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During pooja, Pandit asks Pakhi to perform the next step. She is lost in thought. Samrat alerts her. Pandit says they all should pray for this couple’s happy married life. Ashwini and Pulkit ask Sai to sit next to Virat. She refuse. Devi forcefully makes her sit next to Virat. Pakhi get jealous seeing that. Panditji finish the pooja and starts Satyanayaran pooja. Everyone pray to god with closed eyes while Pakhi looks at Virat. After pooja, family gathers to question Sai. Samrat says nobody will question Sai except him. Ashwini asks Sai to go and freshen up. Virat says she can not go without answering his question. Samrat repeats that only he will question Sai. Virat says Sai is his wife and nobody has right to stop him. Ninad says he can question Sai as her FIL and asks why did she risk her life by getting out climbing through the pipe. Bhavani yells at Sai that she is shameless and didn’t think what people will think. Sai says they will think that she was not let out of the house via the main door, so she is going out via pipe. Virat says only he will question Sai now. Samrat says what he did with Sai is domestic violence and as a police officer, he knows that Sai can file a complaint against him. Bhavani says Virat didn’t physically harm Sai. Samrat says says Virat mentally tortured Sai and she would have taken extreme step. Pulkit asks him not to stretch an issue as he is at mistake. Virat says whenever Sai wants to trouble him, she threatens to leave the house. Devi says he troubled Sai and is blaming Sai now. Virat say Sai provoked him to lock her in the room, why did she risk her life, what if something had happened to her? Sai says he forgot she is born and bought up in a village and climbing tree is normal to her, pipe is nothing, it was important for her to attend college. He ask how important was it, she did it to win over him, she should have the courage to accept the truth. Pakhi says they had pooja at home today and even her mother attended it, Sai wants to ruin her happiness always and waits for it. Samrat angrily asks her to stop blaming Sai for god’s sake, its a crime to lock Sai in the room forcefully, nobody has right to lock someone in the room, Sai did what she felt was right according to the situation and she is not at fault. Bhavani shouts masta masta, if he continues supporting Sai and hiding her mistake, she will do much bigger mistakes and trouble them. Sai says it was important to attend college. Virat says even he requested her not to attend college today, but she as always disrespecting him. Sai says it was force and not request, she always respected his orders, but he couldn’t tolerate it when she denied for the first time. Pulkit tells Virat that he and Sai are mature and should sit down calmly and sort out their issues, then why is he fighting? Virat says he was behaving calmly with Sai till now, but not anymore. Devi asks Sai to stay with her if Virat continues troubling her, she and Pulkit will take care of her. Pakhi tells Virat there is no use of holding sword in a lost battle, he tried to teach discipline to Sai, but failed; can’t he see his own family members are supporting Sai’s heinous act? Samrat gets more angry and says Sai is also part of this family and ask why she try to provoke everyone against Sai, if Virat or Sai and them both are her problem; she need to answer his questions and he is ready to wait for her answers. Pakhi shocked asks what is he saying? He ask why she has so much venom for Sai? Mansi stop him and asks Pakhi to take her mother to her room and have a chat. Vaishali takes Pakhi with her and asks why was Samrat misbehaving with her? Pakhi says she need not worry as she is habituated to it and asks how did she feel seeing her performing pooja with Samrat? Vaishali says she held pooja for her and Samrat’s togetherness, but their differences have increased; she doesn’t know why Samrat was behaving like that with her. Samrat enters and asks how? She says she couldn’t welcome him on his return, whenever she and Shailesh used to visit Pakhi, she used to stand silently hiding her pain, but parents can not see children’s pain; she felt really good seeing Samrat and Pakhi sitting together in pooja. Pakhi says even she felt good after sitting in pooja with Samrat, Samrat had left many things unfinished the next day after marriage. Samrat thank Vaishali for respecting him like a damad/SIL, he agrees that he left things unfinished and returned to finish them. Vaishali says there would be problems with any couple and it takes time to settle down. Mansi enters with tea and says Vaishali is right, things between couples take time to settle down, even they both are settling down slowly. Samrat says she said she will not stop him if he wants to go back. Mansi says they should mutually take a decision. Pakhi says they will and she is ready to shift to Mahaleshwar’s orphanage with Samrat if he wants to.
Pakhi says she and Samrat will take decision mutually, she will shift to Mahabaleshwar’s orphanage if Samrat wants to. Vaishali says she can not stay in that place. Pakhi says she will stay wherever her husband stays. Vaishali says she and Shailesh are worried for her happiness and after much thought got her married to a well-settled government employee. Samrat says he is no more a person who married her daughter and his life’s motto has changed, and if she wants him to back off from his motto, she should take her daughter home and give her the happiness she deserves. Vaishali says he is misunderstanding her intention, she was just asking Pakhi if she is comfortable shifting, she is worried for him as a MIL and suggests to join back his duty as people whose life is well settled think of brightening other’s lives, social service is good but sacrificing life for that. Mansi asks him to think about Vaishali’s words, she knows he feels happy by serving kids. Vaishali says life doesn’t run on happiness and till when he will bear his expenses without job and only on his savings. She says she is asking him to think practically, Pakhi also thought before marriage. Pakhi signal her to stop. Vaishali says Pakhi after marriage thought of giving time to this relationship and family and she did that, life took away Pakhi’s happiness. Mansi asks what is the use of discussing the past, they should discuss about their future. Vaishali says she is right and asks Samrat how will he survive without job? Samrat says he never asked Pakhi to leave her job as he doesn’t have a backward thinking, he took oath to take care of her and will fulfill it. Pakhi says Samrat is doing what he feels happy with, she can work even now. Vaishali says she is their only daughter and can not shift to another city. Samrat says Pakhi wants to accompany him, but he is not sure to take her along; he means even he is concerned that she may not get adjusted to new environment. Pakhi says her wish is to stay with him. He says he understands her wish, but when her excitement cools down, she wouldn’t want to stay with him and once she steps out of Chavan Nivas, all her talks would vanish in air. Pakhi says she can understand his words, whatever he is saying is happening already to her; she suffered a lot and he wasn’t present here to see that. He says his presence wouldn’t have altered his pain as her pain was never for him. Vashali and Mansi open their eyes wide hearing that.
Sai fixes her bed on the floor. Virat returns angrily and says if she thinks she can do mistakes and whatever she wants to by making Samrat and Pulkit on her side, she is wrong. Sai says she didn’t do any mistake and wants to clear that he shouldn’t force her as she will not get afraid if he locks her in a room, she did right, Samrat and Pulkit supported her as she is right, but he still look angry. She picks a steel scale and asks him to vent out his anger on her. He asks what is she doing. She asks him to punish her. He throws scale away and asks if she has gone mad, she is crossing her limits. She says she always crosses limits, but he crossed his limit today by locking her in the room; she requested DIG sir and held his transfer as he is running away from his situation without facing it. He asks which situation is she talking about? She says why don’t he accept the biggest truth of his life. He asks her to be specific. She says he wasn’t happy with Pakhi and Samrat’s marriage since the beginning, but since he didn’t want to betray his brother, he asked Pakhi to start afresh with Samrat and she agreed, but she portrayed in front of him that she is very happy with Samrat and he got jealous and vented out all his frustration on her.

