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Aditya get angry seeing Malini looking like Imlie after Imlie does her village makeup and try to take Malini to beauty parlor. Malini stops him and says she liked the makeup. Guests enter and says Tripathi’s got a very beautiful bahu and her makeup is really good. Malini walks in smiling. Adi tells Imlie that she reminds him of his mistake repeatedly and doesn’t let him forget it. Rupali with Nidhi returns and praises Malini’s makeup. Malini says Imlie did it with natural ingredients. Rupali praises Imlie while Aditya sits fuming. She cheers up Adi. Dev with Anu and Daadi walks in. Malini gets happy seeing them. Adi touches their feet. Malini asks Anu if she is still angry with her. Anu asks how can she be angry with her daughter and seeing makeup says its so outdated, she just hates it. Malini says its traditional. Anu asks what products are used? Malini says Imlie used some natural traditional products. Imlie says it has sandalwood, mogra, etc., and Maika and Sasural’s love. Anu ask what does she know about husband’s love as she is not married at all. Imlie reminisces marrying Adi and says she doesn’t know about husband’s love, the fact is Malini is looking beautiful because of Adi’s love and not because of makeup. Daadi praises Imlie’s thinking. Dev think Imlie reminds him of Pagdandiya and Mithi, he saw Mithi during wedding and if she had come to meet Imlie?
Imlie prepares snacks in kitchen. Dev walks to her. Imlie joke if he came to steal. He laugh and ask if she doesn’t remember her family and village. Imlie says she does. He says he saw a few people from Pagdandiya during wedding. Imlie reminisce insulting Mithi and sending her away, think bade babu saw dadda and maa, says nobody came to meet her. He says he thought he saw someone from Pagdandiya. Sundar comments hearing them, but Imlie scolds him and sends him away to serve snacks to guests. Anu walk in and sends Dev away saying Malini is calling him. She asks Imlie what was he asking. She says he was asking if she remembers her village. Anu asks if he didn’t ask her about her family. Imlie says not this time, but last time he asked about her mother and her name. Anu asks if he didn’t ask about her father and his name. Imlie says no. Anu walk away fuming.

Rupali and Nidhi decorate Adi and Malini’s room. Malini praises it. Anu walk in and comments that its not done by professionals and panics seeing a cockroach. Rupali and Nidhi also panic. Adi rushes in and tries to calm them down and asks Sundar to shoo cockroach away. Malini says its disgusting and calling his manager orders him to send pest control people to Tripathi’s house and walks away fuming. Nidhi says they have to redecorate the room again because of one cockroach. Adi jokes not to call his only MIL as cockroach. They both laugh. Out in living room, Anu tells Malini that she will book her honeymoon suite in a hotel. Malini says she will not get a lovely decoration from family. Daadi says Malini is right. Aparna assures Malini that she will shift Adi and Malini to another room and get their room’s pest control. Anu comments that she would have got whole house’s pest control instead of single room.

After some time, family arranges mattresses for the whole family in living room, letting a different room for Adi and Malini. Dhruv and Rupal’s sibling nok jhok discussing they can not bear Bua’s snoring. Badi maa says Imlie will sleep in her room. Imlie says she will as usual sleep in the kitchen. She walks to kitchen and sees Sundar setting bed in her place, fights with him to leave her place. He says he knows her relatives from Pagdandiya had come to meet her and she lied to Dev, so he will inform everyone about it. Imlie nervously lets him sleep on her bed and search for a place to sleep. She sees a place outside Adi and Malini’s room and sleeps on floor covering herself with bedsheet. In room, Adi gifts a beautiful shawl to Malini and says he was afraid of losing her seeing the recent events. Malini asks if she loves him so much? He says she is very precious to him. She says she left her family and house trusting him and she knows he will never betray or hurt her or separate from her. He says never and hugs her saying I love you. They both separate hearing someone sneezing, and Adi walks out to check. He sees someone sleeping with bedsheet on and asks who is it and why is he/she sleeping here. Imlie prays to god to save her and lifts down blanket from her face. Adi gets angry seeing her.

