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The Episode starts with Garima saying I will get coffee for you. Neeti says no need. Garima says I will just get it. She insists and goes. Gungun says you all came to meet me, don’t go so soon. Golu teases Anu. Garima gets coffee for them. Golu asks how was the soup. Anu says I didn’t have it. Golu says you fed it to Gungun by your hands. Anu says because Gungun wasn’t able to have it. Riddhesh asks them to talk. He goes. Ankit says you said you are busy in research work. Gungun asks did you lie. Anu looks at her. Golu says you should have not lied. Anu gets angry. Gungun says you don’t give the look to me. Golu says he is saying you with love. Neeti says Anu us blushing. Yug says we will talk about this later. Anu says Riddhesh informed me about Gungun’s fever, I finished my work and then came to see her, I m going now, think anything you want. Neeti says you didn’t say that you are coming here. Anu says you all bully me always. Yug says we will still do it. Gungun gets Ranvijay’s message.

Golu asks how did you worry for her. Anu says its called manners. Gungun hears the audio message. Golu says we love you and we couldn’t come. Gungun thinks my friends are bad to party there when I m suffering a fever. Neeti asks Gungun to have soup. Gungun says no, he requested me so I had it. They all tease Anu again.
They ask Gungun why did she listen to Anu. Gungun says I had to listen to him, as he had listened to me that day, I can’t tell you the matter. They ask what’s the secret. Anu says I m going now. Neeti says we have to go now. Gungun calls Anu selfish. Anu says I should have left much time before.

Golu says we have an imp meeting with Anu. Anu asks what am I doing here. They all laugh. Gungun asks why are you laughing. Golu says we caught a thief red handed today. She asks who. Neeti asks shall we say. Gungun says yes, say. Neeti says we will say when you get fine and come to our house. Golu asks Anu to come. They leave.

Anu is at his workplace. Akriti comes and says I have fixed the errors. He says good, I respect those who accept and rectify mistakes. He asks her to sit. She says there is much work and time is less. He says I have 5 years senior to you. She says you are saying like it’s a generation gap. He says a person can learn in one day. She asks is Gungun fine. He says you would know it, she is your cousin. She says I don’t regard them my family. He asks why are you asking then. She says you said she had fever. He says yes, she had it at night also. She asks did you go to see her. He says yes. She says but you said you won’t go. He says I was feeling guilty, she had come home to cut a cake, and got her finger cut, its courtesy to visit a sick person. She asks him to say sorry. She scolds him. She says I didn’t know you are so confused, you said you won’t go and then you went. He says look, its my personal matter, you don’t interfere in my personal life, Gungun is your cousin, so I had told you that she had fever, you don’t cross the line of manners. She says sorry, this won’t happen again. He says you are not happy with Gungun and my marriage, don’t know why, your eyes appear red, are you fine. She says yes. He says you have no right to question me. She says sorry, I will go and finish my work. He asks her to sit. He says sorry to get harsh, this institute is like my home and my colleagues are my family. She asks even me? He says of course, I don’t want to discuss personal issues at workplace. She says I m sorry, this won’t happen again. He says don’t overdo it, I said sorry, I m not confused that I went to see Gungun. She says yes, Gungun is your would be wife. He says its my family values to visit a sick person. She thinks its not fair that I don’t fall sick. She smiles. He asks what are you thinking. She asks shall I go. He asks will you have coffee. She asks coffee. He says you should ask what you want. She thinks I want you. He orders coffee. He gets Gungun’s call. He asks are you feeling better. She says yes. They argue. Akriti asks shall I go. Anu asks her to have coffee. Gungun asks is Akriti there. He says yes. She says she has no time for her mom. He asks why are you telling this to me, you talk to her. He asks Akriti to talk to Gungun. Akriti refuses. Anu says its better that you both talk. Akriti says things won’t get fine between Gungun and me. He says don’t drag me in between. Akriti takes the phone. Gungun asks Akriti to talk to Garima once. Akriti says you are marrying my senior, that doesn’t mean that I will entertain you, who are you to talk in between Garima and my matter, Anu can’t interfere in my personal life. Gungun says I m helpless to marry your Sir, I m already depressed, you can’t do anything, don’t judge me. Akriti says don’t talk to me, and don’t talk to Anu about me.

