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Pakhi over phone badmouths about Sai and hopes she finds a way to kick Sai out of house. She turns and gets tensed seeing Samrat standing and hopes he didn’t listen to her conversation. He asks whom she was speaking to. She says her aayi/mother and asks if he heard anything. He removes his earphone and says he was busy on phone. She relaxes. He asks headache medicine. She asks why he is having headache suddenly? He says there is so much happening at home, Omkar is threatening to leave the house and blaming Sai. She thinks he started supporting Sai again, when will Sai get out of her life. 
On the other side, Virat warns Sai to stop discussing about Pakhi always and gets angry. She apologize to him for blaming him for his past and asks him to calm down and plan aayi and baba’s wedding anniversary. He says she plans everything alone, how did the miracle happen of sharing everything with him? She says its not a miracle, they are friends now; he is aayi and baba’s son and knows them well, so she wants his expert advice. He feels guilty for unable to clear his parents’ differences. She comforts him and asks him to clear Omkar’s misunderstanding and convince him not to leave the house. He says its a good idea. She suggests to take Samrat along. He leaves saying they will go for her hospital followup after that.

Pakhi walks out of her room when Virat try to rush in and stops seeing her. He apologize to her and asks if Samrat is in. She says he is talking to orphanage incharge and asks if he came to talk about Sai? He asks why she is stuck at Sai. She says because he always discusses about her. Samrat walks out and asks Virat what was he talking about Sai, if she is fine? Virat says she is, but Pakhi is always worried about Sai. Pakhi walks away fuming. Virat says he wants them both to convince Omkar not to leave their house. Samrat agrees and walks along. 

Sonali in her room praises Omkar for supporting her and fighting with family for her. Omkar says he shut everyone’s mouth, especially Sai’s. Virat with Samrat enters and asks Omkar what did Sai do to him that he is so rude towards her? Omkar says he considers Virat as his son and if he wants to support his wife and question him, he will not tolerate it. Virat says he came here to talk to him like a son. Omkar and Sonali yell that they will never tolerate Sai’s nonsense and will keep their son and bahu also away from her. Mohit enters and says he considers Sai as his elder sister and will always follow his relationship with her. Sonali continues yelling that Sai always does drama. Samrat asks her to stop as Sai never did any drama. Virat requests them not to leave the house. Omkar asks why did he bring his wife back home then? Virat says this house also belongs to Sai. Karishma comments and tells Mohit that he should respect his parent’s decision and shift with them, maybe he will drop his acting idea and join his father’s business. Mohit says he will never leave this house and his brothers. Samrat praises that there is no drift between brothers. Mohit says he will never leave his brothers. Sonali yells that Sai has ruined their family. Virat says he came to convince them like a family, but will not tolerate them spilling venom towards his wife. Sonali and Omkar continue their hatred filled words towards Sai. Samrat says he agrees with Virat, Sai always thought good about family, so they should stop their hatred towards her.

Sai while returning home with Virat after doctor’s followup says they got rid of bandage, when will she get rid of medicines. He mimics her and asks why did she miss medicines. She says she forgot. He says she herself is becoming a doctor and is careless. She asks what did Omkar say? He says he doesn’t think Omkar will stay back on his insistence. Sai says she herself will go and convince him. He asks if she is a queen that everyone will obey her. She says she is and asks him to stop frowning and smile. He says its his wish. She says its her wish and she will discuss with Omkar. He stops car. She asks if he will scold her now, she will complain to aayi and Samrat dada and continues blabbering. She then turns and finds Virat missing.

