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Tauji goes to Nishant’s room and seeing him asleep cleans his room. He wakes up and asks what is she doing. She says cleaning his room and will find 2-3 pairs of socks under bed like in childhood. He says he has grown up and can do his chores himself. Taiji emotionally says mother doesn’t get old when children are with him, how could he stay away from his mother so long. He says even he realized her importance when he went abroad and felt alone without her; when dear ones are not with a person, a person feels alone even in crowd. Taiji emotionally hugs him. Imlie watching them thinks that is why she was feeling alone when whole family was with her except Adi, then thinks why is feeling bad, Adi doesn’t have any feeling for her at all, why will he stay with her.

After sometime, Tauji checks Imlie’s temperature and says its normal. She excitedly asks if she can go now. Tauji says she should rest the whole day like Malini. Once he leaves, she try to get out again when Sundar enters with breakfast and asks her to have it silently in her room. Imlie fumes on him and walks to kitchen once he leaves. Rupal scolds her to go and rest, Nidhi also does same. She walks out of house somehow and says she is a free bird now. Adi trying to start his bike says an injured bird should stay at home and sends her back in. He gives helmet to Aparna and runs out saying he is going via bus today. Aparna asks to take his tiffin in vain, she then asks Sundar to go to bus stop and give Adi’s tiffin. He turns and sees tiffin missing. Imlie walks towards bus stop with tiffin singing when she sees a few boys troubling girls and blocking their way. Boys order them to go via long route. Imlie tries to confront them, but then walks away thinking she has to give Adi’s tiffin. Adi standing in bus stop gets boss’ call who asks him not to work on bridge collapse case as culprits are very powerful and may harm him. Adi says he has already started working on it. Boss says its not the right time and orders him again not to work on the case. Adi stands fuming. Imlie noticing that thinks of keeping tiffin near him hiding. She does so and walks away. Aparna calls Adi and informs that Imlie brought his tiffin. He says he found tiffin but not Imlie.

Imlie walks through same lane and sees boys bullying girls. She picks their bat and warns him to stop troubling girls, but they didn’t agree. She acts as hitting them showing batting moves. They get afraid and apologize to her and run away. Girls thank her. She says this lane belongs to everyone. Girls leave. Imlie sees Adi standing and thinking he will punish her, she sits in a cock position to give herself punishment. Adi claps and praise her bravery says even he wants to learn using bat like her. She says he doesn’t have to use bat as he uses pen to show truth and get justice, etc. He stands silently. She asks if she spoke a lot. He says he wanted to hear same and will not back off. Adi reaches office where boss asks to wait for sometime as criminals are very powerful and its a question of his safety. Adi asks what about innocent people's safety and the ones who lost their life. Boss says he is very adamant and suggests him to be careful as its a question of his life. Adi says his life is nothing in front of the fear of losing his wife.
In the evening, family gathers in living room. Taiji asks where is Nishant? Aparna noticing Pankaj’s face says Pankaj knows everything. Pankaj says its a secret. Rupal says he is right. Aparna says elders and even children are hiding secrets. Taiji asks if he went abroad again? Aparna says he must have gone to bring a bahu. Taiji says Dhruv and Adi didn’t let her find bahus, now even Nishant is doing same. Nidhi and Malini ask if she doesn’t love them as they are not her choice and was acting as loving them till now? Taiji says she loves them more than Dhruv and Adi and couldn’t find better bahus than them. Aparna says Adi is very lucky that he got Malini. Nidhi says she is right. Taiji says even Malini is lucky to get Adi. Imlie studying in her room gets sad hearing that.

