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Virat tells Sai that her presence affects him and this is the reason he wants to go away from here. She says she troubled him a lot, but Pakhi is the reason for his transfer and she knows it well. He asks why this thought has gripped her, Pakhi has gone out of his life long ago and he has accepted this truth, he wants to know reason behind her frustration. She says she doesn’t have any frustration, but she didn’t realize how difficult it would be for him to see his love marrying his brother; she understands it now and will request DIG sir to get his transfer again. He asks who is she, if she is a CM or PM, to manipulating anyone she likes. She asks how dare he is to say this, even DIG saw her concern for him and hence approved his transfer; if he wants to learn manipulation, he should go to Pakhi and gives cafeteria example. He pins her to a wall and asks why she drags this name in between them. She says this name is between them even before marriage and will not change. He walks away frustrated. She thinks her decision to shift to Gadchiroli is right, she is losing her mental peace here.

After sometime, Pakhi brings tea for Virat and Sai and not seeing a pillow barrier on the bed gets tensed thinking if they both are sleeping together again (one universal expression for every emotion). Sai return from washroom. Pakhi says she prepared ginger tea for them. Sai thank her. Pakhi sees bed on the floor and ask when the hurdle between them has cleared, why are they sleeping separately? Virat ask what does she mean? Sai taunts her old hobby of interfering between their personal issues will not go away easily. Pakhi says she came to call them for breakfast as she is preparing breakfast and want the whole family to have breakfast together. Virat ask if there is something special today? She says she feels like preparing food for everyone, especially Samrat. Virat says he will join them later and goes to washroom. She think both Virat and Samrat are sad, ask Sai to join family them for breakfast. Sai says no as she need to attend college and is not part of this family. Pakhi says that is why she didn’t attend yesterday’s pooja and created drama, she felt bad as her mother had to see her drama. Sai says there is drama around her always. Pakhi says yes, there is drama even between Sai and Virat, that is why their beds are separate. Sai reply she should have almonds for memory power and remind she told this bed dialogue repeatedly already. Pakhi says as an elder daughter inlaw, she wants to advice younger daughter inlaw that she should hide her bed from floor every morning. Sai says she doesn’t have any problem and doesn’t act like Pakhi. Pakhi ask what does she mean? Sai ignores her. Pakhi repeats her one line how dare she ignore her and ask her to explain what she means. Sai says she knows what she meant and think Pakhi can not fool her and its clear that she is acting to be happy. Pakhi think she curses a day when Sai entered Virat’s life and took him away. Sai ask why she is bothered about their sleeping arrangements. Pakhi says she doesn’t bother where they sleep, did they have a fight again? Virat asks her to stop stretching the issue, he kept quiet when she first commented, but she is stretching it repeatedly. Pakhi says she want Sai and Virat’s relationship to be normal. Virat says their relationship can never be normal. Pakhi continue and says she want them to be a normal couple, anyways she is bothered about her and Samrat’s relationship and want it to be a normal couple relationship. Sai ask why she repeats same thing and highlights it forcefully? Pakhi is frustrated and try to change the topic and asks if she will come down for family breakfast. Sai says she doesn’t want to as she doesn’t want to feel awkward between intelligent people. Pakhi as usual complain to Virat that his wife always insult her. Virat says she deserves it as she provokes Sai always, they both deserve it in fact. She change the topic again and thank him for telling Samrat’s good qualities to her, she feel he is so good. Virat think everyone’s life is normalizing, even Pakhi saw Samrat’s good qualities, but Sai never understood him and when will his life normalize? Pakhi ask him to come down for breakfast or else Samrat will feel bad and will think she purposefully didn’t call them for breakfast. Sai says Samrat is a sensible person and understand everything, there is nothing wrong if any family member think against her. Pakhi says she doesn’t have any problem with her. Sai says she can not believe a person who hates her since a year changes her opinion suddenly, anyways it doesn’t bother her. Pakhi complains to Virat that Sai changes her stance so easily, she didn’t want to be a daughter inlaw and then she stopped everyone from meeting Virat when he was in the hospital. Sai says only Pakhi as she was trying to snatch her right, she wanted to serve Virat and then says she wants to serve patients as she wants to become a doctor. Pakhi asks Virat to join the family down for breakfast as his wife will not attend it and walk away taunting Sai again. Sai asks Virat to give her all her financial documents. He ask why? She says its her Aaba’s and she wants to handle her financial responsibilities herself and not be a burden on him. He get angry and says she doesn’t know what is burden and resonpobsility, he returns her documents and says he doesn’t know what she is up to and her decisions may be wrong. She says it's okay as she doesn’t want to be a wall between his dream and expectations.
Pakhi serves breakfast to Chavan family. Bhavani ask about the new dish. Pakhi says its pizza paratha. Bhavani praise her that she prepared different dishes today. Pakhi says its her aayi/mother’s recipe who used to prepare it for her. Everyone praise her. Devi walk down. Pakhi ask her to have breakfast with everyone. Devi ask where is Sai, she will not have breakfast without Sai. Pakhi ask if she will be hungry if Sai doesn’t come. Devi says her aayi taught her not to disrespect food. Bhavani smile and asks her to sit. Pakhi says she is lucky, some are not taught morales. Samrat asks if she called Sai, why didn’t she come? Pakhi says she did, but Sai got adamant. Virat says she doesn’t have to wait for Sai and have breakfast with them. Pakhi says Sai doesn’t want to have her prepared breakfast. Ashwini says Sai is a bit tense. Samrat asks if she is tensed regarding her exam or because Virat locked her in the room? Sonali says its a different issue, main issue is Sai escaped via window. Omkar ask her not to start again. Sonali says truth will not change if she shuts up. Omkar ask Samrat to have his wife’s prepared breakfast. Ashwini says one can not judge by looking from far away, Sai is not tensed regarding her studies. Ninad says even she know the truth and denying it. Bhavani yells Virat is an IPS officer and Sai stopped him from doing his duty. Samrat ask if she is not happy seeing Virat among them? Bhavani says she want her children to be around her. Samrat says Sai did it for family’s happiness. Omkar yells everything has a limit, how dare Sai meet DIG and hold Virat’s transfer? Samrat ask why they always blame Sai? Virat gets angry and asks why are they discussing about his transfer, he doesn’t want to hear this issue again. Ashwini ask him to calm down. Samrat ask if he is fine, he became irrigating, does he get irritated with Sai also? Ashwini try to change the topic and says she will take breakfast for Sai. Virat says no need for that. Sai walk down ready and says she is going to college. Ashwini stop her and insists her to have Pakhi’s prepared tasty breakfast and twisting her ear makes her sit on chair and feed her. Devi ask her to feed her also. 