Gungun and Akriti argue on the call. Gungun calls her misbehaving. She says I told Anu to tell you that Bua misses you. Akriti shouts shut up. She argues and ends the call. Anu says Gungun wants to just end the misunderstanding between you and your mum. She says she called me heartless. He says you also told her a lot. She says it was all preplanned that you got her call and made me talk, I didn’t know you are close. They argue. He says I always call the right right and wrong wrong, get back to work, have coffee. She says sorry, I can’t, give me an off today. She goes. Anu says she should have not spoken to Gungun this way, she was fighting for her Bua. Sunanda shouts to call everyone. She shows the wedding card. They all smile. The man says it’s a sample, tell us if you want any change. Goli says it’s a lovely card, its Anu’s wedding card. Golu jokes. Charu shows the card to Chandru. Chandru and Sargam cry happily.
Sargam thinks I wish Gungun fills Khushi’s place. Garima shows the wedding invite designs and says Gungun will finalize this. Gungun comes. Garima says you select the card design. Gungun says I wish you had given me a chance of selecting a groom. Garima says we selected the best guy for you. Riddhesh asks Garima to read the card content. Gungun hears Maya’s name and gets worried. She says Maya has just given me birth, she didn’t become my mum, Anu’s family name would be there, they love him a lot, but I have no place of my mum in my life, it will be Bua’s name on my wedding invite, my Bua gave me love more than my mum. Garima cries and says my own daughter doesn’t talk to you, but my niece gives me mum’s place and rights also. She hugs Gungun. Gungun says you also love me as your daughter. Garima says you are so lovely. Riddhesh cries.

Riddhesh says you are right, your Bua’s name should be there in wedding invite, I will change it. He shows it to Gungun. He says don’t worry, you will like Anu a lot. Gungun says impossible, this can never happen. Sargam does the card puja. Everyone packs the sweets for the relatives. Charu says just do everything well as you did in Khushi’s marriage. Yug says we have to put dance floor and DJ also. Charu asks what do you want to say.

The guy says it will cost around 3 lakhs. Charu asks what, we had given you 1 lakh in Khushi’s marriage. The guy says no, you have 1 lakh, and they all gave me 50000rs. Charu asks does this happen behind my back. He says if you don’t want to listen to me, then do anything, I won’t do any arrangements now. He goes. Everyone worries.

Anu calls Gungun and says sorry. She asks who is it. He asks is my number not saved. She jokes on his sorry. They argue. He says sorry that I made you speak to Akriti, you can come and teach the manners to the juniors here. She says even seniors. He says I would have given a befitting reply to your taunts. She says you got stuck, right. He says yes. She says this happens with me also, it gets awkward, we can just bond over fights. He smiles. He says Akriti got too upset that day, she took an off and left. She asks really, my Bua is hurt since many years. He asks would you invite her in your wedding. She says its our marriage. He says it’s a deal. She says its for us, its marriage for our families. He thinks she is right, this marriage will be special for Riddhesh and my family. Sunanda asks Charu not to become a miser. Charu asks them to do anything, get a rotating mandap also. They all joke. Chandru says don’t vent anger on Anu. Sargam says you will see the arrangements else this marriage won’t happen. Yug says I can’t break Anu’s heart, who will tell him. Neeti says Charu will say. Charu asks what.

Precap: Golu suggests a game. Anu refuses. Golu insists. Anu and Gungun play a blindfold game. Everyone goes and leaves them alone. Gungun and Anu come close. Gungun argues with Anu and asks him to play the game. They all lock Anu and Gungun in the room. Gungun finds Anu and holds him.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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