Aparna asks Nidhi where did Nishant go? Pankaj stops Nidhi and asks not to tell her as its her old trick to praise people and get secret from them. Aparna says very funny. Malini says they can just say that Nishant is taking them out for dinner. Taiji asks if Nishant really got a wife. Malini says she will find it soon and says she will inform Dhruv and Adi to reach the restaurant from their office. She asks Sundar not to prepare dinner today and get ready soon. Imlie hearing their conversation walks to them and taunts Sundar that he will embarrass them. Sundar says he never did that. Aparna asks her not to trouble Sundar. Imlie says if she gets ready, Sundar will look like bandar/monkey in front of her. Malini says Imlie cannot accompany them as she has to prepare for her entrance exam. Pankaj and Aparna back Malini. Imlie starts her emotional drama and asks if they like having food without her. Sundar says they will enjoy a lot. Imlie continues and cries that she is missing her mother. Aparna asks to stop her drama and accompany them, but she should handle Adi if he scolds her. Nidhi says Imlie can handle both ice cream and Adi’s scolding. Imlie says she will get back to her studies then. Malini says they will bring her favorite ice cream. Imlie says she will enjoy it taunting Sundar. Aparna says she will stay with Imlie as she may create any drama again like last time and let strangers in. Pankaj says they should teach their family mantra to her as she is also a family member and ask her to open the door only if she hears that mantra. Imlie gets emotional hearing him calling her a family member and asks what is that mantra. Family drama continues. Nidhi says their family mantra is Kante Nahi Katte Ye Din Ye Raaat..lo aaj mai kehti hoon I love you. Imlie says its a song. Nidhi asks her to remember it.

Adi is busy at office when his friend asks if he found any lead regarding bridge collapse case. Adi says no. Friend tell him that bridge builder is meeting some underworld people, so he can go there but should be careful. Malini calls him and he excitedly says he was remembering her, he got lead in bridge collapse case. She says she thought he was missing her. He says he will return home to pick some stuff and then work on his lead. Imlie continues studying at home when she hears door bell and sings song loudly. Adi on the other side says its him, but she insists to complete the song. He completes I love you. She opens door. He scolds her. She says its his family mantra. He says if she believes anyone who fools her. She says she realized when he said it. He goes to pick his stuff. She gets happy remembering Adi saying I love you and thinks Malini is enjoying dishes there and she is studying here.
Tripathi family reaches restaurant and finds Dev and Anu there. Dev is surprised to see them. Malini hugs him and asks if even they came for dinner. Anu says they had gone to club and came to have dinner here, but how come they are here as they feels uncomfortable in these kind of places. Tauji says she is right, they feel comfortable leaving their footwear and sitting comfortably, they just came to know which wheat flour they use that roti is 150 rs here. Rupal says water bottle is 50 rs as if they are giving spring water. Nidhi says water is free. Dhruv says water taste changes if they pay for it. Dev asks Anu to enjoy her water and requests them to join. Anu says coming out in places like this is common for us. Aparna says meeting them in these places is special for them and when this coincidence has happened, they will join. Dev says exactly and makes their seating arrangement. Nishant says he gave them bad surprised but today wants to give them real good surprise. Taiji hopes he brought a good bahu. Nishant says he bought a car for them and will ride it home today. Family claps in excitement. Anu comments typical middle class, they bought only a car and not helicopter to celebrate. Malini says they need reason to celebrate and not means, they are all happy. Tauji congratulates Nishant for his car and says his return is the biggest gift for them. Nishant says he knows, so he is not going back to US. Family rejoices. Nishant jokes not to get happy as he bought car for himself. Anu taunts that at least someone is sensible in this house or else Adi takes Malini on bike. Nishant says its Malini and Adi’s choice, now they won’t be having problems as they have 2 vehicles at home now. Malini says right and congratulates him again for his surprise. Anu asks where is Adi and their favorite servant, if they left them both at home, they should leave their house with servant and not husband. Malini angrily says that’s enough. Anu says she is her mother and its her duty to open her eyes. Malini walks away angrily. Pankaj confronts Anu that she always insult them and they tolerated it, today she is pointing finger at Imlie’s character who always thinks good of family. Apana says Adi is in the office and Imlie is at home. Anu says she trusts Adi, but doesn’t trust village girls who act to be innocent, but trap men and don’t even spare married men. Dev warns her to shut up and says she is showing her arrogance for Malini who left feeling disgusted of her act. Anu says she will convince her daughter and hopes Adi is not the reason for Malini’s tears.

Precap: Anu shows Adi and Imlie at a restaurant sitting closely to Malini and asks till when she will protect her husband from Imlie.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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