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Dev takes Imlie to Malini’s room and asks her to sleep there and not kitchen. Imlie panics and shouts she can’t. He stops her and says Malini will feel bad if she finds out that she slept in kitchen, she should wake up early tomorrow as they both will do painting together. Imlie says she didn’t bring her pain and brushes. Dev says he has everything and asks her to go and rest now. She goes on bed and gets sad seeing Adi and Malini’s wedding photo.

Adi with Malini return home and seeing family sad says Nishant is coming tomorrow, then why they look sad. Malini asks same. Taiji says Nishant left home without informing them and is coming when he wants to, he doesn’t care about them. Tauji say they should show him that they can live without him, he is coming after 10 years and will go again for another 10 years breaking their hearts again; he asks Rupal to send him a message that this house has only 2 sons. Adi says the fact will not change though and checking Nishant’s message says he has just written that he is coming and not when he will go. Aparna says Nishant must be missing his family. Taiji says Aparna supports Nishant since childhood and scolds Adi for Nishant’s mistakes. Tauji says Nishath has become their guests now. Rupal says even she is angry on Nishant and will scold him when he returns, maa is keeping his shoes since 10 years and now doesn’t want to meet him, papa didn’t sleep for days when Nishant went abroad to study and why he doesn’t want to meet Nishath.
Anu seeing Imlie in Malini’s room shouts how dare she is to enter her daughter’s bed. Imlie stammers nervously. Dev asks what is she doing here, he asked Imlie to.. Imlie says this house is so because and she didn’t find servant’s room. Anu asks if she will take other’s stuff if she doesn’t find her ones; though she doesn’t have a father, she has a mother who must have taught not to take other’s stuff. Dev shouts enough. Imlie walks away.

Rupal says if they don’t want Nishant back, she will send a message to Nishant that this house doesn’t need him and he doesn’t have to come here as this house has only sons. Tauji asks her to stop. Rupal says she sent him to bring lots of chocs for children, sugar-free for Tinkle. Adi says some for 2 kids, Tauji and Taiji. Dhruv says they should plan for a party now. Nidhi says yes, they should hurry up as they don’t have much time. Aparna says when they are together, they can. Rupal asks where is Imlie. Adi says she stayed back at Mrs. Chaturvedi’s house. Nidhi thinks Imlie is not so dumb to herself become a prey for tigress. Adi hearing that hopes Imlie stays safe at Anu’s house and Malini forgives him for behaving with her like Anu behaves with Imlie. He walks to his room and knocks door. Malini opens it. He says thank god she opened door or else he would have to sleep on Tinkle and Sunny’s bed. She says she doesn’t want to trouble someone repeatedly. He says he doesn’t want to trouble her and says he brought Imlie from Pagdandiya and its responsibility to protect her. Malini says he realized his responsibility now, she is protecting Imlie from before from Anu and him, but he thinks he is selfish by making her work hard. He says he is selfish and scolded her in front of everyone without knowing truth, but she behaved with his family so well and didn’t let his mother about their fight, he is very thankful to her for that. She says she needs to wake up in the morning to make arrangements for Nishant’s welcome and others also worried for Imlie. Adi says he is worried for Anu as Imlie would trouble her in her Pagdandiya style. She asks him to keep his remaining apologizes for tomorrow qand switch off light now.

