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Sai reads her medical book loudly to gain Virat’s attention, but he doesn’t. She finally walks to him and asks if he didn’t find any other cafe in whole Nagpur to meet Pakhi. He asks if she own that cafe, he can meet his friend wherever he wants to. She asks if he Pakhi is just his friend. He says she is frustrated that she saw him with Pakhi and thought he would hide it, but he revealed it to whole family and disappointed her. Samrat picks his night dress and tells Pakhi he will sleep in guest room. Pakhi requests him to stop as she is confused and wants to explain. He asks why she needs his help when she called Virat to care, he is sure Virat would have helped her, its better she takes a decision soon. She says she took her decision. He says good, she must have got clarity after meeting Virat. She says let us not talk about Virat and will he hear her decision without taunting her.

Sai tells Virat that its her mistake that she questioned him, if he thinks what she saw and what he told families are same? He says 2 people holding hands means only friendship and she should control her filmy knowledge. She ask what he would have done if he was in her place and snatches his book saying he can not ignore her. He asks to give his book and try to snatch it. She asks to reply her answer, if he had not thought filmy if he was in her place just like he reacted when he saw her and Ajinkya. He says why is she bothered if he meets Pakhi or some other girl when she thinks their marriage is just a mutual understanding. She think Virat is right and remembers Shivani saying same. She says he is right that its doesn’t matter to her, but he should answer Samrat. He says he already informed his brother and let him take decision, it shouldn’t affect her. She says it affects her as she is embarrassed in front of her friends, she had told them that he is ill and hence she needs to return home early and take care of him. He says he agrees that its embarrassing to see her husband with another girl and he is sorry for that, but why was she angry seeing this and why he was seeing pain in her eyes. She says it doesn’t affect her and he can do whatever he wants to; real question is what he and Pakhi decided regarding this issue. He asks which issue. She says he and Pakhi can not spend life holding hands in cafe. He gives fake smile. She says he must be thinking his family name will be spoilt if he accepts Pakhi, hence he suggested to Pakhi to move on. He says her way of thinking is wrong. She ask what did he speak to Pakhi. He says he can not repeat exact words, he already briefed it, he didn’t know she would create drama and wants to leave the house. She says he is lying and asks again why did Pakhi call him to cafe and what did he suggest to her? He says he already explained in front of the whole family, he wants to pour cold water on her to cool her brain. He mimics pouring water on her head and says its his life and he can do whatever he wants to and will not answer her. She repeats he should answer his decision. He says his decision will get peace and calmness in 4 lives.

Samrat asks Pakhi what she wants to say and thinks Virat told that they are just friends, but she thinks she is more than that and wants to divorce him. Pakhi remembers Virat expressing his feelings for Sai and informing about his decision to family, thinks Virat gave his verdict and now its her turn; she asks Samrat if he can give her a chance and can they start afresh. He asks if she is sure. She says they want to give their relationship one more chance as they are still husband and wife legally. He says he doesn’t bother about the world or legalities. She holds his hands and says she knows, but he wants to give themselves one more chance like any couple would. He pulls his hands back and asks if she is feeling pity on him. She asks who is she to pity him, can’t they give them a chance to each other. He says she should have told it before, is it because she wanted to seek Virat’s opinion first.

Sai asks Virat again what did Pakhi decide. He says he wants to sleep. She wakes him up again and says she had ordered him to rest the whole day, but he must have not even had his medicine; she knows he doesn’t value her at all. He says if others want to value her, she should value them first; does she want him to value her. She says she doesn’t need anyone’s attention, that is the difference between her and Pakhi; if Pakhi had really valued him, she wouldn’t have called him to cafe. Their nok jhok continues. She says she feels normal concern for him. He says they feel same for everyone, so let him sleep now. She checks his medicines and scold him that he didn’t have his medicines. He says she acts as caring and also not. She says its up to her and not taking medicine is dangerous. He asks if he will die, does it affect her. She shuts his mouth in concern.

