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Anu over video call tells Malini that Aditya’s bike’s backseat is her place, but Aditya gave it to Imlie now. She says Dev showers love on Imlie as if she is his daughter and gave Malini’s right to Imlie, now even Aditya did same. Aditya asks Imlie to be careful an drives his bike away. Malini fronts Anu and asks her to stop as everyone sit pillion in a bike similarly, she should understand that Adi drives bike and not a car and even she has to sit similarly if she sits as pillion. Anu says she talking her about her relation. Malini says its her obsession and she wants promise from her; she knows there are problems between her and dad and she tried whole life to clear their differences, but she shouldn’t create a rift between her and Aditya; Imlie is a cute girl and she cleared her and Adi’s fight, etc. Anu says she is very innocent to think everyone as good; Adi is a good man but also a human and humans make mistakes, she doesn’t want her daughter to suffer because of someone else’s mistake. Malini says its a big day for her family as Nishant is coming and she doesn’t want want any negativity, asks her to take care of herself and disconnects call. Anu thinks any mother wouldn’t like her daughter’s life ruined and she wants to protect her daughter.

Imlie panics when Adi drives bike fast and requests to drive slow. He asks her to sit silently and stop shaking. She continues blabbering. He says she got motion sickness and asks her to look at sky. She feels good looking at sky. Rain starts. He parks bike aside. She asks why did he stop. He says she will get ill again. She says he is afraid of himself and came to pick her up on Malini or Aparna’s insistence. He asks if he can’t come on himself. She continues blabbering and walks into rain. He rushes behind her.

At home, family eagerly waits for Nishant. Taiji nervously looks at door. Nidhi asks her to sit. Tauji says he will not come. Pankaj asks him to forgive Nishant. Tauji says Nishant didn’t even remember them in 10 years and forgot them. They hear Sunny and Tinkle chatting. Sunny and Tia say its not them. Family walks towards living room and see Malini watch Rupal and his siblings’ childhood video. Aparna says Malini transferred video from tape into CD. Tinkle sees Adi and Nishant’s love for each other and Tauji’s immense love for Nishant. Tauji gets more emotional. Malini suggests him to forget his anger and accept Nishant. Tauji nods yes.
Adi with Imlie returns home and sees Nishant stepping out of cab. They both remember their childhood days and hug emotionally. Nishant asks Adi to introduce him to bhabhi, looking at Imlie. Adi says she is not his bhabhi and points at Malini. Malini with family rushes to him. He greets her. Taiji meets him next and speaks emotionally. Aparna performs his aarti and blesses him. He next hugs Pankaj emotionally and then Rupal. They both cry. Dhruv says good he came or else Rupal fights only with him. Nishant asks if he didn’t miss him. Dhruv says a lot and hugs him. Nidhi says knock knock and asks if he didn’t miss her. He hugs her emotionally and says he always missed her. Nidhi says they are of same age, so Nishant told he will call her by name and not bhabhi. Pankaj twists his ears and Aparna protects him. Malini hugs him next and welcomes him. He says he will reveal her Adi’s all secrets. Sunny and Tinkle meet him next; Sunny says when he went for a school camp for 2 days, he missed family a lot, why didn’t he miss family for 10 years. He says he missed family a lot. He then walks Tauji and tries to touch his feet. Tauji stops him saying he must have forgotten to touch feet. Imlie confronts Tauji and warns that he will not get tea from hereon. Tauji asks reason. She says before doctor says he got BP and cannot have tea, she is stopping him; he should forgive her son and let him touch feet. Nishant does and Tauji emotionally hugs him crying.

Tauji, Taiji, and Rupal emotionally hug Nishant. Imlie thanks Seeta maiya. Nishant tells Imlie that nobody spoke to her papa like that and asks who is she. Imlie says she is just Imlie from Pagdandiya, very nice to meet him. He says nice to meet her too, but he will call her cool dude. Sundar jokes he can call her bhootni. Imlie and his nok jhok starts. Aparna takes everyone in. Malini asks Adi why is he wet. Rupal says even Imlie is wet and should go and change. Adi says Imlie covered him with banana leaves, he wanted to stop, but she forced him to drive, he wanted to meet Nishant soon anyways. Imlie walks to kitchen and seeing Sundar preparing cappucino for Nishant insists to prepare ginger tea for him. Their nok jhok starts. Tauji and others walk in and try to stop their fight. Aparna asks to prepare both. Nidhi says Nishant will like cappucino and Rupal says tea and their nok jhok starts next. Aparna says whoever wins will have to drink what they don’t like.

Nishant checks gifts he brought for family. Adi picks his bag. Nishant warns him to dare not check his stuff. Adi says he shared everything with him since childhood but never shared his stuff. They reminisce childhood memories. Adi says he never hid anything from childhood, family missed a son and brother and he missed his best friend a lot. Nishant says he also missed them, but dear ones never go away from heart. Adi says he wants to tell him something. Nishant thinks even he wants to tell him a lot, but will listen to him first. Adi says he had gone to Pagdandiya to cover a story and was forced by villagers there, reminiscing his and Imlie’s marriage. Just then, family rushes in with tea and coffee and insists him to choose one. He says he wants only water as he doesn’t coffee or tea. Family walks away disappointed. Imlie offers Nishant water and walks towards door when she hears Nishant asking Adi to continue that he was forced by Pagdandiya people. Imlie thinks why Adi thinks only he was forced and sneezes. Nishant sees her and says she caught cold. Imlie leaves. Nishant asks Adi again. Adi says its a small story and he will discuss later. Nishant hugs him and thinks he wants to discuss his story with him as he has very less time and he hopes he shares his secret with Adi.
Mithi looking at Dev’s dolls reminisces speaking to him over phone. Satyakam walks in and asks her to give him rotis as he is very hungry, seeing her crying asks whom did she speak the other that as she is crying since then. She says wrong number and stands up. He sees Dev’s doll on floor and says when she knows city man was wrong, why is she wasting her precious tears on him. She says she is worried for Imlie, at least she will get her father’s name. Satyakam gets angry and says that man was never with Imlie when she was born, grew up, got scholarship, and during her wedding. He continues venting out his anger, says he will cut the city man into pieces if he comes here, and walks away breaking the doll. Mithi cries picking broken pieces.

Dev tells Daadi that Mithi identified his voice when he spoke to her after 18 years, he doesn’t know what he should do. Daadi says Anu is reacting because of the pain he gave her with his betrayal, so he should work on fixing his relationship with her. Servant informs that Anu did not have food and sent him away scolding. Dev goes to check on her.

Nishant takes out his medicines and medical files when Imlie enters and says he opened a medical shop and looks like a compounder. He says these are his medicines as there is a climatic change between US and India. She sneezes and asks him to give her medicine. He says its not cold medicine. She asks if its motion sickness medicine. He says she is very intelligent. She says he is intelli gents and she is intelli womaniya. He laughs and asks her not to inform family about his medicines. Aparna and Taiji enter and emotionally chat with him. Once they leave, he hurriedly hides his medicines in suitcase. Imlie notices it.

Precap: Adi gifts Imlie a dress as valentine’s day gift. Family sees Imlie wearing dress and asks who gave it to her. Malini noticing dress bill says Adi gave it. 

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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