In the kitchen, Karishma asks Ashwini what is she preparing for lunch today. Ashwini says she is preparing soup for Sai and asks her and Pakhi to take care of cooking. Pakhi asks her to go and rest for sometime as she is always busy working. Ashwini leaves. Karishma tells Pakhi that she is tired of seeing everyone praising Sai, anyways her family will leave this house in a few days. Pakhi says looks like she is too happy seeing her family shifting. Karishma says she is. Pakhi frightens her that she will be in trouble as only she will have to work in her new home as Sonali never works and will rule the house like a queen dumping all the work on her. Karishma gets afraid and says baba has decided to shift. Pakhi says Omkar will change his decision and says Omkar took decision as he thinks Bhavani supported Sai and misbehaved with Sonali, so if they make Bhavani against Sai, Omkar will not go.

Virat calls Sai and asks her to come out of the car as he is in trouble. She worriedly walks out and asks if he is fine. He asks her to continue walking on his orders and she reaches a candy floss stall. He says he was confused which color to choose, so he called her here.

Virat calls Sai to a candy floss stall and asks her to select a color as he was confused. She gets angry and asks why did he make such a big drama. He says he wanted to surprise her. She selects pink one. He tries to bite some, she stops him and give a small piece. Their cute nok jhok continues. They reach home. He asks what she thought about aayi baba’s wedding anniversary. She asks what if aayi baba’s relationship worsens instead of normalizing. He says she is right. She says they need make baba realize his misbehavior towards aayi first. On the other side, Bhavani asks Omkar to forget everything and stay back at home. He says she has forgotten everything and is supporting Sai nowadays. She says things have changed here, he critized Sai in anger and misbehaved with everyone, so he should apologize everyone. Omkar says he spoke sense and seeing family’s rudeness towards his family, he will shift his business and house and will leave peacefully with his family. Bhavani says its their family business which her husband took care of along with his police job, there shouldn’t be any differences between family members and they should forget everything and stay together. He says if she is showing her right on business, he will start a new business. She says its not a question of business, she wants him to stay back and continue his control over business and if he gets adamant, he has to sacrifice all his rights. Ninad asks not to say that. Omkar blames Sai for their differences and walks away. Ninad feels sad. Bhavani says until she is alive, her house will not break down.
Virat likes Sai’s idea and decides to discuss it with Shivani and Mohit. She stops him and asks not to be in a hurry and says she got a gift for him. He excitedly asks what is it. She shows him aayi baba/Ashwini and Ninad’s edited wedding pic with Virat’s face replaced with everyone’s face. He gets amazed and asks reason. She explains what aayi said. He says she didn’t want him to make happy but pull his legs. She laughs and says his legs are on floor and snatches photo. He insists to return photo. She tries to run. He holds her and lifts her. Their nok jhok starts. Seh asks him to drop her down. He drops her on bed. She gets angry. He leands towards her and their eyes lock. Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein.. song plays in the background. Ashwini brings lunch for Sai and alerts them. They stand nervous. She asks Sai if she met doctor. Sai says yes. Ashwini asks why is she holding her wedding album pic and seeing Virat’s face replaced with everyone’s face laughs on Virat. Virat walks away fuming. Sai asks aayi to discuss modak’s childhood stories with her as he is so loving and cute. Ashwini taunts her. Sai nervously says love as a friend. Ashwini thinks Sai will eventually fall in Virat’s love.

Virat smiles looking at photo. Pakhi walks to him and taunts that he is always in Sai’s room, same with Sai and she visits his room often, but why can’t he visit her room as they are friends and why people criticize their friendship. Virat asks her to stop comparing her with Sai. Pakhi says she and Sai are both is friends, then why there is a different behavior towards her. He says Sai is his wife, he and Pakhi were in love, but things have changed, he is married to Sai and she is married to Samrat. She says she knows she is his first love and its difficult to forget first love. He says Sai is his wife and color of first love vanishes slowly, but color of sindhoor stays for 7 lives. She walks away frowning. He continues looking at photo.

Precap: Ashwini says there is no need to celebrate a relationship which doesn’t exist at all. Virat asks that means he doesn’t exist at all, why did they bring him on earth when they don’t love each other at all. Ninad says he truly loves Virat. Virat requests him to let him and Sai celebrate his and aayi’s wedding anniversary.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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