Next morning, Malini goes to kitchen and sees Aparna laughing on Taiji. Taiji says she doesn’t know what Nishant would like to have and asks Malini what she wanted to have after returning from abroad. Malini says mom’s cooked food and consoles Taiji. Adi with Dhruv enters and says he has to cook breakfast now as women are chatting. Dhruv backs him. He tries to prepare tea. Malini asks if he knows to prepare tea. He says no. She asks him to go and bring Nishant and take raincoat as it may rain. He says she is worried for him still and kissing her forehead rushes away. Malini hopes everything is fine at her mom’s house. At Chaturvedi House, Anu shouts. Dev rushes to him and asks what happened. She says her foot turned yellow because of stupid Imlie. Dev says she didn’t realize that she can stand without a support now. Anu limps. Dev and Imlie support her. She shouts at Imlie to get back to work. Dev says her staff has come, so she shouldn’t force Imlie. He tells Imlie that he is going to bank for half an hour and will return and paint with her. Anu thinks she should let Imlie see Dev’s favorite painting and asks her to go and clean Dev’s painting room. Imlie walks to painting room. Dev returns and asks maid where is Imlie. Maid says Anu asked Imlie to clean painting room. Dev rushes to painting room and stands shocked seeing Imlie looking at Mithi’s painting and identifying her.
Dev rushes to his painting room and sees Imlie looking at her mother Mithi’s painting and identifying it. She happily tells Dev that she is her amma and if he has met or know her. Daadi enters and says not at all and says years ago Dev had visited Pagdandiya and he liked her village so much that he made 100-150 paintings. She shows his paintings and says Dev must have made this painting then and this woman resembles Imlie’s amma. Imlie nods yes. Daadi says many women would have met Dev then, how will he remember her amma. Imlie says she is right and asks how was her journey. She says very tiriing, but her tiredness went away seeing her. She pampers Imlie. Anu enters and seeing that asks what is happening. Imlie says she is seeing Dev’s Pagdandiya’s paintings and feels as if she is in Pagdandiya being in Delhi. Anu asks if she saw Dev’s all paintings. Imlie asks which one. Adi enters calling Dev and Imlie. They all walk to him. Adi hugs Dev and touches Daadi’s feet, asks Daadi when did she come. She says just now, but couldn’t inform Malini. Adi informs that Nishant is returning home, so he came to take Imlie back. He asks Imlie to pack her bag soon. Anu taunts that nothing has changed and Adi is in a hurry and cannot sit for 2 minutes, he came to pick a maid, taunts that there is no difference between a wife and maid in his house. Adi says there is a difference between relationship but not humans in his house. Daadi insists him to have breakfast with them. Adi agrees. Dev makes him sit and apologizes him on Anu’s behalf. Adi says Anu is elder and he shouldn’t have misbehaved with her, he apologized and convinced Malini though. Dev says he knew Adi would convince Malini. Adi says it was tough this time. Mithi from Pagdandiya calls Adi and thanks him that Satyakam returned to village because of him. Satyakam speaks and thanks him. Adi says its Satyakam and his team’s hard work, he just wrote truth. Satyakam says with bravery and truth, one needs intelligent people like him; he asks about Imlie. Adi goes to call Imlie. Phone gets disconnected. Dev gathering courage calls back. Mithi excitedly picks thinking its Imlie.

Adi finds Imlie in kitchen working and asks if she didn’t pack her bag. She says she is preparing herbal paste for Anu as she could stand up with her herbal paste and will start walking soon. He says Anu insults her so much, then why she is worried about her. Imlie says because Anu is Malini’s mother. He informs that her mother and Satyakam want to meet her. She excitedly asks if dadda returned, why didn’t he inform her, let her speak to him. Adi says phone got disconnected. Back in living room, Dev emotionally hears Mithi’s voice and calls her name. Mithi identifies him and says Babu saheb. He disconnects call and thinks he shouldn’t have spoke to her, she may inform Imlie that he is Imlie’s father. Mithi stands shocked. Satyakam asks if she is fine and if she spoke to Imlie. Imlie returns insists Adi to let her speak to her amma and dadda. He picks his phone and says someone already made a 40 second call and dials back. Postman picks call and informs Imlie that her amma and dadda left just now. Imlie feels disappointed. She brings her bag. Adi touches Daadi’s feet and says he will leave now. Dev tells Imlie that he will teach her painting when she returns to his house soon. Anu angrily says she will not return to this house again and continues her drama. Adi Imlie out and asks her to sit on his bike. She slips and falls. He scolds her and asks to sit side ways like Malini and Rupi. She does same. Anu video calls Malini and showing them says Imlie took her place in both Aditya and Dev’s lives, etc. Malini looks at them sadly.

Precap: Imlie enjoys riding bike behind Adi under rain. A romantic song plays in the background. Adi gifts a dress to Imlie. Malini notices its bill. Imlie meets family wearing it, Aparna asks who gifted her this dress. Malini says Aditya and shows bill.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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