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Imlie apologize to Aditya. Aditya says he should apologize to her instead. Imlie says she didn’t want to come back to Delhi from Pagdandiya, but failed; her dadda/Satyakam calls her as shagun’s 1 rs coin, but she is a fake coin. Adi says fate brought them together again, but she knows that he can only be faithful to Malini. Imlie says she knows, but village’s man can not leave barrack shop and woman can not leave her sindhoor; the more she sees him, she feels like throwing sindhoor and mangalsutra, but Pagdandiya doesn’t let her forgo sindhoor and mangalsutra, her country’s age old rituals don’t let her forgo them, Seeta maiya sacrificed her life for sindhoor and doesn’t let her forgo it; she knows he considers Malini as his wife, but she considers him as her husband. He says when he doesn’t accept this relationship, why should they continue. She says she will. He says he will not force her and let everything on her Seeta maiya. He walks away asking her to rest.

Adi with family returns home. Aparna gives Imlie’s bag to Sundar and ask him to keep it safely. Sundar drops bag by mistake, and bridal stuff falls out of it. Malini picks toe rings and says only married ladies wear them. Aparna picks bangles. Taiji says what are they doing in Imlie’s bags? Adi reminisces removing them from Imlie. Nidhi says hospital people must have mistakenly given them someone else’s stuff. Adi says she is right and he will return them. Malini stops and says a few days ago children found mangalsutra near Imlie’s bed, this must be Imlie’s. Aditya says she is stretching the issue, he will go and return them. Tauji gets worried for Imlie and says something wrong must have happened to her. Sundar says he is right, this must be belonging to Imlie. Adi angrily asks again why they are stretching the issue, Imlie must have kept them like jewelry as any other girl does. Malini says girls don’t keep mangalsutra and sindhoor as jewelry, village people believe a lot in it and possess it only after marriage. Aparna says Imlie had brought even sindhoor from Pagdandiya, he should question Imlie’s family. Adi says he doesn’t know them much and says he had bought sindhoor for Malini in Pagdandiya, Aparna knows that. Sundar says Imlie’s relatives had come to meet her during Adi’s wedding. Adi scolds and sends him to kitchen. Family discuss why Imlie didn’t let them meet her family and didn’t Aparna says yes but. Adi says they are Imlie’s employers and not her family that she would discuss her personal issues with them. He angrily walks to his room. Pankaj ask Aparna and other ladies to speak to Imlie and find out her problem as she maybe suffering a bad marriage.
Malini returns to her room remembering Imlie’s bridal stuff. Adi hug her. She says she needs to get up early and take food for Imlie. Adi says he was missing her. She continues speaking about Imlie. He says she should pay attention to her husband also. She apologizes and starts chatting, but then reminisces Imlie’s stuff and starts that Imlie is married for sure and must be suffering via her husband, she is angry on a man who can trouble Imlie and ransack her. Adi says he is tired and is going for a shower.

The next morning, Dev gets food packed by servant. Anu asks why is he packing food. He says he is going to studio and will feed a few kids on the way. Anu get suspicious.

Tripathi family meets Imlie. Nurse complains that Imlie is troubling her since morning. Imlie insists them to take her home. They say she should get well soon. She asks who will work. Nidhi says they all are doing their chores, so she need not worry. Family drama continues. They offer food for Imlie, but she resists. Malini says she is hungry, so she will have it. She tastes halwa and praises Sundar. Other family members also taste halwa and praise him. Imlie yelling at Sundar tastes halwa and enjoys it. Nidhi says Sundar really has magic in his hands. Pankaj jokes a bit and walks out with men. Aparna signals Taiji to question Imlie about her bridal stuff.

Malini informs Imlie that they found a bridal stuff in her bag, Imie reminisces Adi removing them in ambulance. Aparna asks if she is hiding it from her, this bridal stuff is evidence of marriage, so if she is married? Imlie says its her village’s ritual that if a girl goes out of village, villagers give bridal stuff as a good will and think they will get a good life partner, so maa put them in her bag. Aparna asks if he rmother gave her that mangalsutra. Imlie nods yes. Aparna says they thought she is married, not to worry they will find a good groom for her. Nidhi says they will. Malini says she will do Imlie’s makeup. Rupal says they found out her secret from Sundar. Taiji asks why did she send her family members away without introducing them to her. Imlie says Delhi is big and Pagdandiya is very small, so her family would have felt small in front of them. Aparna asks how can she think like that, she should have let her family know they take good care of her, next time she should introduce them. Taiji asks her to rest now and get well soon to return home. They all leave. Imlie cries. Malini returns and asks if she felt bad with Aparna’s scolding. Imlie says she felt good and remembered her mother instead. Malini says she should call her mother then. Imlie says she has only 1 post office in her village which will open after 2 hours. Malini asks her to write a letter for her mother so that her mother can read it often and remember her. Imlie says her mother likes her handrwriting, she had won first price in handwriting. Malini smiles and says her sister is too cute, gives her anklets and says she should get a good life partner as her mother wishes. She leaves.
Dev comes to meet Imlie and says her bhura dacoit is here. Imlie jokes and ask if he brought gift for her. He says yes and gives her chocolate bouquet and balloons. She excitedly stuffs chocalate in her mouth. He asks her to relax. She says nurse will not let her eat chocs as its restricted for her. Dev forcefully takes it from her and promises to bring her more chocolate if she finishes her brought food. She agrees and thinks she doesn’t even know who her baba is, but Malini didi’s baba is so worried for her. Dev thinks he feels emotional seeing Imlie the way he feels for Malini and hopes all her problems are gone. He asks if she went to meet her mother. She says yes and asks if he met her mother. ?He says yes, but she went back to her home. She asks even if he stays away from his mother. He says sometimes situations make them stay away from their dear ones. She says she can understand as she is away from her mother and doesn’t know about her father. Dev asks her not to get sad and think that he is like her baba/father. She says he cannot be like her baba, if her baba was like him, he would have come to meet her or at least find out about her, where she is, if she started speaking or walking, etc.; she learnt everything, but her baba didn’t learn to be her baba; a man who left her and her amma and never returned cannot be like him and is just a coward man. Dev wipes her tears. Imlie hides chocs seeing nurse coming. Nurse says its time for her injection.

Adi is at the office when his boss enters and apologize to him that he had to cancel his honeymoon and go to Pangandiya to cover Satyakam and government’s peace meeting, but it got canceled. Adi says it is clear that government doesn’t want Satyakam to live in peace. Colleague asks if he met Satyakam again. Bosss says Satyakam is not Adi’s father-in-law to meet him often and and offer him feast. Adi reminisces Satyakam doing same and thinks he needs to think well and speak from hereon.

Imlie feels drowsy after injection. Dev asks her to rest and finding a letter on floor asks about it. Imlie says a letter for her mother and asks if he can post it. He says why not and asks address. She dictates address. He asks to tell her mother’s name. She says she can’t. He asks her to write it down. She writes Mithi and falls alseep. Dev is shocked to see Mithi’s name and realizes Imlie is his daughter. He reminisces all the incidents he met with Imlie and cries saying she is right that her father is a coward and ransacked her mother 18 years go. He continues pouring his heart out and crying. Adi reaches hospital to meet Imlie and stands surprised seeing Dev there.

Precap: Imlie imagines doctors and nurses as gods and does their pooja. Adi notices that. Adi asks Dev why is he so much attached to a maid, he should give his name to her and adopt her. He pulls Imlie. Dev stops her and tries to slap her.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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