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Tripathi family gets ready to meet Aditya’s boss. Aditya calls Malini and says he is brining snacks on the way and his boss may come with his wife. Malini asks him not to worry as he already came with wife and Imlie is taking care of him. He gets angry and says Imlie may spoil the situation as usual, so she should go and handle the issue. Imlie serves cake to saints confusing them as Adi’s boss and wife. Adi’s boss with wife reaches and rings bell. Imlie opens door and confusing them as insurance agents misbehaves with them and asks them to leave. Boss tries to speak in vain. Wife asks if they came at the right address. Boss says yes. Imlie shuts door on them. Family walks to living room. Imlie says they take time to get ready more than a bride and takes them to saints. Family asks who are they. Imlie says they are Adi’s bosses. Family says they are not. Saints say they are saint who came to collect charity. Imlie panics hearing that and does her usual drama. Aditya enters with boss and wife. Imlie apologizes them and does drama again. Boss jokes and says he never had such an unique welcome in life. Saints also say same and say their girl is very cute. Aparna asks Sundar to give them something in charity. Adi makes bosses sit and apologizes them for Imlie’s misbehavior. Boss says he enjoyed Imlie’s drama. Imlie picks empty cake plate. Malini takes it from her and goes to kitchen. Imlie feels guilty for wasting Malini’s hard work.

Malini goes to kitchen sadly. Adi walks in and asks what is she doing there as boss has come to meet her. She says her prepared cake is finished. He says she can serve Imlie’s fat rotis instead they are more tastier and boss would like them. There is a difference between cake and rotis and everyone may not like the taste. He says she should try as it doesn’t take time to change the taste and takes rotis along. Dev calls Malini and sensing her sadness asks if she is fine or if she is still angry on papa regarding yesterday’s issue. She says no. He asks if she fought with Adi again. She says no. He asks what is the problem then. She says she doesn’t know if its a problem or not as she is feeling weird; she and Adi never fought in 7 years, but after marriage they fight often. He says they were spending hardly 3-4 hours together before marriage, but after marriage they are spending more time and finding differences; they just should remember that they walk along togethe and help each other, they should just remember that their papa loves them. She says even she loves him. He says he will not let his and Anu’s differences interfere their life. She says she will also try that they understand Adi better. He thanks her and asks how are everyone at home. She says fine and he will speak to him later as guests have come. Dev thinks what kind of a father he is that he cannot ask about his younger daughter, he has to fulfill all his responsibilities towards Imlie.

Adi and Malini see off boss and wife and say they really liked their visit. Malini says she really liked meeting boss as Adi used to praise boss and she never used to pay attention, now she thinks he doesn’t know Adi much. Boss’ wife says without wive’s support, reporters cannot do anything. Adi says she is right. Boss asks Adi to call Imlie. Imlie walks in. Boss’ wife says they liked her fat roti. Imlie says Malini’s cake is more tastier than rotis as only 2 people ate whole cake. Adi says Imlie gave it to saints. Imlie apologizes. Boss and wife leave saying they will have Malini’s prepared cake next time.

Daadi walks to Dev and says he should fulfill his responsibilities towards Mithi now as he ransacked her and returned home, but she still considered him as husband and alone took care of Imlie. Anu walks towards them thinking Daadi is right that she should change and give her and Dev’s relationship another chance. She gets happy hearing Dev telling Daadi that she is right that he has to fulfill his responsibilities, but then stands shocked when she hears him saying he needs to start afresh from where he left, Pagdandiya. Vase falls down. Daadi asks when did she come. She says she came to call them for dinner.

Adi gets romantic with Malini and says he felt really good today as his boss wanted to meet her since long. Malini says she knows his boss is special for him, but she is sad that she couldn’t feed them cake. He says its okay as they had fat rotis, then gets sad saying he couldn’t eithe get cake or rotis. She says she will prepare them for her. She says its okay and he will ask maa to serve him something. Malini thinks since when did she become a typical wife, she wanted Adi’s bosses to go from home happily and they did, but she is feeling sad instead.
Rupal asks Imlie to have food while she brings medicine for her. Imlie picks fat roti plate. Adi enters asking Aparna if fat roti is left or not. Imlie offers him roti. Rupal returns with medicine and asks if she ate food so soon. Imlie nods yes. Adi realizes Imlie offered her roti and insist her to have it. Imlie denies. Malini walks in and says she saw everything.

