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Devi run from there. Adhi beat Maasa’s goons. Devi keeps running. Maasa sees Adhi beating everyone. She points gun at him and shoots. Adhi gets shot. Devi is running away but hears it. Adhi look at Maasa and fall down. Devi is devastated. Adhi says you shot me at my back. Devi recalls how Adhi asked her to save his baby and cry. Adhi is dying and recalls his moments with Devi, he murmurs Devi protect my baby. He dies. Maasa says we will kill Devi and his baby like him. She asks her goons to bury him here and leave.

Maasa keep peace prayers for Devi and Adhi, she calls community there and cry, she says they went on honeymoon and their car fell in ditch. Devi comes there with police and says she is lying, she says to inspector that Maasa killed Adhiraj. Maasa says what are you saying? Inspector asks how Adhi died? Maasa says he had many enemies, Devi is not stable, she has gone crazy, I understand, she has lost her husband, she will understand with time. Devi says she has killed Adhi. 

Maasa says now she will say that I killed his elder brother Mukul too. Devi says yes she killed Mukul too. Maasa says she is in shock, she keeps saying that I killed my sons, she says to inspector I beg you to give my son’s body. Inspector says take care of Devi and leaves. Maasa asks guests to leave. All left. Maasa asks Devi you want to hear I killed Adhiraj? Yes I did, she asks goon to lock her in storage room, he drag Devi from there. Maasa says to women in the house if you open your mouth then same will happen as what happened with Adhi.

Lawyer comes to Maasa and says Adhi changed will four days ago, Maasa says what is written in it? Lawyer says its says that Devi and her baby will be owner of his property after him, Maasa says what if they both not remain alive? She asks him to leave. Maasa ask Jaggu to kill Devi and her unborn baby, all are stunned.

Jaggu comes to storage room and sees Devi gone. Maasa come there and says if you don't find her then I wont spare you, Jaggu goes to find her.

Kaka bring Devi to the room and ask her to sit down, he gives her water. Kaka says you can stay here as much as you want, I will bring food for you and no one will know you are here. Kaka says your husband have done so much for you. Devi says he was a nice man, his goodness is still helping me. Kaka asks if she doesn't want to tell her family? Devi says no it will reach my enemies too, I don't have hopes from police too, I have to hide for 9 months, I have to bring my baby to this world. Kaka says okay, I will bring food for you, he leaves. Devi cry and says Adhiraj.. She wipes her tears and says no, I will not run from there, I have to protect Adhi’s heir, I will bring that baby to this world, my baby will take revenge from Heera (Maasa) for his father’s death, its my promise.

After some months, Maasa says to Jaggu where is Devi? why can't we find her? Jaggu says I search for her everywhere, I don't worry, I will find her.

Devi is still living in Kaka’s house. Devi says to God you have given me strength, my baby will be born soon and then I will come out and make sure Maasa get punished.

Jaggu comes to Kaka’s house with goons. Kaka shouts Devi to run, she jumps from window and runs. Jaggu calls Maasa and says we are near Devi, she can't run much, Maasa smirks. Maasa’s goons comes to Kaka’s house and looks around for Devi. They see her gone and search for her.

Devi is running in the jungle away from goons. Goons are looking around for her. Devi is in pain and heavily pregnant, she cry in pain. She comes near a mandir and screams. Some women run to her and says she is due, they take her and says its her delivery time is near. They lie her down and hides her in mandir. Devi cry in pain while in labor, women help her out. Devi finally gives birth to baby. Woman says you have given birth to a daughter, she is a blessing. 

Devi takes her baby in her arms and smiles, she thanks God and says its my and Adhi’s daughter, its our blessing, her name will be Devika. She smiles at her baby. Devi gives birth to baby girl, she names her Devika.. Maasa’s goons and Jaggu comes there and surround her. Maasa comes there and snatch the baby, Devi cry. Maasa says lets burn her, Devi pleads to not harm her baby. Maasa says okay we will not burn her, we will throw her from cliff. Jaggu throws Devika down from the cliff. Devi cry and breakdowns.

