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The Episode starts with Gungun crying for her finger. Golu scolds Divya. Neeti runs to get the aid. She goes to Anu and asks for the antiseptic cream. He says its there, what happened. She says Gungun’s finger got a cut. He jokes. She gets the cream and goes. He asks how did her finger get a cut. She says she was going to cut the cake, we have no time to talk. She goes. Golu says nothing will happen, Gungun. Khushi says its imp to clean the wound. Gungun says it will hurt a lot. Anu comes and does the aid to Gungun. Gungun gets quiet and looks at him. He asks why did you give the knife to her. They say we gave it to cut the cake. Gungun screams. Charu says everything will be fine. Anu says stay calm. Sunanda says Anu is a doctor. Goli says he is a PhD holder, not a doctor. They all praise Anu.

Anu asks why did you give the knife to her, she doesn’t know to use it. Gungun and Anu start arguing. He says don’t do overacting, it’s a small cut. She asks how do you know. He says you can see if you have common sense. Sunanda says the wound is big for her. Sargam says take her to hospital. Anu says call Riddhesh and ask him to keep ICU ready, call the ambulance. Goli asks him not to joke. Anu says I did the dressing, my work is over now. Yug says the wound will heal soon. Gungun says we shall go Chavi, I don’t want to cut the cake, my mood spoiled after hearing Anu’s bitter taunts. Anu taunts her. Goli asks him to go to his room. Gungun agrees to cut the cake. She says I m not a kid that I will cut the cake and you all will sing. Anu jokes that she is stupid. Gungun cuts the cake. Sargam asks her to have the cake first. Golu says you have it, I will have later. Gungun says I will feed you all, those I like. Anu says I don’t want to eat by someone who don’t know to say thanks to the one who helps. He goes. Golu sings and laughs. Gungun asks why are you all laughing. They say just like that. Gungun says dad asked me to feed sweets to everyone, you give one piece to Anu also, else Anu will complain to dad and dad will scold me, he did dressing well. Neeti says don’t worry, we will feed him the cake. Gungun thanks her and goes. Golu says we will eat the cake. He sings with Yug and dances. They go to Anu and ask for help. Ankit says its an emergency, Neeti’s finger got a cut. Neeti comes and acts. Anu asks her to show. They all laugh.

They all tease Anu about Gungun. Anu asks them to leave him alone. He says I did the dressing on Golu’s saying, sorry, I made a mistake. Golu says it’s a good deed. Yug says helping wife is love. Neeti says Gungun asked us to give you something. Anu asks what, scolding or poison. Khushi goes to get the cake. Yug says Gungun is so nice. Anu says let me do my work. Ankit says we will plan a bachelors party. Khushi says have this cake, Gungun asked you to have it. Anu says it will have poison in it. They say Anu and Gungun have a connection, so she came back to say that we feed this cake to him. Anu says no, she said she will feed those she likes. Golu says she really likes you, she said you did the dressing well. Anu says don’t make stories. Golu says she really said. They all ask him to have the cake.
Anu refuses to have the cake. They all insist him to have the cake for the sake of their respect. Anu eats the cake. Yug sings and teases him. Garima checks Gungun’s temperature. Riddhesh asks did the fever get less. Garima says no. He says don’t worry, I gave you tetanus injection, how did you get the cut. Gungun says they didn’t had cake cutting knife so I had to take the big knife. Garima says Anu did the dressing. He says then I should thank him, its basic manners to say thanks to one who helps. Gungun says he helped on the family’s saying.

