Varun beat this beggar so much, we have to arrest him. Devika says there might be a mistake, beggar says he beat me. Devika says Varun’s mind has become like a kid, his treatment is going on. Policeman asks what proof do you have? we have seen many criminals who do crime first and then act like mental, you have to prove that he is actually ill. Devika says I will bring proof, dont arrest him, she runs.

Devika comes to Daksh’s house, she cries and says please save Varun, he hit some beggar and police is taking him, they want proof that he is actually ill. Daksh says I told you that his mind will go blank more, he will do antics like this, I can save him from police and also start his treatment, you just have to accept my offer. Devika looks on. Policeman from outside shouts that we will not wait whole night here, come fast. Devika thinks, she falls to her knees and says to Daksh that I accept your condition, to save my husband, I am ready to wear your name’s sindoor. Daksh smirks and says lets go save him. Daksh’s mom is angry seeing all this.

Daksh comes to policeman, he says Varun is my patient, his treatment is going on, I am giving you guarantee that he will not do this again. Policeman says I am leaving him on your words. Beggar says what about me? Daksh asks him to go to hospital, he will be treated free of cost, he gives him some money too. Police and beggar leaves. Devika asks family to take Varun in hut. They all leave. Daksh says come with me.

Devika says to Daksh that I am ready to marry you but.. I have a condition, you have to give place to my family to live. Daksh says I will get a house for them. Devika says till Varun doesnt become fine, he will live with me. He says you want to bring him in dowry? Devika says third condition is that till Varun doesnt become fine, you wont try to come closer to me, we will be husband and wife infront of the world but till Varun doesnt become alright, I wont give you right to be my husband. Daksh glares at her and leaves. He becomes back and says I accept your conditions, he shows her papers and says these are your and Varun’s divorce papers, sign them. Devika is in tears. Daksh says I knew you would agree. Devika recalls her moments with Varun, she takes pen and signs divorce papers. She turns to leave but Daksh stops her. Daksh says to Devika that give Varun’s mangalsutra to me. Devika recalls their marriage.
Lajjo is making Devika ready for marriage. Lajjo says you know what you are doing? you are destroying three lives. Varun’s mom says what she is doing only people with guts do it, she is removing her sindoor to save her husband, she is the real wife of Varun and saving him.

Dhani says to Kesar now Daksh will treat Varun and he will be mine because Devika is marrying Daksh. Kesar thinks if Varun becomes fine then he will tell everyone that I hit him. Kesar says talk to Devika if we can live in palace so we will be closer to her and Varun, Dhani says I will talk to her.

Dhani comes to Devika and says we will all leave to new house, how will you handle Varun here? Devika says when I can marry someone else for him then I can do anything. Dhani says me and Kesar can stay with you here to help Varun and when he becomes fine then we will take him with us. Devika look on.

Daksh’s sister makes him get ready and says you are looking so nice as a groom. Daksh’s comes there and says there will be problems with this marriage, he asks Daksh to think about it, she is not Devi, she doesnt have manners to talk to anyone. Daksh says she will become like Devi soon. Daksh’s sister says I will help him with that.

Devika gets ready as a bride. Varun comes there and says you are my bride? she sadly says yes. Varun asks her to tell him a story of prince and princess. Princess a devil hit prince and took princess from there. Daksh’s sister comes there and asks if this mental is irritating her? Devika says he is not mental. Daksh’s sister says priest is calling you.

Devika and Daksh’s wedding starts. Devika comes there. Daksh offers her hand, she takes it and gets up on stage. Varun says I will come up too, I will not leave her. Daksh says let him come. Varun sits with Devika in mandap. Varun’s mom says Devika should be daughter of everyone. Dhani says to Kesar that soon Varun will be fine and become mine. Daksh’s sister says I am very happy for Daksh. Daksh’s mom says this is just start, we will have to bear this girl and her mental ex-husband. Daksh’s sister does Daksh and Devika’s gadh bandhan. Daksh makes Devika wear garland. Devika recalls her moments with Varun. She makes Daksh wear the garland. All clap. Priest ask them to take pheras. Daksh asks Varun to let them have pheras, he nods. Devika and Daksh starts taking pheras but Varun hods Devika’s dupatta and takes pheras with her too, phir bhi tumhe chahungi plays. Pheras are done. Daksh fills her forehead with sindoor. He makes her wear mangalsutra. Their wedding is done.

Devika and Daksh’s aarti is done. They are about to enter house. Mom asks Devika to throw kalash. Devika does it. They enter house. Devika leaves her foot marks in start of door. Devika thinks to give her strength to not think about Varun’s memories as she is Daksh’s wife now. Daksh’s sister says you cant come in house like that, you have to lift her bridal style and go in house. Daksh puts hand on her and tries to lift her but Varun pushes him away and asks him to remain away from his princess.

Devika looks at her room decorated, she recalls how she made love with Varun in that room. Devika is in thoughts. Daksh’s sister comes there and gives her a gift, she says this is to make you a perfect wife. She shows her a dress which is sleeveless and short. Daksh’s sister Ashka asks her to go and change, I want to see its fitting. Devika goes to change it.

Devika comes out of washroom after changing into sleeveless nightie, she sees Daksh in room. He is mesmerized to see her, humari adhuri kahani plays. He starts coming closer to her, she moves away and falls on bed. Daksh is lost looking at her, Devika tries to leave but he blocks her way. Daksh says you are great, you made me promise to not come closer to you and on other hand how can someone stop himself? he moves closer and says dont worry, I follow my tongue. Varun starts knocking on their door. Devika turns to open the door but Daksh stops her and says dont open the door for him, he will leave. Devika says he must need something. Daksh says you brought your cousin, they will take care of him. Devika tries to open the door but he grabs her hand and stops her. Varun sees it from window. Daksh says you wont open the door for him, lets see who gets tired first. Varun murmurs he is irritating my princess. Varun hits Daksh with his sling. Devika sees him near window. She runs to him and asks if he is fine? why are you here? what happened? Daksh glares at him. Devika asks him to go to his room. Varun says no I wont leave, he jumps in their room and says there are flowers here, we will play here, he sits on their bed and starts playing. Daksh looks on and asks him to get down. Varun says no I will play with her, I am not going anywhere. Daksh tries to drag him but Varun pushes him away and Daksh’s ring falls down. Daksh looks at it and recalls how he brought it for Devika. Daksh gets angry and tries to throw Varun out but Devika says let me explain him. Daksh pushes Varun out of room and throws him. devika tries to run to him, Daksh says this marriage is a compromise for you but for everyone this is a marriage, I dont want my wife outside room at our wedding night, if you go out of this room then I will forget our deal. Devika sees Varun lying outside her room, she is in tears and locks door on Varun’s face, both Varun and Devika are lie near door.

Precap: Daksh’s mom says to Daksh and Devika that I have kept a party in house, my friends are coming to see Devika. Devika says but Varun’s treatment is important too. She asks its more important than house’s respect? Devika says to Daksh that your family is weird, one side you are asking me if I feel something bad for anything, otherside your sister is threatening me. Daksh shouts Devika!

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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