Some families are praying in the temple at the end of cliff. Suddenly Devika falls in their cart from above. They all are stunned. Priest says this is blessing from God, this is Devika. Woman says to her husband I will raise her as my daughter, she is sent to us from God, Husband says we will name her Devika as she is a blessing from Devi. Mother cry and says she is my Devika.

Jaggu says to Maasa now you own all the property but what about Devi? Maasa says enough.. no one will take her name in my palace. Lawyer comes to palace, Maasa act and cry, she says my fate is bad. She greets lawyer. Jaggu says she lost her daughter in law and son at this age. Lawyer says its written in Adhi’s will that if anything happens to Devi or her baby then his wealth will go to poor kids orphanage, we haven't found Devi’s body or Adhi’s body so court have decided to wait for 18 years and see if their baby comes to claim it, we will wait 18 years to find their baby. 

Maasa says how will I run the house now? How will I handle women of my house. Lawyer says Adhi thought about everything, Adhi’s companies will be run by his managers, you will get monthly 50 thousand and Kesar will get 50 thousand for her baby, he wants education for that baby. Maasa says my Adhi was nice, he was not literate but he wanted babies of this house to be educated that;s why he have given 50k per month for Kesar’s daughter. 

Maasa says I am Kesar’s giver. Lawyer says I will come to take report of Kesar’s daughter Dhaani’s studies after every six month, please sign on this paper. He calls Kesar and she signs on papers. Lawyer gives her money for Dhaani. He gives money to Maasa and leaves. Jaggu says how we will get property now. Maasa says we have to find Devi from anywhere.

After sometime, Lajjo(who became adoptive mother of Devi’s baby Devika) talk to her husband, she says I have to go to market, she gives Devika to him and leaves. He smiles at her and says I will do work while you rest. He makes her lie on mattress and starts working on camp. Lajjo comes there and says why did you put her on the floor, she is blessing of God. Husband says we will treat her like human. Lajjo says no she is a blessing, we will pamper her, see how calmly she is sleeping, lets put her in baby cart. Husband says if you raise her like this then she will be spoilt and she will not get any groom, we should treat her like human. He makes cart. Lajjo says she will get a prince, we will take away all her troubles.

Lawyer comes to Maasa’s house and shows her papers, he says this is your lie, you tried to show any baby as Adhi’s baby but Adhi gave DNA before dying so we can know who his baby is and who is not, this is your first mistake so I am forgiving you otherwise I can send you to jail, money can make you do bad things but we take money to stop bad things. Maasa says to Jaggu that whose baby did you bring? what did you do? I am a fool that I listened to you and thought its my Adhi’s baby, because of you my respect is gone. She says forgive us, it wont happen again. Lawyer says contact us when you get real baby of Adhi, he leaves. Maasa says we are stuck, where will we find Adhi’s baby?

After some years, Maasa and Jaggu are walking in market. Maasa says we have to walk so much, dont know where we are, she says Adhi destroyed our lives, I wish I didnt kill Adhi and Devi’s daughter, lets go. Devika and her adoptive parents are in the market too. Maasa is walking in the market and says I am tired. Devika passesby Maasa and grabs her saree. Maasa looks at her, Lajjo asks if she is alright? Maasa glares at Devika and says she jerked my hair, Lajjo says she is just a kid, I am sorry, Maasa asks her to control her girl, she scowls at Devika and leaves. Lajjo laughs and says they must have some animosity in some other birth.

12 years later, Devika is a teenager, she is working in village with Lajjo, Lajjo asks her not to work, Devika says let me work too, she says no you wont work, just sit, dont work. Devika says you dont let me work. Father smiles at her, Devika asks if he needs help? He says no, I will get scolded from your mother. He slips and blood comes out from his foot because of his torn shoes. Devika sees hole in his shoes and looks on. Father limps away. 

Devika looks on. She sees a rat there and catches it, she asks if he is hungry? I gave you roti in the morning, we will live here in this tent for 6 months, I wish we dont have to change places then papa wouldnt have to walk so much, we can arrange some shoes for him.

PRECAP- Devika grows up young, she runs around in fields. New hero opposite her is shown getting dressed in suit in sophisticated style. Devika is flying kite in park, she has same face like her mother Devi.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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