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Aditya continues chatting with Imlie trying to keep her awake. She collapses. He try his best to make her awake and cries hugging her. Ambulance arrives. He gets her into ambulance. Malini decorates her room. Aparna enters. Malini says she decorated room for Aditya, hopes he likes it. Aparna says she is looking so beautiful that Adi will look only at her and not decoration. Malini shy. Medical team give defibrillator shock to Imlie to revive her. She breathes again. Adi notices it and informs them. They fix oxygen mask on Imlie. Family enjoys tea and Aparna says Imlie will chat continuously for 2-3 days when she returns. Adi via nurse’s phone calls Malini. Malini asks if he is fine and switches on speaker. Adi says nothing is fine here, Imlie incurred a bullet in Pagdandiya and he is in hospital and taking her to a Delhi’s Sanjog Hospital. Dhruv says they all will reach before he finish admission formalities. Adi tells Imlie that he didn’t ask her, but fate forced her responsibility on him, and seeing the recent incidents, he can not run away from fate and will follow his responsibility towards her for life, so she can not leave him easily.

Mithi return home. Her friend asks if Satyakam took Imlie to city. Mithi says police was searching for Satyakams, so he had to leave, but jamai babu came on time and is taking Imlie to city for treatment. Friend asks her not to worry as everything will be fine soon. Mithi pray to Seeta maiya to save Imlie. 

Adi continues trying to wake up Imlie. Imlie open her eyes. He gets happy and says they are reaching hospital soon. She holds his hand and asks to remove her bangles, mangalsutra and sindhoor. He does same, but can not wipe out sindhoor. He reaches hospital and takes Imlie on a stretcher. Family joins him worried for Imlie. Doctor asks nurses to take Imlie to ICU. Tauji asks if Imlie will be fine. Doctor says he needs to do some tests and her chances of survival are grim.
Aditya reminisces Imlie saving his life during firing and telling she saved him for the family who loves her so much and rest of the incidents in Pagdandiya. Aparna and whole family ask if he is fine and how was Imlie shot, where was he then? Malini says he should inform Imlie’s family as they would also be tensed. She thinks of diverting family’s attention and asking Nidhi and Rupal to bring children from school asks Aparna and Badima not to worry as Imlie will be fine soon. She takes Dhruv to reception to finish admission formalities.

Mithi waits for Adi’s call in post office. Postman requests her to go as he is already 2 hours late to close post office and may lose his job. Dulari enters and yells to let Imlie die. Mithi warns her that she will kill her if something happens to Imlie. Postman insist on her to leave, and friend takes her towards door when Adi calls. She hurriedly picks receiver. Adi says its him. She asks how is Imlie. He says she is fine and is in ICU, asks how was Imlie shot while she was fine when he left her with Mithi. Mithi describes how villagers got suspicious that Adi wants to leave Imlie in Pagdandiya and return to Delhi, so Suhas wanted to check for Adi in lodge when Imlie resisted and during their tussle Suhas fired bullet by mistake which hit Imlie’s chest. Adi reminisces Imlie returning his money saying when he is not her, what will she do with his money, she telling he will return to his home after tonight but this night will be dark for her whole life, etc. Mentally unstable old lady walks to him, who thinks him as her son Mayank, and asks if he came back. Adi sits in front of her and says he is bad. She says when he has a good friend like Imlie, how can be bad. Adi pours his heart out and says he couldn’t be with Imlie when she needed him the most and couldn’t save her. Malini walks to him.

Aditya cry telling mentally unstable lady that he couldn’t reach on time to save Imlie. Malini sees Aditya and asks what is he doing here. Lady asks if bahu also came. Malini asks how is she and asks her to give her 2 minutes, she will return and speak to her. Lady notes okay. Malini takes Adi aside and asks what happened to Imlie in Pagdandiya. Adi says he wanted to leave Imlie in Pagdandiya and didn’t want to bring her back to Delhi, he even left for Delhi alone and when he heard people about Imlie’s condition, he didn’t trust them and save her on time. Malini asks why he wanted to leave Imlie in Pagdandiya, she has many opportunities in Delhi. He says he wanted to get rid of Imlie. She consoles him and says nothing will happen to Imlie.
Dev is busy painting when Anu taunts that he got their daughter married to a journalist even after her warning, he brought Imlie back home. He says Imlie had to return back. She says villagers wouldn’t leave city so easily. He asks her not to disturb him as he is busy. She says his favorite Imlie is hospitalized. He worriedly asks if she got infection again. She says she is shot. He gets more worried and asks how is she, let us go to hospital as the whole Tripathi family must be there. She stops him and says he is a big celebrity painter and shouldn’t go to meet his daughter’s maid as people would take wrong meaning to it. He thinks she is right, he is not related to Imlie and shouldn’t go.

Tripathi family worriedly wait for Imlie outside operation theater. Each family member describe Imlie’s good qualities and their bonding with her. Doctor comes out, and they ask how is Imlie. He says he removed bullet, but her condition is critical and he can not say anything till evening. Nurse calls him and informs that Imlie got a cardiac arrest. He rush in and giving debfrillator shocks to Imlie try to revive her. Family continues panicking for Imlie. Tia brings Imlie’s Seeta maiya idol and says they should pray for Imlie’s life. Whole family prays. Malini with Adi returns and asks him to pray. Adi prays that he will not apologize to god for Imlie’s condition and she should listen to everyone’s prayers and get Imlie well. Doctor continues giving defibrillator shocks multiple times. Family continues praying to god. Imlie responds and shakes her fingers. Nurse gives Imlie’s stuff to Malini. Malini picks packet and slowly opens it. Tears roll down Imlie’s eyes and she opens them. Just when Malini about to look into packet, nurse informs that Imlie is awake now and they all can meet her. They all rush into Imlie’s room while Adi thanks god and cries profusely.

Family surrounds Imlie and asks how is she. Imlie asks who are they. They are shocked to hear that and describe each one’s identity. She laughs and says she fooled them. Tauji scolds her then smiles. Badimaa says she can not hit her, but scold her. Aparna asks how did she incur a bullet. Imlie reminisces the incident. Family insists. Imlie says because of her goat Chuari, there was firing between police and naxalities and Chauri got stuck in between, she went to save her and got shot. Adi reminisces Mithi describing what happened. Aparna scolds what would have happened to them if something had happened to her. Imlie says sorry. Aparna says she will return to their home after she gets well and will never return to Pagdandiya. Pankaj says they will make her Imlie Tripathi. Doctor asks them to go home and let Imlie rest as too much excitement is not good for her. Family asks her to take care of her and return to Tripathi house soon and walk away. Malini kisses Imlie’s forehead and takes Adi out. Adi says he will speak to Imlie and return to her. She says okay, but with a smile and calmness. He returns to Imlie and asks if she is fine. She apologizes. He says he came to apologize to her instead. She says she returned to Delhi.

Precap: Malini sees bridal stuff in Imlie’s bag and asks why is she keeping them. Aparana asks if Imlie is married? Imlie gives a letter to Dev and asks to send it to her mother. He asks to write her address. She writes Mithi. Dev stands shocked and emotional seeing that.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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