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Anu insists Malini to kick Imlie out of her house. Malini asks her to stop. Anu says don’t she feel weird that her papa took food for Imlie lying to her mom. Malini says papa did that as he knows Imlie is close to her family and he wanted to maintain a healthy relationship with her family. Anu says she doesn’t trust Pagdandiya women, why Aditya meets Imlie often and why he takes her to Pagdandiya and brings her back, what happens during their journey; she doesn’t know what happened when Dev went to Pagdandiaya. Malini asks her to stop as everyone are not bad and papa had gone to Pagdandiya for job. Anu says they were happy for years and she is the evidence of their love, but 18 years ago.. Aparna opens door just then and informs that Imlie brought Dev back home. Malini walk to Dev and emotionally confront him for leaving home alone, she ask when he considers her his best friend why don’t he share his issues with her, she thought she would lose him. Dev apologize to her and then apologize to Tripathi family for the problems they faced because of him. Tauji ask him not to say that and says he should solve his problem at home and not leave it. Taiji says they should stay with Malini to console her. Dev agrees, but Anu angrily leaves. Dev thanks them for their love and concern for Malini and looking at Imlie says he got his one daughter married her in their home and if he had another daughter, he would marry even marry her in their home. He emotionally hug Malini and leaves.

Imlie on her bed thinks everyone must be thinking she is mad seeing her act. Adi walks in and says she is really mad and gifts her Devimaa’s idol. She thanks him. He says Anu shouldn’t have misbehaved with her. She says its okay as she scolds even him and a few people express their love and anger similarly, just like her fake naani, Mithi’s mother. Adi says like him and smiles. She says she will keep this idol with her. Malini walks to them and says there in no need for that and taking idol with her keeps it in near god’s big idol and says just like her place is with them, even her Seeta maiya’s place is with them all and nobody will tell that she is not part of this house. Imlie emotionally hug her.

The next morning, Sundar takes breakfast for family. Imlie stops him and asks him to give breakfast to her, but slips. He asks her not to spoil his work and keeps tea and breakfast on table. Aparna joins. Rupal informs Nidhi about discount in mall and asks Aparna and Taiji if they should go for shopping. Taiji says they will buy a few clothes and not the whole mall. Tauji signals Pankaj that they will bear losses today. Dhruv says even he will accompany Nidhi and help her with bills and select clothes. Tauji frowns saying family will spoil their Sunday. Imlie asks why they want mall/stuff. Sundar informs mall means a shopping complex where they get everything under one roof. Tauji ask him to get jalebis for everyone. Adi enter. Family insists him to join them for shopping. He says he has to give his bike for repair. Tauji says he should. Malini insists and he agrees. Pankaj comments Tauji that even his son is a fool. Family reach mall and starts shopping. Imlie looks around in surprise and drops a perfume box. Sundar holds it and asks her to be careful as she may have to buy stuff if she breaks it. She says she has money. He says its of 2400rs. She is shocked to see its price. He says he can buy it with his savings, but she can’t. Adi helps Malini shop and gets romantic. Dhruv and Nidhi join them and joke. Imlie looks at bags and swings one. Sales girl snatch it bag from her and warn her not to touch it as its for display.
Imlie excitedly window shops in a shopping mall and picks stuff. Sundar signals salesgirl who snatches stuff from Imlie and asks her to leave. Sundar taunts Imlie. Taiji picks modern dresses. Sunny and Twinkle insist her to try a dress. She says she doesn’t wear these kind of dresses. Family insists. Taiji and Aparna wear dresses and come out. Family stand surprised and say they are looking very pretty and young in these dresses. Tauji says Radha is looking very young and Rupal’s elder sister. Rupal says welcome sister. Sunny says they are looking s*xy. Taiji scolds him. Pankaj gets romantic with Aparna. Aparna shyingly goes to change. On the other side, Imlie try sandals and other stuff. Salesgirls stop her. She gives lecture that customer is like a god and they should respect customer, her village’s tea vendor respects customers and gives them free biscuits, so she is customer and they have to serve her. She wears sandals, goggles and holds bag again. Store manager seeing that shouts how dare she to wear these being a beggar and orders staff to snatch stuff from her and throw it away, she is fit to sell balloons outside mall and if she can’t do that, she should beg money. Imlie nervously says she knows a big reporter. He says he doesn’t care and kicks her out of shop. Sundar feels guilty that his small prank insulted Imlie so much. He apologize to Imlie and says he will inform Malini about it who will confront manager. Adi walks to them and asks what are they doing here. Sundar informs what just happened. Adi angrily walks to manager and says he is that big reporter whom the girl was talking about, he is Bhaskar Times’ Chief Executive Reporter Aditya Kumar Tripathi who will print a front news about how a store manager kicked out an 18-year-old girl as her clothes and talking style was different. Manager apologize to him. He asks to apologize Imlie instead. Manager apologize to Imlie and personally shows her clothes while salesgirls serve snacks and fan Imlie. Aditya brings whole family. Imlie excitedly expresses how much she is enjoying. After trying many dresses, manager asks if he should pack them. She asks to throw them away as she touched them and walks away with pride.
Malini returns home with Adi. Adi shows her dresses. She thanks her. He says he bought one for Imlie. She says he bought a dress without her for the first time, she is happy for that and like family is connecting with Imlie, even he is connecting with her. Adi says he felt bad seeing Imlie being insulted in a mall just because of her village language and dress, so he brought dresses for her and Malini should give them to her. Malini says after marriage, she is falling with her husband once again seeing his kind nature. He says he thought she was impressed with his good looks. She says yes, but she is more impressed with his good qualities. He says let us sleep now as his dream may fulfill tomorrow. She insists which dream. He says good night. She says sadu/boring.

She then walks to Imlie with clothes and asks what is she doing. Imlie says she is tasting Imlie and asks her to taste it. Malini says its tangy. Imlie says it will for a few seconds and then she will like it. Malini says just like someone also is starting to like her. Imlie asks who. Malini says Aditya who brought dress for her. Imlie gets silent hearing that and asks if she spoke to her father. Malini says he is fine and fights happen between her parents, so she need not worry. Imlie reminisces Dev trying to commit suicide and says she is worried that Anu doesn’t stop him from meeting her. Malini says papa will meet her often when he will meet her. Imlie says her papa gifted her chocolate. Malini says papa loves her also then like her. Malini says she hasn’t seen her father, but she feels good seeing Dev pampering Malini. Malini says she knows who her baba is, her papa is her baba as they share same blood now and she is her younger sister now. She asks her to rest now. Imlie says even she doesn’t have any elder sister, elder sisters scolds younger sister for her mistake but also forgives, asks Malini if she will forgive her for her mistake and never backs off from her?

Precap: Adi shows his award to Imlie. Imlie gifts him coin saying she doesn’t have anything precious than this. She holds award and smiles when Malini enters. Imlie eats Malini’s left over food and thinks even she will fast with Malini. Adi noticing that asks what is she doing.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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