Sonali yell Ashwini over pampers Sai, even they have daughters inlaw but don’t over pamper them, Ashwini prefers her daughter inlaw over her son. Bhavani yells again. Karishma hopes even her saas/MIL pampers her like this. Ashwini ask Sai to have breakfast properly today as Bappa will visit home tomorrow and the whole attention will be on him. Sai says there won’t be wastage of food from tomorrow. Pakhi ask Sai if she didn’t want to have her prepared breakfast, she should tell Samrat that she had come to her room to invite her for breakfast. Sai says she had come and need not worry as Samrat is sensible; the whole family is having breakfast happily and praising their favorite daughter inlaw, they would have scolded if she or Ashwini had prepared breakfast. Bhavani yells to stop spoiling their mood with her irritating talk. Sai says she need not worry as it won’t happen from tomorrow. Virat ask why is she insisting on tomorrow, is she going somewhere? Aswhini says with Bappa’s arrival, all problems and differences will be clear. Samrat says Ashwini is right, they should go and bring Bappa’s idol home. Virat says like before. Ashwini continue to feed Sai and Devi. Karishma says she is not lucky to be pampered like them. Ashwini says Sai is unwell today and Devi is a kid. Samrat asks Sai if she is unwell, if she took her medicine, she must be knowing what to take. Sai says she knows her illness and took medicine and is waiting for its effect, think she will not tell him that she will leave this house without informing anyone; she ask him not to worry as she will not ignore herself. She then says she is getting late for college and greets bye to everyone. Pakhi comments Sai didn’t like her prepared food, so she want to have canteen food with her friends. Sai says if her biography is made, Pakhi can help a lot as she knows her well more than herself. Devi ask Pakhi why she is jealous if Sai didn’t like her food, its not necessary if someone doesn’t like her food and tell truth. Pakhi ask why she hurts her with her bitter talks. Devi says she tells truth, why don’t she think even her bitter talks hurt Sai? Bhavani scold her to have breakfast silently. Sai ask Devi to have breakfast as she doesn’t want anyone to scold her, anyways whenever someone support her, they are questioned and humiliated. Virat ask why she over reacted when Bhavani scold Devi commented on Pakhi. Sai says he should understand what she means, nobody understood Devi till now, Devi accepted her the way she is and didn’t try to change her like other family members, she will always support Devi and sorry if Virat think she over react, they need not worry as this will not happen from tomorrow. Shivani think why she is saying this repeatedly.

Precap:  Dean gives Sai her transfer certificate and asks if there is no other option than going to Gadchiroli. 

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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