Aditya express his love for Malini and hugs her when they both hear someone sneezing outside their room. Adi goes out to check and seeing Imlie sleeping on floor asks why is she sleeping here, if she find only this place in whole house. Imlie sneezing says she didn’t know that he is in this room. He says she reaches wherever he is to trouble him. Malini walks to them and seeing Imlie sneezing and shivering offers to let her sleep in her room. Adi asks how can she say that and takes her in forcefully. She asks if he didn’t see Imlie’s condition. He says Imlie just needs his attention. She asks why she needs his attention. He stops. She walks out and drapes Adi’s gifted shawl around Imlie. Imlie thanks her and asks her to go in. She asks Imlie to call her whenever she needs her help and walks in. Adi reminisces gifting shawl to Malini and telling her that it will keep her warm and remind his presence around her; confronts her that he gifted her this shawl and she gave it to Imlie. She asks when he behaves with her so well, how can he behave so ruthlessly with Imlie; he writes article even if someone hurts animal, Imlie is a human and his family sent her with him trusting him. Adi reminisces marrying Imlie and Mithi emotionally pleading with him to take care of Imlie. He apologize to Malini and goes to sleep. Imlie sits outside shivering.
Mithi cry reminiscing Imlie’s bitter words and looking at her news in newspaper thinks her doll changed so soon, thinks her doll is alone in the city and pray to god to do some magic and unite her with her father. 

Dev while painting reminisces seeing Mithi in wedding venue and thinks why Mithi was here, what fate is indicating him, etc. Anu walks to him and memories are painful, asks if he is remembering Malini. He nods yes. She says tomorrow Malini is coming home for the first time after marriage for paghphera ritual.

The next morning, Aparna with other family members starts arrangement for paghphera ritual. She walks into kitchen and calls Imlie. Sundar informs that she is still sleeping. She search for Imlie and seeing still sleeping asks why is she still sleeping while she wakes up early before everyone. Imlie gets up and falls down. Aparna holds her and feeling her high temperate call the whole family. Rupal sets snacks for Malini. Adi thanks her. Rupal says its for Malini bhabhi. They hear Aparna calling and rush to her. Whole family gathers and gets concerned seeing Imlie’s condition and apply cold cloth on her forehead, Aparna asks why did she sleep outside. Malini says she had come to sleep outside their room, but then don’t know what happened. Imlie says she felt warm sensing heater from their room, so she went away. Badi maa scolds her. Family goes to call cab to take Imlie to hospital and asks Adi to be with her till they return. Adi sees Malini’s shawl in room and walking to Imlie asks why didn’t she wear Malini’s shawl. She says her mother tells her not to show right on someone’s items, she can not use Malini’s items.

Anu calls caterer and inquires about arrangements. Dev jokes that good he has only 1 daughter and if there were 2, he would have been bankrupt. She calls Malini and when she doesn’t pick, calls landline. Sundar picks call and informs that Malini has gone to Sanjog hospital. Anu panics and with Dev rushes towards hospital. In hospital, doctor informs Tripathi family that Imlie has severe infection, so he has put her on antibiotics for the time being, but she may need blood transfusion. Family asks to arrange blood then. Doctor informs that its a rare O negative blood group and unavailable in hospital. Family gets concerned. Malini says they need not worry as even her blood group is O negative and can donate blood. Doctor takes her along, and family thanks her. Anu with Dev enters and worried what happened to Malini. Aparna informs that Malini is fine, but Imlie is ill and needed rare O negative blood group which is not available in the hospital, so Malini donated her blood. Anu stands shocked and thinks even Dev’s blood group is O negative. Dev says good his blood group is also O negative and he can donate if needed. Imlie gets conscious after sometime and seeing family around asks why they all gathered in the kitchen. Aparna informs that she is in hospital after high fever and falling unconscious. Imlie asks why did they spend so much on her unnecessarily. Pankaj scolds her that they would have been in loss without her and would miss her scolding. Aparna informs Imlie that Malini donated her blood. Imlie thanks Malini. Malini says in that sense they are blood sisters now, she always missed a younger sister and from hereon Imlie is her younger sister. Imlie and family smile hearing that.

Precap: Malini with Adi goes to Imlie’s hospital room and finds her missing. Imlie tells Malini that college is not in her fate. Malini says she needs just a bus ticket to go to college and not fate, they get what they decide and try for. Imlie emotionally says her fate gave her a tight slap that has to live with it forever.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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