Virat tells Sai that he feels like dying. Sai shuts his mouth and warns to dare not talk about such thing. He asks if it affects her. She says she repeatedly told him that she is no one to him, but why was he bothered when she met with an accident. He says it was different that time. She asks what was different then and asks her to have medicine and tell what did he tell Pakhi that she started crying vigorously. He says she started again. She says she is habituated to eat his head since 1 year. He warns her not to interfere in his issues. She asks why he interferes in her issues then and asks her to study, not leave home, not interfere. He says its his nose and he will poke it wherever he wants to, what is her problem. She pulls her nose, puts medicine in his mouth, and gives him water. He asks what is this. She says she will get many irritating patients like him in the future, so she was practicing.
Samrat tells Pakhi that she got clarity after speaking to Virat alone, hence she is telling this to him. She says talking to Virat was necessary. Samrat says he wasn’t present there, but he can understand what they spoke as he knows Virat well and he must have rejected her proposal and denied to stay with her. She shocked asks what does he want to say. He says what she would have done if Virat had accepted her words, would she have given their relationship one more chance and live together like husband and wife? She asks if he is repeating same question just because she took her friend’s help, he is not pointing at her past and not letting him move on. He says she used to love Virat and even now. She asks if he thinks she married him to spoil her life; Virat will never accept her. He ask why she is saying this. She remembers Virat expressing his feelings for Sai and says she is staying in this house for more than a year and saw changes in Virat over time, she knew what would be Virat’s decision. He asks then why she wanted to talk to him. She says she respects love and is a woman who gives place in her heart to only one person; she respect Virat and called him on wedding night that she loves Virat and can not give his place to anyone in her heart, Samrat knows that. He asks why she is insisting that she used to love Virat. She says she can not ride on 2 boats at a same time. He asks if she thought of giving him a second chance just because Virat rejected her. Virat rejected her long back, she is shattered and nothing left in her, it will take time to heal the injuries given by fate and only Samrat can heal them, hence she chose him. He asks if it means he has to accept her at any cost? She says she just told him her decision. He says she should return to her parent’s house and spent time there. She asks if he also rejected her, she will be unable to accept herself soon. He says he is a betrayed man and she is also facing same thing; she is an intelligent girl and can achieve a lot, so she shouldn’t waste her time on marriage. She says instead of a long talk, he can tell her directly that he is rejecting her; she just wants to experience life with him. He says her mind wanders a lot, what if it changes track. He says it will not. He asks how can be she so sure. She says when she faced reality, she changed. He says he has taken up orphanage responsibility and can’t stay here. She says she can support him and ask if he will accept her. He think if she is questioning or answering him and says she will get answer over time. She cry if her life can’t be normal like others, can’t she have a husband and a happy life. He consoles her and gives her water. She thank him. He says everyone has right to get love and even she will get what she is searching for. She says she can’t wait more, her life is getting worse and she can’t tolerate much, so he shouldn’t reject her, she will wait for his decision as her life is dependent on it, she came to this house as Mrs Patralekha Samrat Chavan and if he doesn’t stay here, even she will not. He remembers her expressing her love for Virat and saying she can not love Samrat. 
Mansi looks at Pakhi and Samrat’s photo. Bhavani assures Mansi that god will fix everything. Mansi says she just wants Pakhi to take a right decision. Bhavani says Pakhi knows what she wants and will take a right decision. Ashwini says Pakhi is most confused and hopes Samrat shows some maturity and forget the past. Bhavani yells at her and says as her bahu Sai says, one should look at a person’s present and not their past, why is she behind Pakhi. Sai walks down and says she thought kaku doesn’t listen to her, but she remembers each of her word. 

Pakhi tells Samrat that his silence gave his answer, she is mad that she is not accepting rejection easily, she will not continue the drama and when there is no meaning for their marriage, there is no meaning for wearing mangalsutra and hence he should remove it himself and break their relationship forever. She holds his hand forces him to break it. Bhavani says a person sometimes speaks sense just a watch which shows right time twice a day. Sai says good to hear that. Sonali yells at Sai not to argue with Bhavani. She says she is not and tells Mansi that she is very courageous and brought up of Samrat alone after losing her husband at young age, Samrat will take a right decision. Mansi excitedly asks if she thinks so. Sai asks to trust god.

Precap: Virat informs family that his transfer orders have come and he needs to leave tomorrow. Pakhi says she and Samrat want their beginning with graha shanti and satyanarayan pooja with whole family. Bhavani asks if they have decided to give their relationship one more chance. Samrat says yes. Pakhi thinks she will see how Virat feels seeing her and Samrat closer. Bhavani tells she will gift a pearl necklace to a bahu who shows her Bal Gopal’s face first. Shivani says Sai showed it first. She then confronts Sai if she doesn’t have any feelings for Virat, why she is objecting his transfer. Virat hears their conversation.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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