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Trapathi family ladies get ready for Savitri pooja. Nidhi praises Malini that her face is glowing and asks which lotion she uses. Taiji backs her. Aparna says a newly married bride looks beautiful with husband’s love and describes how Savitri fought with Yamraj to save her husband Satyavan’s life and threaten to follow him to yamlok if he doesn’t spare her husband’s life. Malini says she described an old story so easily. Imlie hears their conversation and reminisces saving Adi. Nidhi asks Imlie what will she do for her husband. Imlie says says she will pulls Yamraj’s buffallo’s tail and can even bear a bullet for her husband, reminiscing the incident. They all laugh. She then sees thread bundles and asks what are they for? Taiji says they tie it around tree for husband’s long life. Imlie says she will pick one. Aparna asks why she needs without marriage. Nidhi says she should keep saula somwar/16 Monday fast before that. Malini says she may want to keep it for the future. Taiji asks to pick one thread bundle.

Anu checks gifts she bought for Tripathi family and takes each family member’s name. Daadi asks she forgot someone. Anu says ocourse not. Dev says she forgot gifts for Sundar and Imlie. Anu shouts he should tell his real intention. Their argument starts. Daadi asks them to stop and says she didn’t want to interfere between husband and wife, but they are both in a age where they should explain this and instead they created scene in Malini’s house and hopes they won’t again; if Anu can not take gifts for Sundar and Imlie, she will. Anu calms down and says she will arrange gifts for even them.

Aparna asks Rupal to get ready soon. Rupal gets upset and asks if she should fast for her ex-husband, he must be having someone else to fast for him. Imlie cheers her up saying she has prepared pakoras for her, family wants her to wear good dress and take selfies with them. Rupal smiles and says even Imlie should wear new clothes. Imlie agrees. After sometime, Anu with Dev and Daadi reaches Tripathi house. Family greets them. She snaps her fingers and orders servants to bring gifts. Servants keep gifts on table. Sunny and Tinkle insist to check gifts. Anu says 2 gifts are for them and rest for the family. Dev asks if she didn’t bring Imlie and Sundar’s gifts. She calls servants again and says one gift is for Sundar. Sundar thanks her. She says she didn’t know Imlie’s dress size, so she brought her Malini’s old designer clothes after dry cleaning them and these are costlier than other gifts. Dev burn in anger, but Daadi ask him not to create a scene in his daughter’s house again. Adi enters and thanking Anu for her gift and says Imlie is not habited to get such costly gifts, his family knows Imlie’s choice and he will bring new clothes for her, so Anu can take back her gifts. Anu angrily asks servants to throw them away. Imlie stops  servants and says since they are Malini’s, she will wear them. She then walks to kitchen sadly. Dev enters and offers her chocolate. She says he reminded her of her friend Bindi’s father who gives her laddoos whenever her mother scolds her. He asks is it and gifts her more chocolate. She says thanku thanku. Malini notices that and thinks why didn’t papa give chocs to Imlie in front of everyone, maybe he wanted to avoid mom’s drama.
Tripathi family ladies perform their husbands’ aarti. Daadi tells Anu that wives perform 11 times parikrama/rounding around tree and then take their husband’s blessings. Imlie does pooja at home looking at Adi’s photo and does parikrama around a plant. Mai Suhagan Rahun…song.. plays in the background. Ladies then touch husband’s feet and hug them. Imlie thinks this day is very good as she performed all the rituals without bearing Adi’s scolding and even fulfilling Amma’s wish. She sees family returning, hides pooja thali silently and tries to leave when Anu stops her and seeing sindhoor in her hairline asks whose name sindhoor she has applied. Everyone look at her in shock. Aparna asks Imlie why she applied sindhoor. Imlie nervously blabbers that she thought. Anu says only married women apply sindhoor, why did she apply and for whom? Tauji says Imlie is a simple girl and followed family ladies. Taiji says Imlie is a kid and did a mistake. Anu says its not a child’s play and only married woman apply it. Aparna asks her to forgive the kid for her mistake. Anu says if she has done a mistake, she will clean it right now.
Anu says Imlie applied sindhoor thinking it as a game, so now she will wipe it right now thinking it as a mistake. Pankaj says Imlie is a kid and does mistakes, she can clean it when she goes to wash her face, they should go for pooja as they are getting late. Anu says no, she wants Imlie to wipe it right now as she feels Imlie applied sindhoor purposefully. Daadi asks why she thinks so? Dev asks why is she forcing a kid. Anu says she herself will wipe it off. Whole family ladies stop her. Malini asks her to stop it. Anu says Imlie doesn’t have right to apply sindhoor. Malini says she doesn’t have right to wipe out sindhoor. Anu says where sindhoor is considered a joke, it doesn’t take time to consider marriage also a joke there. She walks away. Malini wipes Imlie’s tears and consoles her. Adi thinks he explained to Imlie, even then she didn’t listen to him.