Aditya insists Imlie to have fat roti. Imlie denies. Malini walks in and asks what is happening. Adi says she needs food as she needs to have medicine. Malini says she has to handle students at college and nursery kids here. Adi says she is right. She says he is also a kid like Imlie and tearing roti into 2 gives it to Adi and Imlie. She then tells that he would become fat eating fat roti and then will have to come for a morning walk with her. He gets romantic and lifts her. She feels shy. He takes her to room asking to feed her roti. Imlie feels weird seeing that and looking at roti smiles remembering Adi offering it to her.

Anu while having dinner reminisces Dev’s words that he needs to restart again from where he left and will have to return to Pagdandiya soon. She stands up and feels dizzy. Daadi and Dev help her sit. She cries hugging Daadi and thinks a thorn pricked her leg years ago and she is bearing its pain till now silently. Daadi asks her not to cry and goes to get something for her. Anu then holds Dev’s hands and says she is feeling alone even after her husband being near her. Dev says he is near her, but they are different people and their thinking is different. She says they should think together and he should just look into her eyes and tell that there is no one between them holding her hand. He stands silently remembering Imlie. She says he couldn’t even hold her hands. He says he is with her. She asks then why is he going to Pagdandiya. He says on an official work and she shouldn’t take stress. Daadi brings juice for her and asks her to have it, says she is worried for her seeing her condition and wouldn’t have left her alone if she wouldn’t have to visit her sister. She suggests her to call Malini home. Malini gets ready for college when Anu calls her and asks if she can come home and spend a day with her mother as Daadi is going to her sister’s home. Malini agrees and informs Adi that she is taking leave and going to mom’s house. Adi says okay, kisses her forehead and leaves for office. Malini asks Anu what really happened. Anu says she wants to spend some time with her daughter and asks to bring Imlie along. Malini says she will surely bring Imlie if she is free. Anu agrees.
Malini walks to kitchen. Imlie rushes to get milk for her. Malini says she doesn’t need milk as she is not going to college today. Aparna asks if she is fine. Malini says yes, she is going to meet maa as she sounded tensed. Aparna says then she should go. Malini says Maa wants her to bring Imlie along to aologize her for her misbehavior the other day. Imlie says she didn’t feel bad at all. Malini says papa would feel good if she accompanies her. Imlie agrees. Malini thanks her and goes to get ready. Taiji asks Imlie not to create any drama there. Aparna asks her to forgive Anu if she seeks forgiveness. Anu says her mother tells if one keeps grudge in heart, they get indigestion. She continues blabbering. Aparna asks her to stop. Taiji asks her to go and get ready.

Adi returns home in the evening. Rupal opens door. He searches his slippers and says he leaves them here. She says she doesn’t know. Aparna and Taiji meet him next. He asks why house looks so calm today. Rupal asks if he is missing Malini. He walks to his room. Sundar enters, and he thinking Imlie came scolds to knock door and enter. He says its him and informs that Anu invited Imlie to her home, so she accompanied Malini. Adi reminisces Anu insulting Imlie and thinks why would Malini take Imlie to Anu’s home even after knowing Anu’s misbehavior towards Imlie.

Dev is busy over phone when he hears door bell and opens it. He is surprised to see Malini and hugs her saying what a pleasant surprise. Imlie enters says surprise. Dev asks what is she doing here. Malini says mom gave her a real surprise by inviting her and Imlie here. Anu greets Malini and Imlie, thinking she will find out Dev’s connection with Pagdandiya via Imlie. Dev thinks he knows Anu called Imlie with bad intention. She asks Malini and Imlie to come and sit. Malini sees a plastic chair and asks servants to take it away. Anu says she kept it here for Imlie as servants are habituated to sit on hard chairs and sleep on floor. Malini says its not done. Imlie says its okay as she didn’t mind her amma’s words. Anu asks what did she say. Malini says she called her my mother. Imlie says she will call her English madam from her and would use her chair as her throne as she is unique and will take it home as English madam’s gift. Dev smiles. Anu thinks he changes his behavior seeing Imlie, so she will insult Imlie and provoke Dev to tell truth.

Precap: Adi confronts Anu that she is most immature and misbehaving woman. Malini warns him to stop it. He says she should tell her mother to stop as she knows her mother misbehaves with Imlie and even after that she brought Imlie here when her mother lied she will apologize Imlie, he continues that she cannot understand middle class people at all, etc. Adi tells Malini that when he heard that she brought Imlie here. Malini asks he got so concerned about Imlie and forgot about his wife, even after being with her for many years, her opinion towards her changed, what happened that he feels she is so bad.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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