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Adi walks to Imlie’s room and seeing tiffin box open closes it. He keeps Imlie and Mithi’s photo frame near her and says moon/Malini said she is missing her daughter, so she sent her this pic. Dev in his room looking at Mithi’s painting emotionally apologize to her for ransacking her and her daughter, he says their daughter is in hospital and he couldn’t even pamper or take care of her properly. He continues pouring out his heart out when Anu walks in and says he should speak to his other paintings also, what is special in this painting that he speaks only to it? He says they can talk later as he is not in the mood. She asks if he fed beggars, he never did that before. He says not now. He says she is his wife and has right to ask him; why he is looking so unkempt and untidy, if he is drunk. He vents out his inner anger on her finally and says she has ruined his life, he can not breathe freely because of her, his mother can not stay with him, she is trying to ruin even Malini’s life, but thank god her in-laws are good, etc. She says he is whatever he is today because of her, he didn’t have money to pay electricity bills, she pleaded her papa and got him money; if she had not helped him, he would have been in Pagdandiya. He says he would have been better in Pagdandiya, he could breathe there freely at least, he hate her and can not tolerate her at all. She stand shocked hearing that.

Adi returns home with tiffin box and asks Aparna why did she leave tiffin boxes at the hospital. She says these are not her boxes, where did he steal them from. He says he found them in Imlie’s hospital room. Malini says there is some confusion. After sometime, Malini with Adi reach hospital to get her discharged and over phone informs Nidhi that they will reach home with Imlie in sometime and they should be ready with surprise party. Adi asks what party? At home, Tauji and youngsters plan party for Imlie’s welcome and inform Aparna and Taiji. Pankaj says Imlie is not returning from school, she is returning from hospital. Malini convinces Adi for the party. They see Imlie falling on doctors and nurses’ feet and singing bhajan for them calling them nurseshwari devi and doctoreshwar devta. She does their aarti and applies tilak on their forehead thanking them for saving her life. She even thanks machines for saving her. They stand silently in fear. Adi tries to stop her, but Malini stops him to let her watch Imlie’s cute act. Adi finally stops Imlie and apologize to doctors. Malini gets a call and she walks away. Adi scolds Imlie for her chlldish act. Imlie says she wants to touch his feet and thank him for saving her life, but she knows he wouldn’t allow her. Malini returns and says let us go home.
Anu informs Dev that Malini invited them for party for Imlie’s arrival. He says he doesn’t want to go. She says even she doesn’t want to attend a party whose chief guest is a maid. Dev says her name is Imlie. Anu argues with him as usual. He angrily walks away saying he will attend party now and doesn’t care if she doesn’t. She thinks why he is so attached to a maid?

Imlie reach home and is surprised to see a village environment there. Family walks in wearing village attire and says surprise. Imlie is surprised to see them in village attire. Family says they threw a surprise party for her with village theme, how is she feeling. She says feeling as if she is at home. Twinkle says they will play board game. Imlie says what is the use if they get bored before playing it. They all laugh. Malini with Adi join them wearing village dress and hug her. Imlie get more happier.
Malini asks Imlie if she liked her village themed party idea? Imlie says very much. Pankaj says its Malini’s plan. Aparna offers laddoo to Imlie and asks how is it. Imlie tastes and falls. Pankaj holds her and says it doesn’t have sedative, why did she fall. She says its very tasty. Nidhi says they are other sweets for her. Anu with Dev enters and seeing the set up says these people didn’t work hard so much even during Malini’s wedding. Aparna seeing them greets them in. Adi walks to them and touching Dev’s feet and hugging him addressing as papa says he is good to see him here. He then greets Anu as Mrs. Chaturvedi. She frowns as usual. Dev asks about Imlie. Adi says she is fine and he can meet her. Dev walks to Imlie and says good to see her hale and healthy. Imlie says he is looking like Pagdandiya’s sarpanch and feels like dear one. Family makes Imlie sit and dances on a Kala Chashma bhangra song. Imlie joins them and dances. Family enjoys dance and dances really well. Imlie slips and injures herself. Adi scolds her to be careful and when he warned her not to join them, why did she, what if her stitches would have broken, she should go and sit silently. Aparna makes Imlie sit on a charpai and ask Sundar to bring something for Imlie and snacks for them. Malini tells Adi that he shouldn’t have scolded Imlie so rudely. Children say they can dance at least and start dancing. Dev walk to Imlie and says he will dance with her, thinking he couldn’t hold her hand and teach her walking, but he can hold her hand and dance with her. Imlie asks if he will really dance with her. He says yes and dances holding her hand. Anu gets jealous seeing that and walks aide.

Malini walks behind Anu and asks if she is fine, she can share with her if she has any issue. Anu says a mother can not share a few issues with her daughter, so she should go and enjoy dance. Malini goes to kitchen. Anu sees tiffin, which Dev took from home lying that he is taking food for roadside children, and asks if papa gave her this tiffin. Malini says Adi brought it from Imlie’s hospital room as he found it there. Dev continues dancing with Imlie when Anu angrily throws tiffin in front of him and shouts that he lied that he took food for street children but took it for maid Imlie. Dev says Imlie is not a maid they can go home and speak. Anu continues shouting at him and asks why she is so attached to a maid, if he is so concerned, why don’t he adopt her and bring her home and throw it on her forever. Dev angrily raises hand, but stops and walks away embarrassed. Malini stands crying. Aparna consoles her. Taiji asks Anu to calm down. Pankaj and others run behind Dev and inform Adi that Dev is missing and asks Malini to call and find out where he is. Adi rush searching for him. Nidhi asks to inform them once he finds Dev. Dev walks on road reminiscing Anu’s words and thinks she created such a big drama when he met his daughter, he is ruining even Malini’s life, so he should die. He walks in front of a truck when Imlie rescues him on time and they both fall down. She scolds him. He says he was in a thought and didn’t notice the truck. She says he should think about Malini as a father’s life is not only his but also belongs to his children. He says she is right. She asks him to return home and console Malini as she is in shock. He hugs her and thinks she is right, a father’s life belongs to his children and will be with his children, etc.

Precap: Adi tells Imlie that Mrs. Chaturdevi shouldn’t have insulted her. Iklie says she even insults him, but he doesn’t feel bad. Malini sees them together chatting smilingly and walks towards them. Imlie wears shoes, googles, and holds a bag in shopping mall. Manager orders salesgirl to snatch everything back from her as she cannot afford it and orders to throw all stuff as she spoilt them by touching them.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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