Mansi tells Samrat that Pakhi truly wants to move on with him, but why he drags her past repeatedly in between. He says she knows he means and is right. Vaishali says they should take time for their relationship and make it successful and invites him and Pakhi for a family gettogether to meet her relatives. Samrat says he is happy that she is doing so much in a short span, but he doesn’t know to act and is not mentally prepared for all this. Pakhi asks when will he prepare himself then. He says he cannot forget his past instantly like she is acting. Vaishali says things take time to settle down, she just wants to request him to meet her relatives or else they will think something is wrong. Samrat says they took many oaths during their wedding, but does Pakhi remember even one oath; he requests her not to force him to meet strangers and go away from dear ones. Pakhi asks Vaishali to cancel the get together and organize it when Samrat is ready. Samrat says he didn’t ask her to cancel it and she can meet her relatives whenever she wants to. She says she will meet people only with him as she has seen pity expression for her on her relative’s face, so she will meet relatives only when he is ready. He thanks her for understanding him.

Virat tells Sai that she is thinking wrong. Sai says he can not get away from the truth. He says he understands what she means. She says she knows that Pakhi will not give Samrat a place in her heart just like he will not let anyone else than Pakhi in his heart; how can she forget that he still has Pakhi in his heart. He asks if she thinks she is right and he is wrong, she should stop her stories. She says he is creating false stories. He says he doesn’t care of what she thinks. She says he should ignore it then instead of getting angry on her repeatedly or if he is jealous seeing few people at home supporting her and unwillingly letting her stay here till she completes her studies. He asks her to stop repeating like a tape recorder, why she thinks so. She says her presence matters to him wrongly. He says it affects him and he wants to go away from her for the same reason.

Precap: Virat tells Sunny that he doesn’t like a rift with Sai and its a punishment for him, will his love be incomplete again. Sai thinks she will free Virat from her burden and tells Bhavani that she can prepare less food from tomorrow as things will change from tomorrow. Virat thinks what is Sai up to. Sai tells Ashwini there won’t be any wastage of food from tomorrow or excuses. Virat asks if she wants to leave home tomorrow. Bhavani yells not to spoil their mood with her bitter talks. Samrat asks Sai if she took medicine as she is unwell, asks Virat if he knows Sai’s medicines. Sai says she knows her medicine and is waiting for its effect to start.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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