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Tripathi family discusses who will stay with Imlie in the hospital. Dhruv says he has to attend to office today. Nidhi says even she has to. Malini says she will stay back. Anu asks how can as she has paghphera ritual is today. Malini says she will perform it after 2 days. Dev backs her and says let Imlie get well and rest at home, then they will perform paghphera rital. Anu asks Aditya not to forget Malini for Imlie and remind him that her daughter donated blood and hopes someone takes care of her. Adi says Malini will not stay here alone as he will be with her to take care of her. Anu leaves with Dhruv. Aparna asks Malini if she is sure she wants to stay back. Malini says yes and asks not to worry as Aditya is with her. Family leaves. Adi tells Malini that her mother will always taunt him even if he prints her photo in front page. She ask him to stop joking about her mother. Imlie doesn’t see family around and asks Sundar where is family. He jokes and says they went home as they have other work to do. Their nok jhok starts. He feels guilty reminiscing occupying her bed, because of which she went to slept outside and got ill. He apologize to her. She is surprised and ask the reason. He reminds her f occupying her bed. She yells at him. He walks away taunting her again.

Aditya feeds fruits and juice to Malini in canteen and asks her to take empty glass’ pic and send it to her mom to show that he takes care of her. She ask him to stop joking and says they should go and check on Imlie and apologize to her as she fell ill because they didn’t let her sleep in their room. Adi agrees and they both reach Imlie’s hospital room and don’t find her there. Malini checks washroom and says she is not even there. They both then start searching for Imlie in the whole hospital. Imlie walks in lawn murmuring that nobody is with her. She sees a nurse trying to feed an old lady, but lady insists that she will not have food until her son comes. She asks nurse why don’t she call her son. Nurse informs that lady lost her memory and her son and DIL dropped her 3 years ago and never returned, though they send money every month in bank account; now she has to either inform truth to old lady or put her on IV drip. Imlie says there is a way to feed her, runs holding lady’s wheel chair and says she is her son’s childhood friend Imlie. Lady asks if she is Mayank’s friend. Imlie asks to remember that she and Mayank used to climb guava tree and have apple. Lady asks how. Imlie says they used to carry apple along. Lady starts reminiscing her son’s childhood memories. Imlie silently feeds her food while chatting. Aditya with Malini sees Imlie and scolds her for getting out of room, asks Malini if she wants him to apologize Imlie now. He asks nurse to forgive Imlie’s mistakes and scolds Imlie to get back to her room. Lady thinks Adi is Mayank and asks if he came for her. Adi stands confused. Imlie calls him Manku and says he had to come as his mother was remembering him a lot, requests him to act as lady’s son. Malini smirks and even she insists. Imlie makes them touch lady’s feet. Lady insists to have food with Adi. Adi feeds her chatting, lady asks her to vist often. Adi promises, and Malini asks her to never skip food. Lady agrees. Imlie calls him Manku again. Malini tells Adi that Imlie thinks of only others, so he should be kind to her from hereon. He agrees. She jokes that she will nickname him Manku from hereon.

Anu while returning home with Dev tells that 18-year-old Imlie came from Pagdandiya and her blood group matches his blood group, if this is a coincidence? He says yes and says good that small girl is fine now and warns her to stop doubting him. Anu thinks there is definitely some connection between Dev and Imlie.