Anu come to Akriti and asking her to tally the reports. He asks where were you, we had to send the reports last week, you were busy in personal issues, I also love my family, but we have to do our work. She says sorry, I love science, that’s why I could meet you, science is the language by which we can communicate. He says you should be a writer, not a scientist. He gets Riddhesh’s call. Riddhesh thanks him for giving first aid to Gungun. Anu says I do it for everyone, is Gungun fine. Riddhesh says no, she has high fever. Anu says no need to thank me, I will call you later, I m busy. Akriti hears him. Anu asks what happened. She says nothing. He says it was your uncle’s call. She says I know you answer just family’s calls in working hours. He says you can do work better, you have patience but less focus. She asks what did Riddhesh say. He says nothing special. She says then you would have not talked to him for long. He says he called me to thank for doing Gungun’s wound dressing, he said she has fever. She asks how is she, you would go and see her. He says no, her dad is a doctor, why are you interested in her. they have a talk. He says I love my job, you are ambitious about your career, I m glad to see this. She says wow, you understand me so well.
Gungun asks Riddhesh what did Anu say. Riddhesh says he said he is busy and will take later. She says you are the most busy person, he is saying he is busy as if he works in NASA. Garima gets haldi milk for her. He says no need, I have got medicines. Gungun says I won’t have it, ask Riddhesh to give it to Anu. He goes. Gungun says what was the need for dad to talk to Anu, he said he is busy, like my dad is free, look at his attitude. Garima smiles and thinks she is feeling bad when Anu didn’t talk. Riddhesh gets Anu’s call. Anu says sorry to trouble you at night, I wanted to ask, can I come and see Gungun. Riddhesh says you can come anytime. Anu says we are taught to visit the sick person. Riddhesh says its good teaching, come. Anu says I will come. He thinks I hope they don’t get a wrong meaning. Riddhesh shouts Garima. She asks what happened, Gungun is sleeping. He says Anu has called, he wants to come and see Gungun. She asks really. He says yes, so I m happy. She says it means he worries for Gungun, he cares for her. She says we should let them meet alone. He asks why. She says we should let them talk, if they fight, then okay, they have to get habitual to each other. He asks will Gungun get ready to meet him in private. She says we will make excuses and go out of the room. He says I can’t lie, but okay. Gungun calls out Garima. She says my fever isn’t getting off. Garima says I will make soup for you, someone has come, I will see. She goes and sees Anu at the door. He asks is Riddhesh there. She asks him to come. He says sorry to trouble you at this time, I came to see Gungun. Riddhesh comes and says nice to see you, I can get a call from hospital anytime. Garima thinks he is overacting. Riddhesh says I can get a call anytime and would need to leave. Garima says Anu knows doctors’ lives. Anu says I will not take much time. Riddhesh says I m not asking you to leave, Garima will make tea for you. Garima signs Riddhesh. Riddhesh says I got a call, go and talk to Gungun. Garima asks Gungun to see who has come to meet her. Gungun sees Anu and turns away. He says I think she didn’t like my coming, I will go. Garima says he has come to see you, I will get soup for you and tea for Anu. She goes. Anu asks are you okay, Riddhesh said you have fever. She argues with him. He asks did you have something. She says no, I will get your scolding. He gives her a chocolate. She asks did you get chocolate for me. He says yes. She asks why. He says we don’t go to see someone empty handed. She says formality. He says we call it manners, you got the cake to my house and didn’t offer me, see I got a chocolate and offered you, we have a difference. She says I m a normal person and you are an idiot. He says you are the first to call me an idiot. She says say thanks. He says I m not an idiot, I m a Phd. She says prehistoric dinosaur. He says you are also Phd, permanent head damage. She says I asked your family to give you the cake. He says I thought they are lying. She says you think a lot, I said that for formality. He says think this is also formality and have it. She says you will show more attitude to me if I eat it, you also had the cake I got. She eats the chocolate. He smiles.

Precap: Ankit calls Anu and asks when are you coming home. Anu says discuss about the marriage with elders, I m busy in an imp work, I need time to come home. Golu and team come there and see Anu taking care of Gungun. Anu gets Gungun’s call. Gungun says I feel better. She asks is Akriti with you, she has no time for her mom. She talks to Akriti. Akriti argues with Gungun.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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