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Dev asks Malini and Aditya if they packed their warm clothes for honeymoon. Malini says yes. Imlie enters and Malini asks her to sit next to her, but she sits down. Malini shows her honeymoon destinations. Anu says Shahrukh has shooted in these places. Adi thanks her for the gift. He gets his editor’s call who reminds him about Satyakam visiting Delhi and asks him to visit Pagdandiya again to cover the news and know why he came there. He agrees and informs them that he has to go to Pagdandiya tomorrow. Anu asks if he didn’t remind his boss that he is on a leave. He says journalists have to adjust their schedule for important work. Anu asks if honeymoon and Malini are not important to him, tells Malini that she had already warned him that this man considers his job more important than her. Malnii says it must be important work, else editor wouldn’t have called him. Adi apologizes Anu. Anu says Mrs. Chaturvedi is fine until he considers Malini as his wife and not his first wife, his job. Dev says its okay, they will postpone honeymoon for 2 weeks. Imlie thinks she should also visit Pagdandiya and visit her amma.

In Pagdandiya, Mithi tries to make pots reminiscing Imlie’s bitter words but fails. Dulari seeing that yells at her and shouts to forget Imlie and think she died. Mithi asks not to stay that. Imlie takes tea for Adi. Adi thinking her as Malini thanks her, but then seeing her asks why didn’t she drop tea on him, if her today’s target was only Anu. She reminisces insulting Mithi and Satyakam and thinks she should visit Pagdandiya and apologize them. She tells Adi that she made a big mistake.

At Tripathi house, Nidhi while cooking tells Taiji/Radha and Rupal that she feels bored without Adi and Malini. They say they feel the same. Sundar jokes that good Imlie is not here. Taiji scolds him. Aparna enters and informs that Adi had called and told they are returning home as he is going to Pagdandiya. Sundar thinks its a good opportunity to send Imlie from here and says they should send Imlie with Adi. Aparna scolsd him to stop his childish behavior. but Rupal says its a good idea. Adi with Malini and Imlie returns home. Aparna with whole family opens door and stopping Adi asks Malini and Imlie to come in. Adi asks what did he do. Aparna asks how can he leave Malini home and go to Pagdandiya just after a day of his wedding, Malini was waiting for him to return from Pagdandiya before marriage and will now after marriage. Pankaj says he is not alone now and should change for his wife. Malini says she likes the way Adi is now as she doesn’t want him to change and become more frustrating. Everyone laugh. Pankaj says that is why they have made a plan. Bade papa shows Imlie Pagdandiya tickets, and Rupal says it was her plan to send Imlie to Pagdandiya for 2 days with Adi so that she can meet her mother, friends, pets, and even her cycle. Aparna tells Malini that she need not worry about Adi as Imlie is going along to take care of him, asks Imlie to pack her bags soon and the gift they bought fo rher amma and Malini to pack Adi’s bags.

Adi thinks what is happening with him, when he thinks everything is going right, things go wrong; his fate is playing a game with him; what if Malini finds out about Imlie, reminiscing earlier incident; thinks Malini is his love and responsibility which he chose and Imlie was forced on him, so he will choose responsibility. Imlie packs her bag thinking how she will convince her amma when Adi walks in and says he wants to speak to her for 2 minutes; asks her to pack all her belongings as she is going to Pagdandiya forever and not for 2 days; says fate forcefuly brought them together without their wish, but now fate is sending her back to Pagdandiya; he will inform Satyakam how they were forcefully married by villagers on her naani’s insistence; he wants her to return to Pagdandiya forever; his family got emotionally attached to her and will not let her go if she says she is going for 2 days, so she shouldn’t inform them about it. She nods yes and stands crying.
Mithi in village tries to sell mud lamps under heavy rain but fails. She cries why no one is buying her lamps. Satyakam holds her hand and takes her under shelter. Mithi says she wants to earn so much money that her daughter doesn’t feel ashamed of her. Satyakam says he has spoken to a government officer who promised to help him, he will submit himself to government and prove Imlie that he is not disgrace to her. Mithi continues crying. Imlie packs her bags reminiscing family’s love for her and picking god’s idol cries reminiscing Adi’s words.