Imlie is in her room crying reminiscing Anu’s words. Adi walks in. She asks if he needs anything. He asks what she wants. She says she wants to study well and become a police officer, but she will do that in the morning and wants to sleep now. He asks how can she sleep peacefully after doing all this; he says earlier she had apple hiding, then lied to him, and then sindhoor in her hairline; she herself said in the hospital that she would wipe off sindhoor, but Pagdandiya and Seeta maiya don’t permit her; Malini had to protect her sindhoor today; he already told her that she or his one mistake will take away peace from his life; he told that he will not snatch her trust and expect her not to break his trust. She says she didn’t do it purposefully. He says he is hearing same since she came here, but he gets trapped in a situation where he either has to reveal everything to Malini or hide it, how can he believe that she is not competing with malini and doesn’t need anything from him? She asks why did he save her and bring her to Delhi instead of letting her die in the jungle. He says he should have left her there and kill himself, she knows he is following his duty. She says even she is doing same; he knows that he can lie to her mother and everyone, but not Seeta maiya; its a wife’s duty to keep Savitri fast for his husband. He says what he can give to her when he doesn’t have control on himself; he lives in fear of losing real family for his fake family.

After sometime, Imlie forcefully makes Dhruv and Nidhi drink milk when they are about to leave for office. Malini walks in ready for college next and Imlie forces even her to have milk. Adi walks in next. Malini gives her glass to him. He angrily looks at Imlie. Imlie says its her glass and drinks milk. They laugh. Adi tells Malini that he will drop her to college on bike Pankaj asks him to take a car instead. Adi says she rode on his bike for 7 years and he cannot handle traffic congestion with car. Malini says she likes traveling on bike. Imlie says he drives fast and rammed his bike to her and her dadda once. Aparna asks if he drives so rashly. Anu’s driver enters and tells Malini that Anu sent a car for her as its her first day at college after marriage. Malini says she will go in car today as Adi is getting lady. Adi walks away saying as she and her mother wish. Imlie thinks Adi always speaks to her rudely and its her fate.

After sometime, Aparna asks Sundar to pick up Sunny and Tinkle from school bus. Imlie fights with Sundar as usual and says she will bring children. Their nok jhok starts. Aparna permits Imlie to pick up children and warns not to create any drama there. She reaches bus stop and tries to chat with other childrens’ parents in her broken English. They yell that their children’s English will spoil if they let them with her. Bus arrives. Imlie pushing everyone aside asks conductor to send Tinkle and Sunny first and starts herST usual drama yelling and threatening him. Sunny and Tinkle walk out and say she is searching them. Conductor says their name is Prashant and Tanushree. Imlie asks if they changed their name in school. They say no and tell conductor that they will handle Imlie. Imlie continues yelling at conductor while kids drag her away. She continues her jokergiri singing a song. They say they are tired and can’t walk. She hires a cycle rickshaw whose driver drives inebriated and rams rickshaw to a car. Car owner and driver’s fight starts. Imlie thanks god and herself drives rickshaw away. Kids ask if she knows to drive rickshaw. She says she can drive aero plane. They joke that they fly aeroplane.

Adi in his office thinks Malini never complained about his status in 7 years, but after marriage, she must be feeling bad about his low financial status, so she took her mother’s car to college. Malini thinks Adi wanted to drop her to college, but her mother sent her car out of concern, he is self-respectful and cannot understand her mother’s concern for her.

Precap: Adi tells Malini that in 5 years, whenever he came to pick her up from her home, her mom always insisted to take car, but she never did and took her car today; she must be feeling bad seeing his low financial status after marriage, etc. Imlie brings food for them and hears their conversation. Adi apologizes Imlie for getting angry on her and says she kept her words so easily, now nobody will come between them. He hugs her.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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