Adi and Malini bring Imlie back home. Family welcomes her and starts chatting. Adi’s boss calls him and informs that Satyakam coming to Delhi is not a small news, so he should cover it. Adi agrees. He walks to his room and seeing someone sleeping on bed covering blanket on thinks Moon got tired and is resting. He hugs her from behind and chat. Imlie under blanket gets nervous hearing him. Malini returns and seeing that calls Adi. Adi panics and jumping out of bed asks who is on the bed if she is here. He forcefully pulls out blanket and asks what is Imlie doing on their bed. Malini says this is not their room, so they can shift to their room now and let Imlie rest here until she gets well. Adi orders Imlie to get out right now. Malini says she needs to take medicine. Adi asks Imlie to take medicine and go. Imlie walks out reminiscing Adi hugging her from behind and feeling warmth thinks if she has fever, why is she feeling hot. She asks Aparna if she is having fever. Aparna worried asks if she is fine. Imlie thinks when Aparna touched her, nothing happened, then why she felt hot with Adi’s touch?
Imlie sees Bade papa lying on couch hearing an old song, switches it off and insists him to teach her. He says when he told her before, she didn’t want to, now he is enjoying after a long time. She insists to stop lazing around and teach her. He asks to bring her books then. She walks towards kitchen to bring books thinking she will not get weird thinking if she gets busy studying. Aditya walks towards his room scolding Malini for letting Imlie sleep on their bed and him feeling weird after hugging Imlie mistaking her as Malini. She stops outside room saying he she will not enter room until he thinks something romantic. He says he doesn’t know how to be romantic. She says its their wedding’s 2nd night and they will spend unromantic night, she will not enter room until he gets romantic or never forever. He lifts her and takes her in wishing her happy wedding’s 2nd night. Imlie watches them from a distance. She returns to Bade papa and solves maths problem reminiscing Adi hugging her. She returns book to Bade papa. Bade papa asks how did she solve problem so soon, if she had her medicine. She says yes. He says maybe her frustration is because of medicine effect. Badimaa calls Bade papa and he walks away frustrated stopping his song. Malini walks to Imlie and asks which subject she is studying. Imlie says maths. Malini says she heard from Nidhi and Rupal that Imlie likes studying, so why don’t she join her college as she can get her admission there. Adi enters and informs Malini that her father called them for paghphera rituals and asked to stay there for 2-3 days. Malini says what she told Imlie. Adi says Imlie will return to Pagandiya, so her studies will be incomplete. Imlie says Adi is right and bade papa is teaching her anyways. Malini says she knows Tauji teaches her, but there is a difference between this study and college studies, she will get certificate wit college studies and make her village and family feel proud. Imlie says she is right, but college is not in her fate. Malini says they decide their future and not their fate. Imlie says even she used to think that she can decide her fate, shedding tears; then says not to worry as she will study via patrachar. Adi says she means correspondence. Imlie leaves. Malini thinks he felt Imlie wanted to mean something and said something else.
Imlie burns shirt while ironing remembering Adi hugging her. Sundar seeing that alerts her and taunts that she would burn her husband’s pant and shirt, then says she will get a weird husband like her. She asks why would she get a weird husband. He says jodis which match look good together like pair of socks, etc.

Malini packs her clothes. Kids ask if she is going so soon and requests not to go. Malini says she is going for paghphera ritual for 2=3 days and will return soon. Imlie gets them tea. Nidhi asks to describe how and Adi met and fell in love. Malini describes their first meeting in detail and Adi’s love at first sight. Rupali says she can’t believe her brother can be so romantic. Imlie reminisces her and Adi’s first meeting and their hatred for each other and thinks they don’t match at all. Aparna sees off Malini and asks her to return soon. Rupal asks Adi to take care of Malini. Malini calls Imlie and says she is taking her along as she wants her to check her book collection and decide what she wants to study. Adi fumes hearing that. At Anu’s house, she gets Adi’s favorite food prepared. Adi with Malini enters thinking a distance between becoming Mrs. Chaturvedi and maa is shortening. Anu and Dev happily greet and hug them. Malini then calls Imlie. Imlie enters carrying bags. Anu asks why did she call Imlie here. Malini says she wants her to check books and decide which subjects she wants to choose in college. Anu says Imlie is habituated with hard work. Dev keeps bags aside and shows Imlie to use trolley wheels. Anu asks servants to serve food.

Imlie in a jovial rides trolley bag and jokes with servants running around them. Servants take food to dining table discussing Anu will scold them if they get late. Imlie sees servants missing daal bowl and carries it riding trolley. She crashes trolley on Anu dropping whole daal on her hands and sari. Anu panics and yells at Imlie. Imlie apologizes. Malini tries to calm down Imlie. Imlie says she will clean the mess. Malini asks her to stop as she is her guest here and not maid and asks Anu if she would ask her guest to clean the mess. Dev asks Malini not to stretch the issue. Imlie says if she called her dear one, this house is also hers and there is nothing wrong in cleaning own house. She cleans the mess while Adi and Malini look at her sadly.

Precap: Tripathi family gives Imlie Pagdandiya ticket. Adi says she is going to Pagdandiya forever and not for 2 days, she shouldn’t inform anyone and he will return and give some excuse. Adi gives money to Imlie. Imlie asks if he is giving her salary for working in her house. He sasy its for her studies. She asks how much. He says 50,000 rs. She says she worked in his family thinking them as dear ones, but when they are not hers, why should she take his money. They both walk in opposite direction.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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