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Chavan family waits for Sai and Virat. Bhavani asks Mohit to call Virat. Mohit says his phone is still not reachable. Pakhi asks Samrat when will they will start Bappa’s pooja. Samrat says they will perform visarjan at home, so they will after mahabhoj/feast. Shivani hopes Sai returns before muhurat. Ashwini says she will, she had left home after pooja and will return on last day, Bappa’s blessings are on her. Sonali and Karishma’s drama starts. Ashwini says she is eager to perform Sai’s aarti. Pakhi says they are eagerly waiting as if Sai is a celebrity. Omkar in his usual rudest tone backs Pakhi and says they should dance and sing for Sai. Ninad says that’s a good idea, he will sing for Sai. Samrat says he can watch Ninad’s talent. Ninad asks Ashwini to warn her son not to trouble his daughter inlaw. Ashwini thinks she has thought of something. Bhavani asks Ashwini if she will not prepare food for Sai. Ashwini says she will prepare modak. Bhavani says she will help her. Pakhi asks if she really will prepare food for Sai? Bhavani says yes. Pakhi says Sai is really lucky that Bhavani is preparing food for her. Samrat says they are lucky instead to taste kaku’s food after a long time. Sonali gets more jealous and taunts that Bhavani never prepared food for her and her bahu. Bhavani taunts back not to enter kitchen as her jealousy will spoil Sai’s food and laugh, leaving Sonali, Pakhi, and Omkar fuming. Karishma murmurs Sai changed everyone except her MIL. Sonali yells at her. Ashwini says they should think good today and reminds Bhavani that she cannot stand for long due to her knee pain. Bhavani says she will, don’t know if Sai will like it or not. Ashwini says Sai will. Omkar yells Sai is not a celebrity that they are so excited with her return. Sonali backs Omkar and says she is worried for Bhavani as her knees will hurt. Bhavani warns her to stop showing her fake concern and jealousy. Devi enters and asks if Bhavani will really prepare food today and praises her food. Bhavani says yes, she will prepare food especially for Sai. She orders Karishma to help her and takes her along.

Ninad worried more asks Mohit to check why Sai and Virat haven’t reached home yet. Shivani praises Ninad for his changed behavior and says he should be same forever now and respect Sai like a true FIL. Pakhi starts spilling venom next, leaving Samrat and others irritated. Ninad warns and shuts her mouth. Virat and Sai enter holding each other’s hand with Ram and Seeta’s song playing in the background. The whole family look at them. Shivani welcomes them. Ashwini pampers Sai and asks how did she get kumkum on her head. Virat explains. Pakhi stops Sai and taunts that Ashwini will perform her aarti. Ashwini says Sai is not coming home for the first time. Samrat asks her to stop her taunts and be happy with Sai’s return. Pakhi continues her taunts. Shivani confront her, but Ashwini asks her to let it go. Mohit ask Sai how is she now. Sai says she is fine and asks about his plays. He says all the shows were houseful and says he found out about Sai’s accident very late. Omkar yells he stopped everyone to inform him or else he would have left his shows and come here leaving a chance of his miniscule earnings. Mansi next expresses her concern and happiness to see Sai back home. Sai says she can understand her condition, but every family member is not same like her.
Chavan family performs Bappa’s pooja. Ninad tells Sai that since she was in hospital, he didn’t touch harmonium and will play it for her today. Sai asks where is head of the family as she is eager to hear to her verdicts. Bhavani walks in holding roti roller. Sai says she will go back to hospital if kaku hits her. Bhavani says she is preparing something for her. Sai is amazed to hear that. Virat is also amazed. Samrat says they will be lucky to have Bhavani’s prepared modak. Sai asks if kaku is preparing modak for her? Bhavani says yes. Sai feels drowsy due to weakness, and Virat hold her. Pakhi gets jealous noticing that. Pakhi taunts that she also wants to fall ill to garner royal treatment, Sai has become queen of this house, etc. Sai says Pakhi already lives a queen’s life and doesn’t need any accident for that. Pakhi continues taunting Sai and calls her voice losing episode in hospital as a drama. Virat gets angry hearing that and says Sai wasn’t and started speaking since yesterday. Samrat says let us forget this and pray to god for sending Sai safe back home, they should stop frowning and smile today. Ninad asks Virat to take Sai to her room as she needs rest. Bhavani backs him. Virat says even doctor asked Sai to rest and walks towards room with her when Ashwini stops her and says Sai will stay in another room alone. Ninad asks what is she saying? Ashwini says what he heard, she doesn’t want Sai to stay in that room. Bhavani asks how can she take such a decision. Ashwini says she is a mother who thinks of children’s betterment always, she didn’t take this decision suddenly. Mansi asks reason. Pakhi says Sai is here as Virat’s wife and when she can’t stay with Virat, why should she stay here? Karishma comments Ashwini spoke Pakhi’s mind. Mohit scolds her to think well before speaking, they should listen to Ashwini’s reason. Samrat back him. Ashwini says Sai is not only Virat’s wife but also her daughter and she has right to take her daughter’s life’s decision. She tells Mansi that Virat and Sai are husband and wife forever and a fool, pointing at Pakhi, may doubt about it. Bhavani says they want to know the reason. Ashiwni says after seeing all the recent incidents, she feels Virat and Sai should stay separate for sometime. Devi resists. Ashwini says they need to stay away for sometime if relationship get bitter and there are misunderstandings and gives example of a bitter medicine to treat their illness. Ninad opposes Ashwini’s decision. Ashwini says as Devi thinks if Sai and Virat separate, they will be in danger, but if they stay together, they fight. Virat says he already explained it to Sai and she came back home with the same reason. Ashwini remembers her and Sai’s hospital conversation and think Sai came back for Virat. She says Sai returned home to avoid accidents again, but she feels its better if they stay in separate rooms. 
Sonali yells that Sai is lucky to have a MIL who instead of punishing her for running out of the house is giving her a separate room. Karishma comments next, and Sonali shuts her mouth. Shivani warns that new-age bahus will not tolerate nonsense and remind that Sai’s husband is an IPS officer and will put misbehaviors in jail. Omkar in his usual rude tone says Virat is also their relative, Sai is given a separate room instead of punishment and this never happened in Chavan Nivas. Ashwini says things should change over time and its her decision and not request. Bhavani asks since when she started taking decisions in this house? Ashwini says nobody can snatch Bhavani’s right to take decision in this house, similarly nobody can snatch her right to take her daughter’s life’s decisions. Ninad says this may put an adverse affect on Sai and Virat’s marriage. Ashwini says marriage means walking along together forgoing the difference at any cost, Virat and Sai’s relationship is not that strong, she wants her to develop a strong relationship and give them a chance. Mansi backs her. Ashwini says their relationship will never break though; they need to make them develop a strong relationship and not just being near. Bhavani says she should have discussed with her before taking such a big decision. Ashwini says she took an expert’s decision. Everyone look at her curiously.

Precap: Pakhi comments that Sai and Virat’s jodi will create a new example, earlier they used to sleep separately in same room and now they will sleep in different rooms. Bhavani asks what does she mean? Ashwini takes Sai to show her new room. Pakhi think let her see how their relationship changes. Omkar yells that their house will broke because of Sai soon. Sonali says Sai doesn’t know the value of relationships as she is an orphan. Samrat says he is Sai’s elder brother, Bhavani says she is her aunt, Ashwini says she is her mother, Virat says he is her.. then think what is he.. Pakhi feel dejected as Bhavani gives her hard task support Sai by asking her to do Pooja with Virat

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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