Tauji with Pankaj sees Imlie keeping god’s idol in her bag and asks why is she doing that. Imlie says wherever she goes, her Seeta maiya goes with her. Pankaj asks her to get a certificate from her school that she is a brilliant and obedient student, it would be easy for her college admission. Pankaj asks if she thinks Seeta maiya will be alone here, what about Tauji who will miss her scolding and her care. Imlie acts and says they have problem if she goes and even if she doesn’t go, they should decide if she should go or not. They say she should go as Adi is waiting for her. She emotionally hugs them. They walk to living room where Adi and whole family is waiting for Imlie. Dhruv asks Imlie to inform him if Adi troubles her on the way, he will punish Adi. Nidhi asks to demonstrate. He twists Adi’s ear. Nidhi says they will miss her a lot. Adi says let us go. Aparna says let her hug and passing him hugs Imlie emotionally. She gives gifts to Imlie’s mother and grandmother.
Each family member shower their love on her. Malini hugs her and says she will miss her sister and she should return soon. Imlie walks away emotionally thinking they all love her and don’t know that she is going away forever. She reminisces time spent with whole family. Adi and she get into a bus and sit aside. A sad song plays in the background. Bus stops at a dhaba for 15 minutes. Imlie goes to washroom.
Adi video calls Malini. Malini shows everyone and says they are all sad. Nidhi says they feel something is missing. Adi asks them if they are missing him so much. Tauji says they are missing Imlie and not her. Imlie walks to washroom and looking at her bangles and sindhoor reminisces removing her bridal dress and sindhoor before and thinks she cleaned sindhoor before to hide truth and now trying best to hide a lie, how to tell Adi’s family truth. Malini makes kid speak to Adi and says they are also missing Imlie. Malini sees something in sunny’s hand and asks what is it. He gives it to her saying he found it near Imlie’s bed. Malini is surprised to see mangalsutra. Imlie panics seeing her mangalsutra missing. Malini shows mangalsutra to Adi and asks if its Imlie’s. He says he doesn’t know. She says its found near Imlie’s bed, maybe Imlie’s mother bought it for her, but she doesn’t want to accept it and hence kept it here. Imlie returns to Adi wearing bridal attire. Adi sits shocked. Malini asks why is he lookin shocked. He says his bus is leaving and disconnects call. He then scolds Imlie to wear even mangalsutra if she has worn whole bridal attire, asks if she purposefully left it at home. Imlie says she doesn’t know. Adi asks to stop acting and says Malini found her mangalsutra. Imlie asks how Malini didi found it. He warns that Malini is not her sister and is not related to her like him, she should stop her drama as he knows what she is up to. Imlie says even she is not happy with this marriage and wore her bridal attire to prevent any problem in Pagdandiya like she had removed before to prevent any problem for him in Delhi.

Dev is busy painting when Anu asks if he knows what his son-in-law/SIL did. Dev says Adi went to Pagdandiya. Anu says he went with maid Imlie. Dev asks what is wrong if Imlie went to meet her family. Anu says Adi left his wife home and went with another girl to Pagandiya, there is something wrong in Pagdandiya’s air and same thing happening to her daughter which happened to her, she will not let anyone ruin her daughter’s happpiness.

Adi and Imlie reach Pagdandiya. Imlie says she will go to her home. Adi says he will go to his lodge and offers her money saying its not a charity but her right as she worked in his house, she can use it for her further studies. She asks what did she do in his house. He says she was handling his house, cleaning, cooking and helping during wedding; he keeps it in her hand and says again she should complete her studies. She asks how much is it.

Precap: Adi says this money is her right and she should complete her studies with it. She returns money saying when a man is not hers, why should she accept it. They both move in opposite direction. Imlie requests villagers not to trouble Adi as he is busy working. Adi opens door and stands fuming seeing Imlie and villagers.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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